General :: Repeating The Command After One Execution?

Oct 13, 2010

I have seen command like $rm aa dd cc bb ee then something like $ >> zz // it removes zz also Where aa dd cc bb ee zz are the files in my directory. Do not know exactly.

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General :: Bash Command History Update Before Execution Of Command

Jun 7, 2010

Bash's command history is great, especially it is useful when adding the history -a command to the COMMAND_PROMPT.However, I'm wondering if there is a way to log the commands to a file as soon as the Return key is pressed, e.g. before starting the command and not on completion of the command (using the COMMAND_PROMPT option would save the command once the prompt is there again).

I read about auditing programs like snoopy and session recorder like script but I thought they're already too complex for the simple question I have. I guess that deactivating that script logs all the output of the command would lead already in the right direction but isn't there a quicker way to solve that probelm?

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General :: Remote Command Execution Via SSH And Newgrp Command?

May 9, 2011

Up until now I've been using plink to remotely compile a project I'm working on. But recently the administrator from the remote server updated the distribution and messed up some configurations. My project has a lot of scripts written for tc shell (tcsh), and now the default shell is bash. There is no way to change this. Another problem is that now I need to run newgrp to change my default user group.

So... to work around this problem I've changed my .bashrc to run newgrp and then tcsh. If I do a normal connection using SSH, everything works as expected, but when using plink, or SSH to remotely execute commands, the shell gets stuck on the newgrp command. I think it's because both applications need a return value from newgrp to send the command I need to execute. Remotely running scripts that call a shell also get stuck like newgrp (newgrp also opens a new shell and that's why it gets stuck) my .bashrc is as follows:


user_grp=`id -g`
if [ $user_grp != 4919 ]; then
newgrp new_group_id


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General :: Only Execute 2nd Command On Successufl Execution Of 1st Command?

Aug 19, 2009

I have a script which builds a project and then runs junit tests. However, if the build fails, the junit tests fail with the same error message.Therefore the command which runs the junit tests should only be executed if the build was successful.

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General :: SSH Command Mode - Flow Of Execution Returns To Bash Shell

Aug 13, 2009

I want to use ssh to execute a command and to wait endlessly to log everything (in file) that comes as a stream of the connected server. But unfortunately, in the manual its written "If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell"

So what happens is that when I specify my command:
ssh user@server "my_command"

It executed the command and the flow of execution returns to bash shell. So basically my session ends right after the command is executed. This happens only in case I specify command in the command line. If I login into ssh manually and then type "my_command", then the session doesn't end. I want the ssh not to exit, because after "my_command" executes, I want to capture everything in the session.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Delay Before Command Execution?

Jan 8, 2010

Problem started after installing a new firewall in my network. originally after installing the firewall there would be a 10 second delay after entering a command before it was processed, the command would be executed however there would be an error, i forget what it said, something about not being able to resolve my domain name (and it would give my domain name). i realized this was a problem with my NAT, so i configured DNS forwarding on my firewall so that any attempt to access my server using my domain name from inside the network would point back at my server. after setting up the DNS forwarding i no longer receive the error about my domain name being unreachable, however there is approximately a 30s delay between entering a command and its execution.

the problem is hardly critical i do not see any more serious problems, it is just a pain to do any work when every time i try to do something i have to wait for it to execute.

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Ubuntu :: Wait Command After Execution In Terminal?

Mar 14, 2011

How do I create a command to launch a program and then have the terminal wait for a specified time and then move on to the next command?I'm wanting to create a startup script, and I need program B to wait until program A has finished loading up.

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Software :: Escape Command For Remote Ssh Execution?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the following command:


(systool -c fc_host -v && systool -c fc_remote_ports -v) | grep -E '+Class Device path = "/sys/class/fc_host/host[0-9]+"$|+node_name.*= "0x[0-9a-f]{16}"$|+Class Device path = "/sys/class/fc_remote_ports/rport-[0-9]+:[0-9]+-[0-9]+"' | sed -e 's#.*host([0-9]*).*"#scsi-qla1-adapter-node=#' -e 's#.*rport-([0-9]*):[0-9]*-([0-9]*).*#scsi-qla1-target-2=#' -e '$!N;s#
##' -e 's#=.*node_name.*= "0x#=#g' -e 's#"$#;#g' | sort

and I want it to execute via ssh on a remote machine through a script. Therefor I need to escape it properly. Because of the massive use of regular expressions and commandline options, this is not an easy task. Is there any (online) utility that will escape that for bash use? I suppose pasting the code in vi and doing some search and replaces should do the trick. But for that I would need a list of characters to escape...

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Title Reset After Command Execution?

Apr 12, 2010

I'm not quite sure what's up with this, but when I change the title of a terminal away from the default (e.g. to represent which project that terminal is to be used for), it changes back to the default (user@host:path), but only on the task bar at the bottom of the screen, listing the open windows.

If I change tabs in the terminal and then change back, it displays again at the bottom of the screen, but as soon as I execute another command (e.g. ls), then it resets again. That's quite annoying, as I like to have a few terminals open, each with a set of tabs pertaining to a particular project. The fact that I can't see from the title on the taskbar which is which means I have to guess/remember/check them all...

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SUSE / Novell :: IF Command - Script Execution Completed Or Not

Jun 21, 2010

I have a script:
# Call mail script to send an email
if [ -f /tmp/report.txt ]; then
sleep 10
rm /tmp/report.txt

What I need to do is, I want to check if file exists, if file exists call other script ( and then delete the file (assuming script executed). If file not exists just exit out of the script. I'm not sure how I can see that other script execution completed or not before I delete the file even though I put sleep command. And also it seems like its not that good, even though it is working. I wanted to see if we can write in more efficient way.

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Server :: Used The Command Crontab To Load The Table But Didn't See Any Execution Of The Script?

Jan 27, 2010

I created a file which in I tried both :

* * * * * /var/www/scripts/script.php >> /dev/null


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General :: Why MemTest Repeating Single Test

Jun 20, 2010

Bought computer 11 months ago, immediately there were problems. What would happen is, when I logged in after a long period of shut down, the system would BSOD. Then I would restart and everything would be fine, until the next time I shut down for a long time (8ish hours) and got back on. I sent the laptop in (a couple times) and they eventually replaced the RAM and the BSODs went away. This is all on Windows 7 (well started on Vista, switched to Windows 7).

I recently set up a dual boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04. I'm experiencing crashes on Ubuntu (the whole system just freezes, can't operate mouse, keyboard, or anything) and the behavior is similar. When I log on after a long period of shut down, the system will crash, but if I restart (actually I have to wait 10 minutes before I restart, if I restart immediately it will crash again) then it is fine, until the next period of long shutdown.

So I'm thinking it's bad RAM, so I downloaded Memtest and am testing each of my sticks (they are each 2GB) individually in the same connector thing (don't know what it is called, whatever the sticks attach to). The test for the first one passed with flying colors. However, the second one is having problems. On test #2, the memtest repeats itself, continuously looping through 0-32767 errors on the right side.

My laptop is an Asus G50VT
The 2 most interesting lines...
Highest Error Address: 000fffffffc - 4095.9 MB // does this make sense? 4095.9 MB on a 2GB stick?
Test 2: 32767 // the 32767 loops back around to 0 and repeats

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General :: Set The SGE Job Execution Order?

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to write a script to set the SGE job execution order. I named each job with 'job1', 'job2' and 'job3'. I want my script to do: When 'job1' execution is complete, 'job2' is executed; when both 'job1' and 'job2' are complete, 'job3' is executed.

First, I tried this following script and it worked well:

qsub -N job1 # includes "mv file_name1 file_name2"
qsub -N job2 -hold_jid job1 # includes "mv file_name2


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General :: Execution Time In A C Program ?

Jan 10, 2010

I need to find out the processing or operating time in milliseconds or in nanoseconds for the instructions or for the whole process!

for eg :

I need to calculate the time taken to execute :

And i dont want the time for whole program :

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General :: Script Execution Flow Stopped?

Apr 1, 2010

Now my script is able to start server, But I am still have some problem with my script. When the start server command is executed, the control does not pass the line and does not execute further of that line.what is the problem and how can I get smooth execution of the my script. My Script:

SUBIT="su - adminuser -c "


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General :: Chroot For Unsecure Programs Execution?

May 13, 2010

I have never set-up a chroot-jailed environment before and I am afraid I need some help to do it well.To explain shortly what this is all about: I have a webserver to which users send python scripts to process various files that are stored on the server (the system is for Research purpose).Everyday a cron job starts the execution of the uploaded scripts via a command of this kind: /usr/bin/python script_file.pyAll of this is really insecure and I would like to create a jail in which I would copy the necessary files (uploaded scripts, files to process, python binary and dependencies).

I already looked at various utilities to create jails but none of them seemed up-to-date or were lacking solid documentation (ie. the links proposed in How can I run an untrusted python script)Could anyone guide me to a viable solution to my problem? like a working example of a script that creates a jail, put some files in it and executes a python script?

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General :: Measure Script Execution Time?

Jan 4, 2011

In bash shell, is there a simple way for me to monitor the time taken to run a script and output the time taken?

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General :: Remove Execution Permission For Users?

Apr 2, 2010

I am using CentOS release 5.4 ( 2.6.18-164.9.1.el5xen ) and created an HPC cluster by using NIS ( for user authentication ) NFS ( as file system ) and mpich1 as parallel compilers and utilities and TORQUE as job scheduler. I want to make sure all users should use scheduler for job submission and should not submit the job directly ( qsub ).

I want to prevent all users from executing executable files created by self , from its home directory .

Suppose if a user create an executable a.out and if he tries to execute by ./a.out it should display an error.We should also allow users to execute normal user level linux commands .How can I implement such a set up in my environment

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General :: Receive Emails About A Cronjob Execution?

Jun 15, 2011

how I can receive emails about a cronjob execution or where to go to read about that? I am using CentOS 5.4.

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General :: A Shall Script For Remote Shell Execution?

Mar 26, 2011

i need to take the backup some folders encryption formate with password i used gpg encription in the script but it is not taking the password it throos errorthe syntax is#!/bin/bashtar -cvzf test.tar.gz target ; echo "test" | gpg -c test.tar.gz --stdin

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General :: Decrease The Cpu Load During Qemu Execution?

Aug 8, 2011

is there any way to decrease the cpu load during qemu execution?

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General :: Virtual Addresses Accessed By An App During Its Execution?

Mar 17, 2010

Get the list of virtual addresses being accessed by any application during its execution time. I don't want the complete memory map but just the pages which were accessed during an application's execution?

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General :: Wget Is Creating File For Each Execution?

Dec 1, 2010

I am calling a service using http post through wget, the command is successfully executing but for each execution its creating a file and saving variable names n data n it. I want to execute this command without creation of a file. Would anyone suggest me what needs to be done in this regard.

My command:
wget --post-data 'var1=99&var2=200'
For every execution, its creating the files with names:


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General :: Get Virtual Addresses Accessed By An Application During Its Execution?

Mar 17, 2010

How to get the list of virtual addresses being accessed by any application during its execution time. I don't want the complete memory map but just the pages which were accessed during an application's execution?

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General :: Shell Script Execution On Double Click?

Feb 27, 2010

I could run the script from terminal. My script invokes some installation and works fine.But my wish is that end-user should double click the sh script and it should run.But how? I got few links - but none was of was quite helpful

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General :: How To Loop A Script Execution With Param From A Text File

Aug 14, 2010

I need to run ./pythonScript keyword one time for each keyword in a text file, how can I do this from a gnome terminal? (without having to modify the pythonScript)

pseudo code:

for each keyword in file:
./pythonScript keyword
waitfor(pythonScript to finish)

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General :: Background Process Execution Hangs Console And Ip Communication?

Feb 9, 2011

I have 3 processes to be executed in a particular sequence.


The requirement is that all the processes should run as background processes.

ProcessA talks to ProcessB and ProcessC using sockets.
ProcessB talsk to ProcessA only using sockets.
ProcessC talsk to ProcessA only using sockets.


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General :: Free Online Server To Upload Program For Execution

Jan 17, 2011

I am outstation and having laptop with windows and internet connection. I want to check one small program on linux. kindly tell if some free linux server is available on internet where I can upload my program, compile and execute. The program is generic and there is no restrictions regarding linux version.

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General :: Script Execution Failed - Input String Was Not In A Correct Format

May 2, 2011

I have here a Network Monitoring tool that should monitor the Apache (httpd) 2.0 on CentOS 4.3, but I didnt have any background in using linux, I tried CentOS 5.5 with Apache (httpd)2.2 and it works, but whenever I tried it on Centos 4.3, it doesnt work at all, it has an error Testing on node localhost.localdomain: failed with Undefined status, Script execution failed. Input string was not in a correct format.

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Fedora :: $PATH Is Repeating Directories

May 13, 2010

I'm running Fedora Core 12 x86_64. I started out using the default bash shell (and customized the .bashrc, etc. as necessary) but had to switch to csh for this one scientific package that requires that shell.

The issue is that my $PATH has unwanted redundancy and I can't figure out how to fix it:


The csh shell was completely new to me so I'm sure I made a mistake somewhere.

Below are the files that might be relevant for diagnosing this problem. I don't think I touched /etc/csh.login or /etc/csh.cshrc but I might have accidentally done so.



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