Fedora Servers :: Email Setting With Amazon Ses?

Feb 27, 2011

I'm hoping its the right place to ask the question: I have Fedora 8 server acting as a web server. It is a VM hosted at Amazon. I'm trying to use their SES service and using their ses-send-email.pl file to send a mail.I'm getting the following error: "Can't locate Digest/SHA.pm in @INC" I tried installing the Digest-SHA module but I'm not sure how to do it. All manuals and how-to's I found looks like they are intend for development servers not production (meaning I found myself installing alot of packages not sure they are all necessary). What should I install (and how) in order to make it work?

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up An Email Server?

Sep 4, 2009

I will be getting an old and decrepit laptop (the PS2 channel went out). I have decided that I would like to set it up to be an email and minor data server. The only problem exists that I have never setup a server, yet alone a linux server before.

I want the server to allow user authenticated access to a certain folder on the machine where other clients can go and copy and paste files for the data server portions and I want it to download emails from multiple domains (Gmail, a Microsoft Exchange Server, and from a private domain) and then allow other clients to log in and download those messages (I would like to keep each domain's emails separate so the client has to specify which domain's emails to download).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Email Server?

Oct 5, 2010

I recently bought my own domain name and have started working on my website. I am way excited about setting this site up. My question is, what would be the best way to setup an email system where users are able to login and check their email...I guess like, a web-based system? Then they can configure a client if they wish with their email address.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Ufw For A Website - Disallow Everything Except Ssh / Email?

Jul 29, 2011

[URL] I want to


sudo ufw default deny

and then


sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow smtp
sudo ufw allow www


to allow the services I need, am I missing anything ? I assume allowing ssh will also allow scp ? (heck I will allow sftp as well anyway).However my problem is I am connecting remotely, so the only way I can do what I want is to actually do a


sudo ufw default allow

then use a list of the services provided by


less /etc/services

and deny each service individually? This seems a pain as if I turn on the firewall with default deny it will boot me out of my ssh connection?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Secure IMAP Email Server That Is Able To Be Accessed From Outside Network?

Jun 9, 2011

Does anyone know how to go about setting up a secure IMAP email server that is able to be accessed from outside the network? Similar to how you can access your google email account from your computer using Thunderbird.

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Server :: Clustering Mail Servers (CentOS/Amazon EC2)?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm looking to set up a clustered mail server, I kind-of know how I'm going to do it but wanted to check if there was a better way. So we have 3 mail servers, running as EC2 instances on Amazon AWS. We were going to achieve clustering by giving all three a shared EBS storage device to store the mail. The mail would be received by any of the three servers (Via postfix) and could be retrieved from any of the three servers (via dovecot). For receiving mail (SMTP), the domains would have 3 MX records pointing to each of the servers but for sending and retrieving mail (SMTP and POP3/IMAP) the three servers would have one DNS A record with 3 IPs associated (I know when using this method for web-servers, the load gets distributed among the IPs under that record but I'm not sure if this will work for SMTP/POP3/IMAP).

What we want is to have 3 servers that share the load equaly but are completely redundant for all services (POP3, IMAP and SMTP). We also need to be able to scale upwards so if we need to add more servers we can do easily. Also the servers must be perfectly synchronized at all times.

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General :: Copy And Forward Email To Multiple Email Servers Using Postfix?

Dec 31, 2009

I have an email setup where all of the emails from our email host is downloaded to our Linux server using Fetchmail. Then some of the incoming emails are sent to an MS exchange server (server1.domain.com) using Postfix. What i want to do is to send a copy of all emails to Another server (server2.domain.com) for redundancy.Can postfix be configured to send copies out to both?

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Server :: Routing Inbound Email To Multiple Email Servers?

Dec 21, 2009

I have recently setup a new mail server and have simulated sending and receiving on the new email server. The new email server will replace the primary one.I would like to setup the new email server in parallel with the existing one.This way i can observe issues that might occur and be aware of what could go wrong. I want to received mail to be delivered to both mail servers at the same time.I would like to use postfix, exim i find a bit to difficult to understand.I have thought of using transport maps, the only problem is that you can only forward mail to one server at a time using transport maps.I think recipient_bcc_maps and sender_bcc_maps could work, i would just like ideas of how i can do this.

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Fedora Servers :: Inexpensive To Set Up FTP - Email / Hosting?

Sep 8, 2011

Is it pretty simple/inexpensive to set up FTP, Email, Hosting on a server fedora 15?

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Fedora Servers :: Send Email From Command Line?

Mar 14, 2009

How to sending email from command line? Im just try send email look at below:

[root@fedora sniper]# echo "test" | mail -v -s test tazmanic76@hotmail.com
tazmanic76@hotmail.com... Connecting to [] via relay...
220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Sendmail 8.14.3/8.14.3; Sat, 14 Mar 2009 15:50:43 +0800
>>> EHLO localhost.localdomain
250-localhost.localdomain Hello localhost.localdomain [], pleased to meet you

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Fedora Servers :: Yum Install For Mysql To Setup Email?

Oct 19, 2009

is this command exact or do I replace anything with my own setu

" yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server "

who can't tell what has to be changed for "My server name" and "my setup"

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Fedora Servers :: Postfix Does Not Receive External Email

Jan 14, 2010

I have been running an email server on a Red Hat 9 system for 5 years, and wanting to upgrade it to the latest Fedora OS. A few days ago it crashed. The server is running Fedora 11 (up-to-date). Clients are Fedora 11 and Windows XP machines using Thunderbird for accessing email. The server is running Postfix and Dovecot. Within my local network I can send and receive emails. I can also send email to addresses outside of my local network. The only problem is that I cannot receive any email from outside the local network. I cannot think of anything aside from my firewall (iptables) or postfix config that could be causing the problem.

Below are my iptables file, and the postfix main.cf changes that I have made.
Iptables (the same file I was using on Red Hat version 9 with one minor deprecated syntax changed):
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [17:1356]
*filter .....

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Fedora Servers :: Email Sender Address - Postfix / Dovecot Etc

May 21, 2009

I have an email server configured with postfix, dovecot, saslauthd and squirrelmail. It works great. In fact I'd even say it works too well: in squirrelmail, I can configure any sender address and my server will accept it. Message will be sent, wether the sender's address is [URL] or [URL]. Is there any way of limiting it in such way that only [URL] is accepted as sender's address?

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Fedora :: Configure Incomming/outgoing Servers For Email/Thunderbird?

Nov 2, 2009

Basically i have no idea to provide proper information in the setup wizerd.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Buying Domain / Hosting Web Server / All Domain Registers Come With Email Or Just Email Forwarding?

Mar 29, 2010

I am thinking about buying a domain name and hosting my web server.

I have seen pricing from $8 to $30 a year. Any favorites from fellow ubunters? Also this whole "whois" thing scares me, if I am correct my information I enter when buying the domain is enter into some big pool of information. People can find this information out and dig up important information. url Can I prevent this with private Whois or how do I set it up? This website examples some of my fears with this whole WhoIs thing, url whois/Private-Whois.html Does most/all domain registers come with email or just email forwarding or both? How does that work? At this moment, my only question about Web Hosting is how do I get Website Statistics as in: Stats, web analytics, web traffic stats and more? I will be web hosting through Ubuntu 9.10 gnome.

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Fedora Servers :: Configure Email Address Alias Using Regular Expression In Postfix?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to configure virtual alias using regular expression.

For example :

Email send to user.1@example.com and user.2@example.com will deliver to user mailbox.

Email send to user2.1@example.com and user2.2@example.com will deliver to user2 mailbox.

And the numbers or alphabet in between user name and the domain will be vary , I can't just do a normal alias.

I been try to play around with main.cf and the virtual alias table but still not able to get work. So I am not sure is the main.cf didnt configure correctly or the regular expression is not working.

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General :: Download Amazon Mp3 To Fedora?

Nov 29, 2010

I have read some of the previous posts on banshee,etc but i am not smart enough to understand it. I downloaded the amazon mp3 downloader and tried to install it and it said "Failed to install file. Unknown error. Please refer to the detailed report and report in your distribution bugtracker. More details - could not do simulate: 1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_iostreams.so.4

1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libcrypto.so.8
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_regex.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_system.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_filesystem.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_thread-mt.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_date_time.so.4
1:amazonmp3-1.0.9-1.i686 requires libboost_signals.so.4

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up A SVN Or CVS Repo?

May 13, 2009

We are looking at setting up an SVN or CVS repo

We were also asked to research which is the best and easiest to work with/ setup. So I came here instead of google as no doubt many have used both and have their views of whats what.

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up Vhosts On F10?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm tring to setting up some subdomains but it won't work and I don't understand why.I've got the [URL]. Now I want to setup some subdomains for example with test.domain.de I made an entry in my http.conf which looks like this:


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Ubuntu Servers :: What Is Amazon Ec2 Server / What Use Would It Have On Home Server?

Sep 9, 2010

What is the Amazon ec2 server, what use would it have on a home server? Does it just give me access to my server like ftp would?

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Fedora :: Get Amazon Downloader To Work With FC12 X64?

Mar 22, 2010

How do I get Amazon (mp3) downloader to work with FC12 x64? Is there a better place to purchase MP3 that supports FC12?

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Fedora :: Amazon Cloud Drive Vs Dropbox?

Jun 3, 2011

I've been looking for a good alternative to Dropbox - just a little too pricey for me. And I just discovered Amazon Cloud Drive. Has anyone here had any luck setting up some sort of automated backup solution using Amazon Cloud Drive? I've been all over their site, but I just don't see any other way to access the cloud drive other then via their web interface.

Optimally, I am looking for a solution that will allow me to simply set up an rsync script or similar that would sync up a folder to a cloud drive every few days. Maybe their S3 tools can be used to do this?

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Server :: Setting Up CentOS Email

Jan 13, 2011

I'm trying to setup a couple POP accounts in CentOS. I started doing a tutorial that had me install dovecot, and now I have dovecot running but I can't connect at all.Does anyone know of a simple way to get email up and running? It seems like it should be easier than the 14 step tutorials I was finding on Google.Also, should I leave dovecot or try and remove it?

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up An Outgoing Mail Using 587?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a small home network running mail agents Evolution and Thunderbird, and connected to the internet via Comcast. Originally I used my campus office computer as a mail server, but encountered problmes because Comcast started blocking port 25, allegedly because of span problems. I need to change the setup on my campus office computer so it uses port 587 when functioning as an outgoing mail server.

Can anyone recommend a tutorial which tells me everything to do in order to accomplish that?

At present I'm, using Comcast's outgoing mail server, but I started having problems with sporadic blokage of outgoing mail with attachments, which Comast can't explain.

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Networking :: Setting Up An Email System And Accounts

Apr 17, 2010

I am in the process of setting up and e-mail system for my small business. In the past I have always had my ISP and my domain registrar handle the e-mail and just POP the e-mail to a ciient such as thunderbird. Now I have decided in order to better learn postfix or sendmail, I want to setup my own and administer it. My question is:

1 - Once I have my domain name for my company is the e-mail accounts just created via psotfix or sendmail or are the accounts created via my domain registrar like my domain name? For Example: my domain name is test.com and I wanted president@test.com.

2 - Are e-mail servers setup in a DMZ as realys and then forwarded to an internal e-mail server and them transmitted to the clients or are they normally just put inside the LAN?

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up A Cluster For Scientific Computing?

Mar 2, 2010

I want to set up a cluster for scientific computing (mainly statistical stuff with R). I have a few conceptual questions. First, is there a difference between a Beowulf cluster and a cluster that has single-system image ("SSI," e.g. using openSSI or LinuxPMI)? If so, what's the difference? Second, if there is a difference between Beowulf and SSI, which one is better for scientific computing? Third, does using Eucalyptus make sense for scientific computing or is this more suitable for IO-oriented operations such as web service or databases

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up Open Samba Config

May 29, 2011

I've got a situation where I would normally use NFS, but cannot. So in it's place I need to use a samba share (even though it's linux -> linux). I need it completely open and world writeable as if I had done an rw in an NFS export. I thought I had it as when logged in as a user I can edit delete etc. however the apache user seems to be struggling with creating files.

Here's my smb.conf as it stands.
workgroup = WGRP
server string = Samba Server Version %v
security = user
passdb backend = tdbsam
unix extensions = no

comment = Temp Directory
path = /var/tmp
public = yes
guest ok = yes
writeable = yes
browseable = yes

comment = Sites Directory
path = /var/www/sites
public = yes
guest ok = no
write list = siteusr
writeable = yes
create mask = 0777
browseable = no
security mask = 0777
directory security mask = 0777
note that the drive is mapped as user siteusr

What I can do to open it up more?

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up A FTP / P2P - Mount Point Information

Aug 19, 2011

I have just been gifted with a Linux dedicated server for the next six months, with an option to renew after that time has expired, and I'd like to set it up for FTP/P2P use. I do have some familiarity with Fedora from work, but only as a pre-installed desktop OS. The company providing the server has asked me to choose a OS, so of course I picked the one with which I already have some knowledge. They've also asked me to provide partition and mount point information, and it's here that I'm having some problems. I've spent most of my free time today reading everything I could about partitioning for a server, and I'm still not comfortable making this decision on my own.

The server comes with two drives - one 500GB and one 1TB, and 8GB RAM. My thinking is to use the 500GB drive for the OS, and the 1TB for media storage. I know I still have a good bit of learning to do, but I just want to get the blasted thing set up so I can get on with the hands-on part of figuring out how it works.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up The Email Client To Work With Hotmail?

Feb 16, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 on laptop behind XP and Win7. No problems at all so far. Even got wireless to work (awesomeness). But trying to set up the email program it continues to say there's a problem. I'm trying to use Hotmail. And the way the email wizard? is set up it's a little off for me. I'm not too experienced with Ubuntu, or Linux for that matter. Mainly a Microsoft OS user. give me the info on setting up the email client to work with Hotmail?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Evolution Message Filter For New Email?

May 21, 2010

I have had a search for this problem, but have not found a match: undoubtedly it is so straightforward that no-one has needed to ask it before: I have two accounts in Evolution, work and gmail. I would like my work email (which I check via IMAP) to be copied locally as it comes in so that I can file it properly, but also kept on the server so that I can access through my laptop.

I have set a message filter which does the following:
status is not read
set status read
copy to folder Inbox
Stop processing
The filter works (if I apply manually then it goes) AND I have set the preferences to apply filters automatically, but no joy when a new email arrives.

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