General :: KDEInit Can Not Launch /usr/bin/wine?

Oct 15, 2010

I installed winehq, but for some reason when I try to run wine. I get an error saying KDEInit can not launch /usr/bin/wine.

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Fedora :: KDEInit Could Not Launch Usr/bin/skype

Aug 29, 2011

I've just made the leap from Windows to Linux after years of flirting with the idea. I downloaded and installed Fedora 15 KDE 64 bit (I have tried it before and remember KDE was the windows manager I used previously, so chose that).

However, when trying to get Skype to launch, I receive the error message: KDEInit could not launch usr/bin/skype

Before settling on Fedora, I also tried Linux Mint, using GNOME. Since the error message seems to suggest KDE is the problem, would it be possible to switch to GNOME, without having to redownload and do a clean install? Or would this be the equivalent of using a sledge hammer to crack a nut?

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OpenSUSE :: KDEInit Could Not Launch 'MozillaFirefox'?

Jul 27, 2011

When clicking on any hyperlink in Kontact, I get the following error:Could not launch the browser:

KDEInit could not launch 'MozillaFirefox'.:
Could not find 'MozillaFirefox' executable.
KDE is 4.6.0 "release 6"


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Debian :: Wine, Cannot Launch /usr/lib/?

Feb 25, 2011

i love it ! so here is my question, i had my wine installed but than i removed it frm Synaptic Package manager. Than I wanted to install it again, after install i cannot launch the application. also when i am typing in cli wine i've got this message Yuri:/home/yurmetal# wine/usr/bin/wine: line 63:/usr/lib/wine/wine.bin: No such file or directory/usr/bin/wine: line 63: exec: /usr/lib/wine/wine.bin: cannot execute: No such file or directoryas i understand i must restore the file from /usr/lib directory.

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General :: WINE GNOME Menus Won't Show Up After Re-install Of WINE?

Dec 18, 2009

Lot of questions about WINE... When I'm done I'm going to make a HOWTO so that others can do what I did It's hard work, but I'm nearly done.The last problem I'm having is the WINE menu on GNOME won't show up after a install of WINE from a .deb package (it usually does). This was after I compiled WINE from source and removed it with "make uninstall" and "rm -rf /.wine".So now I installed the WINE from a deb package and the Wine menu entry is not showing up.I've tried re-installing Wine and rebooting my PC but nothing seems to work.

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Software :: Install Wine Got "Missing Dependency: Wine-gecko Is Needed By Package Wine"?

Mar 19, 2010

when I tried to install wine I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"so I looked for wine-gecko and download it but also when I tried to install it I got "Missing Dependency: wine-gecko is needed by package wine"it seems that I am in loop each package need the other what to do please?

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General :: Can't Launch Eclipse Through SSH?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm trying to install Java IDE for developers through VMware using CentOS 5.5, dunno how to launch and to source it

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General :: Launch An Application From Anywhere?

Oct 31, 2010

I downloaded the tar ball of seamonkey,
copy it to Document folder, unzip it and get a folder named seamonkey.
Everytime to launch it, i open the terminal windows, cd to that directory and type ./seamonkey.
My question is, how to launch it from any where? Just type ./seamonkey and it will run?

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General :: Way To Get Docky To Launch A New Instance?

Apr 22, 2010

So i'm really loving the whole gnome-do/docky thing. My question is that on other docks, you can hold down a modifier key to launch a new instance rather then switching to an already opened instance of an app. So lets say I have chrome on the win7 dock

first click launches chrome
other clicks will focus the opened window
shift click will open a new instance of chrome
ctrl-shift-click will launch a new instance as admin

Is there anything similar in docky?

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General :: Can't Launch GUI From Command Line

Feb 22, 2010

I typed in sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and it tells me it's already installed. Good. So it should work. I type sudo/etc/init.d/gdm start and the screen goes blank for 8 seconds three times in a row and then back to the command line. I have also tried gdm start without the path before and it says GDM already running. Aborting! I have 8.10 and it's a valid disk (no errors).

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General :: Can't Launch Command On Fedora

Jun 29, 2011

i should use Fedora and Ubuntu to learn about Linux but how to Launch the both OS in Command line mode to enable me learn some Linux command .

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General :: How To Launch Gedit From Firefox

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying to set up the Firefox extension 'Web Developer' to view the source of a webpage with gedit.

I've done this previously on Windows with notepad just by adding the command 'notepad %1' to the appropriate entry in 'Web Developer'.

In Firefox under Linux Mint 9, I tried replacing that command with 'gedit %U' but nothing happens. I can launch gedit from a terminal, but how do I get it to run from another application?

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General :: Unable To Launch Eclipse In (red-hat)

Mar 15, 2011

I am using a virtual terminal red-hat and want to install eclipse for c development IDE.

1. I have java 1.6 installed previouse. the java path is configured properly.

2. I downloaded the latest eclipse helios 32bit from

3. I unzip the tar.gz file (eclipse-cpp-helios-linux-gtk.tar.gz)

4. in the eclipse diretory, I try to launch the eclips. but got an error: ./eclipse: /lib/i686/ version 'GLIBC_2.3' not found (required by ./eclipse).

I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib/i686. and no luck either.

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Debian :: Can't Remove Wine - Apt-get Bricked - Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'wine-unstable'

Feb 16, 2011

while trying to get a game to work on wine I was surprised to find out that the wine version that ships with sid is 1.0.1 released in October 2005. So I installed the latest release I found at [URL] like this :

dpkg -i wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

The install failed, I think because I hadn't remove the old wine version, and that's when the joy-ride started. Impossible to remove wine to restart properly. (apt-get remove libwine wine and apt-get -f install didn't) After some googling I tried this :

dpkg -i --force-depends wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

This did install the wine version I wanted, and the game ran fine after that. However the result was a borked apt-get. Tried to remove wine again with the above commands, resulting in apt-get failing to do so because it tried installing wine-unstable and reported errors similar to these : E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'wine-unstable'. see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall / Purge Wine And Any Wine Installed Windows Programs

Apr 15, 2011

How can I uninstall / purge wine and any wine installed windows programs?I've tried deleting .wine (hidden folder)but in /usr/bin/ there are a number of wine related files.And wine sub menu still appears in Applications menu

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Server :: Install Wine On Rhel 5 - Send Wine Installtion Command?

May 21, 2010

i want to install wine on rhel 5.plz send me wine installtion command.

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Software :: Wine In Virtualbox \ Distro Which Runs In A Virtual Box An Starts Wine?

Mar 29, 2011

maybe my questions sounds funny: i'm looking for a very small (or better as small as necessary) distro which runs in a virtual box an starts wine.The reason is: we have new laptops in my school runnig windows7 64bit home and we have some software which runs only on WinXP. So why not take a virtualbox wich runs wine to start the old Software?

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Slackware :: 64 Wine Running A Game Results In Wine Crash

Jun 24, 2011

I have a problem running a game on a fresh Slackware64 install.

Slack version is 13.37

I've followed alien bobs instructions for a multilib environment from here:[url]

And then used sbopkg to download and compile wine version 1.2.2, which went through just fine.

After that I grabbed cabextract from sbopkg and ran this: wget [url] sh winetricks d3dx9 To get the DX9.

But, when I try to run the game, this is the error I get:


The game it self ran perfectly on the 32 bit version of Slackware, tested with 13.0. So now I think I'm missing some libs or something, but I have no clue which.

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General :: Launch A Local Application Remotely?

Jun 16, 2010

I use TextMate on Mac OS X to develop. The files I need to edit are on a Linux machine, and I have the Linux filesystem mounted on my Mac OS X. Opening the files and saving them in TextMate is not a problem.What I want to do (from my Mac OS X) is be able to...SSH <linux>cd <folder>mate <filename>I want that to open up the file in TextMate on my Mac OS X (thus, shifting focus from my to How can I achieve this effect?

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General :: Launch An Application In Another X-session As Non-root?

Jan 5, 2011

How to start an X server as root with a session of non-root application?Should be something like xinit 'su -c openbox user

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General :: Unable To Launch Gnome-terminal?

Nov 3, 2010

I cannot launch gnome-terminal from the Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal menu. However a gnome-terminal process is created (I can see it in a terminal that I happened to have open) but it doesn't seem to actually run (I have several of these terminals in the ps list now but they haven't actually run as terminals and it's been at least 2 hrs). At first I thought they weren't running at all until I checked (it looked like the Starting Terminal message at the bottom of the gnome GUI ran abnormally long and then terminated so I thought at first that they weren't running at all).

Also it looks like my gnome session is clobbering the CPU: running at or over 80% of cpu time at times (it does change but mostly it is high). All I'm doing is minor web work + updating a file in Open Office - when I noticed this I got out of Open Office and that had no effect. So it looks like application software is running (this was launched from a terminal) but running from the menu seems to result in processes with low priority (that doesn't seem right though). This just started today and my system has been mostly running correctly for a year or so (last year I got an Acer 5532 on sale, wiped it and installed Fedora 11).

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General :: Can't Launch Scripts In Terminal (ubuntu)?

Oct 17, 2009

I am a total linux n00b and am having trouble with scripts. I am taking a basic linux class and I have to write a script with input and output, and it must have branching (a loop or if statement). In any case, I have decided to write a script (hopefully) that will ask the user what the base and height of their triangle is, and then my script will calculate the area for the user.

Writing the actual script will be fun and challenging for me, but to test out launching scripts I have been researching them online and found this website: In any case, I am using Ubuntu right now and went to: Applications -> Accessories -> Text Editor. Then wrote:

echo Hello World

I then clicked file -> save as... and the name of my file is "". Under the "save in folder" option I chose the folder "Documents". So then I click Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal and type "./" and the next line says "bash: ./ No such file or directory" How do I launch a script in terminal!

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General :: How To Launch Clean Bash Session

Apr 25, 2011

how to launch a non-login bash session that doesn't inherit its parents environmental variables, and doesn't source /etc/bashrc?

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General :: Unable To Launch Gcc Through Command Terminal

Feb 7, 2010

I am unable to launch gcc through command terminal.I am using red hat platform.

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General :: Launch Gui Applications On Remote Computer?

Mar 27, 2010

How to launch the gui applications on remote computer(The application should be displayed on the remote computer, not on the computer from which command is given).

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OpenSUSE :: After Applying The Latest Wine Update Mouse Cursor In Wine Windows Is Now Purple/magenta/pink

Oct 19, 2009

I don't know if it's just my system, but after applying the latest Wine update, the mouse cursor in Wine windows is now purple/magenta/pink, whatever. Not a big problem, just annoying. I've looked through the various config files in ~home and /usr/share/wine, and can't find any parameter that might even remotely address this.

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Fedora :: Remove Wine And Wine Installed Program?

Nov 19, 2010

I am new to fedora and installed wine to see if I could get the sony reader software working (required to access sony bookstore from my sony ereader). Well the program did not work though it did create icons on my desktop. wine kept crashing and I said lets just get rid of it. I uninstalled wine via yum remove and nothing appeared to happen so I did rpm -qa |grep wine and saw lots of stuff. So I simply did yum remove wine* and then a rpm -qa |grep wine was empty. however wine is still under applications on my desktop and still has a category for programs--reader. I should also mention that while wine was installed I attempted to remove the reader via the wine uninstalller but a) wine gave a message of a core crash and b) all the uninstaller did was give me the option to reinstall the reader program. so now when I attempt to open an epub it tries with the sony reader software. I know I can just right click to use another program but for now I want wine gone completely from my pc and the sony program gone.

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General :: Launch Application With Keyboard Shortcut In Gnome

Dec 13, 2010

I use ctrl + shift + s to launch synaptic in KDE. That works wonderful and it is standardized on all my systems. I want to define the same in gnome, so that it does not matter if I'm in gnome or KDE.Where can I do this?Now before you start mentioning, I am familiar with keyboard launchers like launchy or gnome do (but have to admit that I don't know that much what gnome do does in all extents), so I am not looking for a program that launches an app after typing a few letters. I want exactly that keyboard combination, everything else will not do it.

I just mention that, because it happens all the time that I see in my posts that I ask:
How can I do B with Y? I don't want to use Z. (specifically asking the question) and then hear as an answer: you can do B with Z!And I am always tempted to answer: That is not what I asked, I asked something specific and got an answer that does not concern it.

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General :: Everytime Launch A Program Cant Use The Console Anymore

Dec 5, 2010

My problem is, that everytime i launch a program, like a virtualbox image, the console launch it, but i cant use it anymore.

I use ssh with putty remotely, and the problem is that if i close putty console, the program closes too...

Can i do something to run the program independently of the console? or keep running after i close?

How i can i keep track of it when i open console again?

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General :: Launch Multiple Applications On Different Desktops Via A Script?

Jul 12, 2010

I am new to Linux (I get to learn it for work ) I was wondering how to launch multiple applications on different work spaces via a script. I have researched it and come up with most people using "Devil's Pie" I don't have this as an option. (work reasons) I was wondering what commands I could use in the script file to launch an app. on Said monitor on Said workstation.

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