General :: Launch A Local Application Remotely?
Jun 16, 2010
I use TextMate on Mac OS X to develop. The files I need to edit are on a Linux machine, and I have the Linux filesystem mounted on my Mac OS X. Opening the files and saving them in TextMate is not a problem.What I want to do (from my Mac OS X) is be able to...SSH <linux>cd <folder>mate <filename>I want that to open up the file in TextMate on my Mac OS X (thus, shifting focus from my to How can I achieve this effect?
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Aug 17, 2010
I am trying to figure out a way to pull the user information from local users on a Linux server. I have approximately 40 servers running SUSE and Ubuntu that are using Microsoft Active Directory in order to authenticate. Our internal auditing group has made us disable root ssh ability, I was doing this with clusterssh, but I can login as me then su on the server to conduct root, admin, work. This is an ongoing request to get the local users and it is a painfully slow process since I have to login to each server to get the /etc/passwd file. Is there another way to get the local user information? They are now asking about seeing the last logon date or if the account is disabled, any thoughts there as well?Most of our auditors think Windows and I am trying to make my life easier but not sure what options I have. I need to get local accounts and if they are active or disabled plus last logon date. I'm sure there will be more but if I can get the basics adding more shouldn't be too difficult but I guess I'll cross that bride when I get there.
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Oct 31, 2010
I downloaded the tar ball of seamonkey,
copy it to Document folder, unzip it and get a folder named seamonkey.
Everytime to launch it, i open the terminal windows, cd to that directory and type ./seamonkey.
My question is, how to launch it from any where? Just type ./seamonkey and it will run?
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Jan 5, 2011
How to start an X server as root with a session of non-root application?Should be something like xinit 'su -c openbox user
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Mar 16, 2010
How do I make an application launcher in the panel launch more than one application? Is there some sort of a symbol I type between the apps in the command line? Like ;
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May 24, 2010
I have installed Redshift But do not know what to do Next.There is no icon for the application or anything to launch the application.
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Dec 13, 2010
I use ctrl + shift + s to launch synaptic in KDE. That works wonderful and it is standardized on all my systems. I want to define the same in gnome, so that it does not matter if I'm in gnome or KDE.Where can I do this?Now before you start mentioning, I am familiar with keyboard launchers like launchy or gnome do (but have to admit that I don't know that much what gnome do does in all extents), so I am not looking for a program that launches an app after typing a few letters. I want exactly that keyboard combination, everything else will not do it.
I just mention that, because it happens all the time that I see in my posts that I ask:
How can I do B with Y? I don't want to use Z. (specifically asking the question) and then hear as an answer: you can do B with Z!And I am always tempted to answer: That is not what I asked, I asked something specific and got an answer that does not concern it.
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May 11, 2010
I recently acquired an android device and would like to be able to ssh into my machine and launch certain X applications ( Amarok, other video players)
This works well when I launch server tasks that don't require an interface, however when trying to launch Amarok on the host from a remote session, I get an error about DBUS and display obviously. Just to clarify, I do not want them to launch on the phone itself but on the host, If I start them manually while at the host II can then control them remotely fine once they are started. . .
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Sep 25, 2009
Is there a way to find out the currently installed packages and the corresponding command line to launch the package from a terminal. For example, I know that I have openoffice installed but I do not know how to find the command line to launch it.
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Oct 5, 2010
I start a process which is copying items from my desktop computer onto a memory stick. I then leave the house with my laptop and some hours later i use ssh to login to my desktop. I can see weather the process is running still using top, and i can kill it, but is there any way to let me logon to the local console i.e /dev/tty1 so i can control this process directly?
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Dec 19, 2010
I'm looking for an application which does what is commonly termed as Revision Control (RC). Here is the scenario: I have a directory holding numerous files and subdirectories, all belong to a project I work on. I routinely edit/update some files and wish to record `snapshots' of the entire directory so I can compare different revisions. Of course I can store a tarred version of the directory everytime I change something but this is immensely inefficient. So What I would like is to `upload' a snapshot into an archive file everytime I change something and then being able to `download' a snapshot later (for comparison/backup). Only I work on the project and I use a single machine so everything is local (no network connections).
My requirements are:
1. Being able to easily download/upload with one command an entire directory with all its files and subdirectories.
2. Any change to the directory induces a new version including renaming/moving files (even if their content hasn't changed)
3. The snapshot is aware of symlinks and saves them as such (and not as file they point to).
4. The files in a snapshot retain their original date when I `download' from the archive.
5. A GUI allows to easily navigate between stored snapshots and see which changes occurred.
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Mar 17, 2010
Is there a command to remotely shutdown a computer on the local network? I have a computer running as a file/print server and I have no screen or keyboard connected to it. Would be great if I could shut it down from my laptop. I have the needed credentials (as I'm guessing these would be needed in the command?)
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Oct 29, 2010
I want allow a local domain ( to send email ONLY locally, and I don't allow to send email to remote email (externally) . How to configure exim to do this ?
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Jun 30, 2009
I am trying to launch a java web application automatically when the server starts from rc.local. Logged in as root with a console I can call the jar directly "java -jar /apps/web/fitapp.jar &" everything starts no problems. Once I add the same command to rc.local and reboot the webapp fails to start. Re-directing the output shows "Unable to access jarfile fitapp.jar". I've tried setting java environment variables (using in the rc.local, and in root's profile (bash), but that error persists.
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Jan 14, 2010
I need to backup my active production servers (yeah it's too late now) with image cloning application that were running RHEL3-5. The problem is I need to run it remotely from my office. Most of the software I found either need to use bootable cd or need to unmount my partitions which is I wasn't allowed to since it's a production servers. I also tried dd but it consume too much time, sector by sector cloning and empty disk space also included so the file created also big in size.
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May 26, 2011
I have downloaded Ubuntu within windows 7, with wubi. It shows itself as Ubuntu 10.10, though I had selected 11.04, not to worry, this is for information only. I downloaded Q Cad, a drawing programme from the Ubuntu software centre and it shows in the list but I do not know how to launch it.I will have to down load some more applications and I think I will run into this wall again. I can enter CLI through Ctrl+Alt+F1 to F7 and probably do nothing more.
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May 13, 2010
am using a PC104 with Linux and i need to control it with a controller that is connected via RS-232 or USB port. I need to launch one or more application some specific message come through RS-232 port. Is that doable? If yes how? I am beginner with C++ on Linux so i don't really know specif libraries. If possible i would like to use pure C and not C++.
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Feb 6, 2011
I use Firestarter, seems to be a good firewall. But it is a desktop/GUI application, and it requires root access, or rather sudo in Ubuntu. Every time I launch it, I am required to type in my user (not root) password. How can I make it run automatically at startup (KDE) without prompting for a password?
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May 24, 2010
This has probably been asked about before.... I would like to start apps in desktop 2, 3 and 4. To start apps during boot, I use two different methods: The .xinitrc file in /home/dan works fine under: "Add your own lines here..." Startup Applications in Gnome | System works well as well. Here, I can enter nautilus /dir and nautilus starts up just fine in that directory. But as I mentioned, I have yet to find a way to direct the program to run in a different desktop other than #1.
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Sep 1, 2010
I'm new here, but certainly not new to Linux. Some of you may recognise my screen handle from other forum groups. Sadly my other communities seem to be dying and this one is going strong so here I am! I'm sure there's something I'm doing incorrectly, but here's my scenario:
I have a pair of shell scripts that launch SSH sessions with different forwarded ports, and use them multiple times each day. I'd like to drag the shell script directly onto the top Ubuntu Bar where shortcuts go and be able to use it. Or, even better, put all of my frequently used shell scripts in a "drawer". I know that I used to be able to make a shortcut, and set its path to "gnome-terminal -e file://" and the script would run in a new terminal window. When I try to do this, a terminal opens with an error dialog that reads "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal". Permissions?
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Dec 2, 2010
I run 10.10, netbook. Fine so far. I don't manage to call an application that I added manually, though. I have created a menu item, with all subdetails, a proper command, icon, everything. And I can see it in the menu editor, and it is there, even after a reboot. But: How to launch it?? It never shows up under applications, it doesn't show up in Searches, I can't type it in. It does work fine, though, when I open a terminal and add the proper command. It then also shows in the launcher list (left column). But it can't make it 'stick' there, the right-click option does not show in this case.
how to *start* an application that I have added to the menu? Why would a menu item never show as an available application?
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Apr 5, 2011
I installed Crossover Office Pro (full release) which I used on previous version of opensuse, but now it is installed on opensuse 11.4 64 bits. The installation is fine, but the problems begin when I try to launch the application to install windows software.
I get this output:
alienware:/opt/cxoffice/bin # ./cxinstaller
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./cxinstaller", line 85, in <module>
import gtk
ImportError: No module named gtk
It has something to do with python I guess but I tried about every possible solution I could find on the internet but nothing works. Any idea's how to fix this error? I tried all option, but no luck so far.
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Feb 28, 2010
I'm trying to launch CoverGloobus (a fantastic little album art and current song display) and Rhythmbox simultaneously through a BASH script. Problem is that when I attempt to run the script the first time, CoverGloobus doesn't launch, but Rhythmbox does. Here's my script as it is right now:
#! /bin/bash
#Opens Rhythmbox and CoverGloobus
rhythmbox && covergloobus
I've double-checked the commands in gnome-terminal, and they're the right ones for launching the applications. Here's where it gets odd, though. The second time I run the script, CoverGloobus and Rhythmbox launch simultaneously. I've reproduced this scenario multiple times.
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Aug 24, 2010
I have a laptop running Ubuntu hooked up to a TV via a VGA to S-Video converter with the VGA-out through an external monitor, and I am trying to find a way to set vlc or mplayer to open fullscreen in the external monitor by default. Eventually I want to be able to hit enter on a video file and have it play on the TV without any dragging to the external monitor. I have googled around a bit, checked the monitor settings options, and looked through the media player options but so far can't find anything.
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Sep 8, 2010
How to launch a graphical application using gnome-schedule ? I got some tutorials about cron after googling . But I couldn't understand the stuff about Screen number As an example, please tell what should be typed in "Task:" to launch say, nautilus
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Nov 7, 2010
When I try to launch it from the System Tools sub folder, I see it appear for a second and then it disappears. What should I do? This is the code displayed when I try running it from the Terminal.
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May 1, 2011
I am using ubuntu 10.04 LTS version. can i know how to get application menu toolbar in the mentioned ubuntu version.
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Mar 17, 2011
I recently installed kinternet from a repository and when I enter Menu -> Applications -> Internet, there is no kinternet application.
I need this, to display the icon in the tray bar, so I can see if Internet is connected or not, and if it isn't I connect clicking on the icon.
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Aug 20, 2011
I just installed Natty, its ok so far. How can I keep applications from launching full screen? I know if I resize the window below 75% or some thing like that it does not start full screen however I need the window to launch at like 85% and not full screen. This is the most frustrating thing I don't know what Canonical was thinking. I put it in if you have to however make it easy to undo..
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May 2, 2011
I have this message in the syslog from squeeze:
May 2 21:18:19 squeeze x-session-manager[1732]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'user-dirs-update-gtk.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update" (No such file or directory)
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