Fedora :: Install The Folding@Home Client On X64 14 Box?

Mar 24, 2011

I am trying to install the Folding@Home client on my x64 fedora 14 box. I am used to in ubuntu where all one would do was install the package "origami" and you just send 2 commands after to set name/team and the initial start and that was all.

such package doesn't exist for fedora, or so it seems.

is there such a package in the fedora world? if not, how do i go about setting it so it is installed and automatically runs upon startup?

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Fedora :: Folding At Home - Home To Install As A Service?

Mar 7, 2011

I am running Folding with the multi-core High performance client and would like to set this to be a service rather than have to run it by hand, so to speak, when the machine is booted.

How do I go about setting a service up for this.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Running Folding@home On A 64 Bit Machine?

Dec 6, 2010

Is anyone running folding@home on a 64 bit machine?

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Ubuntu :: Folding@Home Fails To Load?

Jan 16, 2010

When I got this message I thought the thing was already installed despite the failure of a startup script.


andrew@ubuntu:~$ sudo origami install -t 45104 -u AndrewCrogonk -b big


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Ubuntu :: Folding@home Crashes Computer?

Sep 1, 2011

As the title says, running folding@home always crashes Ubuntu when it gets to working the steps. This occurs when using the smp flag on the client. I tried removing smp and it worked, however it is slow and i can't take advantage of all 4 of my cores. My hardware specs are in my sig. At first i though it could be the memory, but after running memtest i get no errors. This does not occur on windows vista, however that is 32bit not 64bit

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Ubuntu :: Origami (Folding@Home) Fails To Work On 10.04?

Aug 1, 2010

I just did a fresh install of 32bit Ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop and am trying to get some F@H clients working.I installed Origami and did a

sudo origami install -t blah -u blah -b big


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Fedora Networking :: Home Network - Setup One As Server And The Others As Client

Mar 29, 2009

how to setup a home network for learning purpose. i have two laptops and a desktop connected to a modem-router for broadband (wired connection), i want to setup one as server and the others as client.

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Server :: LDAP Server Vs Client / Export Server's Home Directory To The Client?

Jun 11, 2011

I configured openLdap in RHEL5 on virtual achines,everything is working fine, I created a user called ldapuser,in LDAP server and i created a home directory for ldapuser in my LDAP client, now i can able to login to the both Server and client with ldapuser account....

Now here what am expecting is i want to export my server's home directory to the client, i dont want to create home directories manually in the client machine, i googled about that, and it can be done through autofs.....

what need to be done on the client and server side.

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Debian :: Folding On Boot-up?

Mar 30, 2010

Lenny here & all is okay but now want to start FAH6 (folding @ home) each time I boot up ((I have a custom launcher (((./fah6))) works fine but using that sure is getting old, I looked over the FAQs & searched but couldn't find a clear cut answer, help me ((been using Ubuntu, flame suit on))

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Server :: Alternate Home Directory On NIS Client

Dec 6, 2010

I have an NFS mount on the NIS client that I want to use as the home directory for all NIS users logging in, but I also want to retain the original /home directory for system users and root on the same client.The NFS mount is /nishome, and when I defined the NIS user on the the NIS server, I identified this mountpoint as the NIS users' home directory. This same NFS mount is mounted on the NIS server as well.

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Fedora :: Possible To Install TightVNC-client?

Dec 24, 2009

I'm accustomed to using the tightvnc client to view servers running vnc. Since installing Fedora, I see that it uses Tigervnc for everything, and there is no tightvnc client available. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, especially since Tigervnc seems more functional. The problem I'm having is that there are "artifacts" when using tigervnc to connect to one of my servers. It's so bad, that I can hardly use it to view that server. I've tried to change some of the options in tigervnc, but the app just crashes when I try to save the changes.

Anyone else experience this problem with tightvnc? Anyone tried installing one of the old tightvnc packages from rpmfind.net or rpm.pbone.net?

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Fedora :: Install Oracle Client For 10g On Fedora 13 Machine?

Jun 18, 2010

Have not done this before. What is the best way to install the Oracle client for 10g on a Fedora 13 machine?

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Networking :: Windows Client Is Rebooting When Accessing Mapped Home Directory On A Box?

Feb 4, 2009

I have a redhat server with SAMBA file services. I have copied all the users files into their respective home directories and mapped a network drive to their folders. However, when I try to access a file in those folders the machine reboots itself. There are no error messages or anything, it just reboots!

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Ubuntu :: Fortran Syntax Highlighting And Code Folding Editor Wanted?

Jul 27, 2011

I am looking for a text editor that does 1) syntax highlighting2) code folding3) it would be a bonus if I could set which macros were defined and it would show me the source I have tried geany, and codeblocks. Both incorrectly code fold around preprocessor #ifdef and #endif. The gedit plugin doesn't seem to work at all

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Fedora :: Remote Desktop Client (RDP) Aka Terminal Services Client?

Nov 25, 2009

Is there a good terminal services client available I can connect to my Windows boxes from Fedora12? I am willing to pay for a commercial license if there is a good one

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Fedora :: Install Some VNC Software On 14 Box At Home?

Nov 16, 2010

I want to install some VNC software on my Fedora 14 box at home. When I did a search in Add/Remove Software for VNC I saw TigerVNC and VNC server for the current X11 session. I installed both but I was wondering if anyone has used these programs before and which one they liked more. Also which one would be easier to configure.

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Ubuntu :: Install 64bit Home Over Previous 32bit /home?

Sep 26, 2010

I was previously running 10.04 32bit. Recently upgraded my cpu/ram, so figured I'd try 64 bit. On my previous setup, I had / in one partition, /home in another, plus a few other partitions (/backup, etc).

I did the install of 64 bit, but was too scared to point /home in 64bit to the previous /home. After the install, now all those previous partitions/mounts are on /media. I'd like to just point /home at the previous partition. Should I mess with /etc/fstab to do this or will it cause problems? Is the easiest thing to do reinstall, then point the new install to use the pre-existing /home? Wasn't sure if that would cause problems or not. I've backed up most of the previous /home area, so worst case, if it gets blown away, I should be alright.

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Fedora Installation :: Install F13 With Old Encrypted /home?

Jun 23, 2010

I encrypted "/" and "/home" during boot with F12. Now I'm trying to install F13. The problem is it will not allow to specify /home as the mount point. It will take /home and not complain but when I get back to summary there is no mount point, just blank. When I entered the passphrase it didn't complain so I think that is okay. The / dir I said I wanted to format, so it accepted the / mount point.

I tried to go ahead and install F13 anyway thinking it may figure this out. However it didn't use my /home but created a new /home.

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Fedora :: Using SSH - Could Not Chdir To Home Directory /home/adahaj: Permission Denied

Jul 21, 2009

I have a strange problem when I do SSH to a FEDORA9 based Linux Server.


When I login using "adah" username in TELNET I am automatically directed to my home directory at location "/media/disk-1/home/adah". But when I use SSH to login using the same username I get the following message Code: Could not chdir to home directory /home/adahaj: Permission denied

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Fedora :: 14 + Windows On BART PE Run All Win32 Apps Like CAD - Dialup Client - Burn Iso - Install On A Small Harddisk - Boot Up

Nov 5, 2010

I want to move entirely from windows to linux. My college has ubuntu running on the labs. But i have a thing fr Fedora. I want to install fedora & run win32 apps via wine. But just in case some apps need strictly windoze i was wondering about using BART PE as a minimal windows application use. Does BARTPE run all win32 apps like CAD, dialup client, burn iso, install on a small harddisk,boot up with linux?

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Fedora Installation :: Install FC11 X86-64 And Preserve Home Partition That Is In Ext3?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm planning FC11 x86_64 with a live cd , but I would like to preserve my /home partition that is in ext3 . or is there a way to do an install and keep my /home and convert it after in ext4

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Fedora :: Install Supercollider - Stuck On Installing Planet CCRMA At Home ?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm trying to install supercollider following this guide: [url]

And I'm completely stuck on installing Planet CCRMA at Home. The guide says update your computer with PackageKit, KPackageKit. I believe I have both installed but cannot see them in the applications menu. Where can check?

Next the guide says: Run the following command in a terminal window: su -c 'rpm -Uvh

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Fedora Networking :: Connect The Network Where The Openvpn Client Is,throught The Computer With The Client To The Other Network?

May 20, 2009

I have the following problem:I have to networks in remote places.I have an opnvpn client in one network that connects to the the router (openvpn server).My question is,can i connect the network where the openvpn client is,throught the computer with the client to the other network.If yes,how? (please make it an idiot proof anwser because i have limited knowledge about iptables). I was thinking like forwarding (the router in the network with the openvpn client is also firewalling with iptables) the request of the ip class of the openvpn network to the computer with the client,which masquarades the interface

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Fedora :: Set Up User's Home Folder Away From Home?

Mar 10, 2010

Wondering if its possible to have a User's home folder that resides in a different partition (could be ntfs or ext). I don't mean mounting /home on a different partition. The home directory will still be available for adding more users but I'd like to have a specific User's folder away from /home

How can one achieve this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A New Home Partition, Don't Want To Preserve The Existing Home Partition?

Jan 14, 2010

Trying to clean install 11.2 dual boot with Win xp already installed. How do I create a new home partition, don't want to preserve the existing home partition from a previous attempt. DVD installation and automatic config keeps saving the thing.

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Fedora Hardware :: Resizing Home Partition But Get Message "no Space In Home Folder"

Dec 17, 2010

i installed fedora kde 32 bit and iam realy loving it. but i want to resize my home partition as i got a message there is no space in my home folder i downloaded a Disk utility application .... to try and resize .... but looks like i dont know what to do

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Restrict Users To Their Home Directories And Allow Admins To Have Different Home Directories?

Jan 20, 2010

Is it possible to restrict users to their home directories and allow admins to have different home directories? Essentially I want users to have a folder in /var/www/html/$USER and admins to have either unrestricted access or have their root directory be ./ or /www or /etc. I have is set now so users have access to thier home direcotry but I need to upload web files as admin.

So far I have created:


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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Login After Install Novel Client For 2.0-SP2

Apr 17, 2011

I install Novell-Client-2.0-sp2-sle11-i586.iso for Linux on My IBM T23 with SUSE 11.2. I test it with Open Server 6.5 SP8 and SUSE Enterprise 11 both have Novell eDirectory 8.8.Know I can't login I get a error message "Module in unknown" can't you help?

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Software :: Install Destination Of Deb Package / Install Under User's Home Directory?

Jul 2, 2010

I am new to deb package. I have read some docs, but did not know how to specify the destination for to-be-installed files. For example, I want to install under user's home directory. How to specify that?

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Networking :: Connecting Debian Client To Voyager Client Via Crossover Cable?

Jan 6, 2011

trying to create a "local network" by directly connecting an IBM Thinkpad with Debian Linux installed on it to an Alix computer running Voyager Linux. I'm following a "how to" I found to create a music server, hence the requirement. My issue is I can't get a static IP address to be configured on the Debian machine.I've trawled the net and have found the instructions about editing the /etc/network/interfaces and have tried to do this. First I tried to get DHCP working so I could connect the Debian machine to the net and this proved successful. I edited the interfaces file to look as follows:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Then I tried adding a static IP address to the machine. As this is a network purely between two machines I made up the IP addres and used and used a NetMask calculator to give me a NetMask of (I told the calculator there would be 2 machines on the network). I then edited the interfaces file as follows:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


I re-booted the machine (ifdown eth0 followed by ifup eth0 keeps saying that eth0 hasn't been configured - a problem there that I don't understand), but during boot up time it failed to assign the Static IP address to eth0 and made me go into SU mode. To fix it I simply replaced the interface file with the static IP inputs with the file that had the DHCP entries (I'd made a copy of the DHCP file), and re-started the machine. Everthing came up fine. So the first question is how do I get a static IP address to be assigned to eth0 such that whenever I shut down and restart the machine the static IP address is always loaded?

The second question is around creating the network via the cross over cable. From what I've found via Google, all I should have to do is create a static IP address on the Debian machine and a static IP address on the Voyager machine. Once they're connected by the cross over cable they should see each other. Is that correct, or do I have to do anything else?

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