Fedora :: Notify OSD On 14 Or Notification Daemon Themes?
Feb 6, 2011is there any way i can get Ubuntu's Notify OSD on Fedora 14? or at least get some nicer themes for notification-daemon?
View 1 Repliesis there any way i can get Ubuntu's Notify OSD on Fedora 14? or at least get some nicer themes for notification-daemon?
View 1 RepliesMy notification-daemon stopped displaying the notification bubble using the position hint provided in notify-send, the notification is always displayed in upper right corner of the screen.
Example of the command line with the position hints: notify-send --hint int:x:500 -h int:y:500 asdf
I'm on Debian unstable, amd64.
I have created a script named ssh_inotify.sh to check /var/log/auth.log log file for newly started ssh session and display a question message box. This script uses inotifywait to monitor this above log file for modify file event and zenity to create question message boxes.Now i have created a startup service config file named ssh_inotify under /etc/init.d folder and placed the script ssh_inotify.sh under /usr/sbin and chmod this script to be executable.
The service config file ssh_inotify uses start-stop-daemon to run this script as background process.Now theproblem is that when i start this service using sudo service ssh_inotify start, the service is started, I can confirm this using ps -A | grep ssh_inotify also i can check for the PID associated with it under /var/run/ssh_inotify.pid. Now when i ssh to my machine, i do not get the question message box, I am writing in log file and in that i can see that the message under cancel button option for question message box is getting printed.This script runs perfectly when run directly or using start-stop-daemon command directly (exact command as typed in service config file above) on terminal, but not when this same command is executed using service file.Can someone please suggest me the solution and reason for such behavior when same command executed under different mode (using service or directly from terminal).If you guys require code, i can attach the files (currently i am in office so don't have access to these files.)
I have slackware 64 13.37 Kernel I am trying to install notifcation daemon so I can use notify-send. I am trying to install the package notification-daemon, via sbopkg using the 13.37 repository. I have installed dependencies: ORBit2, GConf, libsexy.I hit this error during installation of notification-daemon.
/usr/lib/libdbus-glib-1.so: could not read symbols: File in wrong format
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I did previously have gsb gnome 3 installed, but removed that and then lost notify-send.
After installing Ubuntu on my computer separately its giving "gdu notification daemon- Disk failure is imminent.Reallocated sector count failing.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedThe notifier does not work under LXDE in fedora 15. It does not output anything through notify-send or any other program which uses notifications.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI would like to install a new icon theme without effecting my currently selected panel theme, as i think the Ambience panel theme looks really nice and unified but im not too keen on the Ubuntu-Mono icons.Is this easily possible, without going into my icon folders and replacing all the instances of one style for another?Are there any applications for gnome icon theming like OS X's Candybar?Im sure others must desire to change only the icons and perhaps it is really easy and this is why i couldnt dig anythin up on google, that or im a useless googler.
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View 8 Replies View RelatedSince of late "Appearance preference" behaves awkwardly . Normaly It is supposed to show themes in /usr/share/themes right? but now it shows themes only in ~/.themes folder. I don't know what affected the change. how do I configure it as to show themes in /usr/share/themes/,?
Also whatever theme I use , Controls would stay same(Classic controls). They wouldn't be update to those of the Theme used.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to install a vim colour theme asmanian_blood.vim
Heres what i do:
# cp /home/user/Desktop/asmanian_blood.vim /usr/share/vim/vim72/colors/asmanian_blood.vim
In vim i type:
: colorscheme asmanian_blood
I am using tab completion so i know that the file is in the right directory but its not working. the colors dont change. but the build in themes work fine. I cant provide better info because i dont know what to look for right now. there's no errors anywhere.
I recently added new themes for KDE from get new themes login manager. When I click on install new themes I have no clue where they are located? Not really new to fedora but far from being an expert and could use some help in many areas of the system. Most thing I have been able to figure out but some things just make no sense to me. I've configured many Linux systems but never for my own use and customization like desk tops, themes and such.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter much playing around with themes downloaded from Gnome art and system colors I finally arrived to a Gnome theme I really like. This was done in my laptop. Of course I chose the option "Save as..." in the theme tab in order to save the theme.
Now I want to transfer this theme to my netbook. Am I supposed to find a single* file containing the theme's settings? Where would be said file?
* Or would I need to transfer the stuff I used from Gnome art as well?
I downloaded a theme from gnomeart, and in the readme it tells me to use "gdmsetup" to install it - however, when I try typing "gdmsetup" in the console, it says "command not found". How would I go about installing the theme?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWas wondering how i can have themes show up for root applications.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedSeems many icon themes still don't really play nice with gnome shell. They work totally fine for the most part, except the tray icons, they like to change them to their own monochrome icons which usually look bad (and most of the time not even all of them are changed). Is there a way to make any icon theme use the default gnome shell symbolic icons? Right now I am using elementary and its mostly fine, but it changed the battery icon to an ugly smaller version. I'd love to be able to change it to the default icon.
View 4 Replies View Related1.How to change themes in gnome3- i searched many sites found the answer like extract file to usr/share/themes folder it will be visible in gnome tweak.. my problem is unable to copy and paste the extracted folder into the themes folder.. the paste option will not work for this folder it is fine with other folders such as documents, downloads folder .. what to do
2.Can i install all gtk2 application now and also synapse program
3.How to install sudo
I would like to set a theme for webpages only, with the default colors (you know, white for background, black for text, etc) how do i do it? or even better, is there a patch or something like that to install?
Edit: nevermind, solved, preferences > content > colors and unitck "use system colors"
I installed Fedora 14 XFCE last weekend on my laptop..been putting in a little time here and there into customizing it, as I was trying to make it my new main OS, when suddenly today it suffered a complete meltdown that I have no idea where to start in trying to fix it. All I was doing was browsing through the desktop themes. I hit a certain theme, don't know which one, and the screen went blank. X then looked like it was trying to restart, then blank again. Then X looked like it was restarting, and blank..and repeat endlessly. I tried turning the laptop off and then turning it back on again.same result. Now I basically have a dead system, practically speaking, because I can't use it.
Putting aside the fact that it is immensely frustrating to have a Linux OS choke and die on me just from browsing through the preset desktop themes, does anyone have any idea what I can do to fix this, aside from doing another fresh install? The only way I can think of to fix it would be to login into some kind of rescue mode (which I don't know how to do), get to a shell prompt, find the right config file (which I have no clue about, either), and fix the settings to where it will at least boot up, then I can select the default theme and never touch the themes again.
After that I suppose I should put in a bug report or something to Fedora about this -- that is, if I can reproduce it. Maybe that'd be at least some compensation, since I had high hopes for Fedora when I decided to try it, but this sort of crash-and-burn is just utterly disappointing.
I have copied /usr/share/gnome-shell/themes/* to ~/.themes/myShell/gnome-shell and also the folders from Adawita and my customisations etc.
When I look in the overview - themes I can select my theme however when i reload the shell the themes option has disappeared and i get this error in looking glass:
why I get this?
Also if I load gnome-tweak-tool and select another theme, move my custom folder out of ~/.themes and reload the shell I get the themeselector loading properly again.
Is there a way to get a notification that there are updates available other than by using the Software Update GUI tool in my Gnome panelon Fedora 11 x86_64?
I ask this because the Software Update GUI is hopeless:
1) It cannot remember its window size. Every time I tell it to display available updates I have to drag the window big enough to see everything. Next time I tell it to show me the available updates it is back to the same small window size.
2) It hangs on "Cleanup" about half the time, leaving me to wonder if everything was actually installed or not.
3) Because Software Update is so buggy I generally use Yumex to do the update. After installing all the updated packages Software Update still says there are packages to install. Even then it doesn't get it right. Just now it said there were 16 packages. I used Yumex to install them. Now it says there are three available. But if I tell it to display them it shows all 16. Yes, I understand that it did not reset itself after I installed the packages, but it should have. Telling me there are three and then listing 16 tells me Software Update can't even count.
I do want something to appear in my Gnome panel when there are updates. It doesn't even have to have a built-in installer. I just want it to be reliable and accurate.