General :: BlackBerry Curve (Verizon) Sync With Rhythmbox?
Feb 12, 2010
It seems that I can see my BlackBerry Curve (Verizon) on Rhythm Box...but I can't (for the life of me) figure out how to sync the music on Rhythmbox to my BlackBerry...(see screenshot)
I have a .is_audio_player file in the root of the BlackBerry device as well...
[christian@fedora-laptop 7713-989E]$ pwd
[christian@fedora-laptop 7713-989E]$ ll -a
total 160K
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Jun 6, 2010
I was just curious to see if anyone could help me setting up my bb curve to be used as a modem for my laptop. Laptop is an acer aspire, the phone is bb curve 8330 n I'm running ubuntu 8.10
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Apr 7, 2010
how to use my blackberry curve as a modem for my laptop. My laptop is an acer aspire 5670 n I'm running 8.04 on it. Its a blackberry curve 8330 I want to use as a modem.
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Oct 3, 2009
syncing their blackberry with Fedora 11. I followed the how to but haven't had any luck.
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Jan 20, 2009
HOWTO: Sync Contacts between BlackBerry and Evolution on Fedora 10
1. Overview
Open source tools are available to sync a BlackBerry with Evolution but it appears these tools are not supported by Fedora 10. The main thing that seems to be missing is the Barry plugin for OpenSync. Maybe the reason that this package has not been created is that Barry requires OpenSync version 0.22, whereas F10 ships OpenSync version 0.36. This HOWTO explains how to build all of the required components from source code. If the required package becomes available, this HOWTO would then be redundant.
This entire build and installation is performed in the home directory of a non-root user to ensure that no system files are broken. Some of the commands in this HOWTO must be run as root, when this is the case it is stated explicitly and otherwise the commands in this document should be run under a non-root account. The username for the examples below is erik.
2. Be a Developer
When you install F10 you are prompted to specify the uses to which your computer will be put. Hopefully you selected software development, if not your machine will probably be missing many of the utilities required for this HOWTO.
3. Initialize Evolution
Open Evolution and click on all of the buttons at the left to ensure that the necessary databases are created.
4. Prepare The Environment
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Jan 24, 2010
I've got a Blackberry Bold and I'm trying to find a program to sync it with kontact, does one exist?
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Mar 16, 2011
I have a Blackberry Bold 9000 that I would like to be able to sync with Kmail. Once I do this, I can be rid of the last bit of Windows I own (Windows Vista) on my laptop. Also, will I still be able to perform Blackberry software updates as required from my Linux sync? Once I have this solved I can get rid of Windows, and put OpenSuse on my laptop too.
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Mar 1, 2010
I'm looking for a method to sync my calendars on my IMAP server with both my Thunderbird/Lightning any my Blackberry. I found "IMAP Calendar Proxy" here recently, but it has been inactive for 5 years. I've seen people suggesting the use of services like Plaxo and such, but I don't like the idea of a third party messing with my calendars and contacts. Also, I've had to remove several viruses from computers with Plaxo, and I'm not sure if it in itself is a virus or not..... It certainly is a thorn in my side as is. This is for my personal IMAP server, so I'd prefer a free solution even if it is more difficult to install than a paid version. I mainly need it to just sync my calendar to my Blackberry and Thunderbird and couldn't care less about the contacts.
I've been Googling for things for quite some time now, and haven't really found anything that says that it will work with Blackberry and Thunderbird. They really only give a sense of maybe with nothing really defined. I can put on an Ubuntu server to sync everything? I don't want to leave my computer on all the time, and RIM has yet to come out with something decent to sync Blackberries and Thunderbird properly as far as I know.
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Apr 27, 2010
I have ubuntu 9.10. I want to sync my ipod touch to ubuntu via rhyytm box as I heard ITunes 9 does not work even via wine. Or shall I wait ubuntu 10.04 LTS is out does that support it? I found this software for ubuntu for ipod and iphone called ifuse no idea how to get that going or anything.
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May 28, 2010
I'm trying to sync my iPhone (3G, 3.1.2) through Rhythmbox on my newly installed Lucid Lynx. While I can access and transfer music files to my iPhone, upon unmounting the iPhone doesn't update the library nor show the music. If I remount it in Rhythmbox, I can play the files from there. In my file manager I can access my iPhone, but I can't either see the iPod_Control directory nor find anything in Music or Playlists folders. BTW, on Karmic Koala I was able to update music on my iPhone, though it would not always update library.
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Aug 15, 2010
I'm new to ubuntu and I was a little concerned the jump over would be a little complicated. I was happy to see that almost everything on my external hd worked perfectly and rhythmbox plays all of the music files I have. I attempted to add music to my ipod (8gb iTouch specifically). It seemed that none of the music would come up on the iPod, even though rhythmbox showed that the files were on there. After a little time (and if I did something other than wait, I'm unaware) the files popped up on my iPod. Later in the week, I tried to add more music, with similar problems. I've removed and added the files several times and allowed the iPod to fully sync, but they still won't come up. I don't understand why it would work sometimes and not other times.
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Dec 6, 2010
I'm an ubuntu user since a year ago. It is the best thing I did no doubt. But, as always, there is some costs doing this. Specifically, My 3G Iphone can't sync correctly with rhythmbox. Though it says that is synchronized and in rhythmbox appears that indeed it is. But when I go to the 3G's play list do not appear anywhere. p.s. Currently I'm using Maverick.
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Dec 22, 2010
I'm literally banging my head against my computer desk now, because i'm really frustrated about Banshee Or Rhythembox not putting all my songs onto the ipod. I have 930 songs, and they only put 303 songs onto the Ipod. I manually put them in, and still wont work. This is really upsetting. It used to work so perfectly in 10.04, but it's not workin in 10.10.
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May 19, 2010
ive spent days figuring out how to sync my iphone 3gs firmware 3.1.3 in ubuntu 10.04. my laptop can detect my iphone, i can actually browse its folder. (i can see photos and music from my phone, i tried to paste some photos in a certain folder and went well, just in ONE folder).
i tried almost all instructions i can find on net, but nothing is working well. i even freshly installed my ubuntu, thinking that i did something wrong in my first attempt. still cant sync music and photos.
i transferred songs already to my phone using itunes in windows (on another laptop). they said that doing this can initialize my iphone, but it didnt work.
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Jun 15, 2010
I just got a Samsung U5, and although I could drag and drop, it's not as good as syncing. I've tried using both rhythmbox and banshee to sync my music from a playlist. It only happens when I set it to MTP, that both programs tend to crash. If I set it to MCS none of them will even detect the device, but will both work fine as music players. So far, rhythmbox just freezes and won't let me do anything with the device. Banshee only syncs half of the music files and comes up with this error.
LIBMTP_Send_Track_From_File_Descripto():subcall to LIBMTP_Send_FIle_From_File failed
I've tried several times and it'll only add a couple of more songs.
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Oct 27, 2010
I've recently switched back to Ubuntu and I eventually had to sync my new ipod. I've been getting this problem where every time I sync with either GTKpod or Rhythmbox my ipod music is acting weird. It shows new music that I've added but when i choose to play it skips to the next track that then skips to the next track, and so forth. Its as if my ipod is filled with songs that don't even last 0.0 seconds! But the songs completely play in Rhythmbox, so I don't think its a problem with the files themselves.
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Sep 19, 2011
I've discovered Firefox Sync a while ago, and it's absolutely awesome. Now of course I'd like most of my software to work this way! So is there a way to get the same behavior with Thunderbird?
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May 29, 2011
I just connected my BlackBerry to Linux via USB cable. How do I know which device in /dev it actually is?
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Nov 19, 2009
I want to connect my blackberry mobile phone to connect with my Sendmail / Dovecot service... Is it require some extra settings??
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Jun 2, 2011
I am looking to draw a curve for a given set of coordinates using java. For example;
I am aware that a straight line graph can be drawn for a given coordinates using Jfree, but I am not sure about drawing the curve. Any hints on what might be a good java class to use.
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Feb 26, 2010
i was wondering if it is possible too use the DD command to make an image file of my blackberry 8330?i need it of the onboard memory and not the external memory card.
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Jul 11, 2010
I am thinking about buildinga box to be a dvr, so I did a search on myth tv. Back in 2009 Waterhead advised a questioner that he needed to be prepared for a steep learning curve to install myth tv. I am a relative newbie, is this still the case, or have newer releases such as Mythbuntu made it easier?
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Dec 5, 2009
I've been seeing a bunch of issues with the /etc/resolv.conf not picking up the nameservers for 3g connections, and managed to fix that issue using tips found here.. the one thing I m having a problwm with is my 3G USB modem not picking up a default route/gateway. I can connect using KNetworkManager, get an IP and nameservers, but.
And to top it all off, I cannot figure out what the default gateway should be from verizon to just write a script out myself that'll do it automatically.
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Dec 14, 2008
Either Verizon has been hacked or they have installed something that should be a security concern.I have found that following Javascript "injected" into most webpages. I know it is added via a Verizon (wireless broadband) connection because a) it does not happen when I use Embarq DSL, and b) is happens to webpages that I have created (and I certainly did not add the Javascript!). So, here it is:
Well, that's my story. My concern is that I was able to view some private information (via a backend login) using the modified link, example: http://!! (this displayed private info!)I have since installed Privoxy to remove the offending Javascript before it gets actuated by my browser.
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Oct 24, 2010
I use jpilot on opensuse 11.3 64bit to sync pim data with my Palm Treo 680 via bluetooth. This worked fine until today. Now I get the following error message when I try to sync: Syncing on device bt: Press the HotSync button now dlp_ReadSysInfo error Exiting with status YNC_ERROR_PI_CONNECT Finished.
The last successfull sync was on the 20th October and today is the 24th October. I did not change any settings in jpilot or on my palm device. So I guess there must have been an update of opensuse which causes this error. But I do not now how to look up the updates during this period or how to undo them. Was there an update between the 20th and the 24th Oktober, which might affect either jpilot or bluetooth functionality?
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Sep 10, 2010
I've got Ubuntu One syncing a single 25MB folder on 4 computers. On one of these computers, the ubuntuone-syncdaemon process constantly pegs the CPU, using from 50-80% long after any sync-able files have been modified and successfully synced. The process is only using 8.9MB of RAM.
Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid)
Kernel 2.6.32-24-generic
1000.8 MB RAM
Pentium 4 2.53GHz
Free disk space: 280.9 GB
System monitor shows 56.8% total RAM usage, 15.4% swap file usage.
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Jul 9, 2011
Audio sync method. "Stretches/squeezes" the audio stream to match the timestamps, the parameter is the maximum samples per second by which the audio is changed. -async 1 is a special case where only the start of the audio stream is corrected without any later correction.Searching the net makes one believe that this command is just some sort of magic.People just put it in the line and it just works. Isn't that nice?
It says nothing about how to change the TIME the audio starts syncing. Like do I want it to start 5 seconds delayed? Or what about 5 seconds sooner?What if the audio gets more out of sync as the video goes on? Can I slip it a little at a time? What? No magic?No one mentions a file that already has badly synced audio.So what -async 1 really does is simply start the audio at the beginning of the file. LIKE AS IF THAT ISN'T STANDARD PROCEDURE?So what is the exact solution to syncing a messed up video? And why can't it just do the proper "timestamp" sync in the first place?No docs, no info and you are left out in the cold.
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May 18, 2011
I have tried every post on this site and Verizon's dealing with the UML290 Mobile Broadband USB Modem to get it configured with linux and have yet to have any luck in over a week of trying to get it to connect.
I am currently running OpenSuSE 11.4, all software has most recent available updates,
> uname -a
Code: #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-04-25 21:48:33 +0200 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
I have tried setting up the UML290 using NetworkManager (Broadband Connection), also tried YaST > modems along with Qinternet to connect with no luck. Have tried using and also and neither have worked. Used #777 as "Number" and used "vzw" and "VZW" as passwords, still nothing.
NetworkManager - tail -f /var/log/NetworkManager
May 18 13:27:16 mmartin NetworkManager[7360]: <info> Activation (ttyACM0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) scheduled...
May 18 13:27:16 mmartin NetworkManager[7360]: <info> Activation (ttyACM0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device Prepare) started...
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Dec 30, 2010
I wish Verizon had 4G in my area but not yet. I do get very good 3g speed considering I am coming off of satellite internet access(sucks 2sec latency). I did have the usb modem working from laptop running windows xp in 3g mode with no issues. I have Ubuntu 10.10.
Below is my wvdial.confroot@htpc:/etc# cat /etc/wvdial.conf:
I run "wvdial Verizon3G" and constantly get the below output except once when I did get:
I have trided to reproduce how I got it to work once but have had no luck. Does anyone see something I am missing?root@htpc:
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Feb 10, 2011
I have one of the new Verizon 4G VL600 usb aircards. I also have the UML290. I was able to get the UML290 working using wvdial, but I was not able to get the VL600 card working. I am trying to ditch windows, but unfortunately can't until I get this card working, because I had to give the working card to our support people.
This is a known issue, but I want to spur some more conversation regarding it.
Here are some of the diagnostics and output I have regarding the device:
So all in all it looks like the device is showing up as an ethernet controller and the system itself is setting it up as eth1 in my case.
The throughput on this thing in covered areas is 18Mbps at times, which is friggin fast as far as I'm concerned. I would love to have that on the move, but I have no idea what to do from here.
I'm using ubuntu 10.10 x32 dekstop, on a lenovo x201.
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