Ubuntu Servers :: Change Web Addresses Of Apache For Backup System?

Dec 12, 2010

I have tried several places for help but I am getting no where...Here is my background.I have spent all weekend to replicate my development server back at home. I have an Apache remote server with 3 IP based virtual hosts pointing to


Now I have been able to set up a VM on my desktop, installed the OS, the applications, the db server, apache etc. Everything is looking good so far. So right now I have,


So when I go to, I go to [URL] so I guess apache is working aswell.What I want to do is, instead of going to [URL] I want to change it to another address such as a.me.add1How can I do this? I am looking through the virtual hosts section, I have changed server name entry etc but its not working.Can you tell me in big picture what I would need to do to set that up? My current set up doesnt really help me much once the site get the www address.tell me if Document Root of IP address points to [URL] will it always resolve into that webaddress. That is if I enter the browser will redirect it to [URL].

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Apache To Point To Addresses Like "localhost" Or Outside Ip?

May 31, 2010

I am planning on installing an Apache server today. I know how to get it to point to addresses like "localhost" or my outside ip, but how do I get it to point to a URL like [URL]? (That's just an example URL)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Won't Change From Default?

Mar 7, 2010

no matter what I do I cannot get my fresh install of apache to change off the default


Originally Posted by apache

It works! This is the default web page for this server. The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.

this is really annoying, my config file at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf is as follows (it is mainly the original with a few commented changes)

# Based upon the NCSA server configuration files originally by Rob McCool.
# This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the


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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Change Cgi-bin Path In Apache

Aug 11, 2010

Installed Apache and the default web root was /var/www I wanted to change the cgi-bin to somewhere within the /var/www but I cannot. It only works at /usr/lib/cgi-bin. I am trying to work out the Python CGI to be precise. It works at /usr/lib/cgi-bin but gives a 404 at other places like /home/aj/public_html/cgi-bin or /var/www/cgi-bin.I even tried it with putting a webroot directory in my home directory with a cgi-bin in it and made the changes accordingly in the conf. but the only way it works is when cgi-bin settings point to /usr/lib/cgi-bin otherwise it gives 404.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Default Loading Page In Apache?

Feb 8, 2010

but ive two problems. 1st: The first is how do i change the default page on load up of localhost.eg when i enter the http://localhost/ i get the usual it works symbol.this is because its loading the index.html file in my var/www/ folder.i dont want too create another index file, but how do i change the configuration too load up a different one like home.html2nd: i tried installing sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin and for the most part it worked.but nothign comes up when i go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

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Ubuntu Servers :: Reboot The System With A Linux CD To Do The Backup?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a personal ubuntu server that provides apache, glassfish, firewall, routing, email, CVS, MySQL, etc.... This server has been running for a while with two hard drives configured into a RAID 1 array. The array has two partitions, one for swap and one for the data. I currently back up the data with a removable hard drive. I use dd and create an image of one drive and the MBRs (partition tables) of each drive.In a disaster situation I can use this data to recreate one drive and then re mirror it to the second, or just boot the back up.I like this solution because I can easily recover from bare metal, and the backup is transparent. I can browser it if needed since its an uncompressed image of the drive. The one drawback is that I need to reboot the system with a linux CD to do the backup.

My hard drive space is almost at capacity. So what I want to do is add a third drive to the array and migrate it to RAID 5. However this will cause my current backup method to no longer work. How can I back up this RAID 5 array. I need to back up the entire system, and not just the data. I have made many tweaks to the system over the years that it has been running that I can't lose if a restore is needed. I have seen a large thread here that people have been using tar. My concern with tar is how do you use a tar archive to restore a system to a new array. Im assuming that you would need to setup the array and then just restore the archive? Also, i don't have much faith in using tar on a running system. Doesn't this open yourself up to corrupted backups? My second idea is using rsync. While I consider myself experienced in linux from 10 years of personal and professions use, I have not had much experience with this utility. Would rsync provide a more reliable way to backup a running system that would enable a bare metal restore later? I once read something about people using rsync with hard links to create a backup that could store many incremental backups.My main concern with both rsync and tar is not being able to restore the OS to the state that it was in at the time of the backup.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup System To Hard Drives?

Oct 12, 2010

I currently have an Ubuntu 10.04 Server with 10 2TB hard drives (Hot Swappable). I discovered that having a software raid over 16TB is not supported, so I split the drives into 2 sections and have 2 Software Raid arrays storing my movies, audio, pictures, and other software. The total current usage is around 7TB.
Since backing the files up to DVDs or even BlueRay is laughable, I am going to backup the system to 2TB hard drives probably 4 of them, the problem becomes that I can only hook one backup drive at a time into the system using a hot swap tray. Now I know that I can do this manually by copying the files one at a time to the drive until it is full, switching the drive out and repeating this, but I am hoping for an automated solution, Start backup, plug first drive in, system fills up drive, swap and repeat. Also it would be nice if the system remembered what had already been backed up so when I add files to the system, I only need to attach the last drive and not start the process over.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache - Change The Permissions For A Directory And All Files Inside

Dec 12, 2010

I would like to change the permissions for a directory and all files inside the directory how do I do this? The website is located only on my local network so I am not worried about security. Also what would be the optimal permissions for running wordpress.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup Including System Files - Boot From Live Cd?

Apr 22, 2010

I am researching how to make an effective backup on Ubuntu Server. This server will have Vsftp, VPN, Samba stuff , many other added packages +many printers, many users + data. I know I can use tar for the data /u no problem. 1. I was testing tar on the /home directory on a few user directories. I then created a new directory and did a restore of the users directories on it. I noticed the /home/user owner and group were root. The files in each directory remained the same. This gave me concern. If I had a crash and had to restore these to a new HD. I would have to change these, what else would I need to change? 2. Since I have many config files, how do I back up them? I know I can do a dump, but then users shouldn't be on the system. The system files will change as they add users, printers, etc, and asking users to not work, is not really an option while dump is running. I thought I could do a tar on whole system. (cron late at night .. not as many users) Then in event of crash of HD.

1. Boot from live cd
2. format the new drive
3. tar back in the whole system

Will this work right? Is there something I am missing?

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Fedora Servers :: Create A Backup To A Remote File System?

Jun 26, 2010

Attempting to create a backup script to copy files from one file system to a remote file system.

When I try this I get:


# tar -cf - /mnt/raid_md1 | gzip -c | ssh -i ~/.ssh/key -l user@ "cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz"
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
ssh: Could not resolve hostname cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz: Name or service not known


I know that the remote file system dir is RW and the access is working fine. I am stumped...

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Ubuntu Servers :: System Won't Shutdown + Apache Not Auto Starting / Fix It?

Nov 12, 2010

First post here so I'll do my best to provide the information needed.


Dell Poweredge R310
Xeon 3460 2.8Ghz
4x2GB ram
4x 160GB Sata 7.2k (RAID 10)
Ubuntu Server 64bit

If I type as root, "reboot" or "shutdown -r now", nothing happenings - except the apache2 process stops + the usual "System is going down for reboot now". If I type "shutdown -h now" the system goes down.

Upon booting the server back up, MySQL starts correctly, but Apache2 does not - I have to run "service apache2 start", and it starts up fine.

I feel the 2 issues are related. I've reinstalled apache2 completely (configs and all) and this didn't help - I used yum to install/reinstall it.

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Networking :: Apache Allow Fixed Ip Addresses

May 23, 2011

I would like have a password for accessing my web site which works fine. I also want for the specific site to allow access only for a specific range of ips. Right now the following config should forbid my access, as my ip is different from 200.200.200.*

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General :: Sending Backup Results To External Email Addresses?

Mar 26, 2009

I come from more of a programming background but have been giving the task of sending backup results from a linux box in an email to external email addresses, I have spent days looking trough google for info but cant seem to find anything simple, I have looked at postfix but because I don't understand networks, hosts, nameservers etc. What I need to do to allow mail get sent from the linux box to external mail address. I have outlook connected to an exchange server on windows and I can ping the linux box from my windows command so surely it cant be to much involved.

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Server :: Bind Apache To Specific IP Addresses?

Nov 28, 2010

I have the following in my httpd.conf file

# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
# ports, instead of the default. See also the <VirtualHost>
# directive. Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to
# prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses.
#Listen Listen 80

And when I try to start the server, I get the following

(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address I did have an Apache web server up and running about 6 or 7 years ago - but seem to have lost everything

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Fedora :: SELinux Context - Allow Apache's Http Daemon To Use Arp (for Getting Some Mac Addresses)

Apr 13, 2010

I'm working with Fedora and SELinux and am having a problem. I need to allow apache's http daemon to use arp (for getting some mac addresses). I have changed the type of the arp executable to httpd_sys_context_t but am still having an issue. Here is the messages log: Detailed Description:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Mysql-admin Won't Schedule Backup But Will Manual Backup

Jan 19, 2010

I have a scheduled backup to run on our server at work and since the 7/12/09 it has be making 592k files instead of 10Mb files, In mysql-admin (the GUI tool) I have a stored connection for the user 'backup', the user has select and lock rights on the databases being backed up. I have a backup profile called 'backup_regular' and in the third tab along its scheduled to backup at 2 in the morning every week day. If I look at one of the small backup files generated I see the following:


-- MySQL Administrator dump 1.4
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version`


It seems that MySQL can open and write to the file fine, it just can't dump

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Software :: Backup A Few Servers And A Bunch Of Desktops Onto One Backup Server?

May 10, 2010

Does anyone know of any decent enterprise level backup solutions for Linux? I need to backup a few servers and a bunch of desktops onto one backup server. Using rsync/tar.gz won't cut it. I need like bi-monthly full HDD backups, and things such as that, with a nice GUI interface to add/remove systems from the backup list. I need basically something similar to CommVault or Veritas. Veritas I've used before but it has its issues, such as leaving 30GB cache files. CommVault, I have no idea how much it is, and if it supports backing up to a hard drive rather than tape.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Software Raid 5 Migration With A File System Change?

Jan 26, 2010

Everything is software raid using mdadm
3x320GB HDDs in raid 5
1x1.5TB HDDs in raid 1(don't ask)

The above are LVMed to create ~2TB of combined space using reiserFS. I'm not really happy with the performance so I'm moving to XFS while I'm at it.

I FINALLY got around to ordering 2 more 1.5TB HDDs. The end goal is.3x1.5TB HDD in raid 5 formatted to XFS for a total of around ~2.7GB of space.

1. Create raid 5 array using the new 2x1.5TB HDDs.(yes, very pointless at the moment, please continue reading)

2. Copy data from 2TB LVM to the new ~2.7TB raid 5. (will mdadm let me be an idiot? It apparently let me force create a single drive in a raid 1)

3. Move the original 1.5TB over to the new raid 5 to actually provide redundancy.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Access A Few Addresses?

May 28, 2010

I am having an issue on my server where I can't access certain ip's erratically. These addresses could previously connect to us.I think it may be related to getting rootkitted. I know the risks in not reinstalling but we are not able to install yet at this point. I cleaned out shv4 and shv5 from the os and setup tripwire. The client can't ping the server and likewise back.From my personal computer they both respond to pings.The server is running denyhosts but that is about it in-terms of security.I can't find anyhting anywhere... No ipchains present, nothing in host.deny, subnet is'm really at a loss so I'm looking for some direction

I know someone is going to tell me that I have to assume all my files are compromised and i should reinstall; I did md5 checks on alot of files and there is no data on here that shouldnt get out and I check for stuff running that shouldn't be daily.The server is 10.04 server. Latest updates.Here is a list of installed packages



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Networking :: IP Addresses Roaming - Change On Regular Intervals

Dec 27, 2010

I'm doing some research into ip roaming and haven't come across a whole lot. My definition of IP roaming is the client / server changing of IP addresses on a regular basis using a pre-set number of IP addresses that both client and server have knowledge of. Specifically I'm interested in if anyone knows of any Linux applications that allow for IP address changing on regular intervals.

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Ubuntu Security :: What IP Addresses To Be Used For Update Servers

Mar 22, 2010

Does anyone know the ubuntu update servers IP addresses. I am trying to fine tune my firewall rules and was unsure of what ip addresses to use for the update servers. I believe they are us.archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com. However, I could be wrong.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Determine Addresses Of Servers Connected To In XP

Apr 5, 2010

I'm running a dual boot system at work. I'm connected to a few shared drives in XP, and would also like to connect to them while using Ubuntu.How do I determine the addresses of the servers I'm connected (mapped) to in XP?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Tracking Domain Names And Addresses?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.4 box with Apache2 web server. I have a site with several Domain Names. How do I set up tracking?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Display The Addresses That Have Been Issued By My Dhcp3?

Jan 1, 2011

I want to display the associated host name with each address.

I've found the /var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases file, but it appears to have an entry for every time a lease was issued so it's hard to tell which ones are currently active.

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Networking :: How To Determine Ip-addresses Of ISP's DNS Name Servers?

Dec 7, 2008

I am looking for a command which, when typed from the command line, returns the ip-addresses of the DNS nameservers that my ISP is using.I think is should be technically possible to write a program that does this, because linux installers set up /etc/resolv.conf correctly (as does knoppix). But I've been unable to find a command that does it. Is there one, and if so, what is it called?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Determining The Source Of Outgoing Requests To Suspicious IP Addresses

Oct 26, 2010

My Firestarter logs show periodic outgoing connection attempts to IP addresses in countries such as Malaysia, China, Russian Federation etc... Fortunately, Firestarter appears to be blocking them. I suspect these are not good and want to find out exactly what process is initiating these outgoing connections.

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Networking :: Do IP Addresses Belong To The Interface Or To The System

Apr 14, 2010

The subject has the big question. I've read answers both ways.The kernel has documentation that says the IP addresses belong to the system. Yet the configuration works as though they belong to the interface.Shouldn't we have it just one way and stick with it ... and make everything work that way?

If IP addresses truly belong to the system, then a command to configure an IP address should not need (and not even accept) the name of an interface. The only exceptions would be link-local addresses (which by their nature do suggest being interface specific ... and they should be autoconfigured by the kernel, anyway). Interfaces would only need to be brought up or down.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup An Outbound SMTP Mail Server With & Using Multiple IP Addresses

Mar 15, 2010

This is the current setup that we have: We have approx 20 clients who pay us to send out a type of e-mail called an E-Blast to their customers. We currently are using 5 Microsoft Windows Virtual Servers to do this. The problem is that those machines are starting to break down. There are times that it will take Microsoft Windows approx 9-10 hours to complete 1 job. This is way too long. We want to move away from Microsoft Windows for this particular type of job as it seems there are more customers who are wanting to use this type of advertising.

It seems that using a Linux Server "Command Line or Shell" environment would be the best way to go as there is no GUI like Windows. Since there is just text...that is something that would/should process very, very quickly.

I am in the process of setting up a new SMTP outbound mail server. This is the current software & configuration (what is installed on this new machine):

All of the customer data (Names, E-Mail Addresses, etc that these e-mails are going to) are currently loaded in a Microsoft SQL Database.

My machine that I am using is plugged into the DMZ. I have 1 ip address for the 1 network card. I have also added/bound 4 more ip addresses to that network card.

I have configured Postfix for Multiple IP Addresses.

I can, from the command line, send successful test e-mails and receive them in my personal account.

As far as I know everything is setup correctly. I can and will post requested information so that it can be verified that everything is setup correctly.

Here are a couple of my questions:

Ensure that I have my Network / Interfaces file and my Postfix's Master.cf/Main.cf files setup correctly?

How can I setup this server to be an Outbound SMTP server and get it to use all 5 of the IP Addresses to send these e-mails quickly?

What can I use to check and ensure that this server is in fact sending out emails on all 5 IP

Addresses (I heard that there is a program named "Postal" that may help in determing this).

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Programming :: Faking IP Addresses To Test Servers On Internal Network

Jun 9, 2009

I'm in the process of setting up a script in perl to make 1,000's of curl calls to my companies application on our test server. Our software does all sorts of tracking of data based on IP addresses using geoIP, so i was wondering if anyone knew of a way to fake these addresses to the server?I know a big issue with the IP faking is the return path but i dont really need this. I also cant do it on the hardware level since the script is going to be picking lots of different IP's at random.Anyone have any idea if this is possible and if so, are there any known libraries i can use for this? I prefer perl but any Linux compatiblie scripting language is fine.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Multiple Static ISP IP Addresses / Servers Configuration

Mar 31, 2011

I have a CentOS5 server with dual ethernet adapters + Webmin installed as my Router / Firewall / DHCP server working successfully with 1 static IP from my ISP. I also have 7 additional static IP addresses from my ISP needing to configure to individual servers inside my network. I have configured the additional virtual interfaces, but am lost on how to route data specifically from additional ISP address to specific internal network address.

Below is my desired configuration.
98.173.159.xx1 = eth0 physical interface ==> eth1
98.173.159.xx2 = eth0:1 virtual interface ==> ==> CentOS Server 2
98.173.159.xx3 = eth0:2 virtual interface ==> ==> CentOS Server 3
98.173.159.xx4 = eth0:3 virtual interface ==> ==> CentOS Server 4
98.173.159.xx5 = eth0:4 virtual interface ==> ==> Mac OS X Server 1
98.173.159.xx6 = eth0:5 virtual interface ==> ==> Mac OS X Server 1
98.173.159.xx7 = eth0:6 virtual interface ==> ==> Network Attached Storage Server 1
98.173.159.xx8 = eth0:7 virtual interface ==> ==> Windows 2008 Server 1

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