-xmms does support the "Expensive Hi Fi", wich as i told i've allreday installed and works.
-Xmms doesn't support the "Analog Vu Meter Plugin" for that skin, wich i don't know were to download(i only am able to see the images of it at [url]?content=49220"-3rd picture bellow, left side-the "Sony Vu's").
-The http page refers the skins and the plugin to KDE graphic environment, i'm using GNOME, and i'm not shure that this may make any difference.
-After the exausting net reading, i think...?, that Audacious does support the "Expensive Hi Fi" and the "Analog Vu Meter Plugin".
As i told, i don't give up that easy, and Audacious seems to be some upgrade or evolution of Xmms, and it as that "retro classic" look that i like and can be personalized like Xmms.
So, i've allready installed Audacios, with all the necessary codecs and libraries, and it's working so well as Xmms worked.
But know i'm having another problem :
-To personalize skins in Audacious(...more exausting net reading...), the operation should be so easy as:
-For any skin that we want(*.wal;*.wsz or compressed one's...), download it and copy it into:/users/share/audacious/Skins, wich i've allready tried(such as skins pasted into .xmms), but i get this error message:"Permission denied"!
No matter which skin I choose for audacious, it looks mostly purple. Even *.wsz skins that I have downloaded from winamp. Here's the skin the way it should look: BenuAmp.png (14.53 KiB) Viewed 419 times
I',ve recently installed suse 11.2 on my vaio vgn-nr31e. one of the(several...)things that i'm not been able to do,is to install knew skins on xmms player,that i've allready installed. can't copy compressed downloaded skins to usr/share/xmms/skins...and by the konsole i'm getting error when trying to ./configure,after downloading and decompressing.
I have stipped down the test to the basics and still can't get it to work.I have a file called test.php stored in /usr/share/data/audio (an aliased directory in apache). This file simply contains the code...
Code: <?php fopen('play.xml', 'w') or die("can't open file");;
trouble when I log in the fedora as a normal user(not root) today. When I fill the username and the password press enter key. Then pop up a little window locate at topleft corner. And have one line message : "/usr/bin/xterm : Could not exec /bin/bash : Permission Denied"hen I log in as root, it's ok. And when I open shell and type "su username" then the console print "su: /bin/bash: Permission denied"I have checked the perms of "/bin/bash" , it's 755. And I have tried all things which suggested from articles searched through Google. like change / or /root and other directory's permissions but failed
I run a small home network with a wireless network using Apple airport wireless router. I have two macs and one Linux box (Fedora 13). Everything worked until about a week ago. Now the two macs can communicate with each other, and one of the macs can communicate with the Linux box, but the other can't, which is a bummer because it is a print server.
Pinging from the mac to the linux box gives the error message:
I'm getting error from KVM when i try to create new machine. I have install group Virtualization. From gui virtual-manager (after being asked for root passwd) tried to create new machine. When pressed on 'Finish' got this 'Permission denied' error: Code: Unable to complete install '<class 'libvirt.libvirtError'> internal error Process exited while reading console log output: char device redirected to /dev/pts/3 qemu: could not open disk image /sonik_data/software_archive/CentOS-5.5-x86_64-netinstall.iso: Permission denied
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/create.py", line 1567, in do_install dom = guest.start_install(False, meter = meter) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/virtinst/Guest.py", line 1023, in start_install return self._do_install(consolecb, meter, removeOld, wait) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/virtinst/Guest.py", line 1088, in _do_install "install") File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/virtinst/Guest.py", line 1059, in _create_guest dom = self.conn.createLinux(start_xml, 0) File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 1277, in createLinux if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateLinux() failed', conn=self) libvirtError: internal error Process exited while reading console log output: char device redirected to /dev/pts/3 qemu: could not open disk image /sonik_data/software_archive/CentOS-5.5-x86_64-netinstall.iso: Permission denied
It's running as a root, what permissions we are talking about here? I'm running F14, kernel, libvirtd 0.8.3
I was setting up a Postfix email server, and I was following a basic tutorial here. I successfully installed all the required packaged, and then set up a Virtual user for the mailbox, and Set up a new user with this.
I had Fedora 8 installed in few clients and a server (same server for NFS and NIS), and NIS and NFS configured, and was working fine. Yesterday, I upgraded few client computers to Fedora 15 (server is still same), and configured NFS and NIS client. NFS is working fine, I can see home directories.
For NIS: ypwhich, ypcat passwd gives me correct uutput, ypbind is running. The problem is, I can't login to NIS client. The error is: Permission denied, please try again. My nssswitch.conf is
I wanted to install Matlab2011 in fedora15 and i receive this following: Preparing installation files Installing ./install: line 589: /tmp/mathworks_2110/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/bin/java: Permission denied Finished. I think the problem was Java, but I updated java and still is not working.
This is weird, today I updated my system and while trying to visudo from single user mode got
"cannot read /etc/shadow: Permission denied"
which kept me from doing anything until I switched to file permissions of 400 on shadow, then back. Is this being experienced by anyone else or just me? /etc/security/limits.conf doesn't seem like it wants to change in enforcing mode either and I can't find any alerts to provide clues on the situation.
I have a cron backup scheme in which I rsync, then tar, then copy files on my internal hard drives to an external (USB) drive. When it works, it works. But I often get a "Permission Denied" message for all of these tasks. how the external drive is auto-mounted so I edited the etc/fstab so that the owner of the cron job is also the owner of the external drive (I think. Unfortunately, I'm not at that machine right now (it's at work), I can't give the exact fstab line (I will post it as an update to this thread next time I am at the machine).) BUT, I still get times when the cron backup runs fine and other times I get the Permission Denied. This is a shared machine that is dual-booted, so what I *think* is going on is that when the machine is rebooted to Fedora, but nobody logs in, I get a Permission Denied for the cron backup. It seems like on days when someone has logged in as the main user and left without logging out that the cron backup runs fine.
I'm running Fedora 14, with a SATA interface CD/DVD drive and I'm attempting to run an installation script on a CD for an embedded Linux learning kit.Logged in as root (su), I receive:bash : /media/EmbeddedLinux/install_tools Permission DeniedI have searched and see similar situations on the web, but not exactly the same.I cannot resolve this issue using chmod, and find no relevant exec rights set in /etc/fstab.Using mount I find the (automounted) CD drive on /dev/sr0.I've searched quite a bit but never could find the thread that was supposedly listed in this forum.I understand that I should be able to copy the contents of the folder to my machine, then execute, but if possible I would prefer to address the real cause, not go around it.Also, where on earth will I find the location of whatever is affecting the ability to execute from an automounted media?
I'm implementing static IPv6 address on two Fedora 13 installed hosts. These two computers are connected using a switch between them and I use D-ITG to generate traffic in the network.I need to send packet from host1 to host2 using this command and I got permission denied
Code: #./ITGSend -a 2001:db8:c003:111e::3 -T UDP -x recv_log_file -t 30000 -c 32 Connect error in createTransportChan(): Permission denied
I setup a Samba share and I cannot connect. I can mount in on local host but when I CD to the folder I mounted the share on I get access denied when I run ls.
I am trying to use Wireshark and on startup the program pops up a window saying: Couldn't run /usr/sbin/dumpcap in child process: Permission denied Are you member of 'wireshark' group? Try running 'usermod -a -G wireshark <username>' as root.
I ran the usermod command to add my account in the group and checked it Code: less /etc/group wireshark:x:490:myaccount but the same error message pops up.
I have got centos 5.3 running on my system. I have installed vsftpd and created a separate folder to upload files (upload folder created in/var/ftp/pub). From my client end I can download ftp files but when I try to upload files from my client I get a error message 550: permission denied. The upload folder has full permission ie 777. Checked the ftp config file everything looks ok.
I have a ubuntu server 10.04 with LAMP installed. I also have ubuntu 10.10 on a laptop and can copy files to the server fine. To keep my website uptodate, I usually use Filezilla without any problems. I have just installed Fedora 14 on an old desktop and set up "my stall" ok. The problem is that I cannot copy any files from Ferdoa to the server due to:-
Response: 550 Permission denied. Error: Critical file transfer error I have tried to change the directory on the server "/var/www" using chmod -R 775* and chmod -R 777*, but it makes no difference, the file transfer still fails.
I installed MATLAB R2009a in my laptop (Fedora 14 x86-64), the installation was succesful but when I run MATLAB (in a console), appears a message: error while loading shared libraries: libut.so: cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Permission denied
I find a "solution", execute in a terminal: execstack -c libut.so
I used several times with differents libraries that I needed, but I run MATLAB in a terminal, MATLAB starts in a terminal, only a prompt ">>" and nothing.
I've just upgraded my laptop to Fedora 14 and installed LAMP on it for a test environment. I've followed the official instructions to install but seem to have a problem that I didn't have on F13 or Opensuse. Each time I try to access index.php on localhost I get a permission denied message and an SElinux alert. I have tried 7 different solutions on various forums and just can't view anything in a browser.
/var/www/html has been set to chmod 777 /var/www/html/index.php has also been set to chmod 777
A standard user can definitely read and write to the above files/folder. Until I commented it out the Welcome/Test page was working perfectly.
I just downloaded OpenOffice 3.2.1 from the openoffice.org weebsite. I followed the instructions precisely and everytime ended up in the same error message - 'error: can't create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock (Permission denied)'. I am using Fedora 13.
create a VM here with virsh. I've managed to create the XML file and got it to work properly, however running it is the problem. These are the errors I get error: Failed to start domain Cent-OS, internal error process exited while connecting to monitor: open /dev/kvm: No such file or directory ,Could not initialize KVM, will disable KVM support qemu: could not open disk image /media/55D123D9E79ABF54/VM/Cent-OS-5.5.img: Permission denied
I have a strange problem when I do SSH to a FEDORA9 based Linux Server.
When I login using "adah" username in TELNET I am automatically directed to my home directory at location "/media/disk-1/home/adah". But when I use SSH to login using the same username I get the following message Code: Could not chdir to home directory /home/adahaj: Permission denied