General :: Link For Downloading "APTOnCD"?

Sep 24, 2010

I just checked that APTOnCD is a .deb package. The internet connection I have is on OpenSuse 11.2. So I can't install APTOnCD on OpenSuse, Can I ?

I have to create a Repository for LinuxMint (which is Ubuntu based) on a CD/DVD.

What is the way out ?

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Server :: Wget Indirect Link Downloading?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to download phpmyadmin from sourceforge => .I'm using the wget command followed by direct link from the page. All I get is some irrelevant file that has nothing common with phpMyAdmin-3.3.9-all-languages.tar.bz2.The direct link is for clients with web browsers that triger automatic download to user desktop, but I need to download the package to a server. What is the wget option to get the file from this kind of links?

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Ubuntu Networking :: TP-Link USB Wireless Adapter Freeze When Downloading?

Jun 8, 2010

I've a damn TP-LINK WG422G UBS Adapter that i love i installed latest compat-wireless driver package and used latest ar9271 firmware after that it was worked properly. There is no problem when surfing the net, the problem is occurring usually download something via torrent sometimes form websites. I'm starting to download and then usb adapter suddenly freeze. If i remove and plug in the usb adapter it is working again.

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General :: Can't Find APTonCD For Backing Up Downloaded APT Package?

May 20, 2011

I've downloaded and installed ATP for Ubuntu 11.4 on an internet enabled computer. Now i want to use it on a computer which has no way to connect to internet. How am i going to do that.

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General :: View CD Shortcut Link / List Link Name By Using Any Command?

Jun 8, 2010

Whenever we insert CD,it creates a shortcut link in desktop.Can we list this link name by using any command? I am using Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0.

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General :: Difference Between A Hard Link And Symbolic Link?

Jun 20, 2011

I have searched around and am trying to understand the difference between a hard link and symbolic link (soft link). I found this link is quite useful. But I am still not very clear. I understand soft link is not a copy of original file, but is a hard link a copy or not?

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Ubuntu :: APTONCD Does Not Work On Lucid

Jun 1, 2010

Id installed aptoncd on my lucid using the software center. When i want to use it, the aptoncd does not appear at all. when i run it using terminal, the output is this :

anidah@anidah-laptop:~$ aptoncd
(process:3319): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.


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Ubuntu :: Create Aptoncd Backup Using An Usb Pen Drive

Jun 6, 2010

Is there a way to create aptoncd back up on a pen drive? Meaning when I insert a cd created with aptoncd an autorun dialog box appears asking if I want to start the package manager. But when I copy those files to a pen drive the above mentioned autorun feature doesn't work. In short I want my apt cache backup on a pen drive with the autorun feature.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Packages From An Image (APTonCD)

Jun 23, 2010

I created an image disk of my installed packages with APTonCD, then I burned a CD in order to install these packages on my not internet connected PC.I typed: sudo apt-cdrom add wich added this line in source.list:


deb cdrom:[APTonCD for ubuntu lucid - i386 (2010-06-22 22:26) CD1]/ /



sudo apt-get update

But now if I want to install a package sudo apt-get install xorg for exemple, I have many lines of errors like:


Impossible to retrieve cdrom:[APTonCD for ubuntu lucid - i386 (2010-06-22 22:26) CD1]/packages/package_name.deb
What's that problem ?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Backup Updates Or Repository By Using APTONCD?

May 11, 2011

i am using ubuntu before, i dont have problem to backup my updates or my repository by using APTONCD, i switched now to fedora to give it a try. so far its good, my question now is how can i backup my repo, or any similar software like APTONCD.

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Ubuntu :: AptOnCD Not Reflecting Packages In /cache/archives/

Jan 9, 2011

I ran into some complications with my ubuntu 10.10 install and couldn't boot into the desktop. I decided to use a live CD to get access to my downloaded cached packages and copied them to my windows partition, now I've re-installed ubuntu and manually restored the apps into the /archives/ directory, I've installed a lot of apps from the directory already but AptOnCD has refused to properly reflect the apps I have there, is there something I'm overlooking?

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OpenSUSE :: Symbolic Link Not Allowed Or Link Target Not Accessible: /srv/www/htdocs?

Apr 28, 2010

i only need localhost for testing some phpnow i get[Wed Apr 28 18:44:57 2010] [error] [client ::1] Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /srv/www/htdocs

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Programming :: Link Directories - Symlink Not Updated / Hard Link Not Supported?

Sep 6, 2010

In the ordering of files I keep I need links to directories. Sometimes I even need to move directories to new locations. I have tried using symlinks, but they become dead when I move the directory they point to. I have tried hard links, but I haven't found any Linux file system that would support hard linked directories. How can I achieve that a complex structure of directories (currently with symlinks for directories and hard links for files) keep symlinks live when directories are moved?

- is there any utility that updates symlinks when a directory is moved?

- is there any Linux filesystem that supports hard linked directories?

- is there any good Linux interface to the new NTFS (the only file system I know to support automatically updating directory links, called directory junctions)?

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Ubuntu :: Send A Link For Download And A Link With The Installation Instructions?

Aug 16, 2011

I was looking for live link to download ubuntu mobile but unfortunately I don't find anything... Can someone send me a link for download and a link with the installation instructions ?? All the links that I found are dead.

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Server :: Create Soft Link And Hard Link In RHEL5?

Sep 8, 2010

how can we create soft link and hard link in RHEL5 when am using in command it is giving format error

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mount To Vista Needed For Apache - Symbolic Link Not Allowed Or Link Target Not Accessible

Apr 26, 2010

I have a problem where I'm using Ubuntu linux to mount a Windows Vista machine's USB drive and access it on the web using Apache. I did have the USB drive plugged into the Linux machine directly and that was working via the web. FollowSymLinks is on in httpd.conf


The mount works and I can see the files (see above) from my regular linux user account. If I make a test file in /mnt and soft link to that, I can see it on the web. So it's just the mount to the vista machine that seems to be a problem. It's supposed to be a simple read-only mount and the apache login should (I think) be able to see the same generic root access permissions.

log from apache: [Mon Apr 26 20:39:42 2010] [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /home/user1/pub_html/Music, referer: https://xx.xx.xx/~user1/music.html

The credentials have a login and password that matches a special read-only account on Vista. I can see the files on the system from Linux, but not via the web. As mentioned above, a different link to the same /mnt area works fine via the web. I've tried several different mount options with no success.

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General :: Downloading Photos From CD And DVD?

Jan 25, 2010

I have no problem with Firefox or thunderbird and open office. All my photos have been downloaded onto the new system no bother. I am now trying to download photos from C-D and most have done so very well but!!!I have had a problem with UDF.

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General :: ISO Images - Downloading A Distro

May 9, 2010

I don't know if I only need the 3 ISO images that're last in the list and which is the installer.

SHA1SUMS .sign

Would you know of a free Windows-based disc burning software that allows the disk to be left after use, i.e. allows writing on it again.

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General :: Downloading All Links In An XML File?

May 26, 2011

I am, as the forum title suggests, new to linux and to programming and having trouble figuring out how to do this.I have a very large XML file with a lot of information in it. I'm trying to get a single tag out of the file, each of these tags contains a single web link and I want to download the file at every single one of those links. I really don't know how to do this.My thought, though its probably not the most efficient or correct way, was to use VIM to search the document and somehow extract all of this one particular tag and then use wget on the links.

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General :: Downloading And Installing Drivers On GNU / It

Jul 30, 2010

Have you had to download drivers for GNU/Linux and install them when some device didn't work? Except nVidia/ATi drivers I mean. Just like in Windows. Or the only driver you can download for GNU/Linux is a driver for videocard and all other are in always in the system?

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General :: Downloading Mp3 From Listening Sites

Jan 24, 2010

I am using ubuntu 8.04 with firefox browser.

There are some sites which allow you to listen the mp3 song like [url]

I have found the most simple way to get mp3 file

(1)Sometimes you get address ending with .mp3 so just copy the whole URI and use in terminal wget "PasteWhatYouCopied"

(2)But in the link I have mentioned there is no mp3 link in address bar.

Here I found out in totem-plugin-viewer(that is the thing that plays your file in browser).Just Click the button next to sound and select copy

In example taken above it is [url]

And use just like before wget "PasteWhatYouCopied" -O output.wma

Also notice that you have the song as output.wma in current folder of terminal.

(3)If there is a video on webpage then either wait for it to get completely downloaded & get it from /tmp.Remember don't close the page till video gets downloaded completely & you copied it from /tmp then only close that tab.

(4)There is a firefox addon 'unplug' which can help for flv because after sending file to download via unplug you can close that tab.

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General :: MD5 Downloading And Installation For Vista

Apr 13, 2010

I want to download md5 for my vista and having much problems.

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General :: Sh File Downloading Site?

Apr 26, 2011

any one know where all sh file of linux can b downlaoded...any site

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General :: Thunderbird Downloading New Mails Again And Again?

Sep 17, 2009

It downloading today's mail again and agin whenever I click on GetMail Button. Its very difficult for me to configure thunderbird again as it will take a lot of time in downloading the older mails.

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General :: Downloading Current Kernel Sources ?

Jan 19, 2009

I need to download the Kernel sources add a few lines and then recompile and install the new files. I found the following lines that are suppose to do it on nVidia's forums:

# Install Kernel Sources
sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-2.6.24-17-rt
sudo apt-get source linux-image-2.6.24-17-rt[code]........

what the Kernel Module Source packages are called?... This guide I am trying to follow is obviously dated but it is the only solid lead I have been able to find towards making my ram work...This is the original thread on the NVNEWs boards: Unable to install Nvidia driver on 9500M + Ubuntu - Page 2 - nV News Forums,Read through that thread I linked to the NVidia forums for a detailed run down of what is wrong.

The semi short version: There is some sort of issue with the NVidia driver on the G1Sn (and several other Asus Models) and the way the Linux Kernel address memory, the issue results in not being able to use more than 2 Gigs of ram with the Nivida drivers. There is a patch (again check the nvidia forum link) that people said they had applied to fix this issue. At this point I am seriously considering Vista again if I can't get this working I love Ubuntu but I hate having my hardware limited by my software...where to download the files I need to recompile in the Kernel with the patch I need for my ram to work?

I tried posting there but it seems like the thread is long dead.. how I can download the needed files and maybe how I add these lines to it?I also started a thread on the ubuntu forums here: [ubuntu] Downloading Current Kernel Sources.

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General :: Download - Re-Downloading (Kernel) Source?

Oct 21, 2010

yesterday i downloaded source of my virtual linux kernel and tried to compile it. It compiled indeed but could not boot from the new kernel. Then today i decided to re-downloading after removing the folder where source files are located but it said "linux source is already the newest version"

I use the command below: sudo apt-get install linux-source What should i do to be able to re-download the source.

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General :: Downloading Very Large Files Via SFTP

Apr 1, 2011

I need to download some very large files (circa 75 GB) from a remote server via SFTP. I've been using SFTP via the command line on my Linux netbook. Around halfway through, the transfer stops and says "stalled." Can anybody recommend a reliable way to download these files?

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General :: Know The Filesize Of The Downloaded File Before Downloading It?

Jun 6, 2011

How can I know the filesize of the downloaded file before downloading it?

Using Ubuntu/Fedora

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General :: Downloading A RAR File From Mediafire Using WGET

Jul 19, 2011

Example: [url]

This was what I tried...wget -A rar [-r [-l 1]] <mediafireurl>

That is to say, I tried with and without the recursive option. It ends up downloading an HTML page of a few KB in size, while what I want is in the range 90-100 MB and RAR.

What happens with MediaFire for those who may not be aware, is that it first says

Processing Download Request...

This text after a second or so turns into the download link and reads

Click here to start download..

How to write a proper script for this situation.

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General :: Fedora Core Downloading In An MiB Format?

Apr 4, 2010

I know that Windows likes to store files according to Gibibytes, but why is Fedora Core downloading in an MiB format? Is that Mibibytes?

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