Fedora :: Yum Update On Broken Dependencies

Sep 20, 2010

A couple of weeks ago, I went to run a yum update, but got this message:

Loaded plugins:

I've been running yum with --skip-broken since, but I'd like to know what package I need to get to the service level that xulrunner and firefox need. I'm running Fedora 12.

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Fedora :: F13 - YUM Update Of Gcc Has Broken Dependencies

Oct 8, 2010

This has been bothering me for a while. I thought if I waited a dependency would get fixed and the update would work, but it hasn't for a while now. I have included the error when trying to update gcc and the libraries. Skip broken skips everything so no dice there.

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Ubuntu :: Packages Update Errors - Broken Dependencies

Mar 12, 2011

I have a computer with 128 ko of RAM (a very old one). I installed yesterday ubuntu 8 because ubuntu 9 requires 512 ko of RAM and was very slow. Now, I have problems to update packages and to install every thing. I changed the sources.list because it seems that links are no more available according to the error messages. (I have put many adresses for ubuntu 9 because I think the kernel is the same not as the kernel for ubuntu 10). But new problems have occurred like "broken dependencies". Now I want to correct, and I don't know how? I'm still a beginner with this OS.

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Ubuntu :: System Technically Useless - Broken Dependencies - Unable To Update Or Diagnose

Jun 28, 2010

I can't update, download packages, or even diagnose due to an elusive error.

If I try to update or check using terminal I get this:

I even tried to restart in recovery mode to check for broken packages and I got this error:

I usually find answers in the documentation but this time I'm really stumped. I am Running 64 bit Ubuntu 9.04.

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Fedora :: Wine Broken Dependencies - X64 ?

Dec 8, 2009


running on fedora 12 x64 and glibc-common is installed (glibc-common-2.11.4.x86_64)

Also, if im running a x64 system, why are most of the packages listed i686?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Update Due To "broken Dependencies"?

Mar 27, 2010

I have been unable to update due to "broken dependencies". Please take a look at the message:

Fetched 8904kB in 1min29s (99.7kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
XXXXXX@MDdesktop:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


I have never done anything as root. I posted this request in absolute beginner talk, because I am, but there has been no resolution after three weeks or so.

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Fedora :: Cannot Start Eclipse - Some Dependencies Broken

Jul 9, 2011

Eclipse cannot start and I can see the following in the log:
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86_64, WS=gtk, NL=en_US
Command-line arguments: -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-07-09 15:01:23.881
!MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved: .....
and etc. those files are actually in /usr/lib64/eclipse/plugins/ but system cannot find them as I see.

It happened after I played with Eclipse's software configs and broke some dependencies there. After I tried removing and reinstalingl eclipse I notices that /usr/lib64/eclipse files don't change and I have the same broken sortware install configuration. So I deleted the folder usr/lib64/eclipse and reinstalled Eclipse. It didn't work. I restored usr/lib64/eclipse from eclipse~ and now see that error log. What is the way to fix it or probably remove eclipse completely and reinstall that /usr/lib64/eclipse/ becomes as it was by default.

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Fedora :: Cannot Update Fc8 Missing Dependencies

Mar 8, 2009

I received the updated packages available notice and tried to run the updates.

When I run it, it checks for dependencies and I get this:

I'm seriously new to Linux and I admit, not much makes sense right now.

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Fedora :: Yum Update Of Iptstate Showing Dependencies Error

Nov 11, 2009

I am getting the error below. Is this something that will resolve as all of the packages are updated?

[root@ella ~]# yum -y install --skip-broken iptstate
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, protectbase, refresh-packagekit
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* fedora: mirrors.tummy.com
* livna: rpm.livna.org
* rpmfusion-free: mirrors.tummy.com
* rpmfusion-free-updates: mirrors.tummy.com
* rpmfusion-nonfree: mirrors.tummy.com
* rpmfusion-nonfree-updates: mirrors.tummy.com
* updates: mirrors.tummy.com

2 packages excluded due to repository protections
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package iptstate.i586 0:2.2.1-5.fc11 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: libnetfilter_conntrack.so.1 for package: iptstate-2.2.1-5.fc11.i586
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
iptstate-2.2.1-5.fc11.i586 from fedora has depsolving problems
--> Missing Dependency: libnetfilter_conntrack.so.1 is needed by package iptstate-2.2.1-5.fc11.i586 (fedora)
Packages skipped because of dependency problems:
iptstate-2.2.1-5.fc11.i586 from fedora

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Fedora :: Startup Fails After Update - Unresolved Dependencies

Jan 10, 2011

I'm currently running Fedora 13 and updated the system in the morning with the help of 'yumex'. It complained about a couple of unresolved dependencies regarding new kernel and kmod-nvidia, so I manually skipped these packages for now (this happened before some time ago and worked then a couple of days later). I installed all other packages like firefox, thunderbird, kde, gnome pidgin etc. though.

I think I remember also to have seen some X11 stuff, but aren't quite sure (not updating often, so always getting quite a number of packages at once). The problem is that the system doesn't start any longer. The start screen shows the blue progress bar, then flickers and the system halts. I tried to start any of the last two older kernels but with the same result. When running in verbose mode I can see the following:
Checking for module nvidia.ko: [OK]
Enabling the nvidia driver: /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions: line 530: 1033 Segmentation fault "$@"
There are a couple of more successful steps afterwards, but the system will never start. I tried a different runlevel by appending 'init 2' to the startup line, but wasn't able to login with any of my users. In despair I tried the link 'Updating to Fedora 13' from the boot menu, but it isn't actually offering an upgrade, but a complete re-install instead.

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Fedora :: Yum Update Reports Duplicates And Missing Dependencies

Aug 13, 2011

I have just got rid of Ubuntu in favor of Fedora, after more than ten years using Debian and Ubuntu. Most differences are pretty minimal but one big difference I haven't been able to master yet is the realm of rpm and yum. My kernel is 2.6.40-4.fc15.x86_64. Today, when running yum update I was greeted with a number of errors.

Output of yum check:
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
glibc-2.14-5.x86_64 is a duplicate with glibc-2.14-4.x86_64
glibc-common-2.14-5.x86_64 is a duplicate with glibc-common-2.14-4.x86_64
1:perl-Module-Pluggable-3.90-160.fc15.noarch is a duplicate with 1:perl-Module-Pluggable-3.90-159.fc15.noarch
1:perl-Module-Pluggable-3.90-160.fc15.noarch has missing requires of perl = ('4', '5.12.4', '160.fc15')
1:perl-Pod-Escapes-1.04-160.fc15.noarch is a duplicate with 1:perl-Pod-Escapes-1.04-159.fc15.noarch
1:perl-Pod-Escapes-1.04-160.fc15.noarch has missing requires of perl = ('4', '5.12.4', '160.fc15')
1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.13-160.fc15.noarch is a duplicate with 1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.13-159.fc15.noarch
1:perl-Pod-Simple-3.13-160.fc15.noarch has missing requires of perl = ('4', '5.12.4', '160.fc15')
I have also attached the output of yum update, which I believe is more verbose on the sources, etc.

I'm afraid that if I just start forcing removal of packages I'll render my system useless.

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Debian :: Broken Packages / Dependencies

Aug 27, 2015

seems like after a recent upgrade of stretch, i get a message (in italian)

Code: Select all
$ sudo apt-get install kde-full
Lettura elenco dei pacchetti... Fatto
Generazione albero delle dipendenze       
Lettura informazioni sullo stato... Fatto
Alcuni pacchetti non possono essere installati. Questo può voler dire
che è stata richiesta una situazione impossibile oppure, se si sta
usando una distribuzione in sviluppo, che alcuni pacchetti richiesti
non sono ancora stati creati o sono stati rimossi da Incoming.
Le seguenti informazioni possono aiutare a risolvere la situazione:


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Software :: Broken Dependencies Using Sudo Dpkg -?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a fairly old debian distribution running on the linux Kernel 2.6.18-4-686 and I did something silly which has broken multiple packages. I use the manual package installation command (sudo dpkg -i filename.deb) to install a single package (gcc base) however I did this using the latest version of the package which seems to have broken my GCC package completely and I am unable to compile c++ anymore.

When I now load the Synaptic Package Manager it tells me that I have 10 broken packages and when I use the fix feature it tells me I need to update other packages to fix the depencies (it selects almost every single package on my system to be removed at this point!).

I cant change the system too much because the software packages are set up specifically to run a certain application and I don't want to change anything incase I make it stop working!

So my question is this:

If I go to the synaptic Package Manager and uninstall the broken packages (they are all gcc related), will I be able to use the aptitude command to install GCC again? If so will it automatically install the version of GCC that will work with my system? or will it try and install the latest version and then update the rest of my system?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Upgrade - Fails With Broken Dependencies

Apr 30, 2010

I've been trying all morning to update from a working 9.10 to 10.04 and unfortunately every time I try it blocks me.

An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

This can be caused by:

* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu

* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu

* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu

If none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bug report.

Restoring original system state

I've uploaded the full apt log to pastebin here:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Ktorrent Dependencies Broken - Cannot Install

Apr 16, 2011

I have Ktorrent installed via the repositories and its always worked perfectly. Today I ran software update with KPackageKit and it installed updates. It told me that KTorrent had to be removed to continue and without thinking I hit ok. Now my KTorrent is gone. When I try to install it on the terminal with


sudo apt-get install ktorrent

it gives me this error.


$ sudo apt-get install ktorrent
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


The following packages have unmet dependencies:

ktorrent : Depends: ktorrent-data (= 4.0.3-0ubuntu1) but 4.0.5-3ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa1 is to be installed

E: Broken packages If I remove and reinstall ktorrent-data it doesn't help. build-dep doesn't help. autoremove and then trying to reinstall doesn't help. I'm not running some strange dev version of anything. I have a standard Kubuntu 10.10 amd64 installation and my KDE version is 4.6.2 from the regular repositories. I run updates (standard repositories) almost every day and have never seen anything like this before.

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu 10.04 Broken Dependencies After Installing Amarok 1.4

Jun 20, 2010

I've just tried to install amarok 1.4 with the bogdan sources, but now I've broken dependencies in Kubuntu 10.04.

When trying to sudo apt-get -f install, I got the following output:

I tried several tricks to repair the broken dependencies, but couldn't suceed.

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Debian :: Proftpd Install - Unmet Dependencies And Broken Packages

Oct 23, 2015

I am attempting to setup an ftp server as a first project to get me going in the world of Linux however when I run the command apt-get install proftpd-basic ....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade And Broken Dependencies (Samba-Common)

May 13, 2010

A couple of days ago, I upgraded my Kubuntu to Lucid. In this phase, the system reported that it was impossible to upgrade samba-common, and the installation aborted on 90%. Nevertheless everything is working but KPakageKit, which reports:
"There are broken dependecies on your system. Please use an advanced package manage e.g. Synaptic or aptitude to resolve this situation."

Neither "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" nor "sudo apt-get -f install" solved the problem:
omen@darkstar:~$ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
kubuntu-desktop .....

So the problem is really samba-common.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Package Dependencies / OpenOffice.org-core Broken?

May 17, 2010

So i upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04. when i ran update manager after the install, it had some stuff for OpenOffice and during the update it hung. I powered off the laptop and turned it back on, booted into ubuntu and tried over but it didn't list the updates again.

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Networking :: Make Apt-get Ignore Broken Packages And Missing Dependencies?

Mar 20, 2011

when I have a broken packages on the system and want to apt-get install something (completely unrelated to the broken package) apt-get starts giving me crap about the broken stuff and won't download and install the packages I'm asking for. How can I make it ignore the completely unrelated stuff about missing deps on my system and download what I want?

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Fedora :: Skype Broken After KDE Update

Nov 6, 2009

After yesterday's update (which included some KDE components) Skype won't start anymore and just leave me with this error:

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Fedora :: Calendar Is Broken After Update?

Dec 18, 2009

Just got today's F12 updates, which included changing Firefox, Thunderbird & Lightning from Beta to full releases (FF=3.5.6; T'Bird=3.0; Lightning=1.0-0.16.20090916hg.fc12.x86_64). My remote calendars from Google come up fine but my local "home" calendar now gets the following errors:

Error: Error updating timezones: Error: mozIStorageStatement::step() returned an error
DB Error no such column: recurrence_id_tz
Error: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)


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Fedora :: Shutdown Broken After Update?

Mar 22, 2010

Shutdown hangs after recent update(s) and will not power off, requiring use of manual power switchHave tried the following ..1 # shutdown -P now .. in terminal .. same result2 Disabled selinux .. same result

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Fedora :: Yum And Thunderbird Broken After Update - FC11

Jun 19, 2009

After yesterday's update yum is not working under Yumex or terminal also Thunderbird is not connecting to gmail IMAP. This is the error from yumex:


22:12:08 : Yum Config Setup
22:12:09 : Loaded plugins: protectbase, refresh-packagekit
22:12:09 : Setup signed metadata support
22:12:09 : Yum Version : 3.2.23


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Fedora :: Can't Update System Even With The Skip-broken?

Oct 8, 2010

There is a problem with dependency resolution for the recent updates; i can't update my system even with the skip-broken, there is something to nautilus and phyton-devel and phyton, pls, take note of these.

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Fedora :: Compiz Broken After Latest Update

Sep 1, 2011

I've just installed 100+meg of updates and rebooted only to find that when I login the desktop fails to boot. Opening a root-console, I killed Compiz which dropped me back to the login screen where I logged-in again with the desktop starting successfully. From there I disabled Compiz and have no problem starting the desktop now. But that's not really a solution.Even stranger, if I now try logging in with and older kernel version and with Compiz off - if I try enabling Compix now, the desktop just freezes - it also fails to complete loading the desktop. So both the current-kernel/Compiz seem to be linked to the problem in some way!Has anyone else experienced this, and is there a solution? I miss my desktop-effects!

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Fedora :: Broken Update - Yum Missing Libssl.so On 12

Apr 1, 2010

Well, here are a list of the symptoms.

In add/remove software:
- No packages appear
- Sources pane is blank

Trying "yum update":
Gives the following error.


There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: libssl.so.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Please install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is:

Additional info: Last update in log is from march 11. But has nothing to do with yum, ssl or python.

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Slackware :: Script To Detect Orphaned Libraries - Broken Lib Links - Missing Dependencies

Mar 9, 2010

My recent borked upgrade to -current inspired me to try to come up with a way to sanity-check the lib and bin dirs for broken library symlinks (possibly indicating missing libs) and for binaries and libraries that belong to no installed package, as well as missing dependencies.

This script is the result.

I've checked the script results manually, and it appears to be accurate, so I figured I'd post it here for a second opinion, and/or because others may find it useful too. I'm not aware of another popular method of doing this on Slackware, so here it is:


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Fedora :: F12 Update Broken VLC Video Player Install

Mar 1, 2010

A recent (last couple of days) update to Fedora12 involving libunicap seems to have completely trashed VLC video player -- as in causing it to be completely uninstalled. No biggie, I thought; when I went to reinstall it, I saw that VLC 1.0.5-1 fc12 was available. Tried to install it, and KPackageKit calmly proceeded to throw up, telling me:

Test Transaction Errors: file /usr/lib/libunicap.so.2 from install of unicap-0.9.5-3.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package libunicap-0.9.8-1.fc12.i686
file /usr/lib/unicap2/cpi/libdcam.so from install of unicap-0.9.5-3.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package libunicap-0.9.8-1.fc12.i686
file /usr/lib/unicap2/cpi/libv4l.so from install of unicap-0.9.5-3.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package libunicap-0.9.8-1.fc12.i686
file /usr/lib/unicap2/cpi/libv4l2cpi.so from install of unicap-0.9.5-3.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package libunicap-0.9.8-1.fc12.i686
file /usr/lib/unicap2/cpi/libvid21394.so from install of unicap-0.9.5-3.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package libunicap-0.9.8-1.fc12.i686
file /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/unicap.mo from install of unicap-0.9.5-3.fc12.i686 conflicts with file from package libunicap-0.9.8-1.fc12.i686

Wonderful. Now I don't have a video player that natively does mpg/avi; Dragon Player pretends to play them, but there's no video; same with Xine. BTW, I tried to report this via Bugzilla at Redhat, but couldn't find anything that resembled a way to report an actual bug/problem (what app doesn't work, how it doesn't work, any error messages).

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Fedora :: Recent Update Has Broken Laptop Lid Behavior

Mar 8, 2010

Problem surfaced roughly 2 days ago (March 6th, 2010). When laptop lid is closed, and then opened, the screen remains black. Hard reboot is usually needed. Problem occurs when behavior setting is set to close laptop lid -> suspend, and also when setting is set to close laptop lid -> blank screen. I haven't tested under other settings.

Expected behavior: gnome login prompt appears. Please note that the expected behavior occurred consistently until a few days ago. Additional details:
Intel driver.
Fedora 12.
Thinkpad T60.

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