Ubuntu :: Get To A Grub Rescue Prompt And It Never Gets To Desktop

Apr 13, 2011

Just did a full install of the latest version of Ubuntu. I've got a high-end alienware m17x laptop with dual SSD drives in a raid array. Ubuntu installed fine, but when I reboot, I get to a grub rescue prompt and it never gets to desktop. I'm booting from the liveCD while I try to figure out how to fix it.


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Ubuntu :: Remove Grub 2 At Grub Rescue Prompt?

Jan 15, 2011

So I wanted to get rid of ubuntu 10.10 on my HP pavilion dv6 laptop as I wanted to make some hd space. Its a dual boot with windows 7. I deleted the ubuntu partition and expanded the windows partition to fill the whole hard drive again. When I restarted my laptop I got the "error: no such partition. Grub rescue>" message.

I tried inserting my ubuntu 10.10 boot cd but whenever I boot from the cd I get the exact same grub rescue error. Is it possible to remedy this situation from the error? I am currently unable to download a windows recovery cd so I'm stuck in the grub rescue page unless its possible to fix this mess from the error prompt.

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Ubuntu :: Frequently Getting Grub Rescue Prompt

Mar 12, 2011

I'm having a issue. It first started a few nights ago, and after booting from the live cd and reading around, I saw it mentioned somewhere that it might help to update GRUB. I did this using sudo update-grub. This took care of the issue, with an unexpected, but not altogether unwanted result: instead of having to choose a temporary boot device to boot on to the external drive Ubuntu is on, I got a grub menu which showed the the OSs for both HDDS. I thought all was fine, but a few days later, same thing. Updated grub again, and all was okay. Tonight, it happened again.

When I try to update grub now it says:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo update-grub
/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).

Here's the result of the boot info script.
Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
Boot Info Summary
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #1 for (,msdos1)/boot/grub.
=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb .....

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Restart Got Grub Rescue Prompt

Feb 6, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on hd1 - /dev/sdb1 at the end of the installation I chose to install grub at hd0 - /dev/sda1. The file system I chose was ext4 for ubuntu "/" - 50 GB,
ext3 for "/home" - 5 GB, and 1.5 more for swap. When the installation was complete I got the following prompt:

GRUB loading
error: no such disk
grub rescue>

There was nothing I could do, pressing TAB did not show me all the commands like grub is expected to. Typing 'help' did not show any commands as well, instead it showed me - "NO SUCH COMMAND" or something like that (I did not took note of what the output was). I believe the problem is in the grub loader - which was not really installed properly in hd0 - /dev/sda1 (which is FAT32 - windows)

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Ubuntu :: Boot Windows From Grub Rescue Prompt?

May 13, 2010

i have dual booted ubuntu with windows. but after a few days i realized that ubuntu was too slow for my system and then decided to uninstall it and planned on installing it later. So i deleted the partitions on which ubuntu was installed. I rebooted the system and the grub rescue promt appeared, i already knew the work around was to restore the windows MBR using the live cd i used to install ubuntu or the Windows installer. But the main problem is my DVD suddenly stopped working . So my question is, can i boot windows using the promt? is there any commands? or can i uninstall grub using the rescue promt?

My desktop has been down for more that two weeks

Ubuntu version: 10.04

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Anything / Grub Rescue Prompt

Jun 19, 2010

So I had Ubuntu Server installed and I decided to make some new partitions using gparted via a live usb of Ubuntu desktop. And so I think messed up pretty badly. Ubuntu Server won't boot and I get the following error followed by a grub rescue promt:

Code:Diskette drive 0 seek failure
error: file not found grub rescue >
To me, it seems like some boot files may be missing if not the whole system. After I made the partitions, the live USB of Ubuntu was still working fine until I rebooted.So here is the bigger issue, I figured I would just reinstall everything all over again, but instead I can't.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall GRUB2 At Grub Rescue Prompt

Oct 24, 2010

i am a newbie to linux and i am stuck at the GRUB rescue prompt at the startup.i have dual boot windows and Ubntu 10.04.I want to remove GRUB2 from Harddrive itself.can u suggest ant command on GRUUB recue prompt ?

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Ubuntu :: Uninstalling OS Resulted In Grub Rescue Prompt

Oct 26, 2010

I have two hard-drives. The first, C: (sda1) has Windows 7 x64 installed on it. The second hard-drive, D: (sdb1), was partitioned when I installed Ubuntu 10.04 into two separate partitions: NTFS and Ext3.

I wanted to remove the Ext3/Ubuntu partition and reclaim that space (i.e. completely remove Ubuntu). I did NOT install using Wubi. I booted up Win7 x64, went into Disk Management, right-clicked the D: partition corresponding to the Ext3 filesystem (shows up as unrecognized in Disk Management), and opted to delete the volume. I then right-clicked on the NTFS D: partition, and opted to Extend the Volume to reclaim the previously partitioned space.

When I rebooted, I ended up with the following error:


error: no such device: f81368be-ea53-43d2-b8de-bb52b5ac322c.
grub rescue>

I cannot get beyond this screen. Rebooting always puts me at the grub rescue prompt. I have looked at the HOWTO: Purge and Grub Rescue Prompt threads, but was not able to understand the instructions and am therefore asking for your help. However, I was able to install the boot script as those threads suggest, and here is my results.txt:


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #2 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Prompt After Formatting?

Mar 28, 2011

i have a dual booting the first one being ubuntu 10.04 within which i have installed windows7.Unfortunately,i've formatted that part of my hard disk in which i've had ubuntu. Now my problem is i cant load into any of the two os and i dont want to loose my vital data in the system.I've tried booting using the live CD but in vain.i desperately need my info in my laptop.

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Installation :: Chroot Ubuntu Using Live CD To Fix GRUB Rescue Prompt?

Jun 2, 2010

Recently I messed up GRUB boot loader in my laptop installed with Ubuntu which resulted in grub rescue prompt. So I had to boot Ubuntu Live CD to get it fixed. Thought of blogging it, may be useful for some one.

This fix involves two steps. First one is to chroot into Ubuntu installation partition. Second one is to install the grub MBR (Master Boot Record). I am using Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 and Live CD also of same.

Continue reading here: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/20...rescue-prompt/

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Ubuntu :: Computer Going Straight To Grub Rescue Prompt On Restart

Jun 23, 2010

I tried to install Ubuntu as a dual-boot on my Windows XP machine, using the USB stick trial OS and automatic installation. My screw-up came when I left my external USB hard drive plugged in during the install, and as far as I can tell, Ubuntu was installed on that as opposed to my internal HD. Now when I try to boot, I get knocked straight to the grub rescue prompt with an error message that basically shows my "no such device (my external's ID)" -- assuming that the MBR (which I know nothing about editing) is trying to boot off the external that isn't actually enabled until an OS starts it up, and dumping me at the rescue prompt when it can't find it.

I can still load up the trial Ubuntu off the original USB stick (though can't get online with it without wireless drivers), but that's as functional as the computer gets right now. And I don't have a Windows Setup CD anywhere (using a rooommate's Mac at the moment with a terrible European keyboard on it). So is there any way to edit the MBR or something to tell it to boot my regular XP off my internal HD, at which point I can re-partrition and try this whole thing again, or otherwise remove the failed install of Ubuntu through the trial-stick or... well, I'll leave the suggestions up to you all. I've been working on this since about 4am last night and my brain is kind of fried.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Prompt On Reboot After Update

Aug 8, 2010

Installed 10.04 on my daughters laptop from within windows Vista. All went OK but I had two boot loaders, i.e. turn on laptop and I would get the Windows loader asking if I want to boot in to windows or Ubuntu. Upon selecting ubuntu I would get the standard grub loader that I have on my PC. Did an update a few mins ago and it asked me to update grub which I did and as there was only one disk showing clicked forward. Now on reboot I have grub rescue prompt, no such device. Hard drive is a single 80 gig drive with windows on one partition and ubuntu in another. Have the live cd so can boot from that I guess. What do I do next?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck At Natty Grub Rescue Prompt?

May 6, 2011

I have tried to follow the different possibilites discussed here [URL]

But I am not getting anywhere.

Btw, this is not my screenshot. Mine shows GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu5.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Update - Getting Grub Rescue Prompt Instead Of Normal Menu

May 26, 2011

I dual boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu, and recently I updated from 10.04 to 11.04 via live cd. However, I now get the grub rescue prompt instead of the normal grub menu when I boot my computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Prompt Doesn't Matter

Aug 13, 2011

When I try to boot I only get to the grub rescue prompt doesn't matter if I try booting from ubuntu 11.04 cd windows 7 disc or the hard drive. At the moment ubuntu 11.04 should be installed although it gave me a ton of errors as I installed it and as soon as i restarted the computer i got this prompt.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot - Grub Rescue Prompt And No Ability To Load Into Either Old 10.10 Or New Failed 11.04

Apr 17, 2011

I have a laptop with Windows 7, and about a week ago I installed Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit via LiLi USB creator. Worked beautifully, but I was having some issues with the brightness controls so I decided to get cute and upgrade to 11.04. So I downloaded the beta2 and used LiLi to make the USB (unsupported for that version of course) which used the same parameters as 10.10. I then tried to do a fresh install over the partition I had set aside for Ubuntu and had 10.10 installed on (~80 GB).

So in the installation itself, something got majorly screwed, and the entire system froze. Next thing I knew, I was rebooting and got the Grub Rescue prompt and no ability to load into either my old Ubuntu 10.10 or my new failed 11.04, or of course my Windows 7 partition either. The partition is obviously there, and as I only have one PC in my house, with no Windows 7 recovery discs, I currently cannot fix the mbr to just get my Windows back. I can of course get this in a couple days, but I'd like to be able to fix this without going to my parents.


Those are my partitions. /dev/sda3 is my Windows Partition, which I want to boot from. Only problem is, I'm not really sure where the computer is looking to find the boot record. I think it's from my fubarred /dev/sda4 partition which means it's basically looking nowhere. So I can't modify it to point to my Windows so I can just get back there.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Prompt Appearing / No Boot / Even From Live Cd

Jun 17, 2011

I had 250gb hard disk with dual boot, xp and ubuntu 10.10.Yesterday, i tried to upgarde my ubuntu 10 to 11 from a live cd....b4 doing so, i used a win software EasyBCD to fix the mbr but it didn't work properly..and i ignored it(my biggest mistake)and deleted the ubuntu partion from the windows device manager. It just displays "Booting from Live CD" for few minutes and again displyas the same above error.What should i do now?Its ok if i m not able to recover my data back...i hv sycnd my docs on the internet.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Re-installed Lucid, Got Error: File Not Found And Grub Rescue Prompt?

May 13, 2011

Short story: upgraded to Natty, slowed graphics, re-installed Lucid, got Error: file not found and grub rescue prompt

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================


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Debian Installation :: No Dual Boot - Error: No Such Device And The Grub Rescue> Prompt

Jan 18, 2011

I had Ubuntu installed, i installed Debian and there was no dual boot. So i formated all the hard disk to install only Debian. It installed but at boot i get error: no such device and the grub rescue> prompt. i googled for a solution and nothing worked:

- i tryed reinstalling grub, not worked
- i did the windows cd fixmbr trick, not worked
- reinstalled debian with fixmbr the first step and nothing
- tryed deleting with dd the mbr, not worked
- reinstalled grub from debian rescue, not worked

what should i do? i can't access my computer? please tell me how should i fix it? the google guys will kill me because i put their servers on fire

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Lock Up - Error: No Such Device: 6937cabe-f115-455b-a248-6f8d46f80682.' Prompt Showing Is 'grub Rescue'

Dec 26, 2010

Have installed ubuntu on a separate partition on single hard disk and system initially worked on a dual boot basis with windows xp. However after installing most recent series of updates computer is failing to boot.

Error message is 'error : no such device : 6937cabe-f115-455b-a248-6f8d46f80682.' prompt showing is 'grub rescue>' am now unable to access either windows or ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: U 10.04 Booting - (system Displayed "unknown Filesystem" And Then The Grub Rescue Prompt)

Oct 30, 2010

I had a problem with my grub (system displayed "unknown filesystem" and then the grub rescue prompt). I then used a livecd of ubuntu 9.04 and ran fsck for a while (closed it in the middle). Grub then worked. But when i select ubuntu 10.04 it goes to the purple screen and stops there. There's some error before loading the purple screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error "no Such Device" And Goes Into The Grub Rescue Command Prompt Screen - 11.04

May 16, 2011

I was dual-booting Ubuntu 11.04 just fine for about the last week but then ran into some issues and decided to reinstall Ubuntu. Now after the install I get this error: error: nu such device: d38af2a9-740e-4d3c-b267-2a3848e5d319 and it goes into the grub rescue command prompt screen. I have tried to reinstall Ubuntu about 6 times now, complete installs. I have tried changing boot priority multiple times. I installed off a thumb drive and left the thumb drive in after install, took it out after install.

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Ubuntu :: Getting The "grub Rescue" Prompt On Screen?

Aug 29, 2010

I am having trouble booting.I am getting the "grub rescue" prompt on my screen.I went through the forum and found a script to run to check my system and the contents of the txt file are as below: how to send the large txt file which is not possible in this post.I am currently sending only part of it and will send to your email when I have your contact details.

============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================

=> Grub1.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive
in partition #9 for /boot/grub.
=> Grub1.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb and looks on the same drive
in partition #1 for .

sda1: __________________________________________________ _______________________

File system: ntfs
Boot sector type: Windows Vista
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
Operating System: Windows Vista
Boot files/dirs: /bootmgr /Boot/bcd

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Mode - Error: Cannot Find A Device For /boot/grub (is /dev Mounted?)

Dec 16, 2010

I updated yesterday and now when I start my laptop it goes in to grub rescue mode. I have booted from a 'live cd' and thought I could repair grub from there. In gparted however the partition with ubuntu (sda1) is seen as unknown file system, in terminal when I list the partition table it shows up as FAT16 type. When I try a grub-install it gives this error message:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Load GRUB From Grub Rescue Prompts?

Apr 11, 2010

First the hard data:

Upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 via upgrade manager
System is AMD 64
Have dual boot with XP on seperate hard drive


Then the wheelspin:

Seem to have knocked out GRUB as normal loading screen does not appear anymore.
Worse, I think I accidently installed grub to something labelled SDC5.

Cannot get anything except the "grub rescue" prompt. I'm not sure if using the LiveCD (9.10) can help. Have tried a few prompts from other threads but just ended up with mud splattered all over the place. I'm gathering I need to load grub, but can I do it using any grub rescue commands?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Loading - Unknown Filesystem Rescue Grub

Jan 31, 2010

Yesterday I partitioned my hard drive with kubuntu netbook remix and windows 7. after a few hours and reboots i turned on my computer and it said Grub loading. unknown filesystem rescue grub> It looks like allot of people have been having similar errors recently with windows 7.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Prompt Appears After Update-grub?

May 6, 2011

After certain system-wide changes, like kernels updates, I obtain grub prompt on restart. However, if I put the hard drive into another computer (b), it boots up fine. Since, however, I use the present computer (a) regularly, I only use b to purge and reinstall grub using the chroot method. However, doing so every time is time consuming; and I cannot change anything in the defaults and run update-grub without obtaining a grub prompt on restart. How do I fix this?

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Software :: Grub Drops To Grub Prompt On Boot / But Can Use Commands To Find Menu

Jun 5, 2009

I've got myself the curious situation where, when I boot the system, I can get grub to start, but it always drops to the prompt.

I can run:configfile /grub/menu.lst

and this brings up the menu with no problems, and from there I can boot the system to either linux or windows. What I don't understand is why it wont go to the menu in the first place?As far as I can tell, grub/Kubuntu got confused when installing, as each of the hd#,# settings in the menu.lst have needed tweaking to let the system boot. (e.g. windows is actually hd0, but the original install had it at hd2. Likewise linux is on hd1, but the menu.lst had it at hd0). I've happily tweaked these to make the system boot, but would appreciate any help in convincing grub to actually load the menu without me having to use the prompt.

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CentOS 5 :: Grub Doesn't Automatically Boot OS After Install, Hangs At Grub Prompt?

Mar 21, 2011

I have used CentOS for a while and have never run into this issue. I searched all over and didn't see a similar issue anywhere, I did an install of CentOS as a server (no GUI) with only the base. Partition is /boot ext3, size of 100MB. The rest of the drive is partitioned as / with ext3. This is being done on a CompactFlash card of 32GB in size. The BIOS sees it as an IDE drive.

When the install completes and the system reboots, the grub stops at the grub> prompt. There is no menu for OS options. If I do the following commands:
grub>root (hd0,0)
grub>kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.el5 root=LABEL=/
grub>initrd /initrd-2.6.18-194.el5.img

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Ubuntu :: Grub Dont Work \ Get Message: "no Such Device....., Grub Rescue."?

Jun 23, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 was in small slave-disk, and I put other bigger disk same type IDE/ATA.In first start I get message: "no such device....., grub rescue."Anyway, I make installation in this disk and and now after start message is: "error: out of disk, grub rescue.So now I can not use master/XP and no slave/Ubuntu.

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