Fedora :: Launcher To Reboot To Windows?

May 30, 2011

I dual boot F13 and Win7. I usually use F13 for my daily OS, but I have been taking some classes and have not been able to get the software to run on Fedora. I remember reading a post a long time ago that gave a command to boot out of Fedora and directly into Windows without having to select it from Grub. I would like to put a launcher on my desktop that will run this command, but I can not seem to find it.

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OpenSUSE :: User Reboot Gnome From Desktop Launcher?

Jun 25, 2010

In OpenSuse 11.2 is there anyway I can get a desktop icon/launcher to do a /sbin/reboot, which would bypass the login screen coming up before powering off and on again without having to give the user the root password?

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Fedora :: Dualbooting - Windows 'chkdsk' Does Not Run On Reboot

Aug 25, 2010

I have been dual booting Windows 7 with Fedora for a while (using GRUB, with Fedora as the primary OS) but am running into some problems now.

When in Windows, I was notified that a folder was corrupt and was advised to run chkdsk. So I ran this in the command prompt:

chkdsk c: /F

which would run on the next reboot. When I restarted the computer, this didn't run.

I believe this problem has to do with the current MBR running GRUB, and not Windows immediately. In Windows, if I go to:Advanced system settings->Advanded->Startup and Recovery->Settings, the default OS is blank with no options available. Also, when running msconfig, under the boot tab, no OS is available.

I backed up the MBR in Linux and then tried to use the Windows recovery disk to do a repair, but no OS was found here as well.

If it helps any, here's what I get when I run 'fdisk -l'

Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Fedora :: 11: X Windows Configuration Gets Messed Up After Reboot (X Server Crashing)

Aug 12, 2009

I recently installed Fedora 11 on my machine, the configuration of which is: Intel Core i7 920 CPU, 3 GB DDR3 SDRAM, nVidia GTX295 Graphics Card. I initially used the default kmod-nvidia driver, but with a yum update, somehow a non-PAE kernel got installed and the kmod-nvidia driver did not get installed with it during the update for some reason. So I uninstalled the PAE kernel and associated kmod drivers, and downloaded the nVidia driver from the nVidia website. It ran just fine for a few days, and then all of a sudden, after a reboot, the X Server crashed and I had to log into the text mode, run

Code: setup and do the default X configuration. Then, I re-installed kmod-nvidia, with no luck. Sorry for being so vague about this, but I finally managed to get the CUDA driver (I need to use CUDA for my project work) to work (downloaded from [URL]). But after one reboot, the same problem resurfaced.

Now, I am in X Windows with a default 800x600 configuration using a generic visa driver, on a 23" monitor I have been rebooting my computer all morning and trying various things to get the driver to work again. I would be happy to furnish any details about the installed packages I have. For now, here is some information.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Alongside Windows Vista And Now Cannot Reboot Windows?.

Feb 2, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu alongside windows vista and now cannot reboot windows

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore The General App Launcher Button On The Unity Launcher

Apr 29, 2011

For some reason the general launcher button (+ in circle) in the unity menu has disappeared. I do not know how to restore it. Which means I have great problems to start al apps that are not standard in the menu.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Get Launcher To Autohide - Covers Maximised Windows?

Jun 28, 2011

I just got round to upgrading to 11.04 over the weekend, and generally I'm happy with the new desktop - except. In common with several others I appear to be unable to get the launcher to autohide, except this is not a sudden occurence - it has never autohidden, even immediately after install.

Steps tried include:

1. Log Out / In and reboot
2. Installing Compiz Config Settings Manager - I have tried all the options for autohide, with no change
3. Setting the autohide to none - with a widescreen laptop this wouldn't have been disastrous, but maximised windows still fit behind the launcher.

4. Dragging icons from the desktop to the launcher on various workspaces - still no effect.

I don't want to have to resort to Ubuntu Classic, but not being able to use maximised windows is a bit of a pain.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Identify Reboot Source Or Cause Of Reboot?

Feb 16, 2011

last -a shows server rebooted, how to identify the source or cause of reboot? thx reboot system boot Wed Feb 16 08:52 (02:0

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Launcher Messing Up - Cannot Open Multiple Chromium Windows

Jun 16, 2011

I have recently dual booted an Old Toshiba laptop with Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) It was recommended to me by a friend after XP was becoming unstable. To the Problem : I have downloaded Chromium as the web browser as I am not a fan of Firefox, but every time I launch Chromium... It launches into a random work space and not the one I am working in.. So I cannot open multiple Chromium windows.. So to find where it has launched it, I have to click work space switcher and find it.. If I click Maximise, instead of maximizing it to the work space limits... it makes it go over 2 seperate work spaces..

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Ubuntu :: Unity Launcher Configuration - Changing Size Of The Launcher Bar Or Icon Size

Apr 28, 2011

How do you access preferences for changing size of the launcher bar or icon size, etc? I looked through system settings and could not find it.

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General :: Reboot From Windows With Grub?

May 6, 2010

I have machine with Windows and Linux with GRUB, only with remote access. Is there any way to chage default OS in grub from windows? I know how to achieve it from linux, something like

echo "savedefault --default=2 --once" | grub --batch; sudo reboot

should work. Is there any way to achieve it from windows?

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Ubuntu :: No Sound After Reboot From Windows?

Jan 5, 2011

I run windows XP sp3 and Ubuntu 10.10 on an ASUS EeePC 1000HE (I know its a pretty old model). I have been facing this problem ever since installing Ubuntu side by side with Win (*not WUBI*). Every time I switch to Ubuntu after a reboot from windows, I get no sound from Ubuntu, the sound driver appears to be working fine, but there is just no audio output. This problem does not occur if I do a clean boot to Ubuntu after shutting down Windows.

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Fedora :: How To Create Launcher

Jan 19, 2011

Is it possible to create a launcher for something with a |

ie; ./script.sh | telnet

I have the script just want to launch it from desktop.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Blocking Windows Chkdsk On Reboot?

Nov 25, 2010

I'm running a dual-boot with Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows XP with GRUB. There are a few corrupt files on my XP filesystem, so I scheduled Windows to run Chkdsk on restart. I restart, select Windows in GRUB, and the screen shows saying it will run Chkdsk, press any button to cancel. Without me touching any buttons, it cancels it.

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Fedora :: Choosing Icon For Launcher?

Oct 28, 2010

I have noticed that the icon for launcherspplication in terminal) I create has changed.The icon was previously "preferred.png" but now it is "nonpreferred.png" - see attached pics. ow can I select the "preferred.png" icon when I create a launcher? Also, in what directory are these located?

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Fedora Installation :: No Launcher And Status Bar

Dec 27, 2010

I installed fedroa 13 from a USB device to a brand new hard disk.After firsdt reboot, I passed trough the 4 steps:
- License Agreement
- System User
- Date and Time
- Hardware Profile
the next reboot ended up with no launcher, no status bar, just clean desktop with 3 icons:Trash, the user's home and "Computer".I launched /usr/bin/gnome-terminal to try and upgrade to fedora 14, maybe it will resolve this situation.but it will might take some time.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Change Launcher Icon?

Sep 12, 2009

I would like to know how to set the icon of a launcher in my GNOME desktop to a custom image that is more representative of what it launches. I can't seem to find any icon options in the Preferences.Its default icon is the one with the spring:

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Software :: Create A Launcher Within Fedora ?

Aug 20, 2010

Im trying to create a launcher within Fedora. The path I need to excute is "python /opt/GNS3/gns3". Ive added this to the launcher but nothing happens.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Install - No Boot Screen On Reboot

Apr 25, 2011

Using Ubuntu and any Linux OS. I installed Ubuntu using the Wubi installer. Everything went fine. When the install wizard completed and asked to Reboot Now, I did. When my computer rebooted, the Windows Boot Manager doesn't appear and it goes straight to Windows.

I'm using 32 bit Vista and have an AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+. When using Wubi, the download defaults to the AMD 64 version and that is what I have installed.

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Fedora :: How To Hide The Program Launcher In Menu Bar

Nov 21, 2009

1st, I got the OS install. I just want to hide some program launcher from menu bar. In the old Gnome, it work this way, I put the mouse on the menu bar, and then right click, choose preference then I can hide everything I wanna hide. But I can not do that on F12 any more, I tired to refer to Gnome instruction manual on Gnome web site. It seems like they did not change anything on Gnome 2.28. Since the instruction remain the same.

2nd I also want to ask, how do I change the default interface language setting in F12? In previous version I just need to do that in SYSTEM-->Preference. But I can not see the option any more either.

3rd I can not install the NVIDIA proprietary driver even though I got GCC and kernel development header in place. The install log said:" The binary file is not for the kernel" Well, I just use the regular i686 kerenl as usual. It does not make sense it will not work.

I got the driver running by using the rpmfusion driver, not the one from Nvida

By the way, The nouveau driver in F12 works far from OK on my GO 7300. It just like a slave driver that whip the GPU at full out all the time, let alone it does not have 3D capability.

The live cd does not include GCC and kernel development header. That made me feel like walking on the moon but forgot to put the gravity suite on.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Create A Desktop Launcher

Mar 26, 2010

I am having trouble creating a desktop launcher icon for an application that needs to run in terminal mode and is run with "mono". After creating the launcher on the desktop it launches the terminal window and then gives the error "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal", and the terminal window is blank. Here are the steps I use to launch the application in a many step process. click on applications/system tools/terminal then in the terminal window I type, cd /var/opensim/Test/bin mono OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe The above steps work just fine and the instance of the application runs just fine, but it is rather tedious to enter in all that everytime I want to run the application.

1 - place a desktop icon on my desktop to launch the application,

2 - Launch this application when I reboot Fedora so it starts automatically whenever I boot.

The way I created the desktop launcher was to right click on the desktop and select create launcher. I selected "application in terminal" and when I entered in the command line, I added "mono" to the command after navigating to the place the application was with the correct path. Here is the actual command line that is in the launcher that throws the error message.

/var/opensim/Test/bin/mono OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe

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Fedora :: Desktop Launcher For Python Docs?

Jan 24, 2011

For Python 2.6.4 on Fedora 13, I created a desktop launcher and then browsed to the Python 2.6.4 doc index.html. But when I try to launch this file, I get permssion denied. Huh ? I can not create a desktop item which brings up my Python docs in a browser ? This is frustrating to say the least. What has Fedora decided I am doing wrong now ?

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Fedora :: How To Run Scripts From Gnome Launcher Not In The Terminal

Feb 17, 2011

I want to use the Gnome Launcher to launch a script I made but it will only work if I select "Application in Terminal." It will not launch if I use "Application". I've also noticed that my script will only run in the terminal regardless of how I launch it. Fedora will not let me just double click the file and "Run" the script. I don't want to open a terminal every time I run the script.

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Fedora :: How To Create Launcher For Application Using DosBox

Jun 13, 2011

how do I create a launcher for an application using DosBox? I tried in Alacarte, but it does not show up. I did this both as root and as user.Disregard. It did create the launchers. It just put them in "Other" even though I told it to create them in "Internet" so they are there, but just not where I want them. That is okay since now I can add them to my favorites and put them in the order I want.

I guess I will like Gnome 3 better as I find tweaks to make it work like I want it to work. Still though, it is not nearly as user friendly as my heavily tweaked Gnome 2 with Compiz.Another question though: How do I get it to select and use a photo I want for the background instead of the stock images? It is annoying as all get-out to have the screen turn to grey rather than stay the way I want it. :

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Fedora :: Place Application Launcher To Bottom?

Jul 11, 2011

Is there way to place application launcher which is by default placed at left side of the screen to bottom (like MAC style)?

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Fedora :: Create Custom Application Launcher In Gnome 3

May 29, 2011

How do I create a custom application launcher in Gnome 3? I used to be able to right click on the panel and choose 'Create custom launcher' in Gnome 2, but that doesn't seem to work here.

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General :: Unable To Bring Back Terminal Launcher In Fedora?

Feb 3, 2011

Our office housing keeping guy sat on my linux (Fedora 7) system and somehow removed the main panel. By panel I mean where all the menus are there - Applications, Places, System etc. and contains a tab for every running application. I brought back the panel but now I don't see the terminal launcher and I can't find it anywhere.It used to be there in "Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal" but now the System Tools option itself is not present there. System -> Preferences -> Look and Feel -> Main Menu. There one System option is unchecked but I can't check it and apply. I am logged in as root.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: KDE Application Launcher Takes About 8 Seconds To Display K Menu

Dec 28, 2009

I am running FC12 x86_64 with KDE 4.3.3 using an NVidia GeForce 9600 graphics card. I installed the drivers followings leigh's procedure and everything works fine -- apart from the fact that clicking the the "f" button to bring up the K menu takes between 8 and 10 seconds. Same thing happens if I select anything from the K desktop pop-up menu, like the Konsole or the run command for example. I disabled desktop effects but this had no impact.

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Fedora :: Create A Non-terminating (by CTRL + C) Shell Script Launcher On Gnome?

Feb 12, 2010

How do I create a launcher/shortcut on Gnome desktop, which starts a Terminal window and executes a shell script?The script should execute as if I started the script manually, i.e. if I abort the script by pressing CTRL + C, the script should terminate but the terminal window should remain on screen.If I create the shell script launcher/shortcut using the �straight forward �Create Launcher� method�, the terminal window also closes when I hit CTRL + C

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Won't Install \ Boots Up To Blue Screen But No Top Panel Or Launcher?

Aug 4, 2011

Tried to install fedora on new laptop, boots up to blue screen but no top panel or launcher

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