Fedora :: Which Applications Are Using Internet?

Nov 4, 2010

My internet's been kinda slow lately, and I can see the "activity" light on my router blinking like crazy but I'm not doing anything related to internet.

Is there a way to find out which applications are using the internet?

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Applications :: Install Xen With Out Connecting To Internet

May 12, 2010

I have CentOS 5.4 installed. Now I'm trying to install Xen with out connecting to Internet (I have any driver for modem, so I search on Inernet only from Windows). All I have are 7 installation disks. First I done was to find kind of some add/remove programs wizard but it needed connection to Inernet. Second I try was to find Xen rpm on all disks and install it. But I fell on some dependency of some dependency. Third I attempted was to boot from first disk and do upgrade, but also it was unsuccessfully... So my question is: is there some way to install Xen from CentOS installation disks with out network?

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CentOS 5 :: Installing Applications With No Internet Access?

Mar 17, 2011

I'm currently working on a project in a secure environment with no internet access and I need to install Ettercap and Wireshark on the machines. I thought this would be a simple task of loading Wireshark onto a USB but this did not work and replied with error messages such as: ' Invalid config x86_64-unknown-linux'

what does the error message mean and do I need internet access to install the apps?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Internet Connection Slow In Certain Applications?

May 17, 2011

I have recently moved countries and have finally got my internet connected today after a lengthy wait. I have a pretty fast connection - it's a fibre connection at approx 100Mbps Between my onu (modem) & computer (Lenovo SL510) I have a cisco wrt120N wireless router. I'm using Opensuse 11.3 (also dual boot with Win7)

My problem is . . . When I enter url in firefox (4) I get the message "looking up www. . ." for approx 5 to 15 seconds before anything starts to load. I also have the same behaviour in konqueror, firefox and yast software manager.

If I use Google Chrome the pages load instantly. Even never before visited pages.

A typical webpage such as Stuff.co.nz - Latest New Zealand News & World News, Sports News & NZ Weather Forecasts takes approx 20 to thirty secs to load in firefox and 3 seconds in Chrome. I can see the same behaviour always whether Chrome used first or firefox used first - so cache does not appear to be the issue.

If I boot into Win7 - websites load instantly there also.

I have updated to the latest wireless drivers for my system - but the behaviour is also evident if I attach a lan cable.

Here is a little info

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 60:EB:69:AE:C6:28
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Applications On 9.10 Without Internet Connection?

Mar 2, 2010

I just recently Ubuntu 9.10 and have never used Linux at all before. I was wondering, all the links and tips and everything tell me to use Ubuntu Software Center. I haven't had a chance to actually go to the Software Center yet but does it require an internet connection to install software or can I download the tar.gz / tar.bz2 files from sources such as Softpedia.com and still install them using Software Center without a Internet Connection?

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General :: Browse Internet Via Ethernet But Unable 2 Connect Via Wifi - Install Applications

Jun 20, 2010

i'm using redhat enterprise version, i'm facinh problem in wifi. i able to browse internet via ethernet but unable 2 connect via wifi and how to install applications.

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Ubuntu :: Several Applications Click On And It Takes To The Installer How To Remove Those Types Of Applications

Jul 28, 2011

I haven't used Ubuntu for a while, and just reinstalled it. I have one major dislike about the new version, There are several applications I click on and it takes me to the installer.How do I remove those types of applications or just install them all?

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Ubuntu :: 90% Of The Applications Install - Last Release - Do Not Show Up Later On In Applications Menu

Jul 24, 2010

I feel shy asking this question but, 90% of the applications I install in Ubuntu (last release), do not show up later on in the applications menu, so I cant run them. I know it seems silly, but I can't find the way to handle this inconvenience. Is there a place (like Start> All programs in Windows), were I could find and run all the programs I install?

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Ubuntu :: Erasing Applications From Installed Applications Menu?

Jun 5, 2011

I was wondering if there was any way to remove icons from the installed applications menu?I recently attempted to install GOG.com's Zork Anthology using Wine and when I de-installed, the icons for those files were still listed in installed applications. Is there anyway to delete them manually?

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Applications :: Automated Install Of 30 Applications Across Multiple Distributions?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm setting up a large number of virtual machines, each with a basic set of about 30 applications. Obviously, I don't want to do everything manually so I'm looking for ways to automate this process. Multiple distributions (Ubuntu, Red Hat Ent., FreeBSD, CentOS, etc.) will be used, meaning I will have a few Ubuntu installs with the basic set of 30 applications, and multiple Red Hat installs with the same set, etc. So, I'm looking for advice on automating as much of this as I can, even if it means a new form of automation for each distro.

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Software :: Get Installed Applications List And Applications Activity

May 25, 2009

Is there a programmatic way to get the list of all installed applications on Linux.

Also, how can we get the application activities in Linux OS like running applications name, time of day when they started, duration till the applications were running on system, application version etc.

Is there a way to do this in C/C++.

I am building an app that runs like a daemon and fetches the applications status and sends it to the network admin for him to monitor the application usage pattern on the user computers in the network.

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Fedora :: Associate The Windows Key On My Keyboard To The Fedora Applications Menu?

Feb 22, 2010

I want to associate the other short-cut keys - like pause, play etc. How can that be done?

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Fedora :: Using 'su' For GUI Applications?

Nov 11, 2009

I'm doing app development, and the app interfaces with some I/O devices which requires root permission. I'm unable to become root through terminal and run these programs (ie, go into terminal and type in 'su'). I get this error several times in succession when I attempt to run *any* GUI app (even gedit):

GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See [URL] for information. (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.)

I read somewhere else the solution was to type the following into terminal:

xhost +local:

But it doesn't do anything (same error after reboot).

Also, can I just make my user have admin priveledges? I realize there are reasons why this is not normal howeverI'm the only one who uses the system, and it's only for development. I don't like having to log in as root through the terminal every time I want to debug my program.

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Fedora :: Using 32-bit Applications On 64 Bit 12?

Mar 20, 2010

How would I use 32-bit applications on 64-bit Fedora 12? I know in Ubuntu you just install IA-32, how would I do that on 64 bit Fedora 12? I'm putting this on the forums from my mac because I am deciding whether to install fedora 12 32 or 64 bit on my macbook, dual boot.

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Fedora :: Installing Fedora Without The Extra Applications?

Jul 28, 2009

I installed Fedora 11 last night and found that it installs a lot of applications and utilities that i dont need and will never use. I tried to customise the installation before installing but there is too many of them that i just gave up.

All i need is the Apache Webserver and the mysql database. is there an easier way to installl a quick Fedora installation with just the webserver and the database and nothing else?

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Fedora :: Using KDE Applications While Running KDE?

Mar 24, 2010

Is there a benefit to using KDE applications while running KDE?I've switched from Gnome recently.

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Fedora :: Cannot Run GWT Applications In Firefox

Oct 5, 2010

I can not run GWT applications in Firefox; it say me that GWT plugin is needed; I download and install the plugin through Firefox plugin manager, but when it restart, ask me for pluging, again. What i can do?

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Fedora :: Can't Run Certain Applications As Root

Jan 10, 2011

I am having a problem when I try to run certain programs as root via the terminal (this problem mainly occurs when I try to run a GUI application).

Before installing F14, running gedit as root was never a problem and I always did it when modifying system files. But in F14 it seems to be a problem. Here's what I run...

For example, I execute:


And get this output:


The same problem occurs when running other programs:

The output of running totem as root is:


The output of running firefox as root is:


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Fedora :: Set Startup Applications In 15?

Jul 24, 2011

I just installed fedora 15 and I can't seem to find my way around Gnome 3.0.1. In fedora 14 when I connected an external hard drive it used to automount itself. I can't find it in fedora 15 though.

How do I set startup applications in fedora 15? In fedora 14 I used to have this wizard to which I could add an application that I would want to run on startup.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Run Widows Or Its Applications In 14?

Apr 21, 2011

now i want to run widows or its applications in my fedora14. i heard about vmwere&wine,
but dont know which one would be better choice. or is there any other applications that is better than these...?

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Fedora :: Too Many KDE Applications On A Gnome Install

Oct 17, 2009

I have what seems to be far to many KDE programs running on my Gnome desktop is this normal?

I thought there would be gnome equivalents.

I'll list them:

Is this normal for a Gnome Desktop Fedora installation and if so which are completely arbitrary and can be removed safely?

Also is xorg supposed to use 8-20% of the CPU when all that is running is the system monitor? The system monitor application also uses 20-70% of the CPU when it is running by itself also. (Intel Pentium 4, 3.2ghz)

I didn't choose any KDE desktop Applications Intentionally

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Fedora :: No Menus On Any Gnome Applications 12

Nov 27, 2009

I recently installed Fedora 12 and none of the Gnome applications have menus.

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Fedora :: Getting The Specific Packages And Applications?

Dec 24, 2009

If I am correct there is an official list(probably by Fedora itself) of packages/software included in each Fedora version, but I can't find it. I also have a couple of queries below.

1. There are always new applications, packages, games etc. being released for Fedora by open source developers and companies. Is there a good website where I can get a list of all these new packages etc, if possible an official one? I visit some sites such as Linux.com, but based on your own experience, I think you can guide me better.

2. In order to know which packages are installed on the Fedora machine one can type the following command, is that right?


rpm -qa

And this one gives the exact number of installed packages.


rpm -qa | wc -l

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Fedora :: Gnome Versus KDE Applications

May 31, 2010

I installed Fedora 13 and use the Gnome desktop. I want to keep my installation as clean as possible and have heard some contrary advice about installing both Gnome and KDE desktops, so I want to stay with just Gnome. In the past I have mixed both and feel that resulted in tons of packages that I probably didn't need and tons of updates all the time. However, some applications seem to be KDE applications and installing them requires installation of many KDE packages. This is a source of confusion for me:

Is there a distinction between Gnome applications and KDE applications? If so, how do you tell the difference? Should one NOT install KDE applications if you are using the Gnome desktop and not interested in installing KDE desktop? Is there a best practice on how to approach which software to install so that you do not create a mix and match mess?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Running 32 Bit Applications On 13?

Jun 13, 2010

how to install 32 bit libraries on Fedora 64 bit.

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Fedora :: Safe To Use Applications For GNOME?

Jun 23, 2010

Is it safe to use applications for GNOME, say, Disc Burner, in KDE?

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Fedora :: Customize The Applications Menu?

Jul 23, 2010

How can I customize the applications menu. I would like to have a menu option 'programming' and I would like to add emacs, DDD, eclipse to that menu option. So it would be something like this:


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Fedora :: Realplayer Cannot See In Applications Menu ?

Aug 17, 2010

I just installed Realplayer but Why can i not see it in Applications menu ?

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Fedora :: List Of Installed Applications?

Nov 2, 2010

I've been using Fedora 11 x86_64 for over a year and am about to upgrade to Fedora 13 using a genuine Fedora installation CD that I got last summer at OSCON. I've made a full system backup, but before I take the plunge I want to get a list of all installed applications. I have tons of special applications installed, many of which took tweaks to get running. Just in case something breaks so badly that I have to reinstall I want to be sure I can put everything back, even if it takes me several days work.I know I have read about utilities that will generate a list of installed apps, but I can't find any.

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Fedora :: Switching Between (fullscreen) Applications Aka Alt+tab

Nov 22, 2010

Switching applications, done by pressing alt+tab usually succeeds. However it fails (doesnt do anything) when i am in fullscreen applications, read games. How can i happily switch applications again?

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