Fedora :: Unable To Install NS2.30 On Fedora 10?

Oct 11, 2010

I am trying to install NS2.30 on fedora 10. All packages are installed and I have set the variables. But NAM is not working.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Dell N5010 - Unable To Install Fedora On Unallocated Space

Sep 13, 2010

My laptop is currently running on Windows 7 Ultimate. I have a 320 GB HDD, which I have partitioned as follows. C: Drive as Windows 40 GB capacity and successively partitioned the rest of the drives for 50 GB capacity and left an unallocated space of 67 GB for fedora 13 x64 installation. The problem that I am facing is, that I am unable to install fedora on this unallocated space..even though I am checking the option for "Creating custom Layout". When I check the option for "Creating Custom Layout" Ive been shown with the only option to install fedora on the unused space on the HDD which is around 265 GB. I am also attaching a screen shot of my disk management. how I can install Fedora on this unallocated space of 67 GB?

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Fedora :: Unable To Install RPM On Fedora 9?

Feb 18, 2010

when i install an RPM on MY PC it says intallation is done.when i query it says not installed.when i try to reinstall it says already installed.Finally its not getting installedI am using the commands rpm -ivh xxxxx.rpm to install rpm -q to query respectively.Is it a mistake in installing fedora on this PC.or

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Fedora :: Unable To Install Any RPM On 7

Aug 22, 2009

Everytime i try to install any app on fedora 7 i.e. RPM i get error message that says cannot get to interent, while i have access to internet on fedora ..

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Fedora :: Unable To Install VLC On F13?

Aug 24, 2010

I've recently updated my box from Fedora 12 to Fedora 13....today I wanted to install VLC and followed the procedures provided on VideoLAN's website on how to install VLC (See Below):

Use RPM Fusion for F11, F12 and F13 (available for x86, x86_64, ppc and ppc64)
Install rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm for F11, F12 and F13.

$> su -
#> rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/...ble.noarch.rpm
#> yum install vlc
#> yum install mozilla-vlc (optionnal)


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Install EBS R12 On OS?

Jan 20, 2010

I am trying to install EBS R12 on linux OS. but it gives an error er 50011 due to domain. I am using stand alone system. how can i fix domain name. I have already identified hostname

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Fedora :: Unable To Install The 13

Jul 31, 2010

I want to install Fedora to, I can't click Next. The cd's been checked and there's no problems.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install Vxl In 9

Jan 16, 2009

install vxl-1.11 using cmake and am getting various problems like Avi File NOT found and many more files Dart,ECW,DC1394,MPEG include dir,Xerces bxml are not found. install vxl...and i would like to know what are they dependency packages required to be installed for vxl....

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install F10 Via Dvd

Jan 17, 2009

Hi, I attempt to install f10 via dvd. I am asked about my language and keyboard. When I move on from here I get a message. the fedora disk was not found in any of your cdrom drivesI toddle off to my laptop and the install works fine My computer has 2 drives - CD & DVD. Does this message indicate that the computer is only looking at the CD drive. I guess I need to add some options to the install command.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install On New Pc

Apr 13, 2009

i have recently got a system assembled with the following configuration

intel g31 mainboard
intel core2duo 2.8 proc.
4 gb ram
1 gb ati radeon hd4650 pci xpress card
160 gb harddrive with win-xp pro

i have been trying to install fedora 10 since last week but i am not able to run it in gui mode the anaconda installer tells me failed to load in gui mode and running in text mode only. i am new to fedora and am next to unknown. what should be done to get the fedora running on me computer

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install The 10

Jun 16, 2009

During installation of fedora 10 i depare with a issue that requires internet connection to proceed the installation. since i don't have a internet connection in eth0 just have one in wlan0 that is not detected by the configuration i didi not could install the fedora 10.
What was my mistake, i download the Fedora-10-i386-netinst.iso to boot. Should i download another image to boot.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install The 11

Jul 4, 2009

Last week I put together a new build:Asus p6t deluxe v2, i7 920, etc etc And installed Win7 RC which worked perfectly, however for the past couple days I've been trying to install Fedora but it seems to never work. The F11 Full disk cannot load anaconda during install, but still manages to install, however the installation cannot boot. The live disk loads, but then a black screen with eth0 and eth1 link is down pops up. So I tried other dists, Ubuntu 8.04 cannot boot, 9.04 boots and installs, but after reboot doesnt work. Anyone got any ideas as to why I cannot install Linux. Also in Win7, I cannot install Fedora as a VM. It just goes to 100% load while booting and such.

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Fedora :: Unable To Install F10 Via NFS Server?

Aug 31, 2009

I m facing a very strange problem while installing F10 from my NFS server , on the other hand i can sucessfully mount the directory from nfs server to client , but fail to install F10 from the same server,i created the F10 ISO image in the /mnt directory and share it via nfs server.

here this is my Exports Directory


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Fedora :: Unable To Install Gnormalize I.686 Rpm?

Dec 9, 2009

I'm trying to install Gnormalize for Fc12 through rpm, and I keep getting this message:

"Local Install Failed" Can't install /home/jeb/Downloads/Programs/gnormalize-0.63-7.fc12.i686.rpm as no transaction.

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Fedora :: Unable To Install Any Software Via YUM?

Aug 8, 2010

Everytime I boot after a while package manager icon pops an warning in the gnome panel "software source download failed. Could not contact media source 'Install Media', so it will be disabled". I'm unable to install any RPM package on my system. Tried "rpm -rebuild" but it did not work.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Install Anything?

Nov 24, 2010

I am not able to install anything but stuff from fedora repositories. Let me show you:

[Vitaliy@localhost ~]$ su -c 'yum install gnome-commander'
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list


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Fedora :: Unable To Update Or Install?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm using F14 and when I try to update I get this report-

' no such table: packages'

and when I try using add/remove software I get this

'failed to use search generator: no such table: packages'

what these mean. I don't want to take guesses and do something wrong.

Added- searches produce this thread as number one topic others give me very little if anything to go on.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Install From Bin File

Aug 24, 2009

When I attempt to start the install of a .bin file, the prompt is returned almost immediately, no error messages. I have installed other .bin files with no problems. From the file directory I am typing ./file_name.bin. The file has -x from all levels.

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General :: Unable To Install Anything In Fedora 13?

Sep 1, 2010

i m new to fedora.i installed fedora 13.when i tried to intall broadcom-wl .the message shown is indicated below. install ma wireless internet

-another application is currently holding the yum lock;wait for it to exit the othe application is : packagekit

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General :: Unable To Install Rpm In Fedora 11?

Nov 18, 2009

when ever i try to install rpm files in fedora 11 graphically i get this error,i get this same error for every rpm file i try to install. its driving me mad, iam unable to install rpm, please guide me how install rpm files in fedra 11 , iam new to linux OS. i installed fedora 11 from i368 dvdok this is the error, i got this error by clicking on more details.

raceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py", line 1649, in install_files
txmbr = self.yumbase.installLocal(inst_file)


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Software :: Unable To Install VLC On Fedora 13

Aug 24, 2010

I've recently updated my box from Fedora 12 to Fedora 13....today I wanted to install VLC and followed the procedures provided on VideoLAN's website on how to install VLC (See Below): Use RPM Fusion for F11, F12 and F13 (available for x86, x86_64, ppc and ppc64) Install rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm for F11, F12 and F13.

$> su -
#> rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/...ble.noarch.rpm
#> yum install vlc
#> yum install mozilla-vlc (optionnal)

When attempting the second step:


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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Boot After Install F10

Jan 17, 2009

Just installed a fresh copy of F10. After install, when I boot It goes through a screen where it shows 3 bars loading. Once the last bar (white) is finished, and fedora 10 becomes white, nothing happens. If i press any key, it will give me a msg saying something along the lines of "reading contents of drive vol000 this make take a while". I rebooted after 2 hours. When i came back, I waited 8 hours.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install 10 - Media Does Not Contain It

Jan 23, 2009

I have downloaded the Fedora 10 i386 ISO from fedora and created a DVD with Nero. On boot the machine starts to Install, carries out a media check but at the next stage comecs up with an error that the media does not contain fedora 10

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install F10 Using VMWare

Oct 4, 2009

Actually I found a discussion on this topic. But my problem a bit different from the discussion made over there...The major discussion in that topic is related to the Graphics Issue. But my problem is with the CPU(as my machine says so).... I am posting my screenshot herewith. Please take some time to review it. This would be grateful.

Actually the error says: "This Kernel requires an x86-64 CPU. but only detected i686 CPU. Unable to Boot - please use a kernel appropriate for ur CPU." What does this mean?? My machine has Intel Core 2 Duo t6600 processor. Is Virtualization Playing a role in this issue...??

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Fedora :: Unable To Install Or Download Any New Applications?

Jan 18, 2010

Actually /tmp folder is running out of space and i am unable to install or download any new applications. whenevr i run commands like "make" or "make install" i get error saying not enough space in /tmp. So is there any way by which i can increase the size of this folder or redirect my applications to pther specified folders.

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Fedora :: Unable To Download And Install Updates

Jan 24, 2010

I'm having a problem downloading and installing any updates. It compiles a list of updates, then tells me I need to install further updates and generates a list of those. Then it provides me with an error message. Info on which is in the code quote below. I'm very new to Linux, so I can't say I know how to go about sorting this issue. It's a PC with the following processor
Intel Pentium (R) Dual CPU E2180 @ 2.00Ghz

Error Type: <class 'yum.Errors.RepoError'>
Error Value: Error getting repository data for installed, repository not found
File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 3125, in <module>
main() .....

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Fedora :: Unable To Install Software Updates?

Feb 15, 2010

I get this message when trying to install software updates in Fedora 12:-Quote:

Error Type: <class 'yum.Errors.RepoError'>
Error Value: Error getting repository data for installed, repository not found
File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 3125, in <module>


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Fedora :: Unable To Install Xine Plugin?

Jun 26, 2010

after installing xine, i tried to install the rpm plugin in order to play mp3 files but i got the following problem:

# yum install xine-lib-extras-freeworld
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process


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Fedora :: Unable To Install OpenOffice / Enable This?

Nov 25, 2010

I have installed fedora 14: Linux sunup #1 SMP Fri Oct 22 15:34:36 UTC 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

The problem I am having is that no matter which of the many ways I have found in the forum I can not satisfy the dependencies. For example from the directory that contains the files obtained from code...

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Fedora Hardware :: Unable To Install The 'ndiswrapper'

Mar 2, 2011

I have searched far and wide for a sulution in installing 'ndiswrapper' for my 'Netgear WG111v2'I seemed to had no problem in getting it to work when I used to run Ubuntu. I have recently migrated to Fedora and have been having quite some trouble in getting this sry little dongle to work.I have tried a number of solutions including installing 'livna' as I have read somewhere that the needed wrapper is contained within that package, however, when I tried installing I would get the following results.


[bn0@bn0 ~]$ su -
[root@bn0 ~]# yum install ndiswrapper
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit


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