General :: How To Send Self An Email Reminder Using Crontab?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to learn how to send my self an email reminder using crontab, this is what I tried but I'm not getting the email.# m h dom mon dow command 33 13 * * 3 mail -s "This is a test" < /home/joe/email.

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Ubuntu :: Automated Visual Reminder Using At / Crontab?

Feb 4, 2011

any way to set up an at or cronjob that will give some sort of notification that's readily apparent while using GNOME? I've tried a number of things including setting up a job that would run "gksu gedit" just to lock up the screen and remind me.

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General :: Command Based Email Client To Send Email Through Secure Smtp?

Jul 26, 2010

In my Windows environment, I use email client such as Microsoft Outlook to connect to our email server to send email with the following configuration:

Incoming server (POP3): 995 - (requires with SSL)
Outgoing server (SMTP): 465 - (use encrypted connection SSL)


And the mail server requires user ID login and do I setup a text command based email client in my Linux (Centos 5.1) to send out email through the existing email server above, which is in another machine? The email client has to be text command based because I need to use command line to send notification email from anothar application installed in my Linux (Centos 5.1) Since the email client will only be used to send email notification, I don't require setting up of an email server in my linux.

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Ubuntu :: Can Drag Email To Some Reminder In Thunderbird?

Aug 24, 2010

I am using thunderbird in ubuntu 10.04, and i am looking for a feature which i can drag an email to some sort of reminder, say: after 5 days, it pops up and asks me to follow up on that email.

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General :: Crontab To Email When Buffers/cache Memory Reached A Defined Value

Jun 18, 2010

I have a Linux server running CentOS with 2GB RAM. I am searching in google and also in this forum but could not find any luck yet. I am searching the way that we can receive notification by system to a specified email when the memory reached a specified value we defined.

Is there any tool or sort of shell script we set via crontab every minute to check that?

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General :: Crontab Not Working \ Edited Crontab File Using Crontab -e?

Apr 27, 2010

I am using Linux 64 bit Redhat Linux. I am trying to setup simple crontab as follow...1. Edited crontab file using crontab -e2. Listed the file once to verify it using crontab -l. This will display as.. 18 5 * * 2-3 ksh $HOME/ > $HOME/testscript.out3. Logged in a root and restarted cron deamon using "/etc/init.d/crond restart"As per my understanding now my testScript should start running at 5:18 am Thuesday

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Server :: Allow Unsubscribed Email Address To Send Email To Mailman List?

Jul 1, 2010

is there a way to allow unsubscribed email address to send emails to mailman list without having to manually set a filter for that email address?

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Software :: Apache Virtual Host Send Email Without Email Server?

Jun 3, 2009

Debian 5, apache 2.2 I've got Apache up and hosting multiple sites. Each site will have a php contact me page that will simply dump an email to a fixed address. What program should i be using to accomplish this? I've used nullmailer before but that assumes you have a fixed smarthost somewhere which I don't.

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OpenSUSE :: Sending Email Using PHP / Application Fails To Send An Email?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm attempting to send email used a textbook PHP application. The application fails to send an email.Do I need to setup an email server to get the ap to work?Right now, I'm getting email through Kontact via my web host, Yahoo mail and Google mail.

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General :: Cannot Send Email Via Mutt?

Mar 24, 2010

I use CentOS 5.3 and I am trying to send a simple email through mutt.My command is:echo "test" | mutt -s "test email" myemail addressI have no errors displayed but the email never goes out of the machine. Also the /var/log/maillog is empty.I can see the queued email with:sendmail -bpSo emails never go out.This PC is connected to a network which the gateway is another Linux machine which is configured to be the default gateway in my /etc/resolv.conf as nameserver.

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General :: How To Send Email From /usr/bin/mail

Jan 15, 2011

I use gmail for all of my emailing needs but stumbled upon linux counter at Now I registered on the site and downloaded the machine-update script from the site. So I ran it and it collected the required data. But when I run ./machine-update -m as they have told, I guess no mail gets sent as I have to configure the mail program. How do I configure it so that it sends mail from my gmail address using stmp?

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General :: Send All Email Remain?

May 29, 2010

how do i send out all email remain in linux to gmail?OS: CentOS 5

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General :: Configure For Email To Send?

Apr 18, 2011

how to configure linux for email to send andplz alos guide me what will be the command for
sending? am using oracle linux version 5.5.19 enterprise edition.

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General :: PHP Script To Send Email In OS?

Apr 16, 2010

I want a php example script to send email in linux.I know that it could be done using mail() function but i dont know how to use it.

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General :: Send Email Using Postfix

Jul 24, 2010

Currently i'm figuring out how to send email notifications to users when services went down in Nagios. I know i need to install and configure Postfix, which i did already. I assume that when i configured to point it to "Satellite mail system" is the correct one instead of other things like "Internet.." etc. So the configurations is when you have installed the Postfix and there would pop a lot of questions right? Other than that, what have i missed?

Oh ya, i remember something. Hmm. I do not have any so-called real smtp server so would that be alright? I heard that installed and getting the Postfix running would be enough as it serves as a MTA (mail transfer agent). So if i do not have any smtp server, the relay host= ' ' what should i put it as?

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General :: Keep Getting Messages Saying An Email Send Has Failed

Oct 11, 2009

I keep getting emails from my 404 error handling system on my CMS saying " cannot be found" with no referer. It would appear that someone is trying to use my server to relay spam to Taiwan. How do I check that my server has the right security to stop this happening?

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General :: Send An Email Using Evolution On Trisquel?

May 24, 2011

I have installed Trisquel from a magazine DVD. It has trashed my windows despite me selecting the install along side windows option. So onwards and upwards with Linux.

I am trying to get Evolution mail working with limited success. I can receive email but cannot send it. The request to connect to the smtp server times out. SMTP details are below :-

server type : smtp
ssl encryption

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General :: Send Email From Command Line?

Mar 2, 2011

I'm looking for an easy way to send basic emails for the command line. I have tried configuring sendmail and mailx, but I have yet been able to receive a test email at my remote address. I have read through a fair amount of "how to" on this but I am a little confused and obviously not doing something right. My file is as follows

VERSIONID(`$Id:,v 8.1 1999/09/24 22:48:05 gshapiro Exp $')

When I try to send a test mail via


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General :: Send Email About Status Of Cron Job Completion

Jun 29, 2011

I have some scripts that do usual stuff like backing up MySql database, gz, tar some files and put them on FTP or sync with some other backup/mirror system. Some scripts are running quite frequently (like twice/thrice per hour). I am sending email with attached log output from commands after completion of job. It is quite a lot of email to keep track of.I want to send email only when script fails to do something, that is when some command in script fails. How can I accomplish this?

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General :: Send Email To A List Of People At A Certain Interval?

Jan 16, 2010

I want to send email to a list of people at a certain interval without getting them detected as spam.

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General :: Send Internal Email Using The Mail Command?

Jun 3, 2009

Send an E-mail to your local account. Try two different ways to send and read it. How can you check that it really arrived? I decided to try using the 'mail' and 'pine' commands. So:

1) Using the root account, intending to send an e-mail to myself (root):


# mail -s "Hello root!" root
Simple form of sending e-mails internally.
^D (this keystroke is to finish the e-mail)

2) Using 'pine', another e-mail client: The mail is composed correctly, with 'To:' field set to:



which is my hostname, as my box runs in a VMWare Slack 12.2 image. In both cases, nothing was received in my mailbox (by typing #mail)... Additionally I don't see any new e-mails when I look at the file '/var/spool/mail/root'. Do I need extra information configuring my mail client/server/service?

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 Evolution Cant Recieve Or Send Email?

Mar 12, 2011

i ve talked to my isp provider and they made sure that all of the fields are set up correctly in evolution mail i can access internet through fire fox update manager works fine But there is a question reguarding my network settings i am useing a wired connection throught eth0 but my isp service provider needs a secured login and i cant insert a password or login in there respective places in the network setup

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General :: Send Email With Attachment By Postfix From Command-line?

Dec 11, 2010

I've just setup a new Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server on linode for myself. Followed an excellent instruction at: here to finish the installation of some basic stuff including postfix.

I am trying to figure out a way to send an email to my gmail address with an attachment, but cannot find how. Already confirmed that email can reach my gmail account.

In the end I have to use mutt to send the email with attachments, probably SendEmails will also do well, but I am wondering how to do the same thing in postfix from command-line?

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General :: Send An Email From Root Console Using A Non Created USER?

Dec 29, 2010

I scan a document with root pressing the scanner button. I would like to send an email using my gmail account. OK. nothing difficult with that... mbsmtp + mutt for sending trhough the sh script.

1-root is to be avoided at max to do some internet duties, due to security. Apt-get is good, but ok surfing or email sending shall be avoided for higher security.

2- sudo or su running mutt through this way, ok, using an existing user. OK, possible and simple, but not comfortable since you have to use an account of an user existing (create a new user for scanner and email?? - no, come on, we have linux and can maybe find a solution)

how to send an Email from root console using an non created USER?

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General :: Making Multi Tape Backup Wish To Send Email

May 27, 2011

I have s script that standard users use to back up usb drives to lto4 asks for a JobNumber and sends an email upon success.I recently expanded it to use Multiple specific Q is if the system reaches the end of the tape it happily mentions in the terminal that one needs to put in a second tape.what i would like to do is send an email that --It needs a second tape.( it presently sends an email upon successful compleation - so you see the only way a person knows that they need a second tape is if they

1-- know that the drive they are backing up is < 800GB (lto4)
2-- they do not get a completion emails and the think to walk to the basement and see the request for a second tape.
I wish for an email that would tap them on the shoulder that : " you need to put in a second tape "so -- if i know the exact syntax that shows in the terminal - which is:Prepare volume #2 for `/dev/st0' and hit return:then can i test for that somehow?

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General :: Send Mail To Email Account Even After Installing Postfix?

Jan 12, 2010

I've been trying to send mail to email account even after installing postfix but am not able to do so.My distro is Centos 5.4. I followed the Centos user guide to install and configure postfix into the server,

but still didn't receive any email.

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General :: How To Send Colored Output Of Shell Script As Email

Feb 24, 2011

Regarding this task, I am able to print colored output in my putty sessions using tput or ASCI codes but whenever I tried to send that output through mail command to my outlook maillox, It always goes without colored. I need to produce those coloured output of the scripts as it is in mail.

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General :: Mutt Didn't Send Email Via .sh File After Reboot?

May 14, 2010

I restarted a server yesterday for the first time in 2 years, but a shell script that send out an email every night via a mutt command line didn't work last night.

I don't know anything about mutt. do i have to start something in order for it to be able to work? is there a log i can look at to see what did or didn't happen making it not work?

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General :: Send Automatic Email For Users When Files Added In Ftp Directory?

Oct 23, 2009

if it is possible to send automatic email for users when files added in ftp directory in linux

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General :: Bash Script To Continuously Ping Server And Send Email

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to write a script that will continuously ping a server and then send out an email when the server is down, and then when it is back up. Then, continuing with monitoring. I would like to not run this in cron, because I don't want to script to run with multiple instances.

For example,
Ping a server every minute.
-If successful, do nothing.
-If failed to ping, then send out email stating that server is down.
-Once ping is successful, then send out email stating that server is up.

I only want it to send an email once after a failure, so the end user isn't get an email every minute that it fails. Once it is successful, then send the email (one time), stating that the server is up. Then, continue to ping and if fails again, repeat the process.

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