General :: Browser Fonts Have Messed Up Anti Aliasing In Ubuntu 10.04 / Fix This?
Jun 30, 2010
After years of developing on Windows (.NET) I kept hearing about all these new kids on the block using Ruby and Python. Since I wanted to try them I thought it would be nice to check out Linux at the same time. I heard a lot about Ubuntu so I am running Ubuntu 10.04 with VMware.
Everything worked supprisingly well and I didn't have any big problems until I tried browsing some webpages with Ubuntu. It feels like I am browsing the web without my glasses or that I am back on my old CRT monitor.
Example 1
This is Windows Chrome vs Ubuntu Chrome. As you can see the Linux version is a little more blurry and the AA isn't that crisp. I did search Google a bit and found a lot of posts that said to edit the fonts.conf file but that doesn't seem to change anything. I also tried changing the rendering modes (Monochrome, Best shapes, Best contrast and Subpixel smoothing) but that didn't help either.
Since I might be doing some web development with Linux in the future it's fairly important to me that the fonts look the same as in Windows.
Example 2
I'm not sure that this example has anything to do with AA - it seems that the font is just smaller on Linux.
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Feb 23, 2010
I've got a Wine question.. I've searched around for this.. but have only found how to make wine fonts smoother with anti-aliasing.
But my problem is that Images, when they are resized in Wine applications they won't get resized smoothly, the images gets pixly and does not look good at all.. Good example of this is Spotify.
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Mar 1, 2010
I want to set my editor's font as Monaco-11, but it has no anti-aliasing effect. And when I set it to Monaco-12, anti-aliasing effect works. How can I make it also work for Monaco-11? I'm using Ubuntu 9.10
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Sep 9, 2010
Anti aliasing is off in the top windows. This is what I want everywhere. Firefox and the help application (lower windows) still anti-alias. I DO NOT want that. How do I turn the anti-aliasing COMPLETELY off. System->Preferences->Appearance->Fonts did not do it.
Code: sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig did not do it either.
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Oct 31, 2010
i have an ati 5770, and i can use my 3d effects (compiz) nicely, but..when i use them like desktop cube or wall and it zooms out to an actualy 3d perspective, no anti aliasing is kicked in?
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Jul 17, 2010
I want to make an 8-bit looking image that has very large pixels. My solution was to make a 50x50 image, zoom in, draw it with the 1x1 pixel pencil tool, and then scale it to whatever size i want.Everything went well except, when i try to scale it the anti-aliasing kicks in and blurs everything. Is there a way that i can disable anti-aliasing?
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Jul 27, 2010
Using the open source radeon driver with composite desktop and it seems to work really well.
Is there anyway to enable anti-aliasing with the open driver?
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Jul 2, 2010
I have a pc in my office. This pc got a Asus mother board. There is a strange issue with graphics on that pc. Anything which I draw using GIMP or Inkscape is not smooth. If I open that file on other system and just save that with different name, it become smooth. Earlier I thought its something related to graphic card. So I purchased a new graphic card (nVidia) but still problem is same. I also tried different OS (including Windows XP as system is on dual boot mode) but no luck. I have attached 2 files. One is saved on that PC and another is from the same file, but I opened that file on second pc and saved that again.
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Jul 7, 2011
For example, if I fill in a circle with black (using the ellipse tool), then fill the surrounding with another color (a dark color) there will be a nearly white outline of the circle. I don't want there to be an outline. The whole canvas should be ALL black.
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Feb 5, 2011
I am currently running Linux Mint Debian Edition (based on Debian Testing). I have installed an ATI Radeon 4850 w/ 1GB RAM. I am using FGLRX, and Catalyst Control Center seems to be working. However, even though I have selected "Override Application Settings" in CCC, I get no AA whether it be during gaming (Urban Terror) or in Compiz (3D Cube).
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Sep 14, 2010
I'm trying to upgrade a headless terminal server like box from Etch to Lenny. Users log in to this box using a GoGlobal client and use applications such as OpenOffice and Iceweasel. Because of the ended support for Etch we want to upgrade this machine to Debian Lenny as soon as possible and in order to save time we decided to dist-upgrade instead of installing a new machine. I've done this upgrade in a test environment and everything is working as expected except for OpenOffice, which seems broken after the upgrade:
The problem seems to be caused by the anti aliasing features of OpenOffice and disabling these features in the options panel (Extra -> Options -> View -> Screen font anti aliasing) fixes the UI somewhat:
However, as can be seen in the last screenshot, disabling anti aliasing makes the whole thing look terrible. I've searches the net for solutions such as this one but so far I've not been able to fix this. Is there anyone who can point me towards what has changed in the way fonts are rendered since Lenny and what might cause this breakage for OpenOffice? Other applications such as Iceweasel work perfectly and look better then before.
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Jan 25, 2011
I have this weird problem; When I change the monitor preferences in the 'System > Preferences > Monitors' dialog, the colors and fonts of much of the text on the screen get messed up. The issue is best seen in the attached figure. All applications seems to run as normal, and there is no other trouble than the visual.
It happens in the moment i hit apply. It happens every single time. The desired changes is applied as they should. To turn my PC back to normal I have to restart it, and then it will start again with the new settings without any problems at all.
The problem occurred for the first time yesterday. I think it may have to do with some updates (advised updates through Update Manager) I have done lately (I tend to mindlessly install most updates). Other than that I have no idea what is causing the problem.
Have anybody experienced a similar problem? Does anybody have a clue of what is causing it, and what I can do to solve the problem? PS: I am running Ubuntu 10.10 32bit on a 5 year old Dell Inspiron 630m.
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May 12, 2011
how important it is to setup a Firewall and install Anti Virus and Anti Malware software.
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Mar 24, 2011
After Buying a Router I have Internet connection to Ubuntu. I used to surf the net using Ubuntu when I was using my Mobile to Get Internet. But after Getting ADSL I switched to Windows because My Past Modem didn't work with Ubuntu. So I bought a router.
Now My Problem is Ubuntu fonts are Smaller and bit different in Web Browsers. I have both Firefox and Cromium in Ubuntu.
Now I want is to make Ubuntu Browser Fonts make similar to Windows 7 or Any Windows version.
I installed a Gnome Theme that Works like Windows 7 theme but it didn't change the Browser fonts so I removed it.
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Aug 10, 2011
Today I added more fonts to ~/.fonts directory. I launched Opera and the fonts are gone funny [image attached]. I don't have this problem in Firefox of Google Chrome/Chromium. I changed fonts in Opera >> Preferences but to no avail. Also I deleted .opera directory. No joy. The only solution I've found is to delete .fonts directory (but I want those fonts for other applications).
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May 24, 2010
After last updating I'm coming across some issues mainly about web browsing: I get different text fonts than usual (on Google search for example, but also on some web sites) and small fonts appear with a sort of halo... Moreover I get some difficulties in video streaming: after a while it stops with no apparent reason...
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Feb 16, 2009
Need info on installation procedure for Unicode fonts on RHEL 4? I want the unicode fonts to display the Marathi(Devnagri) pages in the screen. At present I am getting the unicode as square,square,etc.on my screen. I am using Firefox Version
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Apr 25, 2010
I want to setup a Linux Fedora based Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam Server on my LAN. I have more than 60 Windows users with Proxy Squid running on LAN. Our Email server is hosted on the Internet. Because of virus/spam generate problem, emails are worst affected & the users have a lot of problem on Email, as the outlook gives error. It happens when a PC generates Spam & our IP gets blocked by the ISP for some time. Thats why I want to setup an Anti VIRUS/SPAM Firewall on my LAN (before the Squid), so these spams do not go past the Internet Gateway.Hope u guys understand my problem & suggest some useful links, software & documentations.
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Apr 29, 2011
When I increase the font size from Konqueror settings the web browser fonts change but the file manager fonts stay the same. Is there another way of setting them?
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Jul 21, 2010
Would you have any recommendations for an anti-virus program for Linux? (Ubuntu 10.04)
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
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Sep 23, 2010
I'm looking for a bootable (livecd) cd that will perform an antivirus scan on a computer without needing an internet connection. It should have its latest virus signatures included so I can simply download and burn it. I've seen [URL].. suggested in various questions asked here, but that post is from 2008.
I tried:
Bitdefender rescue cd
Trinity rescue kit (TRK)
Panda SafeCD
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Oct 5, 2010
Advised on another forum to install XP pro then Linux on HD. Decided to try it. Not that savy with computers and have a mini-laptop in addition to desktop that was attacked. Virus
cause most programs to fail. Disc was nearly full (250GB) so I'm buying a refurbed Seagate (500GB) and need to learn to back up files onto flash drive or something. Lost a lot of photos and emails that were good reference material. Heard a lot about Linux so I'm going to give it a try.
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Apr 5, 2010
I've been looking for documentation on the "Ubuntu way" of configuring IP alias addresses, especially in Ubuntu Server (servers being where IP alias addresses would tend to be used). I cannot find any documentation. It seems NetworkManager also runs on the server, and has no means to do IP alias addresses. I shut it down because it interferes with manually configured aliases (takes them back out or sometimes worse). But I am just wondering why all this is. I've had to modify startup/init scripts to get the aliasing working. That's not a problem for me since I have worked in Unix at that level for so long. But I would think there would be some standard way for Ubuntu Server (or any other) to do this. I just can't seem to find it.
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Jan 13, 2010
My Ubuntu 9.10 is intalled on a partition on my computer HDD. The other partition OS is Windows XP. My Windows uses McAfee as the antiviral program. Granted that linux is at a much less risk for viruses, some still apparently can slide through on incoming emails from Windows computers.
1) Will my Windows partition McAfee protect the entire computer?
2) If not, suggestions for an anti-viral program?
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Jan 15, 2010
I just finished installing a bunch of truetype fonts. After installing them, firefox is displaying "bradybunch" font when I search google.
The font settings are all serif and sans serif in both the system fonts settings and firefox settings.
I am using ubuntu 9.10.
Any idea why this could be happening?
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Oct 14, 2010
I would like to use the Adobe Garamond Pro in my text doccument in open office writer. I got a text document where from a friend where it is used so I know that it can. But when I want to edit I cant find it in the fonts dropdown menu.
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Jul 3, 2011
I have a folder with over 1500 fonts, I would like to move them to my /usr/share/fonts folder so that they can be used. Some are from Windows, some are just random extras. I've installed the msttcorefonts, but there are quite a few missing that make some wen pages look different.
How can I go about putting the fonts from my folder, into the appropriate /usr/share/fonts folder to be used? And how can I move them all? I can't drag and drop them, and mv FONT_NAME /usr/share/fonts for all of them will take a month or two. Is there a way to elevate my self to be able to just drag and drop them all? And which folder would they need to go into for them to be used in Chrome and Firefox?
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Feb 23, 2010
I have just installed openSUSE 11.2 X86_64 on my laptop, I then used KDE to install lots of type 1 fonts for my printer. These get loaded to /usr/local/share/fonts/...These installed fonts are visible to KDE (KWRITE) and GIMP so I assume that the installation was O.K. When I start openOFFICE writer I do not see these fonts. The font selection appears to be the fonts located under /usr/share/fonts. I have not tried other ooo3 components. I assume that they are not going to see the fonts either.
I have searched google and it appears that /usr/local/share/fonts is the correct location for non-packaged fonts. Has anybody any idea what is wrong? I think I could move all the fonts to /usr/share/fonts and ooo3 would work but this seems to break the installation directory structure. I have considered symlinks but I don't like the idea of defining a font twice to Linux and creating the syslinks is more work than reinstalling the fonts if they are lost
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Apr 23, 2010
regarding the below error :
o-strict-aliasing -MD -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs miniglx.c -o miniglx.o
In file included from miniglx.c:9:
../../include/GL/glx.h:296: warning: function declaration isnt a prototype
miniglx.c:222: warning: no previous prototype for glXGetProcAddressARB cc -c -I. -I.. -I../../include -I/usr/include/directfb -D_REENTRANT -D_HAVE_FULL_GL=1 -march=i686 -O3 -fno-strict-aliasing -MD -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs miniglx_events.c -o miniglx_events.o
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Jan 25, 2010
I recently obtained a new computer from my brother, and after putting the old one away (which had Ubuntu on it), I began the search for my disk. I found it, and installed Ubuntu, but I did something in the partitions, as the Linux partition now has 3.3 GB of space, thus being full from the start. What I did was pick the option to manage the partitions manually, as I didn't want to use the whole HD (too many important things on Windows), and when I hit "use largest available space" and slide the slider on the partition bar (or didn't), it kept coming up with errors. So I edited the partitions manually. It's roughly a 120 GB HD, and I separated it into four partitions: one 50 GB one (with Windows on it), one 70 GB one, one 7 MB one for swap space, and then the root file system. I think what I did wrong was the 3 GB one; and now I'm guessing that the root filesystem was the partition Linux was installed on, which I had forgotten since my first install. Is there anything I can do short of reinstalling?
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