Fedora :: Write Custom Genre To MP3?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm currently switching from Mac OS X to Linux (Fedora 15). I've now moved my music library (about 40 GB), mostly in AAC (*.m4a) format. Since I didn't find a way to adjust the volume of these files using MP3Gain (although I read that it should work with AACs, it didn't), I've decided to just convert all files to MP3 using faad and lame. So far so good. (BTW: I've already converted them, so I don't need any help with AAC/MP3Gain...)

The problem: Lame ereases all the tags. I found a way to preserve at least the most important tags (title, artist, album, track number and year) using exiftool to extract them from the AAC files and id3tag to write them to the new MP3 files.. I'm loosing the album artist, but I have not many compilations, so that's not a real problem.

The real problem are the genre tags. My songs are all carefully tagged with custom genres, and I didn't find any way to write custom genres to MP3 files, only the predefined ones. So I just copied the genres into the comment tag to at least preserve them because I wanted to start the conversion process (which takes really, really long on my 3 years old MacBook).

Does anyone know a way to copy the custom genre from the comment tag (it's the only entry) to the genre tag? A way to write it to the MP3 is enogh, I already know how to copy it from the comment tag. The writing is my problem.

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General :: Write Kernel Module That Will DMA Custom Card?

Aug 31, 2010

I am trying to write a kernel module that will DMA my custom card. Right now when i plug the card into linux no valid PCI device shows up (meaning I probably have a error on my end, i know) however, If I halt the system at startup in the bootloader (uboot) I am able to directly access the card as I know in uboot the physical memory address that is mapped to my device. Is there a way I can access the card in a simliar fashion in linux?

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CentOS 5 :: Custom Kernel For Enable Write Barriers With Xfs And Lvm2,worth?

Dec 7, 2010

I have read that when using xfs with lvm2, prior to kernel 2.6.29 write barriers are by deffault disabled.As i want to migrate /home to xfs (and create a external partition to hold some data in xfs too) i was thinking in compile a custom kernel 2.6.30 or higher from [URL].I have read the wiki, all the warnings , and that for compile a kernel.org kernel you should use the Linux Kernel in a Nutshel guide/book. But i don't really know if would worth do that only to have write barrier support , more when in one month i will buy a ups to be sure i can shutdown the pc well if the power goes out.Should i enable write barriers on xfs with lvm2 ,although going to have a ups ?

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Fedora Installation :: Erratic Install Results W/initrd - Custom Spins With Custom Drivers - Modules?

Dec 28, 2009

Just spent three whole days barking up the wrong tree, solving Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 boot failures because the correct hypothesis was illogical: installation did not update/modify the initrd.

The first couple of times I installed Fedora 11 on the HighPoint Technologies RocketRaid 2640x4, the installation inserted my "custom" driver module (rr26xx) into the initrd, permanently, so that the system booted off the controller card for which the custom driver was inserted. (I yelled about this success in this thread: [url]

My most recent installs of BOTH F11 and F12 on the RocketRaid failed to properly set up the boot. It turns out that the "rr2640" module I "slipstreamed" into the installation process was *NOT* permanently added to the initrd by anaconda. (F12 gave me "no root device found boot has failed, sleeping forever", on boot; F11 hung also, without such error, I presume, during the init script execution). Because of limited resources and time, I only know for sure the module was missing from the F11 initrd, and am ASSUMING the same was the case with F12.

The only difference between the successful installs and the ones with failed boot is that the successful installs were made on a single-drive (JBOD) mode on the controller; whereas, the failed ones were placed on RAID 5. But, AFAIK, the created logical device for the card is "/dev/sda", in both cases, and the kernel can not distinguish between the two cases (or can it?). Thus, the inconsistency cost me a lot of time, and is still inexplicable to me.

Question: What is the best way to deal with custom drivers, today? There are custom spins, and many tools, like isomaster. Stupid question: Is there a way to modify the initrd inside an installer ISO -- be it for CD/DVD/USBboot drive -- beefing the init RAM disk with whatever modules you'd like, for the boot process (using, say, isomaster)?

And what makes anaconda understand that a module must be added to the initrd ? How can one force anaconda to do so?

How does moving to dracut as the initrd tool affect any/all of the above?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Set ID3 Genre Field To Podcast?

Jun 27, 2010

Set ID3 genre field to podcast?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change Artist/album/genre On Music Files?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to change information on audio files. On Rhythmbox, for example, the genre or artist information might be incorrect, or unknown. Thus far i can't find a way to change this info.

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Ubuntu :: Finding A Program That Will Sort The Music Into Folders Based On Their Genre Tags

Feb 19, 2010

I used MusicBrainz Picard to tag FLAC and Mp3 files, fixed any necessary genre tags in Rhythmbox, and used EasyTag to rename the actual files.But now I'm interested in using those genre tags as folder names...is there any program that will sort my music into folders based on their genre tags?

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Fedora :: Erroneous Write During File Extend. Write -1 Instead Of 4096

Nov 17, 2009

Ive installed Gaussian '03 on fedora Core 10, but I'm unable to run it. It aborts and i get the following error


Erroneous write during file extend. write -1 instead of 4096
Probably out of disk space.
Write error in NtrExt1

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Set Genre Of A MP3 File To "Podcast"?

Jun 27, 2010

I've downloaded some podcast files and I wonder how to set the genre field of their ID3 to "Podcast"? so that my phone can detect them as podcasts and play them in its media player.
I used ID3v2, ID3, ID3tool and blah, blah, blah! but all of them have a big hug list of know genres except the Podcast genre. And you can not choose a genre which is not in their list.
All I want is an ID3 tool to set the genre field of a MP3 file to exact word I want.

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Fedora :: Creating Custom Fedora Install/Live Media

Oct 17, 2009

I've recent begun to want to create a spin of Fedora for my high school to offer as an alternative to Mac OS X and Windows. My first attempt with any distro was to try and use Suse Studio, however nothing with packages that I downloaded myself would successfully compile. I then thought that I might try and use some sort of local program do create it with and tried Revisor, however when I made Live Media, Xorg wouldn't start and when I made DVD Install Media the kernel would kernel panic every time on boot.

Is there anyway to solve the problem with Revisor or are there any alternatives?

I have also tried using Ubuntu with the Ubuntu Customization Kit however that didn't work either considering I have to have it in a virtual machine.

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Fedora Installation :: Custom Fedora On Usb - Does Not Boot From The 1GB Usb Sticks

Nov 10, 2009

A custom image of Fedora 6 was built on a USB stick of size 2GB.

The size of the image is 546MB and i need to build the image on a 1 GB USB stick.

-The partition on the disk is bootable and I have a grub bootloader

- BIOS is configured to boot from the USB stick.

The same set of files are copied to the 2GB usb sticks and the 1GB usb sticks.

The system boots out of the 2GB Usb disk but does not boot from the 1GB usb sticks.

I am not sure if this issue is related to the usb stick, which i dont think so. I tried it on a different USB stick of size 1GB and it does not work as well.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Compiling And Installing The Custom Kernel Under Fedora

Jun 22, 2011

I am compiling and installing the custom kernel based on the instructions provided in Building_a_custom_kernel on fedoraproject.org/wiki site.

However, according to the instructions, anytime I change anything in the kernel source files(e.g /driver/ata/libata-core.c), I have to create a patch a rebuild the whole kernel and install this new kernel which takes 2 hours. Is there a simpler way of recompiling what has changed(without creating patch) and try that changed kernel? Since my changes are not in the drivers which can be dynamically loaded but is in the static code of the kernel, it is making life cumbersome.Are there any instructions for this? How does other kernel developers manage this?

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Fedora :: Custom Kernel HDA Or SDA?

Oct 14, 2010

a stock fedora 11 install on my embedded board results in the primary CompactFlash card being driven by the SCSI driver and is called SDA..running my custom kernel which i have slimmed down and yanked out the SCSI stuff because I dont need it, results in my CompactFlash card being called HDA of course driven by the ATA driver.which should I be using? both work just fine.. the CompactFlash card is on board and according to Soekris is actually run from an IDE controller, as there is no SCSI on board..

so im assuming the less amount of system overhead is to run it as IDE?I have no issues running it either way I just want to do whats right.. and what is going to be supported in kernels down the line, as im considering a bump from my current 2.6.30 kernel upwards for my project.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Create A Custom ISO ?

Apr 15, 2011

Just started a new job where I test installation scripts and then wipe the system with a fresh install of Redhat each time before testing updated versions. I'm wondering is there a way to create an image of the system I want with the customized packages required rather than having to manually select and deselect a huge amount of packages every time. This would really help make my work much more efficient.

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Fedora :: Rpm -ivh Did Not Put Custom Kernin In /boot

Oct 26, 2009

The stock F11 kernel is very buggy on my system, so I built a new one. But I can't install it. My Kernel does not appear in the /boot partition, and does not appear as vmlinuz anywhere.

I followed the instructions on [url]I tried:

And now I can see my kernel listed when I do

What do I do to really install my kernel?

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Fedora :: What More Does The Custom Compiz Provide

Jan 6, 2010

I just got F12 working very nicely - loving it so far. I see that the desktop effects offer a lot of what I want, but what extras does the compiz fusion install described here offer? [URL]

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Fedora :: Custom Kernel - Where To Pull RPM

Jun 18, 2011

This is (I'm sure) a silly question, but when reading the guide for custom kernel [url] it mentions I need to use yumdownloader to pull the source as an RPM.

How exactly do I find mirrors etc for this (and where do I configure it)?

I've already got the source locally along with the patches I want to use, and want to try this the 'fedora' way. I'd normally just use make/make modules etc, but I've never tried it via RPM.

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Fedora :: Converting Custom PCI Driver From 5 To 14 ?

Aug 31, 2011

I have custom hardware running on a PCI backplane with an SBC running Fedora 5. This has been running in a factory environment for years. Unfortunately, the SBC has been EOL, so I must convert to a new SBC running Fedora 14. The driver for this hardware was also custom, and I have been able to get it to compile and load on the new system. It links to the new hardware, and sees the bars as described by the firmware on the board. Unfortunately, I can't seem to configure the driver for writes/reads. I can read the read/write parameters from the driver (the default values from initialization), so I can access the driver, but whenever I try to write to the next_read or next_write parameters file, nothing happens. The file remains unchanged. The permissions are correct for the parameters file, but I'm wondering if there is some kind of access problem because I seem to have to be SU for many operations that I didn't have to be in Fedora 5 (like build the driver). My experience with Fedora 14 is very limited. Any ideas with what might have changed from Fedora 5 to Fedora 14 .

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Launch Custom Gui From Console

Sep 2, 2009

I have successfully customized linux (CentOS distro) using kickstart and custom splash screen. I havent added/installed any desktop (gnome/kde) package in my custom distro. So obviously after installation the linux will start in console mode.

My requirement is i have to add a custom gui which basically provides 1.product information 2. product agreement and 3. product cd key. My custom linux do not need a desktop, and just for my custom gui i do not wish to install all the desktop packages. Sitting with a blank slate if you know what i mean.

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Fedora :: Setup - And IPredator With Custom Routing

Sep 1, 2009

Background: Took a while to get this working correctly, so figured I'd save you all some time... I (finally) received the beta invite from iPredator. I wasn't happy with the NetworkManager-pptp implementation, I'm running the stock kernel, I stopped the NetworkManager service at this point.

1. To be able to control the PPTP tunnel from a remote location over ssh
2. To have services I run from my box accessible via my public IP on the internet (sshd, httpd etc) whilst the tunnel is up
3. To route all Torrent traffic from Vuze out of the encrypted PPTP tunnel, and have it return over that interface
4. To route all other traffic, by default, to my ISP unencrypted
5. To block all Vuze traffic if the tunnel is down

Method:1. PPP config

First, I entered my login details (altered in the below output, of course!!) into chap-secrets and then used "chmod 600 chap-secrets" to make it read/write for root only:

Next, I created a peer file (644 permissions) for the VPN connection, the file name has to match the "iPred" I used above:

I stuck with the defaults in /etc/ppp/options.pptp

To initiate the tunnel, I use: pppd call iPred mtu 1435 mru 1435 persist nolog

Regarding the options used... I'll get onto the MTU/MRU later, persist has the tunnel attempt to reconnect 10 times if it drops, nolog reduces the high volume of syslog messages. The logs for the connection process are written to /var/log/messages, interface ppp0 was created and routing entries were set up (internal network stuff has been cut out below; we'll call my WAN IP, though I've got a static internet-routable IP and wanted to mask it here). The (dynamic) endpoint of the tunnel is you need two routes to this, one via eth0 (my WAN interface) for internet routing of the encrypted packets, and one through the tunnel itself to tunnel and encrypt the traffic:

References:[url] [url]

2. Firewall Setup

I'm a "belt-and-braces" kinda guy ("belt-and-suspenders" if you're from the US), and I've got a custom firewall setup. As I've brought a new interface into the equation, I needed to add some rules.

In order, the rules:

A. NAT the outgoing packets to the ppp0 interface IP
B. Allow established sessions back in
C. Allow the default ports for Vuze through, even if unsolicited, on port 63255 (TCP and UDP)
D. Drop traffic that originates from Vuze (identified by the IP of interface lo:0, which we'll see later) if it tries to exit via eth0 (useful if the tunnel drops or hasn't yet been started)

You can view the rules in place by issuing: iptables -nL

References:man iptables [url]

3. Routing Setup

Obviously, I didn't know who the Vuze peers are going to be and setting a default route via ppp0 means that all traffic would be encrypted. Instead, I created a new, distinct, routing table called IPRED in iproute.

Then I added a default route, via ppp0, into the IPRED routing table and checked that it was there:

The main (default) routing table is still there and has it's routes:

4. Traffic Identification

I tried setting the DSCP (ToS) in Vuze, but that didn't make it into the packets (checking the output packets with Wireshark). So, I created a new Loopback interface lo:0 on my box (later I entered this line into /etc/rc.local so it'll survive a reboot):

I then added a rule to pass traffic from this new lo:0 IP to the IPRED table:

There are a number of other ways to pick out traffic with "ip rule", but this seemed the most elegant solution in this situation.

5. Vuze Config

I looked down the list for the local IP addresses, then bound Vuze to the lo:0 interface which, in Vuze, is lo[1]

Whilst in here, I also dropped the Line MTU to 1435. You'll notice that this matches the MTU and MRU set when using pppd to establish the tunnel... I'm on DSL and have the MTU set to 1478 for the DSL link, the difference between the 1478 and 1435 is the overhead of the additional headers used with PPTP tunnelling (both PPP and GRE headers encapsulate the packets). With the MTUs set up in this way, I shouldn't get any fragmentation of packets on the link, packets with the DontFragment bit set shouldn't get dropped. I gave Vuze a restart.

6. Verifying Operation

I closed any apps that were using the internet, fired up Vuze, loaded a torrent, then opened two Wireshark windows.... Started Wireshark#1 on the eth0 WAN interface and Wireshark#2 on the ppp0 tunnel interface. I saw a long list of PPP and GRE packets (in white) scrolling on the eth0 window, showing that Vuze is going through the tunnel. Checking the ppp0 Wireshark window, I saw the actual Vuze traffic on the ppp0, with SYN's, ACK's, http packets etc as it's being sent down/back through the tunnel.

Starting firefox and visiting www.whatismyip.com, the IP reported was my eth0 address, I saw the http traffic on Wireshark on eth0. Starting e-mail, I saw the packets on eth0.

Dropping the tunnel, I checked Vuze, saw that torrents had stopped and confirmed that I couldn't connect to the net with it.

7. DNATing

Reconnecting everything, I sat and watched the Wireshark outputs on ppp0 and eth0 for a while to make sure everything was working. I noticed that the ppp0 interface was creating a lot of ARP requests for external IP's and sending them out, unencrypted, through eth0 - BAD news!! I'd forgotten that I would need to Destination NAT the unsolicited inbound connections... D'Oh!

As the unsolicited inbound connections are directed at the internet-routable tunnel IP of ppp0, we need to point these to the lo:0 interface that Vuze is listening on. Replies to these will be NAT'd back to the ppp0 address by the MASQUERADE rule we've already entered in iptables and, since the source IP will, the packets will match the ip rule pointing them to the IPRED routing table, thus they won't generate ARP requests.

Retrying everything with the firewall updated, everything is working 100% :-D

8. Misc

As the iptables rules have been saved, and lo:0 will survive a reboot in /etc/rc.local, the only commands that need to be run each time you want to bring up the tunnel are (easily scripted with a sleep statement of about 10 seconds after pppd call...):

And, if you wanted to just send all traffic over ppp0, this would be:

Conclusion: I love Linux, an intellectual challenge, having complete control over my PC; iPredator rocks and I hope this howto is of use to anyone running Fedora and iPredator :-D

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Fedora :: Create Custom Keyboard Shortcuts?

Sep 13, 2009

Does anyone know how to make custom keyboard shortcuts? The commands don't seem to cross over to the system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts utility. For example, I added the file browser to my desktop. I right click, select properties, and the command is:

However, when I add a custom shortcut with that same command it doesn't work.

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Fedora :: Building Custom Kernel For F8 To Update?

Nov 8, 2009

I am trying to update my fedora 8 kernel, is there a way to do that? I build the one of kernel.org but when i want to boot it a get a lot of messages like:
mount: cant find /dev/root
I tried to follow the guide at building a custom kernel for fedora, but thats just for the last supported version of the kernel of fedora 8.

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Fedora :: Custom Page Setups In Gimp ?

Feb 1, 2010

From Gimp if I go to Page Setup and then select manage custom sizes from the page selection drop down, I can create the new page but I cannot change the name from the default of "Custom Page #". I can however go through the above steps in Firefox and that will allow me to change the name of the custom page, which will then show up in Gimp under the new name. Is this a SELinux thing?

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Fedora :: Kmow-wl Package For Custom Kernel

May 16, 2010

i just upgraded myself with all available packages from the kde-testing, and fedora-updates-testing repo's. i am dealing with one problem..... i am running kernel:


@localhost ~]$ uname -r

however,, there are no kmod-wl packages for that kernel, so i have no wireless at the moment. how do i build / obtain kmod-wl package for my kernel? rebuilding the kmow-wl src packages does occure in build for an older kernel:

the command


rpmbuild -ba --target=`uname -m` wl-kmod.spec

results in:


Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /home/-/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/wl-kmod-
Wrote: /home/-/rpmbuild/SRPMS/wl-kmod-
Wrote: /home/-/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/kmod-wl-PAE-
Wrote: /home/-/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/kmod-wl-
Wrote: /home/-/rpmbuild/RPMS/i686/wl-kmod-debuginfo-

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Fedora :: Putting Custom Xterms On Toolbar?

Nov 19, 2010

I switched to fedora to learn. I also purchased several vps (virtual private servers) so I could hack away and not destroy my pc. well I would like to do the following...let me call one server A and the other server B

Put to terminals on my top panel. when I click on A I will automatically via ssh be taken to the server A online and when I click on B (the second xterm icon) I would like to be taken to vps B. Ideally I would also like to bypass my password and just go in a root to both as again these are just things I got to learn on.. I don't know where to start but it sure seems like something that would be possible. Of course I don't care if I am clicking on the terminal icon or a program that just launches the appropriate terminal..

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Unable To Custom Installation Of 13

Nov 30, 2010

I installed Fedora 13 x86 64 on my Dell system as Installation rimpo it has not installed gcc and related lib files. Any other addon I am trying to add to my system looking for gcc, so I could not install any thing on it. I tried with gcc rpm file but it again looking for several files I find these files on 3rd CD of Fedora 13 But I could not install them. And now my net connection asking for rp-ppoe file which also require gcc etc. So I could not connect net as well.

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Fedora :: Create Custom Sound Themes?

Dec 15, 2010

I have some sounds I'll like to use for events. Fedora comes with built-in sound themes. Can one create his? How?

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Fedora :: Gnome3 Custom Application Launchers

May 25, 2011

I am running Fedora 15 and Gnome 3, most of which I like and is working. However I can't seem to add a custom launcher or if I install a application and the .desktop file is created and placed in ~/.local/share/applications the application is not appearing in the search for that application. How do I add a custom application to the list of applications installed?

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Fedora :: Creating Images Of Custom Installs?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a workstation running Fedora 15 with custom software and settings. I want to make an image of this machine for fast and easy deployment around the office (preferably a DVD, but could also use an external USB drive for install).How would you go about doing this from an existing install?

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Fedora :: Open With Menu Custom Command?

Aug 10, 2011

ing Fedora 15 x86 with gnome 3.Here is the problem with "open with" menu.I cant indicate custom command. here is screenshot:

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