Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Doesn't Play Music From Win7 Library Through DLNA?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a PC running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I have about 50GB of music in the Music library. I can connect from, play to, and download music to my DLNA enabled phone (Samsung Galaxy S), everything works fine.

When I start Rhythmbox on my laptop (Ubuntu 10.10), it sees my PC (appears under "Shared" in the left panel), but the tracks won't show on the list, it seems as if it fails to retreive the list of media. No matter how long I wait, nothing happens, the tracklist remains empty forever.

I have installed the "coherence" plugin from the Software Center.

I'll attach the console output rhythmbox generates when starting up,

Sidenote: it works the other way around, I can "Play to..." Rhythmbox from Windows Media Player.

andras@ANDRAS-LAPTOP:~$ rhythmbox
(rhythmbox:1979): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject)
WARN coherence Dec 13 17:04:36 Coherence UPnP framework version starting... (coherence/base.py:283)
WARN webserver Dec 13 17:04:36 WebServer on port 39537 ready (coherence/base.py:124)
WARN rb_coherence_plugin Dec 13 17:04:36 Media Store available with UUID


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox - When Doubleclick On A Song To Play, It Doesn't Play And Rhythmbox Quits?

Jan 31, 2011

Whenever I plug my Zune in, Rhythmbox recognizes all the songs on it but when I doubleclick on a song to play it, the song doesn't play and Rhythmbox quits. Any suggestions on how to fix it? I'm running a Dell XPS 410 with 4GB RAM and a 1.75 GHz processor.Also, I imported a CD and it plays fine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play A Music File With Rhythmbox?

Feb 1, 2010

I tried to play a music file w/ rhythmbox, but it needed a plug-in. When I searched for it, there was none to be found. I need to know how to install plug-ins in order to play my mp3's and movies.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play A Music Cd Straight From The Dvd Rom But Rhythmbox Nor Vlc?

Jun 18, 2010

I want to play a music cd straight from the dvd rom but rhythmbox nor vlc will do it. Am I missing something? I can rip it and play it but not straight listen to it. I can watch dvd's but not listen to cd.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Music Player Does Not Play WMAs?

Feb 12, 2011

I have noticed that when I import my music folder, it never had all the albums I have. So, when I looked, I noticed that all the songs that were not imported had the wma file extension. MP3 is fine, I did have problems with that last time.

I have a lot of good songs encoded with wma. So, how do I get Rhythmbox to play these wma sound files? I have done some searching, but it does not seem to work. I have tried using gstreamer-0.10-plugins-ugly and multiverse. I even did a restart, which was not really necessary as it has nothing to do with hardware.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok Doesn't Work On 10.04 - Play Music

May 25, 2010

i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop pc. I previously used 8.10 without any problems. Now I have a problem with amarok. I can't play any music at all. i tried to find what the problem was but i don't seem to succeed so far.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok2 Doesn't Play Any Music?

Jan 4, 2010

Amarok just skips all songs one by one. It starts playing and ends song immediately and goes to next song.I ran Amarok in konsole..[URL].. I tried different audio files (mp3, wav...) but the same every time.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Doesn't Show Up In The "Music" Section?

Oct 25, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.10, and am trying to use Rhythmbox. I have 180gb of music on an external hard drive, and have that music folder set in my library location settings. When I open Rhythmbox, my drive shows up, and it starts importing. It doesn't show up in the "Music" section, and when I close Rhythmbox, then re-open it, it rescans that drive all over again. what I'm doing wrong and why it won't save my library,

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Totem Won't Play Back Video/ts File From DLNA Server

Jul 21, 2011

I'm having trouble playing back videos from a DLNA device in Ubuntu 11.04, and I'm not sure where the problem lies.

Using the software manager I've installed the extra plugins package for Totem, and enabled the Coherence DLNA/UPNP plugin. I can see the device (Humax Freeview HD recorder) in the MediaServers list, and can browse through the programmes I've recorded on it. However, trying to play any of the has no effect, the main part of the window still shows the "clapperboard" graphic.

I noticed that the "recent files" filenames that were appearing on the Movie menu didn't match the ones that were listed in the sidebar - they're of the form e.g. 313.TS rather than the original descriptive name with a .ts extension. Running Totem from a shell prompt, I can see the following console output: request to play: Man on Earth_20110622_0508.ts 013311314 I tried entering that URL into Firefox, and it started downloading okay; according to the LiveHTTPHeaders addon the response headers are

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: HUMAX / MicroMediaServer
Accept-Range: bytes
Content-Type: video/ts
Content-Length: 1799258112
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache

Why can't Totem play the file? Some other codec needed for video/ts files that I've not got installed? (it hasn't prompted me to install any extra packages) Does it just not like the fact the file extension is upper case? Or something else entirely?

On a separate machine, also running Ubuntu 11.04, I installed the VideoLan client; VLC can browse to the files and play them without any problem. So why can't Totem?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound After Update To 11.04 - New Music Player Won't Play Sounds From Music CDs Either

May 13, 2011

I have no sound after upgrading to 11.04. Sound control panel and test speakers emits no sound. The new music player won't play sounds from music CDs either.

ALSA info is at: [url]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Not Getting All Of Magnatunes Library.

Feb 4, 2011

Installed Ubuntu 10.10 (32-bit) and as the title implies, Rhythmbox is not fetching all of Magnatunes library. It works, it loads Magnatune and the songs all play, but it only loads 5 artists with a total of 18 albums. I am not sure, but going by the names of the artists, it is possible it is just loading the first 5 artists. Anybody else have this problem? Is there a fix? For the record, Jamendo's catalog loads just fine with 22,636 artists loaded.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: RhythmBox Will Not Import To Library From XP Share

May 1, 2010

I am running the latest version, 10.04 and I am having problems importing music from my XP share. I can see my music in smb://squirrel/music The share on XP has full read/write perms. I then go Rhythmbox - Music - Import Folder and click on "music on squirrel" in "places" and I can see all of my dirs on the XP share. I then click on one directory and click "open" and Rhythmbox goes back to the main screen and there is nothing in Library - Music or anywhere else.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Music On Amarok It Just Won't Play?

Jun 30, 2010

when I try to play music on amarok it just won't play, it just loads lyrics and then, nothing. on rytmbox everthing works fine but amarok don't work.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Reconfigure Rhythmbox To Use Single Library Location?

May 12, 2010

I copy all music to a single location (~/music) which makes it easier to backup and manage.However, Rhythmbox looks for music both here, and under the purchased music folder, which means that any music I have purchased gets listed twice - once from my music folder, and once from the purchased music folder.I have tried using gconf-editor to change apps/rhythmbox/library_locations to only include my music folder, however when next I restart Rhythmbox, the setting reverts to also including the purchased music folder.Is there a way of preventing this from happening?I only want "~/music" listed for library locations - I do not wish to include "~/.local/share/ubuntuone/Purchased%20from%20Ubuntu%20One".

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Ubuntu :: Startup Music Doesn't Play?

May 15, 2010

For a long time, I haven't heard a startup sound from Ubuntu. I do hear the short staccato drum beat when the log in screen is displayed. However, the other longer startup music doesn't play. Not a very serious flaw but since I upgraded to ubuntu 10.04, I thought I'd like to have everything in perfect working order.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Changes To Music In Rhythmbox Reverted?

Jun 10, 2010

I am using Rhythmbox as my music player.It is a great little app. I've got over 4,000 songs. This can be a task to manage if something were to happen to the ID tags, etc. Also I've got some rogue songs with incorrect genres. When I RC the songs and change the Genre tags, they move tot he correct Genre. However seconds later they revert back to the previous Genre.

How can I get Rhythmbox to write the changes to the song's tag so I don't have to use another program to modify the tags? I know that Windows has this functionality... not to compare... but to would also be something like this available for Ubuntu. I did install the nautilus-script-audio-converter, however I didn't see a difference after installing this.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Where Did Rhythmbox Put The Purchased Music

Feb 6, 2011

I recently downloaded some music from the UbuntuOne store. They downloaded fine (although it took a while), but I cannot locate them in my music folder.I have the default folder in Rhythmbox set as ~/Music, but my downloaded music isn't in there. They play fine in Rhythmbox and my iPod, but I can't find them in the file system.Why isn't Rhythmbox putting my purchased music in the default music folder?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Looking For Specific Music Library Feature

May 15, 2010

I haven't been able to find it yet, but I may just be overlooking it in the programs I've tried. What I want, is to have a lossless music library on my desktop. Be able to browse this music library, select certain songs, and convert them to a mobile friendly format as I push them onto my phone for playback. Such as a flac to mp3/aac conversion while it pushes them onto the phone. Is there a program that does this? The last time I was able to do this, was in Windows using J River Studios Media Center, and it did this quite well.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Transfer Music: Rhythmbox To IPod

Jan 8, 2010

I started having problems with my Rhythmbox a few weeks back. I cannot transfer my music to my iPod when I can before. I don't know what happened. It won't even pop an error message.

Did this problem ever occurred to anyone? I even installed gtkpod but it's the same, the songs cannot be transferred without an error message whatsoever.

5th gen
Ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Load Any Music From Sansa MP3 To Rhythmbox

Apr 1, 2010

I can't load any music from my Sansa MP3 to rhythmbox. Is there a better music program to download? Also, cannot play DVDs

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Always Monitoring Music / Stop This?

May 6, 2010

Rhythmbox keeps re-importing items in ~/Music, even though I've changed the library to something else (/media/tunes if it makes a difference).

I've changed this in both Rhythmbox and checked gconf-editor, and neither shows this directory as being monitored...

How do I stop this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: IPhone And Rhythmbox - Can't Seem To Make Any Changes To That Music

Jul 4, 2010

So I've seen all the buzz about the new libimobiledevice supporting iphone well enough to get it working with rhytmbox "out of the box".

I've achieved photo sync, internet tethering, and ssh access, but I don't know about music access.. there doesn't seem to be anything happening between rhythmbox and the iphone.

Rhythmbox regocnizes the phone and plays the music on it... but I can't seem to make any changes to that music.

The phone occasionally says "sync in progress" but I haven't pushed any "sync" button as there doesn't seem to be any or any settings for automatic syncing...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Can See My Clip But Not Music On It / Sort It?

Jan 6, 2011

Rhythmbox can see my Sansa Clip+ but not music on it. When you have a look at the Sync options the Music, Podcast etc are all empty but it also shows Other !.2 gb which must be my mp3 files.
How can I get them into the Music file and to show up in Rhythmbox.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Shared Music Library Between Lucid Lynx And XP

Jun 24, 2010

I've decided to make the plunge and switch to linux! Actually, I plan to dualboot Win XP and Ubuntu 10.04. I figure I might as well keep XP for a few games and for syncing my iPod nano with iTunes.I want to set up my computer so that my music library on my windows partition will be accessible to Banshee (or perhaps another program) so that I can listen to my tunes in Linux. However, I want to make it so that Banshee can't actually edit my files/tags (I want to leave iTunes in charge of that). I just want it to be able to play the mp3s and aac's (none of my files are in DRM format luckily). So I guess what I am asking, is can I make my iTunes folder on the Windows partition READ-ONLY to the Linux OS maybe?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Organizing Music Library For Media Server

Oct 13, 2010

I have an Ubuntu server installation set up as a media server with Subsonic in a medium sized office environment. I allow uploads from all employees to the media folder on the server. As you can imagine, it's going to get a bit messy in there with multiple spellings of artist and album names for directory names, duplicate files, and incorrect filenames and tags. I was hoping I could find a script that I could run daily as a cron job to clean up the media drive. I would like to maintain a path similar to: /mnt/music/Artist/Album/Song.file

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music CD Crashes Sound Juicer / RhythmBox

Mar 9, 2010

I have some seemingly interrelated issues with music CDs that I can't find threads about. Music CDs don't mount, they just spin for a bit then sit there. While a music CD is in the tray, sound juicer (Audio CD extractor) dies with a Segmentation fault. Rhythmbox dies too with this fault:

** (rhythmbox:3526): CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name != NULL' failed
** (rhythmbox:3526): CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name != NULL' failed
Segmentation fault
This only happens while a music CD is in the tray. All other times, the programs run fine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 Music Store Rhythmbox Plugin Not Found

May 25, 2010

Title says it all. Following the instructions at the site [URL] "Start using the Ubuntu One Music Store by going to Applications Sound & Video Rhythmbox Music Player." yields nothing.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Plays Music Through Headphones And Monitor

Jul 24, 2010

I recently installed ubuntu Luci Lynx, and, I like to listen to music whilst browsing the net. When I fired up rhythm box, I wanted to listen to music through my headphones. I started a song up, and as soon as it started playing, audio was transferring through both the monitor and my headphones. I would prefer a fix that didn't involve just having to remember to turn the volume down on my monitor every time I intend to use headphones

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music From Rhythmbox Not Playing On IPod Touch

Oct 2, 2010

I recently found that I can sync my music to my iPod without iTunes/Windows. I tried using Rhythmbox and it seemed to work. That was, until I tried playing the album I added. It just skips through the album.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Transferring Music To IPod Touch 4.2.1 In Rhythmbox

Aug 3, 2011

A while ago, my iPod Touch was on the 3.1.3 firmware and when I would drag songs onto it from within Rhythmbox it worked perfectly. The filenames would be changed to follow Apple's weird naming conventions, and they would appear in the music library on my iPod. Then, I updated to 4.2.1 and I could no longer mount the iPod (this was a known issue, and someone made a fix, but I didn't bother with it) so I wasn't able to connect to it and transfer any more songs through Rhythmbox. Recently I noticed that I can now mount the iPod again and browse it in Rhythmbox (it must've been fixed in an update). However, I can't (successfully) transfer songs to it.

When I drag songs onto the iPod, Rhythmbox displays the "transferring __ songs" status, and they get added to the iPod's list of songs shown in Rhythmbox. However, they aren't visible in the iPod's actual music library. And when I reconnect the iPod to browse the music on my iPod in Rhythmbox, the newly transferred songs are no longer there. But the space left on my iPod has definitely decreased. So I went into my iPod's iTunes_Control/Music folder and noticed that all the songs I transferred are actually there in the F## folders, but they didn't get renamed to follow Apple's naming scheme (so instead of being named something like LNXQ.mp3 they just retain whatever the old filename was). So does anyone know what's going on? Rhythmbox definitely used to be able to transfer the songs in the "correct" way which ends with their filenames being changed and the songs being added to the iPod's music library. Why isn't this happening correctly anymore? Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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