Fedora :: Can Not Access Repo

May 13, 2010

The only access that I have to the internet is a wireless option silver streak wireless modem on windows. I am trying to install drivers for the Nvidia video card that I downloaded to a cd. I went into /etc/yum.repos.d and 0 all the enables and created a new directory as:

name=My Disc
baseurl=file:///media/My Disc cd/

yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=My Disc.I get an error telling me it can not access the repo.

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Fedora Installation :: Updates After Install And Repo Lists / Saying Repo Not Found?

Mar 26, 2011

i'm attempting to know and understand fedora more and i will spend probably the next month pouring through all the forums and documents to answer more of my own questions. but there's quite a bit here, so i'd thought i'd ask some noob questions to get me started a little.

ive installed fedora 14 64bit and chosen only kde as the desktop. i selected an extra 2 repos besides the default, fedora 14 -x86_64 and fedora 14-x86_64 -updates. i believe this kernel is installed:

1. i can only see the 2 extra repo's as being "checked" in kpackagekit, shouldn't i see the default repo also ?

2. i dont have an applet in the system tray indicating the system is up to date, does fedora have this by default ? also after a clean install i ran yum check-update and yum update but the message sayes: "no packages marked for update". i'm not sure if the system is auto-updated during install or not, but with other distros iv tried there is always atleast a few updates needing to be done after install.

3. is kpackagekit the fedora gui package manager ? i dont see any others.

4. i want to upgrade to nvidia drivers, but i think i am missing a non-free repo or something. when i enter: yum install kmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64 i get messages stating "no package" i get the same message with yum install nvidia-settings.i also tried this: LANG=C yum --enablerepo=rpmfusion-nonfree info akmod-nvidia but it sayes repo not found.

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Server :: Unable To Access Repo With SVN+HTTPS?

Jul 7, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.4 with Apache2, SVN and SSL. Both HTTP and HTTPS are working correctly with my website. Although the SVN setup I have is not working. This configuration gives me a 403 error.

<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNParentPath /srv/svn/repos
SVNListParentPath On


This issue is driving me up the walls. If there is any additional information, I will be more than happy to provide it.

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Fedora :: Software From Updates-testing Repo / Grabbed From Testing Repo When Run Regular Updates?

Jun 22, 2010

I am using Fedora 13 and I have one program (wine) that I need to start grabbing for the updates-testing repo instead of the default repositories in order to get newer versions. I think I can figure out how to add that repository, but I need to know if there are any others I need to disable or any other changes I need to make to my system so that I don't confuse my set up with conflicting updates.

Also, is there anything special I need to do to be sure that only that one program is grabbed from the testing repo when I run regular updates?

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.4 And Updates Repo / Add The KDE Factory Repo To Get Update?

Apr 5, 2010

Will KDE4.4 eventually move into the 11.2 updates or do I have to add the KDE Factory repo to get this update?

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OpenSUSE :: 'repo-non-oss': Failed To Cache Repo (139)

Oct 4, 2010

YaST-->Software-->Online Update Getting error: There was an error in the repository initialization. 'repo-non-oss': Failed to cache repo (139). History: - repo2solv.sh "/var/cache/zypp/raw/repo-non-oss" > "/var/cache/zypp/solv/repo-non-oss/solv"

Output of zypper lr:

# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh
1 | openSUSE-11.0-Updates | openSUSE-11.0-Updates | Yes | Yes
2 | openSUSE-DVD 11.0 | openSUSE-DVD 11.0 | Yes | No


If I disable the repo-non-oss repository the update works fine. The URL I have for the repo-non-oss repository is:

Index of /distribution/11.0/repo/non-oss

This has been going on for over a week. Do I need to use a different URL for the non-oss repository? I live in New York, United States.

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CentOS 5 :: Installing CentOS-DS - Cannot Get To The Extras Repo Due To Lack Of Wired Sans Internet Access

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying to install CentOS-DS on version 5.4 x86_64. I cannot get to the Extras repo due to lack of wired Internet access. I have wireless (except to server) and I have big UFD drives.

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OpenSUSE :: Removing A Repo - Error "can't Find The Data For The 'problem' Repo"

Nov 20, 2010

I wasn't paying proper attention when adding a repo to yast and need to find the file were the info is saved to delete this. The problem is that whenever i use yast it comes up with an error code saying that it can't find the data for the 'problem' repo. Have tried zypper rm but that comes up with a similar error advising that the data is in a format that was not expected. My thinking is to track the file were the yast repo source details are saved, delete this and then just add the repos that i use back.

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Fedora :: K3b From Kde Repo?

Mar 18, 2010

I've always used the latest k3b from the kde repo, however it's no longer in the x86_64 repo, anyone know where else I can get it from?

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Fedora :: Kde 4.3.3 Available In KDE Testing Repo?

Nov 23, 2009

did some one installed kde 4.3.3 by using the kde testing repo?

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Fedora :: Add 32 Bit Repo To 64 Install?

Sep 3, 2010

I know I have seen instructions for this before but I can't find them searching.I have a fresh install of Fedora 13x86_64 and need to temporarily enable 32 bit testing repositories so I can grab 32 bit Wine and Firefox (need flash to work in FF). Can someone please tell me how to add these?

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Fedora :: Adding A Repo To Yum?

Oct 13, 2010

i want to add http://carme.pld-linux.org/~arekm/RPMS/ to yum repos for searching packages and installing them.(as ATrpm and dag ,...)

i do this :
#sajad added this:
name=For VirtualBox


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Fedora :: F15 From F14 Via A Yum Upgrade Using An F15 Repo?

May 27, 2011

I upgraded to F15 from F14 via a yum upgrade using an F15 repo. Things seems to be working mostly OK except for some shared drives on Windows Server 2003. In my /etc/fstab file I have this:

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Fri Oct 8 18:32:22 2010
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info


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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Add Repo To Yum In RHEL 5

Jun 30, 2010

I've looked around for examples of how to add a repository to my yum installation. I tried creating /etc//yum.repos.d/dag.repo as follows:I have to play some trickery to post the file here, so please understand. linuxforums won't let me put "urls to another site" in this email.I had to remove the first part of the URL to confuse the linuxforum parser.

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up A SVN Or CVS Repo?

May 13, 2009

We are looking at setting up an SVN or CVS repo

We were also asked to research which is the best and easiest to work with/ setup. So I came here instead of google as no doubt many have used both and have their views of whats what.

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Fedora :: Yum - Install / Remove By Repo?

Nov 2, 2009

I just installed the repo for Go-OO (an OpenOffice derivative). Apparently I didn't go about installing the actual Go-OO program from the repo correctly (i.e., I missed something crucial to actually run it), so I went ahead and reinstalled Open Office proper until I figure out exactly what I'm doing. (N.B: I'm still quite new to Linux and yum.)

Is there a way I can list yum installs strictly by their repository? That is, is there a command I could use to simply list every install that came from the "GoOo" repo? I'm aware that yum list installed returns repo info, but I'd rather be able to list by one repo at a time because (a) I want to very thoroughly clear off everything from the GoOo repo, and (b) it would definitely make it easier in the event that I have to perform any blanket removes in the future.I'm unable to find any single or short string of commands that does this, so I'm guessing either the answer is no or I'm overlooking something ridiculously simple.

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Fedora :: Download The Entire Repo?

Jul 28, 2010

is there a way to actually download the entire fedora repo? i've a friend with dialup who cannot install big things and i want to just downlaod the repository for him. i know ubuntu has some sort of way of doing this. i tried the following:

sudo yum --downloadonly --downladdir=~/fedora_repo install *.i?86

but this seems to, aside from all sorts of conflicting packages only get the things i dont have installed.

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Fedora :: Yumex Can't Delete Repo

Nov 4, 2010

I just upgraded from Fedora 11 x86_64 to Fedora 13 using the DVD. After rebooting I discovered that none of the launch menu items for OOo are working. But that is probably because I had OOo 3..2.1 installed by downloading it from openoffice.org instead of using the version in the repos. I have "openoffice" listed in some file somewhere (I forgot) to exclude OOo from updates.

So I decided to launch Yumex to make sure that the upgrade didn't overwrite my OOo installation with the version from the repos. But Yumex will not launch. It gives me an error message that there is a problem with the livna repo, and to launch it with yumex -n.

I can launch it with yumex -n, and I can unselect the livna repo, but when I try to launch it later it still fails. Launching again with yumex -n reveals that the livna repo is still selected. I have unselected the livna repo several times, but every time I relaunch Yumex it is still enabled.

I spent a long time in the Debian world and don't know how to delete a repo from the command line on Fedora. Can someone tell me how to nuke the livna repo so I can get Yumex to run?

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Fedora :: No Plugins For KDevelop In Repo?

Nov 6, 2010

I just installed F14 (upgraded from F13), and I wanted to install the PHP plugin for KDevelop, but yum reports no plugin packages. A friend has openSUSE and he found the plugins in the repos. Have the plugins not been packaged for Fedora yet? I just want to know that before I install them from source.

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Fedora :: RPMFusion Repo For F14 Is Empty?

Nov 8, 2010

I opened a bug report on this in the RPMFusion bugzilla and other people have asked on the mailing list over there, without an answer.why the Fedora 14 repos are empty? See: [URl] Both i386 and x86_64 are empty in both the free and nonfree trees. Though strangely the updates trees for F14 are populated.

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Fedora :: RSS Flux Of A Personal Repo?

Apr 21, 2011

I've got a personal repoI'd like to made a RSS flux of itI tried :

repo-rss -f `wget ` cyrilleBlag140.xml
And I parse the file ( example here


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Fedora :: Save A Repo File?

May 10, 2011

im trying to create a repo file and im not sure how to save it.

# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/playonlinux.repo
then i added in:


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Fedora :: Add Repo And Downgrade Mysql?

Jun 30, 2011

I need to downgrade mysql to version 5.0, currently using mysql-5.5.13-1.fc15.i686

I saw that 5.0 was available in Fedora 10, so I tried to add fedora 10 repo from the archives.

Created f10.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with contents:



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Fedora :: Removed A Repo On Accident - Fix?

Aug 25, 2011

A while ago, I removed a .repo file without thinking; it was late, and I was messing with stuff I am using Fedora 15 x64. The repository I removed was fedora-updates-testing.repo

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General :: Restoring Yum Repo In Fedora 7?

Feb 22, 2011

I mistakenly deleted the repo directory in the yum folder. Now my yum command does not work.i tried to rpmfusion but i couldnt find the rpm for fedora 7. How can i restore my repos. I didnt do any modifications. Only rpmfusion repo would do.

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Fedora :: Checksum For Two Fedora 12 DVD ISOs So Far Different Than Available In Repo

Nov 18, 2009

I went on Windows and downloaded one of them through Firefox last night and the other one with a (faster) download manager after I tried verifying the first. Both return something completely different from what is located here:

instead of this: [URL]

c899659b8a7ceb8f005fc1a300b4e21c984a48fd7b8d8a332e d24bf8c3c479e8

I get this:


These are SHA-1 hashes for the same file. Is something broken?

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Fedora Installation :: Should Disable Livna Repo?

Feb 24, 2009

I recently upgraded successfully from F8 to F10 with no problems. I have a question about repo compatabilities. The livna repo is still enabled after the upgrade. Is is compatable with the rpmfusion and fedora repos? should I disable the livna repo? will this cause any problems?

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Fedora :: OpenOffice From Repo: Can't Change Font

Dec 1, 2009

I upgraded to F12 recently and due to SELinux I installed OpenOffice from repo. Now, I open an .ods file I made with orig. OpenOffice 3.1.1 on F11, and find that the font has become bold italic all through the 13 sheets and I can't change it. How can I change it to back non-bold, non-italic? I've looked through Options, but can't find anything useful for this.

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Fedora :: Yum Error - Cannot Retrieve Repo Metadata

Dec 3, 2009

I'm getting the following error when I try to install anything with yum:
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. Please verify its path and try again.
I tried editing /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo and /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo, and also amending the host file as explained in this fix. [URL]. Still doesn't work. I am behind a proxy.

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Fedora :: FF 3.5.5 And Flash 10 (Adobe Repo) Crashing

Dec 14, 2009

I'm using the Mozilla version (tar.gz) of FF 3.5.5 and I'm using the Adobe Repo to install Flash 10. Everytime I go to a Flash site (....., Hulu, Amazon VOD) the browser crashes. If I use the Fedora Repo version of FF (also 3.5.5) then the crashing is much less frequent, although it does still happen. I tried making a symbolic link from the flash-plugin directory under /usr/lib/flash-plugin into the /home/user/firefox/plugins directory, but still no dice. How do I get Flash to behave properly with my Mozilla version of FF 3.5.5...any tips?

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