General :: Make Slitaz USB Automatically Persistent?
Mar 24, 2010
I installed Slitaz on my USB. However I can't figure out how to make it persistent automatically. There are different sources telling me different ways to make it persistent.
One told me to add "slitaz home=usb" to the syslinux.cfg file like this:
append initrd=/boot/rootfs.gz rw root=/dev/null vga=normal autologin slitaz home=usb
but it didn't work for me. gave an example of how to do it manually but I didn't try it and I also want it to happen automatically. is an older article that also explains how to make the USB persistent but I don't want to try it cause it looks outdated (from 2008)
does anyone know the best way to make the USB automatically persistent?
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm trying to make a webcam work on my Slitaz 2.0.
SysInfo :
Kernel 2.6.25
I tested the webcam on my Mandriva 2010 and it works just fine with UVCvideo so i decided to compile UVCVideo for the slitaz Kernel.
I downloaded the files, then uncompressed them. I cheched my kernel source and gcc,make,.... utilities. Then I typed make and ....
There was an error with an ln command in v4l/Makefile in the following line:
@echo creating symbolic links...
@find ../linux/drivers/media -name '*.[ch]' -type f -print0 | xargs -0n 255 ln -sf --target-directory=.
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Oct 16, 2010
Just started using the above distro - anyone know how to make persistent saves to a USB device?
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Aug 15, 2010
Everyone who deals with Linux knows that partitions on hard drives are designated as "sdx#", i.e., sda1 sdb2, etc. I know through experimentation that the number portion of the designation is assigned not according to order on the disk, but chronologically in the order they are created.
Further, if you have several partitions on the disk-say, sda1 through sda3-and you delete sda2, the designation of sda1 will remain the same, but sda3 will become the new sda2. The creation of any further partitions on the drive will start with designation sda3 and increment from that point.
At times this creates a conundrum, especially concerning bootable partitions. Some time back I rendered a partition containing OpenSUSE unbootable because of this, even though Ubuntu owned the GRUB bootloader in the MBR. Ubuntu's GRUB could find and point to the partition using the command "sudo update-grub", but when OpenSUSE took over the boot-up process, its GRUB was pointed to the wrong partition and would freeze up.
My question is this:
Under Windows, one is able to make a Drive letter persistent. Windows will keep the drive letter for that partition and assign around it. Is there a way to change a drive designation number, or at least make it persistent, under Linux? It would be a handy method to forestall these types of booting problems, among other things.
Presently, when a person has installed Linux side-by-side with Windows and want to delete the Windows partition and expand the Linux partition into the free space, I will tell them to format the partition, then shrink it to next to nothing instead of deleting it. This preserves the partition ID scheme while giving them the space to expand their Linux partition into...especially helpful with a seasoned Linux installation that would be a PITA to reinstall and set back up.
Oh, and I already know about UUID. This article explains it, but if you look down through the comments, you will see reasons that it is problematic for desktop application and usage. I want to make it as simple as possible for new Linux users (and myself! ).
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Jun 4, 2011
And it was under Slackware64 13.0 and 13.1.Due to other issues with the 13.1 to 13.37 upgrade, I ended up performing a clean install so I don't think that this is due to leftover cruft.
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Mar 17, 2010
I have VNC set up on my server - connecting is fine - however there is no way to log out from the actual session over VNC (can only disconnect the VNC session itself). What I'd like to be able to do is logout and be presented with the login screen - is this possible ?
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Mar 17, 2010
how do i install wine on Slitaz 2.0?
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May 8, 2011
I followed the instructions at [URL] but whenever I boot with the "persistent" option, the Ubuntu splash screen will take forever to boot, and It's not reading the CD! How do I fix this? By the way, I'm booting 10.10.
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Jan 10, 2011
I am running a live (4gb) USB of Fedora_14 with 768mb persistent storage. I am trying to add firmware for broadcom wireless link, as it is not natively supported. When I download tar, extract and copy missing firmware then reboot... all changes are reverted back. How do I make these changes persistent upon reboot.
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Sep 4, 2009
I just did a fresh install of Fedora 11 and the only video resolutions available were 640x480 and 800x600.
The native resolution of the monitor is 1280x1024 and that's what I'd like to use.
I was able to get the display to the proper resolution with the following commands:
However, rebooting sets it back to 800x600. I have seen the edits to xorg.conf but that file wasn't created.
Is there a way to make the 1280x1028 resolution persistent without creating a xorg.conf file?
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Mar 10, 2010
i has setup a persistent DNS cache to improve my web-browsing. it works wonders and with my ICC built firefox my web-browsing is laser-fast, pretty much like using internet explorer in windows! however, everytime i reboot, my modifications to /etc/resolv.conf have been replaced... 1st. the file must contain:
# Generated by NetworkManager (obviously modified by this)
nameserver <----this is lost on reboot, and is needed to make it all work
i have tried to add this to - System/administration/network, but it doesn't seem to fix the problem. 2nd. my next problem is that when fedora 12 starts up,i need it to start "dnsmasq".i have tried to add it as a startup application, but it doesn't start i end up having to start it manually everytime:
sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq start
it is annoying, but so far i just deal with it, because my browsing is that much faster! i am planning to post a tutorial for those interested in faster web-browsing in linux, but until i can make the changes perminent there isn't much point.
PS: i have tried to write a shell script to do this and every which way i try it fails
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Aug 26, 2010
I've noticed that every time this desktop is turned on the date & time are as they were the last time I used it, and then have to put in the correct date & time again (this is why I chose the word 'persistent' within the tittle). When I try to change those have to write in the password for the date as well as for the time as if 'login-in' once were not enough! What I want to know is how to put in the date & time and receive the correct amounts the next time I turn the unit on again, as it should be? Do I've to open a terminal & do it with administrator's authority/credentials?
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Feb 18, 2011
Currently got a 32bit laptop and im running Ubuntu desktop 10.10 with the 32 bit version, If I upgrading my machine would i need to make a new persistent live usb for the 64 bit machine?
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Jun 11, 2010
I would like to have the below lines loaded at bootup and anytime the network is restarted (if possible).
I am using SuSE 11.
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Oct 1, 2010
I've used linux for basic things in the past but I'm afraid I need to recompile a kernel and I don't even know where to get started. There's so much information on google and I'm not familiar with the terminology to even know how to effectively search for what I'm looking for.
Basically, I'm loading Ophcrack via TFTP/PXE, but I want to be able to mount one of the shares on my samba server instead of it looking for a /tables/ folder on the current device. I already know how to modify the script to get it to do what I want, however I'm stuck on how to mount a samba share through CIFS.
modprobe mount.cifs
returns that the module is not loaded or is not found. Is there a way to add mount.cifs?
mkdir -p /mnt/tables/
mount -t cifs // /mnt/tables/
Doesn't work either. I'm kinda stuck.
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Mar 4, 2011
I have a Slitaz 3.0 install on a UBB stick (via tazusb). It uses the cooking version. After a boot, all seems to be working except for the keyboard. Not a good start. Nothing wrong with the keyboard (typing this in Ubuntu and no probs in XP) so must be something wrong in Slitaz.
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May 12, 2010
I have a crappy cat5 cable that only works at 10BaseT settings on any nic. I have a gigabit nic which I configure using;Quote:ethtool -s eth2 speed 10 autoneg offProblem is that this setting doesn't stick after a reboot. How do I make the change permanent?
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Jul 6, 2010
ubuntu is capping my wireless connection at 1Mbps, so everytime I boot up i have to type this:
"iwconfig wlan0 rts 2347 && sudo iwconfig wlan0 frag 2346 && sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 9MB"
How can I make these settings persistent?
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Oct 1, 2010
I have enjoyed setting up a live USB stick to boot Ubuntu from and it works very well but I can't make my settings persistent. The option to do that in Startup Disk Creator is greyed out, the Stored in Reserved Extra Space is just not available.
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May 13, 2011
I am trying to make a script to automatically run aircrack-ng.
1. One part of the program is an ongoing action. one that you have to press ctrl+c to cancel, but I need the script to keep running the tasks after it.
2. I need to leave one thing running while running another, so if I could like open a new Terminal tab and run things that would be perfect.
3. I need to keep it all as one script, because the variables need to stay.
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Mar 8, 2011
My system boots in 1024x768 screen resolution. I'd like to change it to 1280x1024 for all users. I can change the setting to 1280x1024 and it's persistent between sessions, but is reset back to 1024x768 on reboot. In the old days, I used to edit xorg.conf to set the the mode I want, but now there's no xorg.conf. I created one using
xorg -configure
but this created an xorg.conf which has no modeline settings at all. The file just looks like a template. Here's what I got:
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
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Feb 17, 2011
I am running a dual-boot with Ubuntu (10.10) and Windows 7. Recently I edited my /boot/grub/grub.cfg file to only show one version of Ubuntu (as opposed to several kernel versions) and Windows, simply by commenting out all other menu entries. My question is if I can edit GRUB to just boot a specific entry automatically.
I tried removing all other menu entries, but GRUB still showed the menu with only one entry. I've also considered just setting the timeout to either 0 or 1 second, as this would basically achieve the same thing.
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May 29, 2011
I'm working in Debian, and I've noticed that when I resize my PuTTY window, the console inside isn't resizing to the new dimentions, so things like nano are running at 80xwhatever instead of the more useful 130xsomething that I've offered it.
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Jul 7, 2010
I have switched to openbox from Gnome and would now like to stop using Metacity altogether. When I was using metacity I had both a control theme (e.g. gtk theme) and fonts set up how I liked them in gnome-appearance-proporties. When Openbox starts, it gets my window borders up properly (ofc.) but fails to render my fonts properly and uses the wrong gtk theme. I can't find anywhere to specify which gtk theme to use or what method to render my text with. After Openbox is finished doing it's thing, and I run gnome-apperance-properties manually, it will automatically set everything to it's proper value, but I don't want to have to do this as it takes several seconds to preform and I'd rather not have it jury rigged like this.
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Jul 14, 2011
How to make Windows Boot Manager automatically open GNU GRUB and then with GNU GRUB automatically boot Linux Ubuntu 11.04.
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Feb 15, 2011
I am administrating a lab in a university and every semester we need to delete all the home folders of the accounts for the next semester. I would like to make a bash script that does this automatically and having trouble with it. Note that I am writing my very first bash script. What I need to do is make a script to delete the following:
Delete everything in /home/$exp$num/$dir
when "exp" could be either "rt", "ic" or "sp".
"num" could run from 1(single digit) to 45 and dir is "profile" and "work".
This is what I tried to write:
cd /home
for exp in "rt ic sp"
What seems to be the problem is the reading of "$exp$num" as a joint expression.
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May 25, 2011
I have Windows 7 and Fedora 14 both on my laptop in dual boot configuration. When my computer starts up it shows a screen that says press any button to select another operating system to start, then I can make Windows 7 start. But after 2 seconds, if I DON'T press any button then Fedora starts automatically. How can I change this so Windows starts automatically when I don't press any button?
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Apr 21, 2010
I want to insert a CD-ROM and have it automatically be mounted to someplace like /media/cdrom and create an icon on the Gnome desktop, while logged in as a non-root user under SLED 11.
How can I accomplish this?
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Jul 6, 2011
i'm used to using putty on a window's machine.With putty whatever you select is automatically on the clipboard without having to right click and select copy.And right click just pastes.
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Mar 31, 2011
I had a google of this but can't find anything useful. I use networkmanager to configure my wireless card. Currently this only works when I'm logged in to KDE. If I log out the system loses the network connection. Is there a way to make it persistent using NetworkManager?
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