General :: How To Boot Flash Drive Via Floppy?

Apr 25, 2010

I have problem with my laptop Samsung VM7000. The BIOS has a password on which I don't know. It has no HDD and the CD-ROM is damaged. I have a FDD floppy drive and two USB slots, they work (tested). To remove password I tried this but it didn't work.Then I've found a Linux based password cracker but, since my cd drive is dead, I can't launch it. I can write it on a flashdrive, but my laptop is not booting from flash, so I have to make a floppy-boot-disc to boot flash via floppy, but how?

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Hardware :: Write A Floppy Boot Image To Floppy Drive (as Root)?

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to write a floppy boot image to my floppy drive (as root):

dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0
dd: opening `/dev/fd0': Read-only file system


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General :: Bios Flash Boot Floppy

Apr 4, 2011

I am trying to flash my bios but they only supply an exe or a floppy image. obviosly I am not running windows to run the exe and I dont have a floppy drive. So I have been trying to copy the floppy image to a cd with little success.Size of boot image is 2884 sectors -> genisoimage: Error - boot image 'F1B.IMG' has not an allowable size.The way I understand it thats 4 sectors over the 1.44Mb floppy size? Is there a way I continue anyway? Seeing that I will be putting it on a cd I cant see that the size is going to matter

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General :: Make A USB Floppy On Another Drive And Use That To Boot The Normal USB Drive?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a USB drive on which I want to install Arch Linux (using the installer, not unetbootin or something similar, as I want the drive to be persistent.) The computer from which I want to boot this USB supports booting from a USB floppy, not a normal drive. Is there any way for me to make a USB floppy on another drive and use that to boot the normal USB drive?

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General :: Can Boot RHEL 5.3 From Floppy Drive?

Jan 14, 2010

I've installed RHEL 5.3 on a Dell Desktop. I don't want to install GRUB to the MBR. Is there a way to boot up RHEL from a floppy?I've installed GRUB on to a floppy but not having much luck starting up RHEL. In the past Slackware has allowed me to startup the kernel from a floppy using LILO. I was hoping that there is way for RHEL too.

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General :: Cannot Mount Floppy Drive While Creating Driver Floppy

Sep 23, 2009

I am having a Promise TX4650 RAID controller & trying to create a driver floppy for installing the drivers. Also am using RHEL 5, I can create the driver floppy, but when I type "mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy" I get error: "mount: mount point /media/floppy does not exist".Can I get the files in a format other than the ext2 floppy image, so that we do not need to use a floppy drive?There is a readme file inside the driver archive & you can use that as a reference.

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Fedora :: F12 & Internal Floppy Drive - Floppy Formatting No Longer Works?

Dec 13, 2009

Is there something weird about the FLOPPY DRIVE on F12? Nothing associated with it works & I can't get an icon for it. Also the FLOPPY FORMATTER no longer works. (mine is an internal drive)- I had some really miner quirks with it in 10 but it worked. I had some workaround launchers that I used until an upgrade semi-fixed it. (It would give a false error that it couldn't run but did. I just ignored it.)

I tried to edit FSTAB to cure a problem of my BACKUP drive showing up twice*** so while I was in there I added the stuff for the floppy & it still doesn't work. If I try to mount it manually, I get the error that /dev/fd0 doesn't exist.I tried to find some info on it & it SEEMS that there MAY be a bug but I'm not sure as the info is a bit confusing as to just what version & such they are talking about. And there was also the problem that all the stuff seemed to be OLD or not related to my problem.I why I quite hacking at my system, is that all my workaround launchers & the formatter say that there are GNOME things missing & they can't run. So I figure that there is something missing or screwy already & that I'd better ask BEFORE I make things worse or actually break something.With the fact that floppies are about gone, it's getting to be not that big of a deal but I still find myself having to use them for repair purposes (albeit, not as much) & it gets to be a bit of a pain to fire up M$ just to do something like this.

*** It appears that the one in FSTAB was the one I needed, so where would the OTHER one be so I can get rid of it? Or at least make it auto mount.

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Fedora :: Using Floppy To Boot USB Drive?

Oct 2, 2009

I was wondering if anyone has a floppy image, or something similar that can help me boot my USB.My plan is to have Fedora LiveUSB on my USB... and whenever I need to help someone, or have to use a computer, I can easily pop in my usb, and run Fedora. One problem I've had is that some of my friends have older pcs, and also some of the computers at college are older.I heard that it is possible to force a usb to boot on a motherboard that doesn't support usb boot. I think it has something to do with installing grub on the floppy, and somehow making it install or run usb drivers. (Not entirely sure)One alternative to this that I came up with was to use one of those business card CD's, but apparently the size is too small(at least in the one's I've seen). Not only that, but I can't find them anywhere.

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Hardware :: Cant Open A Floppy Disk On Floppy Drive

Jun 7, 2009

error message:Unable to scan Floppy Drive for media changes Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

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Fedora Installation :: Insallation Of F12 / Using Floppy Drive To Boot

Dec 22, 2009

I know that several people have answered this type of question before, but I can't seem to find the information I need to get it working for me. According to my research what I want to do cannot be done. However, i'm sure there must be a way.This is my scenario - I will try to be as accurate as I can be to make it easier for poeple to help. I have a Sony Vaio PCG-141C laptop, the half sized old ones. It has a usb floppy drive that I can boot from. I have also got a usb cd-rom drive but the laptop simply will not boot from it! I have got the F12 cd images downloaded and on a usb hard drive.

I want to boot from a floppy disc, to load F12 from the cd images stored on the usb hard drive. Now with Redhat 9 you could use a floppy drive to do just this. However, F12, does not support it.

Is there a work-around that I could try. I have already tried Smart Boot Manager, but it won't detect the usb cd-rom drive. I have Redhat 9 installed on the laptop, and can mount the usb hard drive from terminal. Could I start the install process from here with the images stored on the external drive??Is there anything I can do, or am I doomed to never get past this.

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General :: Boot From A USB Flash Drive With MBP?

Jun 25, 2010

I have been playing around with a Ubunto 10.04 live cd (32bit) on my mac. I want to be able to boot this OS (or similar) on my Mac, and on any other computer (PC or Mac). I also want it to remember changes and files. From looking around this is possible from a USB (with a Casper RW loop file I think). I have used the Live CD to create a bootable flash drive, which works on PC's but not my mac. Using these instructions: [URL] I was able to get my Mac to see the Linux at boot but once I clicked the Tux icon it would hang/ freeze. I let it sit for 10+ min and nothing happened. I started over (with a fresh formatting) and got the same results. I have reformatted the flash drive and am ready to try over. I think that I am goofing up in terminal steps as I am not use to doing that. After the last step in the terminal I get an error, something like invalid number or similar, it is not the one mentioned in the instructions.

I know that this for advanced users, I am not yet but working that way. I an a (retired) power windows user, moderate Mac user and a new Linux user. I want to learn which is why I am asking. I am not in a spot to install Linux directly on my Mac, so I I am seeking help to do it on a flash drive. I want the ability to run off any computer and I see this as I way to get there.

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General :: USB Flash Drive Boot?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a 2GB usb flash drive and I wanted to boot a linux distro from it. My dilemma is that I'm having a hard time balancing size with quality.I've been going the virtual route so far in my linux studies but the variety with hardware is so limited. If I had a bigger flash drive it wouldn't be a concern but I need to make do with what I have.So what's a good learning distro that has good features but can be installed onto a 2GB flash drive? I'm sure there is more than one but I'd like to get some different input from more seasoned users.

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General :: Using Flash Drive As Editable HD Not Just Boot Disk?

Sep 17, 2010

I recently acquired (another) older laptop in need of a hard drive. Lower capacity IDE laptop drives are getting hard to come by from reliable sellers. I'd like to rewire a USB port, and run it into the hard drive slot, running the system off a flash drive rather than a hard drive. I'm running in to the problem I can't find any way to set it up. The system does not support any BIOS options for messing with USB drives. Why it CAN boot off one is beyond be, it's not in the temp boot menu, but when I leave it in, it boots off USB by default. I tried loading Ubuntu, and I have tried copying the files off of a setup hard drive to the flash drive, but I have yet to be successful. Is it even possible to run a linux off a flash drive so I can keep a desktop environment, rather than having it reset to the default ISO state every time I reboot?

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General :: Ubuntu On USB-Flash-Drive Doesn't Boot

Jul 30, 2010

I am new to Linux, but after installing Ubuntu 10.4LTS I am wrapped. To be able to use Ubuntu everywhere, I installed Ubuntu 10.4LTS on an
8GB USB-Flashdrive using "Startup-disk Creator". When I restart the PC with USB-Flashdrive plugged in, the PC starts to load from the Flashdrive. It goes only to the Purple Screen with the Dots that change Red/White and than nothing else happens.

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General :: Access Floppy Drive From Puppy?

Dec 29, 2010

How do I access my floppy drive from Puppy Linux?

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General :: Error Mounting Usb Floppy Drive?

Aug 24, 2010

I'm running the Fedora fc8 (werewolf) and I just bought an external floppy drive from ebay, which I have problem mounting. I've edited the fstab with the following:


/dev/floppy-sdb /media/floppy vfat rw,user,noauto 0 0

After inserting the drive into a usb port and run dmesg because the drive is not mounted all, I've the following added to the message log:


usb 5-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2
usb 5-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=0644, idProduct=0000
usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
usb 5-1: Product: TEACV3.0

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General :: How To Access Floppy Drive From Dsl Live?

Dec 10, 2010

How do you access a floppy drive from linux dsl live?

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General :: Getting On A X86 Compaq N600c With Only A Floppy Drive?

Feb 7, 2011

Does anyone have any thoughts on getting linux on a x86 Compaq N600c with only a floppy drive, and the USB and PXE options are out of queastion (already tried with Win XP), only option I figure I have is to find a downloadable version that will install from current OS (Win 98se, freeware Service Pack 2.0 patch), but does such a thing exist, and if so where can i find it, (must be GUI). For those of you scratching your head as to how i intend on getting the download to it since i don't have internet. infrared import from another computer that is my gf's and will kill me if i get any linux software on her comp.

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General :: Tried To Install Mint To Flash Drive / Can't Boot From Main Hard Disk

Jan 15, 2011

I wanted to install a Linux distro to a flash drive so that I can have a portable OS with all my settings, programs, etc. wherever I go. So I fired up a Linux Mint Live CD and installed Mint to the flash drive, and this seems to work OK. But now, whenever I try to boot up my system normally without the flash drive plugged in, it doesn't seem to work. It basically hangs for a bit, and then I get the following prompt:

However, when I try powering my system up when the USB is plugged into the computer, it gives me an option between using the OS installed on my USB and the OS installed on my HD. Selecting the latter, everything loads up just fine. I'm guessing that installing Mint to the flash drive somehow messed with my native Grub installation.

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General :: Open 3-1/2 Floppy Drive To Copy Files?

Nov 6, 2010

My system has a 3-1/2 floppy drive. I do not know how to open it to copy files to a CD. My system knows itis there since booting with a data floppy gives a non system disk error. nce in Ubuntu, the floppy drive does not appear in "places computer".ince I am completely new to this system, I do not know how to proceed

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General :: Difference Between Vfloppy And Virtual Floppy Disk Drive?

May 25, 2010

What is the difference between vfloppy and virtual floppy disk drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Forced To Use Flash Drive As Boot Drive

Jun 11, 2011

Back in Febuary, my wife bought a Toshiba Satilite from Wal-Mart and a few days ago the hard drive got toasted. So now I'm using an 8gig usb drive as the boot drive. I also have 2 other flash drives for downloads and such but overall I am very pleased.

I'm running 11.04 32 bit and was wandering if 64 bit made a difference. I've got 4 gigs of ddr3. It's slow to boot, but once it's running, it's faster then Windows 7. Very nice.

Is there anything I should chage, use, since I'm running it off a flash drive??

I have 3 seperat drives, 2 x 16 gigs and an 8 gig, and was wandering which one would be best for booting off of? What do I look for??

Here's what I got:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS880 Host Bridge
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Toshiba America Info Systems Device 9602
00:06.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 2)


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General :: GRUB-2 Bootloader Fails To Load For Lack Of Floppy Drive?

Jul 21, 2010

2010.07.21 while trying to install Ubuntu 10.4 I've been trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my Dell workstation and am unable to get the Grub-2 bootloader to load properly. It seems to be failing for lack of a floppy drive on the system resulting in an error message that reads : error: fd0 cannot get C/H/S values.

I've gone through the Grub-2 page at [URL].. to no avail and other sources having similar problems have likewise turned up no solutions. here's the background: A while back I was trying to install a different version of Linux and had the same problems, then had to set the project aside for a bit. I don't think this has anything to do with Linux or Ubuntu per se, but rather Grub.

The system is an old (4-5 years) Dell workstation that has one drive (128 GB) set up for Windows XP and a second new drive (500GB) which I installed for Linux. There is a DVD/CD drive and the system contains no floppy drive at all. In one attempt to get this working I tried modifying the BIOS to indicate there was a floppy drive - this created a failure earlier in the chain with the BIOS failing to load properly, not unexpected, just a shot in the dark at that point.

At the moment I am considering just running out to buy and install a cheap floppy drive to see if that helps. I'll never use the thing though so I'd rather find a solution that doesn't require me to spend money on useless hardware. In any case, here's the /boot/grub/grub.cfg contents:

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###


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General :: How To Boot USB Via Floppy?

Mar 12, 2011

I have several (small) bootable linux distros on USB sticks, and I would like to use them on several computers, some of which do not have USB boot support. Many of these also do not have a CD drive.In order to get around this problem I would like to create a bootable floppy disk that can load the system from the USB stick (similar to I have found quite a few floppy images on the internet (like the one above), but I haven't yet got one that works and boots the USB sticks that I have (i.e. one that can boot Tiny Core).Is this actually possible (it seems to be, but I haven't got it to work yet) and does anyone know how I can do it?

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General :: Boot Any Usb Distro From Floppy

Mar 22, 2011

I have an old laptop I'd like to try Bodhi linux on from a usb stick. I've got it installed running on a newer laptop so I know the usb install works. I've searched considerably & haven't found the dummy version of how to boot any distro on usb from a floppy. I have used a DSL floppy to boot Damn small on usb. Is there an easy way to boot Bodhi or any other linux distro that is on usb using the same floppy? I type dsl fromusb to get damnsmall to run. Bodhi fromusb doesn't work.

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General :: Doesnt Recognise My Floppy Drive - Cant Install My Printer A Samsung ML4500 Laser

Dec 24, 2010

I have recently installed linux 'uberstudent'and find it doesnt recognise my floppy drive but more importantly I cant install my printer a samsung ML4500 laser. There are readme files (reproduced below) but I just dont know enough about the system to know what to do with them " does it mean anything to anyone ? I am a bit reluctant to experiment with terminal incase I mess up the entire system ! also could their be a connection between this and the floppy not working ?

1.AUTORUN will not run

2.clicking cdsetup.exe and selecting 'open with archive manager' results in : 'an error occured while loading the archive'

3.clicking cdsetup.exe and selecting 'open with wine windows programe loader' results in 'samsung printer setup window'etc, and it appears to load normally until 'PROGRAM ERROR 'DAC1.EXE encountered problems and has to be closed.

4. Inside the linux folder are three file's, copied and shown below

The first file is entitled :

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General :: How To Write Boot Program Into Floppy Image?

Sep 29, 2010

OS: Windows XP
Virtual Machine: Bochs-2.4.5

I want to learn some details about linux booting, so I begin writing a small boot program myself. Yesterday, I was writing a small boot program and planned to use it boot a Bochs virtual machine. The boot program is written in assembly language and compiled with nasm.I use bxiamge.exe in Bochs and create an floppy image called boot.img and configure the Bochs virtual host to boot from this floppy image. My question is how to write the compiled boot.bin program into the floppy image(boot.img)?

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General :: Boot Debian Install Disk From Floppy?

May 4, 2010

I scored a Dell poweredge 6300 from a local pawn shop. It has the capability to boot from cd-rom, but apparently not with isolinux, which is what the debian installer cd uses. I was able to boot to UBCD411 (Ultimate Boot CD, which uses syslinux), but didn't see any option to boot to a CD (maybe I'm missing something here?). I tried using the boot floppy from this site. I didn't expect it to work (it's from the Woody era), and it did not. I got a message that says SYSLINUX ver.XXXX CBIOS boot failed. I went to [URL].. and looked for a boot floppy image for Lenny, but apparently it doesn't exist. I did however find the boot floppy image for Etch.

To be honest, even if I did find the Lenny floppy boot image, I'm not sure how to use it to point the system to the installer CD. So, I have two questions:

1) Does anyone know of a boot floppy image for Lenny, or if I could use the Etch boot floppy image?

2) How would one boot from floppy, then point the system to the installer CD?

System info:
(4) Xeon Pentium 2 processors 500 Mhz
(6) UltraSCSI hard drives
(1) SCSI cd-rom drive
(1) SCSI dvd-rom drive
(1) Floppy drive
(1) 10/100 NIC

I'm open to any other suggestions as to how I could install Debian Lenny on this machine.

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General :: Distro With Diskettes For Floppy Boot Setup That Supports USB

Mar 15, 2011

Situation- Laptop (2003 made Toshiba 2410) with dead secondary controller, so no CDDVD drive, BIOS does not support any form of booting from USB. Laptop has working floppy (had to repair it) distros that are good for older units like that that also support booting from diskettes, and then can mount and install from a USB CDDVD rom drive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Mount CD Floppy Or USB Flash Disk

Jul 22, 2010

The system is 11.1 32 bit and used to work ok

All the drives function and mount normally under Parted Magic.

Sometimes a cd will mount after 15 mins or so but if it is ejected it will not remount. after that event the dmesg output is 3 times as long. As it is 35K chrs long it is too long to post!

I have changed hardware and cables with no effect.

I have run the repair option on the install disk. I get a cannot find floppy error

It also reports cups, hal, ntp & postfix as errors but if I select repair it still returns the same next time I run the repair routine.

It also says the bootloader is faulty if I select repair I go into an infinite loop so I exit with skip. Anyway the system boots ok and runs just fine apart from the cd/fdd/usb problem

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