General :: Read A Text File And Ftp Files Using Bash W/out Leaving The Ftp Prompt
Oct 9, 2009
I have a script almost working except for 1 thing. What I'm trying to do is read a file that has the files that need to be FTP'd using a bash script. I have everything working except the reading of the file. It works outside of the ftp script I've wrote but once I put it in the FTP script it doesn't.
Here's the Script:
#Here's where the problem is that I know of
I've been playing w/ the exclamation points to see if that could be the problem, but so far no luck.
I have a text file that contains a single word and I want to write a bash script that will read the word from the text file... The following is my incorrect attempt, as it assigns the name of the textfile to the variable as opposed to the word stored within the textfile:(assume I have a text file value.txt that has its contents a single word, say wordone)
Code: #!/bin/sh for f in value.txt do echo $f done
so the output of the above script is value.txt, however I want it to be summarise: how do I assign the value of the word contained within a textfile to a variable?
AKA "zipping on the fly .. the slow-as-molasses way." The list includes full pathnames to each file, and they're all in subfolders of the same parent folder (which, unfortunately, is not the root folder of the drive or system on which the files reside). A cleaned-up and radio-ready portion of the list looks like
What I'd like to be able to do is zip all the files in the list into a single archive, to avoid the step of having to copy them to the same location (presumably another folder on the HD) and then zip that folder. I'm more inclined to make provisions about extracting to a single folder at some other time. Is this possible in BASH, or would I have to consider a faster, more robust scripting language such as python or perl?
PI'm trying to write a script to list all open ports in the MINIUNPND chain in iptables and use the procotol, port and destination ip to open ports on another router using upnpc.Here is the output of iptables -L MINIUPNPD
No matter what i do i cant seem to remove the first 4 characters from the MYPROT array to leave only the digits. Also i cant seem to read the array back???
I thought it would simply be a loop reading each line and passing the fields in variables, executing upnpc commands i need then moving to the next line of the file until it reached the EOF.
For example, I have a text file with data which lists numerical values from two separate individuals
Code: Person A 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Person B 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100
How would I go about reading the values for each Person, then being able to perform mathematical equations for each Person (finding the sum for example)?
bash 3.1.17(2) I'm trying do write a shell script which must operate on each line of an ASCII text file. So, all the code must be inside a loop, and inside the loop, the first thing should be to read the next line from the file. I have the bash read command. But it reads from stdin. Any way to make read from a file?
First I hope to undrestand my English word because Iam Arabic girl and not so good in English...
my problem is:
I wrote code in .c file and I run that code on the prompt command, its ture but I want after the out put copy the code on the command by some statment in the code , how can I do that?
I'm needing to read the Adam's Assembly Tutorials, that are old EDIT *.txt files, I'm on Linux and I need to read this files.What can I do?Is there any GUI editor that can read the files?There is any way to convert them into another file that is more modern1?
I have two txt files containing x and y coordinates: xcoord.txt & ycoord.txt. I need to open them; read them line by line to get each coordinate; then each time I need to update Xs and Ys parameters inside another file called "" with the grabbed values.
Finally each time I need to run two exe files ( dc_2002 and st_vac) and produce corresponding output for each Xs and Ys ( is an input file for this exe files)
I have written the following code but it does not work:
I'm having a slight dilemma on reading data from a text file and outputting it into a table then displaying it. Basically I'm writing a shell script that takes information from text files then outputs the data into a table with 4 headings.he extracting of the data is fine, but creating a table i'm having problems with. I think it is possible to do it using the awk function, but so far i'm having a lot of difficulties.
I want to be able to check the contents of a text file for a specific string and remove it from the file from the command prompt. I would basically be searching through a number of files and if a specific string is found I would like it removed automatically. pretty much a find and replace, were the replace is nothing. any one got any ideas on how you would do this. I already have the search part sorted just need to be able to remove the string I don't want from the multiple files.
I want to write a bash script to parse a text file with the following lines and set variables for each line so that I can use them in the rest of the script.
Timestamp=123456789 Company=ABC Company Server=Server Recipient=Joe Smith
simplest way to read each line one at a time for everything before the =, set that to a variable name with the value equal to everything after the =
Q=What will this do? A=This will read from /root/Desktop/iplist (or anywhere you want to put the list) after it reads the ip it will ping the ip two times. If the remote host is up then it will write the ip to a log. If the ping fails it will display it on the screen, write the ip to syslog so that you can do remote logging, and last it will send the ip by email to a user or a group of users.
Code: #!/bin/bash #wrote by Zach Underwood feb-12-2011 #test and wrote on centos 5.5 with sendmail rm -f /root/Desktop/iplog #This will remove the good iplog exec 9</root/Desktop/iplist #put full path the file where ip list is. Make sure that the ips are listed one per line. while read -u9 ip do ping -c 2 $ip > /dev/null 2> /dev/null # ping and discard output if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # check the exit code echo "$ip is up" >> /root/Desktop/iplog #write the ip of the hosts that are up else echo "$ip is down" # will show on the screen the ips that are not up logger -p auth.notice "$ip is down" # will write the down host to syslog echo "$ip is down" | mail -v -s alert > /dev/null 2> /dev/null #will send mail users about host down fi done
I've searched everywhere and I can't come up with a good solution. For each line I need to find the average, min, and max. I've seen plenty of solutions where the number of columns is fixed, unfortunately for me these lines can get pretty large. My thought was to read each line individually into an array, loop through the array and find the avg, min, and max that way but i haven't had much luck. I can read each line using a while loop but I'm having trouble with the array part, or perhaps that's not the best solution?
I created a bash script to help me mount my network shares.However when I link the file to the desktop and dbl click on the link it asks me if I want toCode:RUN IN TERMINAL - DISPLAY - CANCEL - RUNHow can I get it to RUN IN TERMINAL each time I dbl click it?
Until now i haven't had to dabble with bash scripts.
I have a program that reads in data files. These are named datafile01_R, datafile01_G, datafile01_B, they then increment, so datafile02_R etc i have about 600 of these. the program reads in 3 data sets at a time from each run, so files_01 r, g, and b.
The program then does its magic, and outputs about 40 different files, depending on the file, they gone to folders named R, G, B, psa, or tracking.
The program itself has configuration files to say where the files should gone when analyzed, there is also the config files that reads in the data sets.
At the moment i have to run one set of data, then go in and manually change the input file location, and run again. But, doing this, even though a different data set, the new set overwrites the old set in one of the output folders. So i need a way to increment the output filenames after they are written and before the program is run again with the new data set.
If a file is opened from the common prompt with something like: gedit somefile & Is there a way to close somefile while leaving the instance of gedit still open? My idea is that sometimes I will have more than one file open in gedit. I run a script daily that updates to a log file. The log file is then opened and viewed with gedit.
I am supposed to take some small files, and print them to a specific printer, such that the small files are concatenated into one file. The file name has to be included in the file that gets printed.
Should I be looking to concatenate the files into one file with the file names included, and then print them?
A real os should at least e able to read and write plain text, you think? But no, when I try to open my text files (mainly made with gedit) some characters are ass, swedish letters rarely work and ', ", / and so on are not represented as the characters I want to see. Is there a easy, fast way to read (and print!) my text files at school, where they have only windows, without spending half an hour fixing the file by hand?
im making a program (for the heck of it) that rewrites it code everytime it is run.(my ambition is to turn it into my c++ teacher and watch her be confuzled as to why she cant read my code and why it does weird things) Ive just started c++ programming, and managed to rewrite a program so that when it is run a second time, it says hello world. My problem is that I can only input the file as a single string. What I need to do is to be able to input the entire file into the c++ program, as a single object and then ifstream it out with the destination as the source code.
Also, it would help alot if there was someway to write additional lines to an existing text file instead of overwriting what is already there. That way, every time my c++ runs and rebuilds itself, it adds another couple of lines of code to a txt file and when the final iteration is complete, it loads a text file that was created by the program and uses it to program itself. I heard there is some sort of spawn command, can it be used to open up notepad and write to it? it would be awsome if my various programs could open different notepads with various messages
file1: have DNA sequences and each sequence will begin with > symbolfile2: have protein sequence and each sequence will start with > symbolfile3: BLAST result of file2 and each result will start with query= .my problem is i have to make a report file by combining these three in such way that first sequence from file1,first sequence from 2nd file and first result from file3 should be printed in a report file
I wonder capability of awk to manipulate data in consecutive multi files by read one batch file.for example I have files: data1.dat, data2.dat,data3.dat and listfile.txt
I'm running Red Hat Linux 5.4 on HP DL580 server with 16 processors and 64 GB of RAM. I'm connecting to the server remotely through SSH. after entering the password, it takes time to return the command line, if I click ctrl+c during this time, I'll have the command line prompt but not the correct bash prompt (I have to run bash to pass to my correct prompt).I tried to install Apache on the server, ./configure took 4 hours to finish instead of 1 or two minutes, Oracle installation same behavior. Server Disks are mirrored using RAID controller.