General :: Best Book For Learning Ubuntu?

Jun 23, 2010

Suggest me the best book for learning more about directories in ubuntu filesystem

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General :: Need Efficient Pdf Book / Documentation For Learning Scripting

Jun 10, 2010

I am very new in linux/aix scripting. I request you all to give me efficient pdf book or documentation for learning scripting.

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General :: What Is Great Book To Start Learning Scripting In Bash?

Apr 23, 2010

I've been switched to a new department at work and am totally clueless when it comes to scripting in bash. When I told them I was a fast learner, I didn't think they'd throw me into the deep end of the pool so fast. So to make a long story short. What is a great book to start learning scripting in bash? My supervisor already gave me a simple task to do. Conceptually it sounds quite easy in my head, but actually writing out a script is a bit more daunting and complexed than I first thought.

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General :: Best Distro For Learning Terminal?

Mar 19, 2011

I'm looking for the most pure linux terminal distro. I am trying to learn linux and I have Ubunutu 10.10 installed but I feel like it's not as pure as other distros, like Ubuntu 10.10 is different from the average terminal experience.

Maybe I am wrong about this, but certain things like the grub .lst file is now a .cfg file in Ubuntu, is this replicated across all linux, or is this unique to Ubuntu? Little things like this that make it difficult to learn. Are all the distros unique in this way?

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General :: Start Learning Red Hat Take It As Career?

Apr 21, 2010

I want to start learning Red Hat Linux & take it as career. I'm in Bangalore, India. Can anyone tell me good Red Hat Linux training institutes in Bangalore (possible near BTM).

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General :: Language Learning Software - Libraries?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm cross-posting in order to get as a wider audience to get as much feedback as possible. I am currently studying to learn the ) Gidhlig (Scottish Gaelic language and finding studying by rote out of a book a bit 'limiting'. Because of this, I am thinking about creating a software project which could act as an interactive way to helping me learn the language. I've got a few ideas floating in my head but the direction I want to take is that the software is not an alternative but an aid to be used in conjunction with traditional studying materials. I was thinking possibly small interactive games or exercises that both are fun as well as to test and use the parts of language I have learned. There might also be a bit of reporting to show strengths and weaknesses.

Firstly, the technical specifications, that offhand, I can think of that the project will need to meet:

1. Cross-platform (while I would like it to be just Linux, I have to be realistic that people would rather use Windows)

2. The language data is separate from main program so that the software can be used with other languages.

3. Not too complex so that it is quick and easy to program as I will be doing it myself.........

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General :: Distro Better For LEARNING Security Skills?

Jun 27, 2010

I currently run Ubuntu 10.04 alongside Vista. I have been looking for a few linux projects to help me learn, the two that I have thought of have been:

1. LFS
2. Something security related

As for no.2, I am interested in learning about network security, intrusion detection, system logging, firewall logging etc. And as a project I would like to work on creating a desktop box as secure as possible, then maybe testing my own box on my home network.

1. Is there a good linux distro that is designed for security?I know people often say "the distro doesn't matter, it only matters how you configure it.
2. Does everyone agree with this? As far as security, learning, etc, are all distros created equally?

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General :: System Distribution For Learning Embedded?

Feb 12, 2010

Which linux is best for learning embedded systems which has ide like MCU8051ide, piklab and ide for arm processor.

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General :: Get Command Line System OS Using Sandbox For Learning Its Prompt?

Nov 27, 2010

Possible Duplicate:
Version of Linux with a command prompt?

Which software of Linux to use for command line running? Since I am using MySQL to run from Linux and want to run Linux, which software to download in Linux? There are multiple ones. Can I run .sh scripts and learn how to operate on Linux using the command line? Also use MySQL as backend on Linux?

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General :: Distro To Use For Learning Server Device Drivers Programming?

Jan 9, 2011

I have started reading book Linux Device Drivers 3rd edition. So I want to know which is the best light weight distribution to use so that learning can be more generic and also does not involve distro specific nitty-gritty details. I have already tried building kernel for Ubuntu 10.04 but it involved different commands from what is mentioned in the book. So I am not sure whether I would be able to make further in the book. Has anybody tried?

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General :: The Best Book For Suse And Other Distros

Mar 30, 2011

I need PDF version of this book SUSE Linux Toolbox 1000 Commands for openSUSE and SUSE Linux
anybody has it?

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General :: Where To Find Address Book And Stored Emails In Ubuntu 9.04

Sep 24, 2010

I have just upgraded to Ubuntu 10.4 and I need to get my Address Book and saved emails from earlier version.Can someone please tell me where they will be located

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General :: Book On Testing Distributed Systems?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm built an distributed application, and now I want to take some metrics to show how my application works. These metrics includes the time of computation, the time of communication and the amdhal law. I would like to know what tests can be done to show the performance of the application. So, I'm searching for a book or document that shows me what type of tests can be done to show the performance of an application.

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General :: Looking For A Conceptualized Book / Manual About SAMBA?

Aug 3, 2011

I'm starting in the forum, than if i commit a mistake.

I'm looking for a conceptualized book or manual about SAMBA?

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General :: Open Book DVD No Install Missing

Mar 30, 2010

trying to install a dvd of Openbook, a distribution of ebooks from the gutenberg collection. running debian lenny amd64.i have multi and uni in repositories enabled. equivs is installed, as well as libglib1.2ldbl libglib1.2-dev and libglib1.2-dbg. i looked in /dependencies/deb/ folder on the dvd and found these packages gdk-pixbuf_0.22-1_i386.deb and gtk+_1.2-1_i386.deb. tried to install gtk+.... after finding synaptic shows no gtk+ packages, only gtk... with the expected error that i am running the wrong version of debian to install x386 apps. looked online and found that lenny amd64 will run 386 apps in compatibility mode. how does compatibility mode work?

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General :: Stuck On Join Command From Book?

Feb 10, 2011

Going through book, "Guide to UNIX Using Linux". I am doing one of the projects that has me writing scripts to join files. Here is my pnumname script and I am extracting the programmers names and numbers from the program file and redirecting the output to the file pnn. I then created a joinall script where I am trying to join the files pnn and pnumname and redirect the output to pactrep. When I run the script sh joinall and use less to display the contents of the redirected file pactrep, I get an error- join: extra operand `pnum'
Try `join --help' for more information.... I went to the man pages but I still (obvious) do not have a solid grasp.

# Script Name: pnumname
# By: J.D.


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Ubuntu :: Learning From Ground Up

Jan 24, 2010

I am extremely interested in learning more than just the "basics" of Linux. I can install, mount, the very very basics etc. But what I want to do, is learn how to do all this from the shell, while the GUI is nice to surf the web and music,.I want to be able to control my machine. I want a beginners book not on how to install linux, but how to administer it. Something like an idiots book, get myself a good foundation before moving on up.

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Ubuntu :: Learning Both Rpm And Dpkg?

Jul 26, 2010

I am a student trying to learn both rpm and dpkg. After installing rpm in my Ubuntu 10.04 desktop copy, I tried the following query with no result:

$rpm --query --all

Is there anything I need to do in addition to installing RMP on Ubuntu and use it?

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General :: Fedora 13 Book For Beginners In HTML Or PDF Format

Sep 24, 2010

I have many years of experience with DOS and Windows, but this is my first dabble in Linux, in particular Fedora 13. The OS is great, but my lack of knowledge makes me uneasy. Is there a good book available in HTML or PDF format that covers. The basics, and is relevant to Fedora 13?

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General :: Install Package To Convert One Unix Book Into Pdf?

Dec 15, 2010

I wanted to install this package to convert one Unix book into pdf. Since I have not set up the internet in the debian, I download the .deb files in winxp and transfer these files to my pen drive and then access it in the Debian. So I got all the 'depends' packages for the chm2pdf from the Debian Packages site and tried to install. Console was still asking for more dependencies. If I have got all the 'depends' packages which are required for chm2pdf, then why does it give problems ?

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Ubuntu :: Where To Start Learning Scripting?

Jan 5, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu for about a year now, for my Home PC I have completely switched but still have windows on my wife's and work computers. I am in the data storage industry and have a good basic understanding of unix and linux. For my own learning I want to start learning some basic scripting where I can create simple things that make life easier like to become a beginer UNIX or linux admin..what should i start with...I just seem to be so overwhelmed cause there are some many things you dive into..I see so many types of scripting shells I don't know where I should start to learn the basics

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Ubuntu :: Pointers To Learning Scripting?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a project for my computer class, and I was a bit ambitious with my ideas and am wondering if I made a smart choice. I need to learn sooner or later anyway! I'm a beginner when it comes to scripting but I'd like to learn more advanced stuff. When I say basic I really mean basic among all basic. To give you an idea I only know some simple HTML and Python. The idea I proposed for my project goes as follows:

The challenge we were given is to create a spreadsheet of data from a website given to us. Points are given for creativity and simplicity in how we go about doing this.After taking a look at the site (or rather, html files given to us), and with having dabbled with Python before, I came up with what I thought was a pretty good idea.The pages of the "site" are just numbers. They go from 001-117 .html in terms of filenames. Their source code has some sort of table set up, and the information we are pulling off are easily found by the tags that precede them (the info, btw are the periodic elements).

The tags are pretty obvious, and state pretty much what they are labeling. My python knowledge is almost nonexistent but I figured that would be something Python would be capable of. Why do I post this here? I'm relatively new to Ubuntu too but keep hearing about bash scripts and such. Would this be even better? (Perhaps it's silly but I'd like to use Ubuntu to accomplish this)

Or is there an even better scripting method/language I should be using? Could anyone give me some pointers in how I could accomplish this? I'm really hoping to learn a lot from my first "real" scripting experience!

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General :: Good Book / Manual To Read To Learn More About OP Systems?

Mar 25, 2011

What would be a good book/manual to read to learn more about linux o.p. systems? and how to use them.I have to add I may not have such a good internet connection I might end up with free dial up (Bummer)so I'm not sure if a link will do.I will end up at the library anyway. so if you could suggest something that would be good, I'm not really looking for the history but more like how to use, maybe the terminal and such?.

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General :: Formatting WD My Book World Edition External Harddisk With Ext3?

May 18, 2010

I have a Western Digital My Book World Edition external harddisk with blue rings. I filled it up and now want to delete the data and start over. I'm set in my ways and have been accustom to reformatting harddisks periodically (sector maintainance, etc.) It's worked for me as I've luckily have not had a disk crash in 25 years.My webapp is not helping me with the reformat and neither is Western Digital tech support. I've heard that it was factory formatted with something called Linux ext3. Does this make sense? Has anyone had any experience with reformatting external harddisks being used as a NAS (home use).

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Programming :: Learning C++ First Script Won't Compile

Sep 2, 2010

I have decided to try out a little bit of c++ programing so I went out and bought me a book "Sams Teach your self C++ in 21 Days" Now I am at the part of the book where you write the hello world script. when I run Code: cc hello.cpp get this


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Programming :: Learning LibUSB From C Code

Oct 1, 2010

I'm trying to learn how to use USB from c code. Rather trying kernel stuff I thought I'd (after some searching ) use libusb. So I searched for documentation, unfortunately I came across two sets of documents each with it's own API?
[URL] and [URL]
For example one inits with libusb_init (libusb_context **context) the other uses void usb_init(void); I'm using libusb rather than kernel programming as I'd like to compile the code for windows as well as linux.

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Ubuntu :: Start Learning GUI Bash Scripting But Can't Find The Right Tutorial?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to start learning GUI bash scripting but I can't find the right tutorial. I'm interesting at creating menus like ex. IPTRAF or MC (midnight commander) but all i find is tutorials for KDE & GNOME. The idea is that I want to create programs that don't need X sessions.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A DHCP3-server On Brand New Learning 11.04 ?

Jun 3, 2011

I been trying to set up a DHCP3-server on my brand new learning Ubuntu 11.04 server. I can connect when i put the IP infomation in manually, so I know everything else is working, just got to fix the DHCP problem before I put the machine into production on my home LAN. Can someone tell me if these config files located at /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf and another at /etc/default/dhcp3-server are correct? eth1 is the NIC that will be the LAN side of the network, I double checked that...

/# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.
subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers,;
option domain-name "linuxrouter.local";


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OpenSUSE :: Running Multiple VMs For Learning Administration

Mar 9, 2010

I'm currently going through,what is essentially a Linux+ course. I don't like any of the exercises in the book, as it's outdated and doesn't really thoroughly teach how to implement a lot of stuff.Is there a program or suite of programs out there where I can create a few VM's with their own IP's, users, files systems, etc. so I can setup up Samba, NFS, NIS, etc.?

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Installation :: Prepared For A Steep Learning Curve To Myth Tv?

Jul 11, 2010

I am thinking about buildinga box to be a dvr, so I did a search on myth tv. Back in 2009 Waterhead advised a questioner that he needed to be prepared for a steep learning curve to install myth tv. I am a relative newbie, is this still the case, or have newer releases such as Mythbuntu made it easier?

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