General :: Relocating Firefox Cache To RAM Not Working?

Dec 17, 2010

Firefox has this nasty habit of wanting to write to disk just as it's spinning down when I'm on battery...this is of course annoying because it'll probably shorten the life of the disk (it's doing it as I type this post!)

I figured that a solution to that would be to set FF's cache to be in a RAM disk instead of on the hard disk, so I tried following this guide on the Arch Wiki to set it up (the "Relocating only the cache" section). I followed it to the T, and it did nothing to change FF's disk usage. I even tried adding a /tmp entry in /etc/fstab that would supposedly mount /tmp on a RAM disk and pointed FF's cache to that...still no cigar.

My /etc/fstab:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
devpts /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0


What is it that I'm missing here? Is my fstab incorrect? Is there something else I need to do in FF? I've searched Google and LQ about this issue and couldn't find anything other than the same instructions found on the Arch Wiki and the /tmp fstab entry idea.

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General :: Make Firefox Not Cache Data?

Mar 4, 2010

I don't want my Firefox browser to store anything in a cache. Is there a way to shut the cache off?

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General :: Difference Between Hardware Cache And Slab Cache?

Nov 22, 2010

I am reading slab allocator, it defines slab cache, i am quite confuse is it same as hardware cache?

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Security :: Managing Flash Cookies - Relocating ~/.macromedia ?

Oct 27, 2010

I use different browsers for sites like facebook and general browsing (specifically rekonq for facebook, firefox for others).
However, I find that Flash cookies are shared between browsers, and are not cleared when clear my browser cookies.

Flash cookies are kept in ~/.macromedia, and it's OK for me to clear this periodically with a little cron job. However, I would really like separate places for flash cookies from rekonq and firefox.

Does anyone know how to do this? Maybe there is an environment variable which allows this?

My second implementation option would be to make a chrooted environment for each browser or something like that.

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox 4 B12 No Cache Dir Setting

Mar 19, 2011

I thought about moving the firefox cache directory to /tmp, as I am moving /tmp to the ram, since I just got an SSD, and move off this write-hungry feature.However, with Firefox 4 beta 12 (shipping with 11.4 x86_64), when I get in about:config, there is just no option browser.cache.disk.parent_directory, which you would use to configure this.I searched a bit and it seems that this is still intended to be on Firefox in v.4.I might as well downgrade to 3.x for the moment. I see there is an RC available of v.4, but no package of it ready in repos.By the way, any thoughts on putting the firefox cache on ram? I know it will flush it at reboot! But the alternatives are:

-leave it on ssd (wear it)
-put it on hdd (so slow)
-disable cache

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Fedora :: Location Of FireFox Cache Folder?

Mar 21, 2011

i want to know the location of firefox cache folder..when we watch any video on ..... or any sites firefox buffers the whole video in its cache i want to copy that whole video from that cache folder directly so that we dont need any third party add-ons to download videos..for that i want to know the exact location of that cache memory folder of firefox browser in linux

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Ubuntu :: Manually Clearing Firefox's Cache?

Jul 1, 2011

a few days ago i set my FoxyProxy settings to tor. I needed it to make a few raid boards on 4chan and those can get you banned if you post.

So anyways, i go on this forum about a phone and i accidentally refreshed the page, but i haven't switched from proxy to my default settings and so all of a sudden a message appeared "Sorry, ###### you are banned from this forum."

I tried clearing cache, cookies and whatnot through firefox' options but still i get that message, i installed Midori for a quick test and it seems to work there (I'm not banned) but never on firefox, even rebooted and still nothing.

I really hate the ads with Midori as i use Adblock for firefox.

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Fedora :: Firefox Doesn't Save Images From Cache?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a weird problem with Firefox with the following scenario: When I view a picture from a website in the browser and the pictures gets deleted from the server (while I'm viewing it) - I can't save the picture to my hard drive. Firefox always tries to download the picture from the web-server although it's in the cache. Resulting in an image file which contains the HTTP 404 response from the server. *lol*

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Ubuntu :: Root Keeps Owning Firefox Cache Folder

Jul 30, 2011

Every time i login root owns the Cache folder i want to be the owner cause that is the way it should be from fstab


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Software :: Clearing Cache And Delete Cookies In Firefox

Dec 1, 2009

How do I empty the cache in Firefox? All I can figure out how to do is delete cookies.

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Software :: Clearing Firefox Cache Automatically After Some Event?

Feb 11, 2010

Can I set the Firefox cache to clear automatically after some event (exiting Firefox or logging out of the system,either would be acceptable)?

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OpenSUSE :: Kmail To Firefox - Url Is Linked To Temp Cache Files

Aug 30, 2011

I'm using Opensuse11.4 and have kmail and Firefox. When I click a url: link in kmail it opens a new tab in Firefox. The problem is that the url is linked to my temp cache files as this file:///var/tmp/kdecache-terry/krun/1589.0.ctt

The tab this opens has most of the link icons stripped out and the links to other parts of the website don't work and I get a "file not found" error and the link is to a file which doesn't exist file:///contribute.php3

This is only a minor annoyance as I can right click > copy the url and paste it to the address bar in Firefox then it works ok. I don't think it anything in either programme that's broken because this happened after an update to Opensuse 11.4 on my previous laptop and has happened again on my new laptop with a fresh install.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Save A Video From Firefox Page Cache?

Oct 17, 2010

while i realize it's certainly taboo to download a lot of videos videos and similar without permission, and possibly illegal in some countries due to copyright, i have also been reading that the video is clearly buffered in the page casche, so technically is stored on your machine already, but is only stored in ram. how can i save it from my firefox page casche? some mitigating info is that i have poor web speeds, and an old machine, which is not using all of the 1gig of ram for some reason.

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Ubuntu :: When Streaming Audio / Firefox Stores Files In Cache Folder

Apr 12, 2011

When streaming audio, firefox stores files in the cache folder(home/.mozilla/firefox/xxx .default/OfflineCache.However, one the file has finished downloading, it disappears from this folder. Does anyone know where it goes?

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Applications :: Overwrite File Contents And Clear Firefox Cache + All The Normal Functions Of A System Cleaner

Oct 22, 2010

since arch has started using python3, bleachbit is broken, so i am looking for a system cleaner to replace it. i need something that will overwrite file contents and clear firefox cache + the all the normal functions of a system cleaner.

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Fedora :: Error: Caching Enabled But No Local Cache Of //var/cache/yum/updates-newkey

Sep 24, 2009

I don't understand this error nor do I know how to solve the issue that is causing the error. Anyone care to comment?


Error: Caching enabled but no local cache of //var/cache/yum/updates-newkey/filelists.sqlite.bz2 from updates-newkey

I know JohnVV. "Install a supported version of Fedora, like Fedora 11". This is on a box that has all 11 releases of Fedora installed. It's a toy and I like to play around with it.

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Software :: Redirecting APT Cache - Can Redirect Cache Of Apt To A Specified Folder Either On Command Line Or Via A Config Setting?

Jan 5, 2011

I was laughing about klackenfus's post with the ancient RH install, and then work has me dig up an old server that has been out of use for some time. It has some proprietary binaries installed that intentionally tries to hide files to prevent copying (and we are no longer paying for support or have install binaries), so a clean install is not preferable.

Basically it has been out of commission for so long, that the apt-get upgrade DL is larger than the /var partition (apt caches to /var/cache/apt/archives).

I can upgrade the bigger packages manually until I get under the threshold, but then I learn nothing new. So I'm curious if I can redirect the cache of apt to a specified folder either on the command line or via a config setting?

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Server :: Squid Cache System - Make It Cache All Files Like .exe .mp3 .avi

Mar 6, 2011

I installed squid cache on my ubuntu server 10.10 and it is work fine but i want to know how to make it cache all files like .exe .mp3 .avi ....etc. and the other thing i want to know is how to make my client take the files from the cache in the full speed. since am using mikrotik system to use pppoe for clients and i match it with my ubuntu squid

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General :: Firefox Browser Is Not Working

Jan 22, 2011

I have an aspire one and have used it for quite a while and now the firefox browser is not working.

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General :: Get Flash Player Working On Firefox?

Feb 2, 2010

i installed Swfdec Flash Player from Ubuntu SOftware Center, how do you get flash player working on firefox? Also, how do you get music on ipods using linux ?

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General :: Nor Firefox Or Opera / Java Not Working.

Aug 2, 2009

i've been using linux for a while and migrated from ubuntu to fedora, found out ubuntu too easy. I'm currently trying to configure my fedora 11 but i cant make java work on opera or firefox, they both keep saying i need to install it but everytime i download or the YUM package or the .rpm it says it is already installed!

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General :: Firefox Not Working - Cant Find Server At Start

Aug 23, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my dell pc and it working very well. I also connect linksys usb wireless card to pc and my pc receives network connection without any problem. When I try to open firefox browser it does say"firefox cant find the server at [URL]... and asking me to check network connection or make sure that firefox is permitted to access the web.

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General :: Firefox Not Working Share Libararies Fault?

Jul 20, 2010

firefox is not working . error : /opt/firefox/firefox-bin error while loading share libraries: /opt/firefox/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: permision denied.when i start firefox above error rises on linux terminal.

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General :: User Log Out While Working On Facebook In Updated Version (3.6.7) Of Firefox / Solve It?

Aug 1, 2010

I am using CentOS 5.4. I updated my firefox to 3.6.7.
After that when I login in facebook and click anything in facebook, my pc log out, even from root user.
cause & solution of this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Kept Getting "gtk-update-icon-cache: The Generated Cache Was Invalid" Fault

Feb 17, 2010

i was looking for a way to stop my menus taking a few seconds to load my icons when i first open them and found a few guides suggesting using the gtk-upate-icon-cache command, but with the any colour you like icon theme i'm using (stored in my home folder .icons directory) i kept getting a "gtk-update-icon-cache: The generated cache was invalid." fault i used the inbuilt facility in the acyl script to copy the icons to the usr/share/icons directory and tried the command again, this time using sudo gtk-update-icon-cache --force --ignore-theme-index /usr/share/icons/ACYL_Icon_Theme_0.8.1/ but i still get the same error. i tried with several of the custom icon themes i've installed and only 1 of the first 7 or 8 i tried successfully created the cache.

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General :: Arp Cache Not Showing Anything?

Mar 7, 2010

when i type arp -n it shows nothingif i type arp -vit showsskipped :0 found :0I want to look at my ip and mac addresses in arp cacheif i change my ethernet ip address it is not reflected or stored in the cache.

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General :: Windows - Using One Disk As Cache For Others

Jan 6, 2011

Given a PC with several hard drives:

Is it possible to use one fast disk as a giant file cache?

I.e. automatically copying frequently accessed data to that one disk, and transparently redirecting reads and writes to that disk, so that other drives would only have be accessed occassionally.

(writes would have to be forwarded to the other disks after a while of course)


The other drives could be powered down most of the time; reducing power, heat, noise speed of the other drives would not matter much. cache disk could be solid state.

How can I set such a system up?

What OS supports these options? Is this possible at all using Windows or Linux?


There are 3 disks with 1 Tb each. most of the files are only accessed very rarely, but about 5% of each disk is used frequently.

Which files are used frequently may change over time.

A solid state disk with 150GB should cache the currently frequently accessed files, so that access time is faster and the drives can be put into power saving mode.

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General :: Ignore 'no-cache' Header?

Apr 25, 2011

I use Ubuntu, and Google Chrome mostly. How can I kill these HTTP headers, so that my browser caches this data? I believe it is XHR. Here are the relevant HTTP response headers:Cache-Control:no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate Pragma:no-cache.I also have Firefox, is there a plugin or something I can use to not respect "no-cache"?

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General :: Local Cache For Apt Packages?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a desktop and laptop at home, both running the same flavour of Debian Testing. How can I configure apt on the laptop so that it first tries to download the packages from the desktop before going to the Internet?

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General :: Cache File's Name And HD Position?

Jul 1, 2011

I'd like to improve my computer's performance by storing files' system location (e.g.: /home/user/speech.odt) and HD position (head, sector, etc) and do the computer use that info from ram memory.I have a directory with several files and when I cd and ls it, it takes a while to the computer answer me. Plus, it would return immidiate find results.

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