Fedora :: Pulling In Packages From Other Distros?

Oct 2, 2010

I have another distro on my puter which has packages install on /opt which is on its own partition. i'm wondering how i can pull those packages into fedora.

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Fedora :: Increase The Size By Pulling The Edge It Locks Up The Computer?

Jun 8, 2011

First, I upgraded to F15. All went smooth. No problem. But if I pull up a terminal in KDE via menu->utilities->Terminal, I get a terminal that shows only 3 lines. If I try to increase the size by pulling the edge it locks up the computer. Functions otherwise. This is Gnome Terminal 3.0.1. X terminal works fine. So does Konsole. But not the above application from the menu.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot From CD - Pulling Hair Out?

Oct 29, 2010

I'll start off by saying that I've used Ubuntu for a while now and I've installed it on quite a few machines. This problem is really perplexing. I've got a machine that I wiped (hand built) that's had every version of Ubuntu on it since 8.10 - installed with no problem. The previous incarnation had Ubuntu Studio 10.04.

So I've got a fresh clean HDD. I download (via torrent) the standard 10.10 x64 disk. I boot from the CD and it just hangs at the ISOLINUX bootloader message. That pops up and the CD drive just spins down and nothing happens after that. So I do an MD5 sum on the iso checks out fine. I try the Alternate install CD, same problem. MD5 sum checks out fine on that too. I put the same failing CD in my laptop and it boots straight to the Install Menu.

So I grab a Fedora 13 and a CentOS ISO and burn both of those to CD. In this machine, both of those CDs boot absolutely fine and go straight to the live CD desktop. This PC has 2 optical drives, a SATA bluray drive and a PATA dvdrw drive. I get the same behavior on both drives. I've updated the BIOS on the motherboard (ASUS). I've tried to hit escape and hold down both shift keys while the thing is booting and neither have any effect.

The only thing I haven't tried yet is to burn another 10.04 CD to see if that works. Is this karma for last week when I heard that Katy Perry song on the radio and I didn't change the station right away? Has anyone experienced anything like this?

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Ubuntu One :: Getting Errors Pulling Bookmarks / What's Up?

Jan 1, 2011

I'm getting a lot of stuff like this in ~/.cache/desktop-couch/log/desktop-couch-replication.log (below). Can someone tell me what's up with this??

(Also, an unrelated question, I have some bookmarks that are "read only". They are produced by a firefox extension that saves some information in the unsorted bookmarks. I have set the folder to r/w, but am wondering what u1 would do if I had not - both when pulling the bookmarks up to the server and when pushing them back down.) code...

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Slackware :: Pulling An IP From Public Wireless?

Dec 9, 2010

I was having a similar issue with my wireless connection with S13.1-64 as this thread. My lappie uses the Intel Wifi Link 5100 AGN and had a problem pulling an IP from public wireless, however, I resolved that by setting the channel within the /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf to the strongest antenna. However, now my problem is just maintaining the connection once it is established, either by time or heavy use the connection will drop, and I will typically have to restart the rc.inet1 script to get my access back again. According to the init script at start-up dhcpcd is forked, but apparently it doesn't do anything. If anyone has any ideas, I am all ears.

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Fedora :: Hd Not Seen By Live Cd Distros?

Nov 25, 2009

I wonder why my hard disk (with Fedora 11 on) is not seen by live cd distros (I tried with Knoppix 6.2 and Vector Light). In the past (before f11) this never happened

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Fedora :: Distros Are Available For Free?

Jun 19, 2011

when so many Linux distros are available for free..than why did u choose fedora only.? what features attracted u towards it and what makes it different from others Linux distributions.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Multiple Distros On The SAME USB?

May 20, 2009

I got Fedora LiveCD version on my USB....but I would like to test many other distros on the same USB. Is there a way to have all of the distros on my USB, and when I open the boot menu on startup, I can choose which distro to boot?

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OpenSUSE :: Pulling Active Directory Attributes?

Jun 7, 2011

I have tried using likewise but I came across this yesterday. When you install Likewise only on a Linux, Unix, or Mac computer and not on Active Directory, you cannot associate a Likewise cell with an organizational unit, and thus you have no way to define a home directory shell in Active Directory for users who log on the computer with their domain credentials. I am trying to pull attributes from acitve directory.. namely the homeDirectory

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Ubuntu :: Pulling Out Of Hibernate Boots Into Windows

Aug 4, 2010

I've recently swapped from Windows 7 to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and I haven't looked back - except for the fact that moving from Photoshop to GIMP is difficult. I digress.

Suspend works nicely (what a blessing ) but Hibernate doesn't.

Ubuntu 10.04 is installed on a 500GB Seagate External hard drive plugged into a USB port on my motherboard. My BIOS is set to boot off of it automatically (boot order). Windows 7 is installed on my 160GB () internal drive.

The problem is not when I put it into Hibernate, it's when I pull it out of hibernate. When I do my computer tries to unhibernate into Windows!

My hardware ($300 laptop from Walmart haha) - click here for more info on HP's site if you want

Model: Compaq Presario CQ60-419-wm
Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 8200M G
Processor: AMD Sempron () 2.1 GhZ
OS it was shipped with: Vista Basic ()

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Not Pulling In Exchange Calendar

Mar 25, 2011

I have just setup evolution to pull in my exchange emails using MAPI. All seems to be well, except that it isn't pulling down my calendar or tasks. I understood that it was supposed to automatically do this, is this correct?We are using exchange 2005 I believe, so wonder if this is specifically the issue.

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General :: Script For Pulling Data Out Of A Txt File?

Aug 3, 2010

I would like to write a script that pulls the last line of data out of a txt file and then saves it to another txt file. The txt file that I am looking at resides here. [URL]

I know I can grab that file using wget. I've done a little scripting but nothing major.

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Programming :: Pulling Contact Info For 400+ Domains

Jan 11, 2011

I'm doing this manually, as I'm at work, and if I spent 2 days trying to figure out a script to do this they'd maybe take it as me not working and instead messing around. However what I want to do is pull the:

Contact name, Company Name, Address, City, County, Postcode and email from the whois info for a list of about 400 domains we own.

I think I need some kind of combination of dig, sed and awk to pull the info, then filter out the parts I need, however I've never done anything like this before so I need some advice on where to start.

I'm not looking for a full bolown solution, I already have the list of domains so I think it will be something like:

for x in {list of domains}{
dig x;
somehow grab name, company name, address,
write to file in csv

Am I looking at this in the right way, can someone get me started? Is it sed/awk I need or is there another too.

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Fedora :: Difference In Operation/function Between Their Packages And The Packages Download On Virtualbox.org Website?

Feb 22, 2010

On Fedora repo I found VirtualBox-ose packages there. What will be the difference in operation/function between their packages and the packages download on virtualbox.org website?

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Fedora Installation :: Preupgrade Leftover Packages - 176 F13 Packages Remaining

Nov 17, 2010

I recently upgraded from F13 to F14 using "preupgrade". This is the first time I've used preupgrade. So far, F14 is running OK. There are some leftovers from F13 and I'm wondering if this is correct.

Q1: There are 176 F13 packages remaining. [alfrugal@localhost Documents]$ rpm -qa | grep fc13 | wc -l 176 Is this OK? FWIW, after the upgrade, I ran "package-cleanup --orphans" as recommended by the "preupgrade" page on the Fedora Project wiki.

Q2: Also, my GRUB menu was correctly updated for F14, but it still contains the three entries it had for F13. Is it normal for the preupgrade process to require the user to clean up the obsolete entries from the GRUB menu?

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Fedora :: Install Packages From The 14 Dvd Instead Of Downloading From Internet Using Add / Remove Packages

Mar 31, 2011

im using fedora 14 and i have a slow internet connection. i want 2 install some packages from the fedora 14 dvd instead of downloading from internet using add/remove packages. i tried to edit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo and /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo but it dint work.

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Fedora :: Sync Evolution Between Distros

Jan 22, 2011

On my network I have one computer running Fedora 14 and another running Ubuntu 1.0. I need to sync Evolution between these 2. The problem is Evolution folders have different content in the 2 distros. Is there a way to sync e-mails, contacts etc, between these 2 distros?

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Fedora :: How To Multiboot Distros From LVM And/or Non-LVM Partitions

Dec 6, 2010

My drive was set as LVM during installation of FC3 and has worked fine, but now i need to upgrade to some newer distro and would like to "try before i buy" one, without losing my current data and functionality (email and browsing). Once i find something that i like, then i would want to use the new distro and still have access to my old data files.

My thoughts were that i needed to somehow create a non-LVM partition in which to download and install the newer distros, but that is scary at the thought of making a mistake and losing everything. And from the success story it appears that is possibly not necessary since he uses only LVM. i tried using WINE a while back and something in the windows program started reformatting/deleting my linux account in /home and i lost everything, so i'm not thinking highly of virtualizations, and i've reverted to "if it ain't broke don't fix it"...

But now all the multimedia requires newer flash, and new flash requires new browser, and new browser wants new kernel, etc... so the time has come to try the new stuff, even though the old stuff works fine. i have a /boot ext2, and the rest is / LVM. i would like to try ubuntu or debian, knoppix, FC?. Most of the info i've found for multiboot has been anti-LVM, so it has not been useful and i'm overwhelmed by all the information. Could someone who used LVM and loaded other distros give me some detailed pointers on how it works and maybe some successful example scripts or partition tables, etc.?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 WiFi - Only Pulling (2 MBPS) Bandwidth

Oct 2, 2010

I am wondering why I used to pull a much faster download and upload (approx 20 down 3 up). Now I only get 2 down and barely 1 up). I am not sure why this happened. Any ways to check on this? Just this one, dell d505 running suse 11.2. All other WiFi computers are pulling bandwidth as expected.

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Ubuntu :: Pulling Of Large Files From A Mounted Directory Into RAM?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm having a bit of an issue with Lucid installed via Wubi. I stuck the OS on its own partition (30 GB in size), and don't store any large files in the Ubuntu file system (when I download something large I move it to another hard drive.) I don't have anything wacky or esoteric installed on my system.

I've been consistently having a problem where, after a few hours or a few days of being booted up, Ubuntu warns me that my available HD space is dangerously small. The amount of available HD space Ubuntu sees then shrinks from a few GB to nothing within a few minutes, and the only way I can seem to solve this is to reboot. Taking a closer look at what's happening, my Home folder balloons in size until there's no more writable space recognized. But there are no files being created or added to, so it looks like there's a bug of some sort. This SEEMS to be correlated with watching videos (or maybe it's the pulling of large files from a mounted directory into RAM? My videos are all on another HD, as mentioned before). I can generally go a few days without getting the "low space" message, but I can't seem to make it through a full 2-hour movie without getting the error.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pulling Videos Off Digial Camcoder?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a brand spanking new Samsung HMX-H200 digital video camera. how to get the videos off this thing onto Ubuntu 10.04?

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General :: Searching A Directory And Pulling Out Filenames With A Certain Pattern?

May 17, 2010

I would like to search a specific directory and pull out filenames that have this pattern: "_bsc_" Then I want to do some processing and move the file to another directory

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Fedora :: Installing More Than 1 Video Card On Other Distros

Nov 10, 2009

There is an obscure X11 config line (busid) necessary for using more than one video card (not sure about SLI) on fedora11, ubuntu, maybe other distros as well. obscure for me until; yesterday, I mean... I tried several methods and eventually found the solution that to my dismay was already extensively documented but is seemingly hard to find.


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Fedora Installation :: F12 - Other Distros Not Recognized On Install

Jan 31, 2010

I was in the process of installing Fedora 12 when it came to the "Operating Systems List". Here it recognised only Windows and none of the other 4 Linux distros already installed. Looking at the option to "add" and then given the drop down list for each partition, can someone tell me what to enter in the LABEL box for these partitions, or how to find what to enter in these boxes to enable these distros to be booted?

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Fedora :: Open .bundle File In Any Distros?

Dec 2, 2010

I want to open a .bundle file having the vmware installation file. how do I extract or open the .bundle file.

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General :: Useful To Have 2 Distros (Fedora And Debian) Sharing A / Tmp Partition?

May 4, 2011

How useful is it to have 2 linux distros (Fedora and Debian) sharing a /tmp partition?

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Fedora :: Download All Packages And All Rpmfusion Packages

Feb 7, 2010

I download all packages of Fedora 12 64 bit and all rpmfusion packages , all of them free and nonfree. all of them is near 20GB, I download all of them by rsync.I download them in work,In home I use Fedora12 64 bit and do not have internet connection , I copy all packages with USB flash and copy them to my Fedora box , and I want install VLC and other codecs and Nvidia driver for some games.What I must do ?I said again I do not have internet connection in home but I have all packages , free and nofree and rpmfusion packages

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Statistics On Number Of People Who Use RHL In Comparison To Other System Distros?

Aug 2, 2010

I am looking for statistics on the number of people who use RHL in comparison to other linux distros. Any help on finding up to date numbers?

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Software :: Fedora 12 And 13 Packages Installed When Installing GNote And Inkscape On Fedora 14?

Dec 23, 2010

I recently upgraded from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14 and noticed something strange when I used Yum to install GNote and Inkscape. Yum installed the Fedora 14 version of the programs, but installed some dependencies that were actually from Fedora 12 and 13. The output below shows what packages were installed.

Yum output:

==================================================================================================== ===================================================================
Package Arch Version Repository Size


When I ran the yum command to list all of the packages for the dependencies in question, it only listed the version for Fedora 12 or 13. Is there something wrong with one of my repositories or do these Fedora 14 programs actually use packages from previous versions of Fedora?

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Debian :: Difference In Operation / Function Between Their Packages And The Packages Download On Virtualbox.org Website?

Feb 22, 2010

On Debian repo I found virtualbox-ose packages there. What will be the difference in operation/function between their packages and the packages download on virtualbox.org website?

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