General :: Read EDIT Text Files?
Jan 24, 2010
I'm needing to read the Adam's Assembly Tutorials, that are old EDIT *.txt files, I'm on Linux and I need to read this files.What can I do?Is there any GUI editor that can read the files?There is any way to convert them into another file that is more modern1?
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a script almost working except for 1 thing. What I'm trying to do is read a file that has the files that need to be FTP'd using a bash script. I have everything working except the reading of the file. It works outside of the ftp script I've wrote but once I put it in the FTP script it doesn't.
Here's the Script:
#Here's where the problem is that I know of
I've been playing w/ the exclamation points to see if that could be the problem, but so far no luck.
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Feb 12, 2011
I'm a new Ubuntu user and a Python programmer, it's the first time that I use Python in Ubuntu so it's a bit confusing me. If I want to save a Module or something in a specified map, I get 'Errno 13', it says that I don't have permission to edit, do thing in that map. And this is also for importing files with Python. I logged in from Terminal with 'sudo -i' and closed Terminal, but the problem keeps repeating. How do I login as Admin or Root and stay as Admin or Root? I need right to edit/read files as well as root and normal user.
An example:
Python file: ->
test = open('/a.txt', 'w')
test.write('Test - Test - Test')
When I execute this, I get in the Python IDLE the 'Errno 13' problem and below the 'Errno 13' it says that I don't have permission. Who know how to stay logged in as root, even if the user has not logged in or isn't this possible, if it isn't then I just want to get files moving, editing/erasing etc.
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Jun 29, 2010
I am trying to write a script to edit text files formatted like this:
There are never line breaks or spaces in the actual files.
I want to delete all instances of the character "@" and everything between it and the next "," (including that comma) or the next ")" (including that close parentheses) whichever comes first. My desired output file would be like this:
I figured out how to do this using sed for either "," or ")" but both looking for whichever comes first.
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May 25, 2010
A real os should at least e able to read and write plain text, you think? But no, when I try to open my text files (mainly made with gedit) some characters are ass, swedish letters rarely work and ', ", / and so on are not represented as the characters I want to see. Is there a easy, fast way to read (and print!) my text files at school, where they have only windows, without spending half an hour fixing the file by hand?
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Sep 15, 2010
im making a program (for the heck of it) that rewrites it code everytime it is run.(my ambition is to turn it into my c++ teacher and watch her be confuzled as to why she cant read my code and why it does weird things) Ive just started c++ programming, and managed to rewrite a program so that when it is run a second time, it says hello world. My problem is that I can only input the file as a single string. What I need to do is to be able to input the entire file into the c++ program, as a single object and then ifstream it out with the destination as the source code.
Also, it would help alot if there was someway to write additional lines to an existing text file instead of overwriting what is already there. That way, every time my c++ runs and rebuilds itself, it adds another couple of lines of code to a txt file and when the final iteration is complete, it loads a text file that was created by the program and uses it to program itself. I heard there is some sort of spawn command, can it be used to open up notepad and write to it? it would be awsome if my various programs could open different notepads with various messages
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Jul 22, 2010
AKA "zipping on the fly .. the slow-as-molasses way." The list includes full pathnames to each file, and they're all in subfolders of the same parent folder (which, unfortunately, is not the root folder of the drive or system on which the files reside). A cleaned-up and radio-ready portion of the list looks like
What I'd like to be able to do is zip all the files in the list into a single archive, to avoid the step of having to copy them to the same location (presumably another folder on the HD) and then zip that folder. I'm more inclined to make provisions about extracting to a single folder at some other time. Is this possible in BASH, or would I have to consider a faster, more robust scripting language such as python or perl?
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May 29, 2011
PI'm trying to write a script to list all open ports in the MINIUNPND chain in iptables and use the procotol, port and destination ip to open ports on another router using upnpc.Here is the output of iptables -L MINIUPNPD
>iptables -L MINIUPNPD
Chain MINIUPNPD (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:19955
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:20054
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere udp dpt:10654
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:29955
No matter what i do i cant seem to remove the first 4 characters from the MYPROT array to leave only the digits. Also i cant seem to read the array back???
I thought it would simply be a loop reading each line and passing the fields in variables, executing upnpc commands i need then moving to the next line of the file until it reached the EOF.
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Feb 11, 2011
I come from the Mac world, where I use [URL] to edit text from anywhere in Vim.
Is there anything like that on Linux ? I'm already using "It's All Text" in Firefox, but I'm looking for something broader.
Also, I've looked at this thread, but it's only solutions for software X, and software Y.
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May 9, 2011
What is going on here? I can't access /etc/sshd_config to read or edit it, even as root. (Using debian-live 6.01)
root@debian:/etc# ls -l /etc/ssh*
total 132
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 125749 2010-02-28 01:37 moduli
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1616 2010-02-28 01:37 ssh_config
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2453 2010-03-13 17:32 sshd_config
I also checked the permissions for the parent file /etc, and root has rwx. Is this something peculiar to the overlay file system used in debian-live, or just another unix gotcha?
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Jul 16, 2011
I want my samba to keep my windows attributes exactly what the user setted in windows I mean if it has read only file in win box and copy it to samba share ,samba keep it read only and same for other attributes but it does not do it now with my configuration:Quote:
workgroup = DOMAIN
server string = File Server
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May 26, 2010
I have a server I can ssh into, and I am also running Ubuntu. How do I edit this remote file using any program I have installed on my local Ubuntu, without copying it to local, editing it, and copying it back?
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Jan 15, 2010
may be an advanced question but I need to know how to do this. Here at work I am in charge of recruiting and we have about 1,000 resumes in already. All of the resumes are in a .pdf format. I need to rename every .pdf in the following format:{firstnameLastname}.pdfThe only way I know how to do this is to convert all the .pdf files to text, extract the name out of the first few lines of text, import into excel, and then use VBA to rename the files in mass:Here is my logic so far:~Deskop/a = houses all the .pdfresumesOpen terminal: Code: cd ~/Desktop/afor f in *.pdf; do pdftotext -raw $f; done That will convert all of the preceding resumes into text filesNow I would like to append the name of the text file into the last line of the text file. So, for example, for Resume1.txt, I want to append "Resume1.txt" to the last line within Resume1.txt. So after I run the command I open Resume1.txt and on the last line within I want to see "Resume1.txt" on the last line, at the end of the resume.How can I do this? I would like to use a loop and have the terminal append the filename to the body of the text file until all of the have been appended.
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Apr 21, 2010
Currently, when I'm searching text in files of my PHP project, I use this line :
grep -r 'myTextToFind' *
But now, I would like to search only in ".lang" files. How can I do that ?
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Aug 2, 2010
I am using Ubuntu and looking for a good editor to edit a file that is > 4GB. I just need to put content at the end and beginning of the file. I suppose I could use something like
cat "text to add" >> huge_file
To append to the file. Is that the route to go? What about prepending? In general, what is the best route if I wanted to edit somewhere in the middle?
I've tried VIM and it fails miserably. I assume emacs and nano would be even worse. What else is there? I assume to accomplish what I am looking for, the editor would have to be specifically designed for this by not keeping the entirety of the file's contents in memory.
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Oct 18, 2010
I have two txt files containing x and y coordinates: xcoord.txt & ycoord.txt. I need to open them; read them line by line to get each coordinate; then each time I need to update Xs and Ys parameters inside another file called "" with the grabbed values.
Finally each time I need to run two exe files ( dc_2002 and st_vac) and produce corresponding output for each Xs and Ys ( is an input file for this exe files)
I have written the following code but it does not work:
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May 6, 2010
how to read aloud the text in a PDF document?whatPDF readers can be used for text to speech conversion
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Jun 26, 2010
I've got a command in a shell script:
php ./script.php > output.txt & echo $! >
This results in my script launching as a background process with output routed to
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Jan 22, 2010
I have 2 text files : file1.txt and file2.txt
cat file1.txt
15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces
34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces
cat file2.txt
2 this is sentence1file2
6 this is sentence2file2
54 this is sentence3file2
I would like to join these 2 files. The result should look as follows :
cat joinedfile.txt
2 this is sentence1file2
6 this is sentence2file2
15 this is a sentence containing various words and spaces
34 this is a another sentence containing various words and spaces
54 this is sentence3file2
==> so the joined file must be sorted on the first number. Any ideas how this can be achieved ?
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Apr 12, 2010
I'm having a slight dilemma on reading data from a text file and outputting it into a table then displaying it. Basically I'm writing a shell script that takes information from text files then outputs the data into a table with 4 headings.he extracting of the data is fine, but creating a table i'm having problems with. I think it is possible to do it using the awk function, but so far i'm having a lot of difficulties.
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Aug 3, 2010
i need to write a c code to ping IP addresses which are read from a text file and need to log the response time in another text file.
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Jun 10, 2011
I have a text file that contains a single word and I want to write a bash script that will read the word from the text file... The following is my incorrect attempt, as it assigns the name of the textfile to the variable as opposed to the word stored within the textfile:(assume I have a text file value.txt that has its contents a single word, say wordone)
for f in value.txt
echo $f
so the output of the above script is value.txt, however I want it to be summarise: how do I assign the value of the word contained within a textfile to a variable?
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May 25, 2011
How do you convert Open Office (ODT) documents to Text files?
I have made a report using libre office. Now I wish to continue editing the document using lyx (latex front end). So the ODT file needs to be saved as some .tex file.
I don't see an option to do this in File menu (export/save as). So is there any other plugin to do this?
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Feb 4, 2011
I use a linux machine at work and a mac at home. I can ssh from my machine at home to my work machine. But the only editor that I have access to on the command line then is vi, which I don't like.
Is there a way to use gedit on my mac to edit files remotely over an ssh connection?
This page says that it can be done, but I think that it assumes that you are using gedit on ubuntu. On my mac (os 10.5.8) I don't have the "bookmark" option when I click "connect to server".
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Jun 28, 2010
I have a directory with hundreds of html files.
For all the files I have to:
- delete all the row from the beginning of the file to the sentence "<img src="immagini/_navDxBottom.gif" />".
- delete all the rows from the sentence "<br clear="right" />" to the end of the file.
How can I do that?
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Feb 9, 2011
Is there an aplication/software that I can use to edit the Microsoft publisher (.pub) format files on fedora14.
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Sep 15, 2011
Something I find myself doing a lot is running a find command and then editing all of them in vi, which looks something like this:
> find . "*.txt"
> vi ./file1.txt ./file2.txt ./path/to/file3.txt
Is there a clever & simple way to do this all in one command line?
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Jul 31, 2011
What's the fastest and most reliable way of working on files on a remote linux machine with emacs on a windows host machine? I need to be able to easily copy and paste text between emacs frames and use all the keyboard shortcuts, so putty and cygwin are out of the question. I've tried tramp mode but it just hangs when I try to connect.
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May 4, 2010
I'm using mrtg to generate html files. With mrtg , i use indexmaker . Inside html files , i have found some html tag like "<SMALL>some text</SMALL>".
There is the manner to delete text inside two tags ? With bash script?
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Jul 5, 2010
i log in and went to the policy folder to erase the file prefernces.fdi and it would not let me delete this file /move it to the trash or even edit it it said something like you are not the owner ,so i could not change the permissions to overwrite this file.what should i do i just want to be able to change this file to true so it will see my internal sc dar reader right now when i put in a sd card it does not show up.i also tried changing this in the terminal there was a post on one blog that showed how ,but i was having trouble edit the xml file in the terminal so for me it would be easier to just overwrite the prefernces.fdi file since im a beginner.
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