General :: Need Efficient Pdf Book / Documentation For Learning Scripting

Jun 10, 2010

I am very new in linux/aix scripting. I request you all to give me efficient pdf book or documentation for learning scripting.

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General :: What Is Great Book To Start Learning Scripting In Bash?

Apr 23, 2010

I've been switched to a new department at work and am totally clueless when it comes to scripting in bash. When I told them I was a fast learner, I didn't think they'd throw me into the deep end of the pool so fast. So to make a long story short. What is a great book to start learning scripting in bash? My supervisor already gave me a simple task to do. Conceptually it sounds quite easy in my head, but actually writing out a script is a bit more daunting and complexed than I first thought.

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General :: Best Book For Learning Ubuntu?

Jun 23, 2010

Suggest me the best book for learning more about directories in ubuntu filesystem

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Ubuntu :: Where To Start Learning Scripting?

Jan 5, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu for about a year now, for my Home PC I have completely switched but still have windows on my wife's and work computers. I am in the data storage industry and have a good basic understanding of unix and linux. For my own learning I want to start learning some basic scripting where I can create simple things that make life easier like to become a beginer UNIX or linux admin..what should i start with...I just seem to be so overwhelmed cause there are some many things you dive into..I see so many types of scripting shells I don't know where I should start to learn the basics

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Ubuntu :: Pointers To Learning Scripting?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a project for my computer class, and I was a bit ambitious with my ideas and am wondering if I made a smart choice. I need to learn sooner or later anyway! I'm a beginner when it comes to scripting but I'd like to learn more advanced stuff. When I say basic I really mean basic among all basic. To give you an idea I only know some simple HTML and Python. The idea I proposed for my project goes as follows:

The challenge we were given is to create a spreadsheet of data from a website given to us. Points are given for creativity and simplicity in how we go about doing this.After taking a look at the site (or rather, html files given to us), and with having dabbled with Python before, I came up with what I thought was a pretty good idea.The pages of the "site" are just numbers. They go from 001-117 .html in terms of filenames. Their source code has some sort of table set up, and the information we are pulling off are easily found by the tags that precede them (the info, btw are the periodic elements).

The tags are pretty obvious, and state pretty much what they are labeling. My python knowledge is almost nonexistent but I figured that would be something Python would be capable of. Why do I post this here? I'm relatively new to Ubuntu too but keep hearing about bash scripts and such. Would this be even better? (Perhaps it's silly but I'd like to use Ubuntu to accomplish this)

Or is there an even better scripting method/language I should be using? Could anyone give me some pointers in how I could accomplish this? I'm really hoping to learn a lot from my first "real" scripting experience!

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Ubuntu :: Start Learning GUI Bash Scripting But Can't Find The Right Tutorial?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to start learning GUI bash scripting but I can't find the right tutorial. I'm interesting at creating menus like ex. IPTRAF or MC (midnight commander) but all i find is tutorials for KDE & GNOME. The idea is that I want to create programs that don't need X sessions.

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General :: Most Efficient Way Of Taking Subset Of Lines

Feb 9, 2010

I have two files. One huge one (200.000+ lines) called 'db' and one big one (15.000+ lines) called 'indices'.What is the quickest way of filtering out the lines in 'db' containing any index (anywhere on the line) from 'indices'.Is there a faster approach in bash, linux?

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General :: Best Distro For Learning Terminal?

Mar 19, 2011

I'm looking for the most pure linux terminal distro. I am trying to learn linux and I have Ubunutu 10.10 installed but I feel like it's not as pure as other distros, like Ubuntu 10.10 is different from the average terminal experience.

Maybe I am wrong about this, but certain things like the grub .lst file is now a .cfg file in Ubuntu, is this replicated across all linux, or is this unique to Ubuntu? Little things like this that make it difficult to learn. Are all the distros unique in this way?

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General :: Start Learning Red Hat Take It As Career?

Apr 21, 2010

I want to start learning Red Hat Linux & take it as career. I'm in Bangalore, India. Can anyone tell me good Red Hat Linux training institutes in Bangalore (possible near BTM).

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General :: Language Learning Software - Libraries?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm cross-posting in order to get as a wider audience to get as much feedback as possible. I am currently studying to learn the ) Gidhlig (Scottish Gaelic language and finding studying by rote out of a book a bit 'limiting'. Because of this, I am thinking about creating a software project which could act as an interactive way to helping me learn the language. I've got a few ideas floating in my head but the direction I want to take is that the software is not an alternative but an aid to be used in conjunction with traditional studying materials. I was thinking possibly small interactive games or exercises that both are fun as well as to test and use the parts of language I have learned. There might also be a bit of reporting to show strengths and weaknesses.

Firstly, the technical specifications, that offhand, I can think of that the project will need to meet:

1. Cross-platform (while I would like it to be just Linux, I have to be realistic that people would rather use Windows)

2. The language data is separate from main program so that the software can be used with other languages.

3. Not too complex so that it is quick and easy to program as I will be doing it myself.........

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General :: Distro Better For LEARNING Security Skills?

Jun 27, 2010

I currently run Ubuntu 10.04 alongside Vista. I have been looking for a few linux projects to help me learn, the two that I have thought of have been:

1. LFS
2. Something security related

As for no.2, I am interested in learning about network security, intrusion detection, system logging, firewall logging etc. And as a project I would like to work on creating a desktop box as secure as possible, then maybe testing my own box on my home network.

1. Is there a good linux distro that is designed for security?I know people often say "the distro doesn't matter, it only matters how you configure it.
2. Does everyone agree with this? As far as security, learning, etc, are all distros created equally?

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General :: System Distribution For Learning Embedded?

Feb 12, 2010

Which linux is best for learning embedded systems which has ide like MCU8051ide, piklab and ide for arm processor.

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General :: Get Command Line System OS Using Sandbox For Learning Its Prompt?

Nov 27, 2010

Possible Duplicate:
Version of Linux with a command prompt?

Which software of Linux to use for command line running? Since I am using MySQL to run from Linux and want to run Linux, which software to download in Linux? There are multiple ones. Can I run .sh scripts and learn how to operate on Linux using the command line? Also use MySQL as backend on Linux?

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General :: Distro To Use For Learning Server Device Drivers Programming?

Jan 9, 2011

I have started reading book Linux Device Drivers 3rd edition. So I want to know which is the best light weight distribution to use so that learning can be more generic and also does not involve distro specific nitty-gritty details. I have already tried building kernel for Ubuntu 10.04 but it involved different commands from what is mentioned in the book. So I am not sure whether I would be able to make further in the book. Has anybody tried?

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Programming :: How To Make Pinging Function More Efficient

Mar 13, 2010

I am starting a project of my own (and learning C++ at the same time. I got my program to successfully scan a custom netmask, but it is REALLY slow. I want my program to do something similar to nmap -sP How to speed it up? Such as pinging more than one IP at a time...

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;
int ip42;
string ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, ipaddr;
int main() {

cout << endl << "Enter part 1: ";
cin >> ip1;
cout << endl << "Enter part 2: ";
cin >> ip2;
cout << endl << "Enter part 3: ";
cin >> ip3;
cout << endl << "Enter part 4: ";
cin >> ip4;
while(ip42 < 255){
ipaddr = string("ping -c 1 ").append(ip1);
ipaddr = string(ipaddr).append(ip2);
ipaddr = string(ipaddr).append(ip3);
ipaddr = string(ipaddr).append(ip4);
ip42 = atoi(ip4.c_str());
ip42 += 1;
stringstream output;
output << ip42;
output >> ip4; } }

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Programming :: Experience To Make A Script More Efficient?

Mar 30, 2010

I wrote this script to attach url's to specified 6 digit numbers in a configuration text file. My original goal was to be able to be able to pull the url's and the 6 digit numbers from .csv files. that would allow me to make the script more versatile, not only for this particular project, but also for other projects in regards to the configuration file. This script works, and has served it's purpose, but it is not very pretty, and it's probably not very efficient. What can I do to improve it and possibly make it more versatile. I've thought about functions and arrays, but my skill set is still pretty limited. I'm not looking for someone to write it for me, just to point me in the right direction.


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Programming :: Efficient Way To Display JPEG Images In Browsers?

May 12, 2010

What is the efficient way to display jpeg images in browsers using c programming. Any links or any sample code.

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General :: Looking For Distro For Best Documentation?

Apr 14, 2010

I am looking for a distro that have good quality -not quantity- documantation. that is, It should be right, clear and even newbie can apply them.

Which distro is suit for it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup The Most Efficient Way To Remotely Administer A System?

Aug 7, 2010

I am trying to setup the most efficient way to remotely administer an ubuntu system. So far I was successful in setting up ssh. I have the server running and made sure it only uses keys to authenticate and changed the default port. I can connect to the ssh-server. This system is behind nat and bots trying to break-in when I forwarded the port. I used the AllowUsers option, which helped in knocking back these rouge connections. I was not comfortable leaving a port open all the time, so I set up logmein Hamachi VPN and closed the ports that were open on NAT.

Now I use Hamachi and am very impressed. I use VNC in VPN. But Vino is slow, I tested x11vnc and it was slightly faster. I also tried to set up freenx but nxsetup file was missing. some one posted that file in the forums and suggested copying to the system but I was not sure if I want to download a script from the forum and use it. So for the time being, I thought I will just concentrate on X11vnc until freenx is fixed.

I would like to create a separate desktop on the server and use it to access remotely. This way we will not have to fight over the cursor (sounds funny but very frustrating). From what I understand x11vnc has this function inbuilt (uses vncserver). I cannot get it to work! when using ssh, at the remote machine's command prompt, if I type "evince xyz.pdf", it does not launch the "xyz.pdf". what am I doing wrong? When using VNC, how can I change between different users on the remote machines? Right now I can only use VNC in one account that I first setup. When I try to change to another user, vnc client goes blank. How can I get as much control of the remote system as possible? Right now I need someone to switch on the remote system and login to their account before I can VNC. Can I use ekiga inside VPN, I use skype right now and it's sometimes terrible with dropouts. I looked around and someone suggested using ekiga as it works very well over lan. How do set up ekiga so that I have a direct connection with the remote system? Is there any client that just takes the IP address and creates a connection? Mumble seems to be the popular choice, it's most suited to LANparties, I just need a connection between two systems. I am trying to set this up to help users with hardly any computer knowledge to use the system without any issues.

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Programming :: Efficient Access Of Huge Files Or Defrag Ext4?

Sep 30, 2010

I need to figure out how to arrange for the fastest-possible read-access of a large or huge memory-mapped file. I'm writing high-speed real-time object-chasing software for a NASA telescope (on earth). This software must detect images of fast moving objects (across arbitrary fields of fixed stars), estimate what direction and speed the object image is traveling (based on the length and direction of a streak on the detection image), then chase after the object while capturing new 4Kx4K pixel images every 2~5 seconds, quickly matching its speed and trajectory, then continue to track and capture images until the object vanishes (below horizon, into earth shadow, etc).

I have created two star "catalogs". Both contain the same 1+ billion stars (and other objects), but one is a "master catalog" that contains all known information about each object (128 bytes per object == 143GB) while the other is a "nightly build" that only contains the information necessary to perform the real-time process (32 bytes per object == 36GB) with object positions precisely updated for precession and proper-motion each night. Almost always the information in the "nightly build" catalog will be sufficient for the high-speed (real-time) processes.


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General :: Where Is Documentation Of Jack Rack?

Apr 21, 2010

It is sad to see so many tools undocumented, that even makes it hard for a professional to use it. Why write a tool if you are not going to tell anybody how to use it?

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General :: Find The Documentation For RHEL 5.4 Kernel 2.6.18?

Jul 6, 2010

Where can I find the documentation for RHEL 5.4 kernel 2.6.18?

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General :: OpenArtist Documentation - Running From Live DVD

Oct 14, 2009

Has anyone heard of this distro? Is there any documentation online about running it from the live DVD? What I'm interested in finding out is if I can save settings to a usb drive and have it load the settings when starting up (like Puppy does).

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General :: Documentation To Manage / Administer Ubuntu

Nov 7, 2010

I am looking for some documentations to manage/ administer my Ubuntu installation.

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General :: Complete Documentation Of File Mode Bits?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm trying to figure out the effects of some of the more unusual combinations of modes and file types. For instance, what does SGID do on a directory? What do SUID and SGID do on files that aren't executable? What effect does execute have on a FIFO?

Does anyone know where I can find the complete documentation for file modes under Linux? It's not in the chmod(1) man page. I can't find it in the documentation directory of the kernel tarball either. I thought it would be in the POSIX specs, but I can't find it if it is.

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General :: How Does The Documentation Of CentOS/RHEL Compare To Some Of The Other Distros

Oct 29, 2010

documentation on the "stable" war-horse OSs. I am impressed for example on the community support of Ubuntu, Slackware, and impressed by the formal documentation of Arch and Gentoo.

1. However, how does the documentation of CentOS/RHEL compare to some of the other distros? and

2. How about compared to similar OSs, like Debian

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General :: Install And Give A Detailed Documentation Or Screencast?

Dec 6, 2010

[URL] .and-installing

try to install and give a detailed documentation or screencast.

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Programming :: Firefox Scripting Add-on (Scripting HTML / Javascript Inside Firefox)?

Sep 17, 2009

Is there a firefox add-on to script HTML and/or Javascript directly inside firefox

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General :: The Best Book For Suse And Other Distros

Mar 30, 2011

I need PDF version of this book SUSE Linux Toolbox 1000 Commands for openSUSE and SUSE Linux
anybody has it?

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General :: Book On Testing Distributed Systems?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm built an distributed application, and now I want to take some metrics to show how my application works. These metrics includes the time of computation, the time of communication and the amdhal law. I would like to know what tests can be done to show the performance of the application. So, I'm searching for a book or document that shows me what type of tests can be done to show the performance of an application.

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