General :: RCP - Setup Red Hat And Getting It To Work With Windows?

Nov 16, 2009

I've been trying to get rcp command to work for my development environment but to no avail. I'm working on a Red Hat Linux server, and the rcp is meant to be used between Linux-Linux and Linux-Windows system. I've done some reading up and this is what I found:-


Step 01: Turn on RCP service on UNIX Host

Turn on the RCP service on unix machine by using inetd:

1. Log on as root.

2. Edit the file /etc/Inetd.conf.

3. Uncomment the lines that start with shell and that start with exec.

4. Save the file.

5. Use ps -ef |grep inetd and determine inetd service pid. Send the Host User Profile (HUP) signal to inetd by using kill or by using pkill.

6. Run inetd again.

To turn on the RCP service by using xinetd:

1. Log on as root.

2. Edit the file /etc/Xinetd.d/rsh. You may get another file based on your linux distrinution.

3. Change the line disable to no.

4. Save the file.

5. Use ps -ef |grep inetd and determine inetd service pid. Send the HUP signal to xinetd by using kill or by using pkill.

6. Run xinetd again.

Step 02: Set the security permissions

After turning on RCP services you must set the security permissions to allow the Windows host to connect to your computer.

1. Edit the file /etc/hosts.equiv. Based on your linux distribution this file may vary. You can get like /etc/hosts.allow.

2. In the file add a line that contains the name of your Windows host.

3. Add a second line that contains the name of your Windows host and the name of a user who can access the directory that you want to transfer. Separate the two elements with a tab character.

4. Save the file.

I noted that my Red Hat have xinetd BUT I don't have the rsh file in step (2). It says I may get another file but which file should I be looking for? As for Step 02, I did find hosts.allow and updated that and the hosts file itself. Besides that, I also use useradd to add a user to match up with the one in the other system since I've read that the rcp required both end to use the same user name.

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General :: Setup Command Not Work In RHEL 5.4?

Sep 26, 2010

i am using rhel i type the command setup! is not workERRor: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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General :: Setup Ubuntu To See Windows Network?

Apr 13, 2010

I've tried the various tutorials and no success so far.

I can connect to the router and from there to the internet, but I cannot see any network shares. I'm connecting through wlan0. I would prefer to keep the dynamic IP address if possible.

In answer to heavyd, smbtree gives me:

cli_start_connection: failed to connect to COMPUTER1<20> ( Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
\MY-LAPTOP my-laptop server (Samba, Ubuntu)


The data above has been anonymized for my protection.

Also I can ping them, I just can't see them via smb://.

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General :: How To Setup Windows Home Machine So That Can Ssh Into It

Jul 13, 2010

I've been wanting to have the ability to ssh into my Win 7 home machine from my laptop, from anywhere and I'm not sure how to do this. Can someone give me some advice or point me to an article that could show me how to do this? Also, would this affect the security of my home machine (sometimes I do banking there)? The home machine has windows 7 Home X64 bit OS under a Linksys router. The laptop is running Ubuntu Lucid.

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General :: Setup Linux DNS For Windows Domain?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a SBS '08 server, and it handles all FSMO roles, and every service known to man. I'm trying to shift those to other computers, but we haven't got the capital for another server. I know Linux is a capable OS and has the ability to run DNS, but I'm not too familiar with linux. How could I set up DNS on linux so that it is a redundant DNS server?

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General :: Setup A Samba Share Between Windows Xp And U11 In A Vm Player?

May 31, 2011

I am trying to mount a shared folder from windows xp to my ubuntu vm. It is running in vm player.

I installed samba with sudo apt-get smbclient smbfs

Next, I run smbclient -L computer_name_here and get the error NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE. What am I doing wrong? How can I solve this?

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General :: Windows XP Setup Doesn't Recognize Netbook's Harddrive?

Mar 4, 2010

Before Christmas, I wiped all partitions off my Acer Aspire One D150 netbook and installed Jolicloud Linux to try out. It's great, but I'm missing too much of my Windows-only software so I'd like to switch back.The problem I'm having is that the Windows XP Home setup CD is starting up the installer fine, but when it comes to selecting the harddrive to install on it's not finding anything.I've tried using GParted to wipe all partitions again and create a new FAT32 partition, but that's not being picked up by Windows XP setup either. (I've tried setting the 'boot' flag on this partition in GParted as well, but no change.)Is FAT32 not the correct paritition type for Windows XP Home? I'm thinking this isn't relevant at this point, because Windows XP setup doesn't seem to be mounting the HDD, nevermind analysing what partitions it has on it already.

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General :: Dual Boot Setup - Running Windows As Virtual Box

Jun 21, 2010

I currently run a Windows 7 Compaq laptop with an Athlon x2 and 4gig of DDR2. I want to either set up a dual-boot on my laptop, or make Linux the Primary with Windows running in something like a virtual box. I am very much into Android and I want to learn Linux as a result of that. So which Distro should be considered in a situation like this.

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General :: Setup Remote Control On Ubuntu 9 For Use Of Windows Client?

Sep 15, 2009

How to setup remote control on Ubuntu 9 for use of windows client ?

Just for use in a home network.
I've had a computer for media files for a long time and now I changed from Windows 2000 to Ubuntu 9.
I the home network there is some Windows W2k and XP Home and I will use VNC or RDP for remote control of this Ubuntu desktop.

I've no experience of Linux at all and I've seen some notes about this with no luck.

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General :: Setup A Hosted File Server For Wife's Windows Machine?

Aug 1, 2010

I would like to use an extra physical hard drive in my linux server to provide my wife a place to backup her Windows XP desktop.I am willing to format this drive as NTFS (or anything else) and have it dedicated to this purpose. I am wondering what is the easiest way to proceed?

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General :: Windows 7 Installation Without Harming Current Linux/GRB2 Setup

Oct 4, 2010

Half of my hard drive is an unused partition, which is formatted ext2 which is just temporal and has no specific intention of mine. This unused partition has its own swap area, which is also a temporal and not important.

So my HD is:

Now, I'd like installing Windows 7 using these sda2 and sda4 partitions without corrupting current Linux installation and its GRUB2 setting(I'd likt to reconfigure the GRUB2 after successfully installing the Windows image, for the dual-boot).

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General :: Can Device Driver Work On Windows?

May 2, 2010

I am facing a serious problem.. i want a linux-device driver to work on windows is it possible.. see windows has device driver files as .sys and linux has .ko so is it possible..??

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General :: Work Simultaneously With Windows 7 And Redhat?

Feb 8, 2011

how to change the screen from windows to linux very easily just like in windows (whenever u press alt+tab to switch between two or more windows).

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General :: Get A Windows Compiled Program To Work Through Wine?

May 28, 2010

I'm currently trying to get a windows compiled program to work through Wine to run on Linux and MacOSX.

When I run the program through wine, it prompts me to install Gecko which I do. Later on in the program, it attempts to use MSHTML to render HTML but I get these error messages on my console instead.

err:mshtml:init_xpcom NS_InitXPCOM2 failed: 80004005
err:mshtml:HTMLDocument_Create Failed to init Gecko, returning CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE
fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no instance created for interface {00000000-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} of class {25336920-03f9-11cf-8fd0-00aa00686f13}, hres is 0x80040111

I'm using Wine 1.1.34 and a similar bug was supposedly fixed in 1.1.33 [URL]

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General :: 12 And Windows 7 - Get Wireless Connection To Work On The Network?

Apr 3, 2010

how to get my wireless connection to work on the network. I don't see anywhere to go to see if the wireless adapter is even setup in Fedora. My other question is when I boot up and get the options to select the OS the first one is Fedora but the other one says it is other.

I think that is is booting up the recovery partion of Windows. I don't know how to change it so that it is looking at the correct portition. I know it has something to do with the menu.lst file but when I try to open it says that I do not have premission. I am not sure where to go to edit it.

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General :: Windows - Cdrom Drive Doesn't Work On Laptop?

Dec 21, 2010

I bought a new CDROM drive, as recommended by HP. It still doesn't work. I can open and close it now; so that's changed. But it still doesn't appear as a drive, and I can't use it.

Here's as best as I can describe it:

When starting up, the boot order doesn't recognize the cdrom drive, but I can open and close the drive during this time.

In Windows 7, I can't open the cdrom drive, and it doesn't recognize it in device manager, disk management, or my computer.

In Ubuntu Linux, I can open the cdrom drive, but it still doesn't recognize the cds, and it won't mount.

If I reformat everything, would my cdrom drive work again? Can I reinstall Windows without a cdrom drive? I've deleted the upper and lower filters as was suggested in Google searches. Took the disk drive out and checked that it was installed correctly (no reason it shouldn't have been). Still: nothing works.

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General :: TCSH Script Works On Windows 7 Does Not Work On Fedora

Aug 5, 2011

I have written a tcsh script on a Windows 7 machine in order to perform a task on a machine running Fedora. After writing the script, I used cygwin to run it on the Windows 7 machine, and it worked exactly as intended. Then I moved it to the Fedora machine, and I got the following error:

While: badly formed number

Here is the beginning of the script:

#!/bin/tcsh -f
## Script to automate loading of A2 DAQ systems


Before the error, I see the string "This program will attempt to automate the DAQ Control process", but not "Please enter the number of the current or most recently completed run: ", so clearly the problem begins at the first "while"

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General :: Secure Method To Connect To Computer From Work (Windows Connecting To OpenSuse)?

May 22, 2011

I need to be able to log into (with X enabled) my home computer (running OpenSuse 11.4) from my work computer(running Windows XP). I was originally going to setup ssh on my home computer but then realized that I wouldn't be able to get my desktop this way.At work, we use windows remote desktop connection to log into other computers within our network, but I'm planning on asking my manager if I'm allowed to login to my home computer.If he accepts, I need a method to actually make it happen.I looked at FreeNX which seemed awesome but it doesn't seem to have windows support. To an extent that I would like to only allow my work IP to be allowed to even try an login.The bridge to cross here is the fact that I'm connecting from windows.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 - Cannot Setup GRUB On RAID 0 Setup Disks

Jun 4, 2010

I've been all afternoon trying to install Ubuntu Lucid on my fakeRAID 0 configured (2) HDDs and am unable to set GRUB up. The fake RAID setup is provided by Intel Matrix Storage Manager, it is correctly enabled and the BIOS is also correctly set up -- in fact, I've managed to install Windows 7 with no significant hitch. After struggling with partioning the drives (had to follow advice I found on a very helpful guide online [0]), creating the filesystems AND getting Ubuntu's installer to actually do what it is supposed to do, I now cannot seem to set GRUB up. My system, as it stands, is unbootable at all; via live CD only.

This is how the RAID0 dev is partitioned:
# fdisk -l /dev/mapper/isw_ecdeiihbfi_Volume0
Disk /dev/mapper/isw_ecdeiihbfi_Volume0: 1000.2 GB, 1000210694144 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121602 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 131072 bytes / 262144 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x6634b2b5 .....

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Ubuntu :: SSH Setup - Cannot Get FTP To Work

Apr 22, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu, installed, setup ssh, setup user accounts. I cannot seem to get ftp to work
. I setup / installed vsftpd
How do I test if FTP is setup correctly on my machine? I setup a user (say abc). Then tried to ftp into the box using its IP number and I get "Connect call failed!"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Will Not Work While Grub/windows Installed?

Aug 5, 2011

Ive been running windows 7/Ubuntu dualboot for some years now and never had any problems.Some months ago I got a new Patriot Inferno ssd. Ofc the first thing I did was to installl windows 7, it had no problems, ran fast and smooth. Then when I reinstalled grub I started to get error when trying to start windows, the logo never apeared and all I got was the message "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software"Status: 0x00.00F" "Info: The boot selection failed because a required device was inaccessible.". It does not matter what order I install windows and ubuntu in, or how many times Ive tried to reinstall grub. Windows 7 will not work while I have grub/windows installed. Right now Ive got them installed on separate drives, ubuntu on the ssd and windows on a partition on a 1tb hdd. Unfortunately I need to have windows for .net programing and gaming..


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Ubuntu :: Setup A Compile Job To Work Like F@H?

Aug 30, 2010

I sometimes do heavy compile jobs, which may take a while. Now I don't like leaving my computer idle just because I'm compiling something. Folding@Home adjusts it's CPU usage if your using another application, so I can run firefox and do whatever I want while running F@H. How can I do this with compile jobs? Is it possible?

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Ubuntu :: Will Windows Programs Work On Ext3 In Windows

Aug 22, 2010

can windows7 programs properly work on ext3 filesystem in windows (if i use ext2ifs)?

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OpenSUSE :: Setup A Conky Setting At Work?

Jul 18, 2011

i would like to set up a conky setting at my work so when employees call me for questions they can just give me the info that is visually on the screen from conky that i want instead of having them look for it, i have done some conky in ubuntu , it is very easy , just install it then enter codes in the text editor, and BAM done, now on opensuse looking at this thread Conky - Hardware Monitor it looks ALOT harder, is there a easier way around this big mess of codes and what not.

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Ubuntu :: Setup Up Samba Properly To Get It To Work?

Mar 7, 2010

I just installed ubutnu 9.10 and just installed samba. I edited the config files to workgroup to dhome which is the work group all my windows comptuer uses to share files. I want to share files and also be able to access files off my windows computers. I got onne windows 2000 that has a username needed to be typed in to access it. the rest is accessable. In the config file. I uncommented the security= user thing. I now tried to access the network but still fails.

Here is what I can see. when I go to places and click network I see windows network and click it it will say dhome and Workgroup. when I click on the dhome folder it takes a while and then gives me the error saying sorry didnt' get a list from the server. what do I need to do to access the network?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup Ssh With Dynamic DNS - But Can't Seem To Get It To Work

May 19, 2010

I've read some guides on how to setup ssh with dynamic DNS, but can't seem to get it to work. My Linksys router is currently set to forward port 22, so I don't know why SSH still gives:

ssh ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused In particular, I also have openssh-server running on the target machine. Given that I have port forwarding enabled, why would this be happening? If I try to login directly to the IP, I get the same refusal.

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Server :: Setup Sendmail To Work With Domain

Apr 28, 2010

I'm Trying to setup Sendmail to work with my domain in my server which is :

Code: Linux Centos 5.4 My server can send mail locally to users in my Linux Box and it can receive mails from yahoo and other mail providers in the web, but when i try to send mails to yahoo or others it send me some mail delivery message which is :


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Fedora Networking :: NAT Setup - Activated Eth0 Does Not Work

Mar 29, 2009

I've a desktop running Fedora 10 connected to the Internet via LAN. There's 3 network controllers in the desktop. One integrated to the motherboard and two additional. I would like to connect other computers (two laptops, one running fc9 and the other Window$ XP) to the Internet via the desktop. I googled the question and found out that I need to adjust thing called 'NAT'.

For that purpose I did the following:
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source 192.168.*.*
where 192.168.*.* - is desktop' IP address. I want to use as a network for laptops. I activated one of devices (eth1), gave it IP address:
ifconfig eth1
and connected f9 laptop to it.

On the laptop I activated eth0 with the same IP. The problem is: it doesn't work. I can't ping anything from the laptop except its own address (

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup Samba To Work Over IPv6?

Jun 8, 2010

Is it possible to setup samba to work over IPv6?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup Gogui To Work On Kubuntu?

Mar 29, 2010

I was trying to setup gogui to work on kubuntu, using instructions found on an ubuntu forum: [URL]. I did not even have Java installed yet, so I first tried installing some of the sun-java6 packages. Usually kpackage is good at picking dependent packages and installing them also, but apparently not this time. Next time I tried using kpackage, I was not able to do anything. It gave me a message saying I had broken dependencies, and should use synaptic or aptitude. I do not even have these installed! I think that un-installing the Java software and starting over should do the trick, but I'm not sure how to do this from the command line. Also the instructions in the link above never worked for me.

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