Fedora Installation :: How Not To Be Happy When All Is Well With NVidia And 3D

Nov 26, 2009

I successfully downloaded and subsequently installed fedora-12-i386-DVD.iso.I successfully installed an nVidia driver for my GeForce 7600GS.I have 3D and Compiz Fusion up and running on my system.So I should be blissfully enjoying one of the best OS made available to earthlings today .If Leigh's otherwise excellent nVidia Driver Guides worked for me with F11, they did not with F12.What is more, I seem to be - unless I am mistaken - the only one with the problem I am going to describe (the story of my life, BTW?)

My kernel is (don't ask me why. This is the kernel which installed with my DVD!) After installing the required drivers, rpm -qa |grep nvidia gives me What should I do when the drivers become available in RPMfusion - nonfree? Disinstall the current nonfree-testupdates drivers and reinstall the nonfree ones?Why do I seem the only one with this problem, which makes me very despondent?Did I do something wrong in the install (both the DVD install and Leigh's procedure although I dutifully followed the four steps he outlines).

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Programming :: Created First Little Program In C++ That Im Happy About?

Sep 4, 2010

Code: //Author: Donald Farkas
//Created: Sep/4/2010
#include <iostream>


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Fedora Installation :: NVIDIA 9500GT Installation Fail?

Oct 14, 2010

When I install NVIDIA Driver 9500GT on my Fedora 13 (64 bits), they ask me to install "gcc" package. And the "gcc" package itself needs more dependencies. I managed to install all of those dependencies, except "libc.so.6"

I couldn't find the "libc.so.6" on internet. It looks like the "libc.so.6" and "Glibc" package the same or what?

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Fedora Installation :: Software Update - Fedora ( - Nvidia Driver Doesn't Work

Sep 1, 2010

Fedora ( I installed that update, during the installation process it said that it had to remove three packages, one of them was kmod nvidia for the old kernel (Fedora ( the update finished installing the new kernel, I restarted the system and Nvidia did not load. (I assume because Update manager removed the old nvidia? But I also assumed that a new version would be installed automatically?)I received the following Boot messages:


Entering non-interactive startup
Starting monitoring for VG vg_user1: 3 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_user1" monitored


I'm confused, if Update Manager removed kmod nvidia, then why does yum say it is installed? And why doesn't the new kernel update work with that version? Or should I install a driver version for that particular kernel? I've read while searching that I need to install a kmod-nvidia for that particual kernel version and that I should login to my previous kernel until that happens, is that the problem I'm having?

Why don't rpmfusion and fedoraproject release the kmod-nvidia and kernel updates at the same time to avoid problems such as this? Does anyone know how long does it usually take for rpmfusion to release the new kmod-nvidia driver for the latest kernel?

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Fedora Installation :: Two Ways Of Installing Nvidia Drivers In Fedora 12?

Nov 20, 2009

After searching online and in these forums I found two different ways of installing the Nvidia drivers in fedora 12. If you haven't yet installed the the repos then:

rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm
First way:
as su
yum --enablerepo=rp*g install kmod-nvidia.$(uname -m) xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64


I used the first way and everything seems to work fine. Compiz-fusion works good but i did have to add vga=795 to /boot/grub/grub.conf to get the graphical boot loader to work again. Should I have used the second method? What is the difference in these two ways? Most notably the second steps. Is one way better or preferred over the other? From my understanding you must do this because of the nouveau driver.

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Fedora Installation :: NVidia.ko With Kernel

May 28, 2009

just ran update lastnight and i got this error message on login, which results in a blank white screen


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Fedora Installation :: Can't Run Nvidia-xconfig At All

Sep 18, 2009

So I followed the instructions to add the rpmfusion repos and add the protection to to the repos as well.

But, when I try to add the nvidia drivers as talked about on [URL]

My terminal says 1 package excluded due to repository restrictions. Now my Fedora display is wacked and I can't run nvidia-xconfig at all.

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Fedora Installation :: F14 With NVidia GT 240 - No Keyboard?

Feb 24, 2011

I have been trying to install F14 onto a machine with an Nvidia GT 240 graphics card. The installation DVD and CD have been used successfully on other machines as varied as a Sony Laptop and number of desktops. This particular machine has 4gb of ram, a 750gb hdd and a Gigabyte motherboard. F14 installed successfully on a similar machine where the graphics card was an ATI Radeon. What happens is that I get the menu and try to go down to "install with basic video driver" but the keyboard does not work., Tried with a number of keyboards - same result! Of course the install is unusable. Would it be acceptable to amend the isolinux.cfg file?

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Debian Installation :: Deb6, 'turn On' Nvidia Settings / Nvidia's Latest 270.xx With Squeeze?

Jun 9, 2011

Using online Debian guide, installed latest nvidia-current, glx etc which seems to be 195.xx Machine boots to GUI but monitor setting menu doesnt respond nor is there an nvidia specific one. xorg.conf shows 'nvidia' driver but I suspect I am still on 'nouveau' since the synapatic package manager doesn't show an nvidia xserver-xorg-video choice.

Second question, any trailheads for using wheezy based drivers (i.e. nvidia's latest 270.xx) with squeeze?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Nvidia Drivers For Nvidia 8800 GT Video Card

Apr 3, 2011

I can't figure out how to install the nvidia drivers for my nvidia 8800 GT video card. I've followed some other posts and all the posts seemed either incomplete, or led me down a path of which eventually broke my installation, that I needed to reinstall the entire ubuntu system.Again, it may not have been broken, i just didnt know how to get back in to the gui version of ubuntu, the instructions took me to the console terminal

1.) I've installed the ubuntu 10.10 64bit for i386 in an oracle virtualBox..

2.) downloaded from nvidia.com "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.44.run"

3.) Stuck don't know what to do.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 To 10.10 - Nvidia 96 With Xorg 1.9 - Nvidia-xconfig: Command Not Found

Jan 24, 2011

i am having a problem with my just recently upgraded ubuntu 10.10 ive search google and forums for well over 4 hours with no luck so im asking here. Now i know nvidia 96 has problems with xorg 1.9 but i installed the updated nvidia 96 driver that supports xorg 1.9 through maverick-proposed and i dont have nvidia control panel under system->preferences and if i types sudo nvidia-settings in terminal i get it says im not running an nvidia driver but the hardware driver reports it as activated but not in use and nvidia settings also tells me to run nvidia-xconfig but it says this when i do sudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found

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Ubuntu Installation :: Location Legacy Nvidia-xconfig Or Using Nvidia-gfx-71 In 9.10

Jan 2, 2010

I have 9.10 running on an old computer with a Nvidia Vanta-graphics card. Unfortunately these appearently aren't supported by 9.10, since the oldest nvidia drivers in the repository for this build are nvidia-gfx-96, while vanta seem to supported up to nvidia-gfx-71. After some hours of following tutorials, fiddling around and testing I managed to install the 71-drivers. But, the nvidia-settings require nvidia-xconfig to be around, which is embedded with later driver-builds but not with 71.

Fortunately I found a tar.gz at this page, so I downloaded it... but -and here is finally my question- where am I supposed to extract it to and are there other things I should do to get it working? Or, if I'm overcomplicating things, feel free to give me directions on what to do. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything on Ubuntu 9.10 and nvidia-gfx-71, hence I'm messing around for hours by now.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Doesn't Work Under 10 64 Bit OS

Jun 20, 2009

Nvidia either works or it doesn't work under Fedora 10 64 bit OS. I have re-installed Fedora 10 64 bit and Fedora 11 64 bit 10 times each and it's getting real old. I keep erasing my system because Nvidia doesn't want to work. Leighs post does no good on this issue and neither does anyone else's or else it would work.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Card Driver For T61?

Aug 10, 2009

I installed F11, before today, I used Ubuntu for a long time. my graphic card is nvs140m of nvidia. I download the card driver from [URL]. the vision of the driver is NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.29-pkg1.run. before I can install the driver, I must close the X-server. so, please tell me how to close the X-server.

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Fedora :: F14 NVidia Driver Installation Failure

Nov 9, 2010

I have followed the Nvidia driver guide exactly. I did not see any errors during the four-step process. However, on the last reboot the system gets as far as the fedora "f" on the startup screen and hangs. This appears completely fatal. I have tried the procedure a couple of times now and the result has been to reinstall Fedora 14 from scratch each time. I have been able to access the system files after the crash using the system rescue option on the installation disk. I am on the Gnome X86_64 installation. My graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GTS 240.

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Fedora Installation :: F15 With NVidia Only In Text Mode?

May 31, 2011

I made a clean installation of F15 on my laptop, is a Qosmio x505, it has an nvidia M360, so I download the nvidia drivers and intall it separatly.To install the nvidia drivers I change the runlevel with the commandln -sf /lib/systemd/system/multi-user.target /etc/systemd/system/default.targetAnd then, change it again to the graphical mode with the commandln -sf /lib/systemd/system/graphical.target /etc/systemd/system/default.targetEverything seems ok, but the system only boot in text mode. I can load the Gnome with the command startx without problems, but how can I made that it loads the Gnome automatically?

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Fedora :: Can't Find Kmod Nvidia Installer - Quote: Su -c 'sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-XYZ.AB.pkg1.run'

Jan 7, 2010

I can't find kmod so I'll go for the Nvidia installer from [URL]. I tried to run it Quote: su -c 'sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-XYZ.AB.pkg1.run' but it wants me to kill xserver. How can I do that? " gdm stop" will kill Xserver too? How will I start it again?

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Fedora :: Installing Kmod-nvidia And Xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686

Jan 22, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 nowdays and tried to install the driver as Leigh posted in here: [URL]...Well i had some depadency trouble by installing kmod-nvidia and xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686. I enabled rpmfusion repo of course. I don't have anything isntalled just the base programs what fedora installs. I updated the kernel and installed kernel-devel aswell.

This is what i got:

[root@Nuclear pinter]# rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm
Retrieving http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-stable.noarch.rpm
Retrieving http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.fNroQP: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 49c8885a
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.zdIa6C: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID b1981b68


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Hardware :: NVIDIA 8800 GTS - Dual Boot Fedora 10 Does Not See The NVIDIA Driver

Feb 5, 2009

I am experiencing the following issue. After enabling SLI and PhysX in windows vista, my dual boot fedora 10 does not see the NVIDIA driver.

Doing: cat /proc/drivers/nvidia/0 I get? in the VGA bios for both cards.

I disabled both SLI and PhysX in vista, but the problem persists. I powerdown and unplugged the rig for several hours without results.

Here are my specs:

CPU: Intel Q9300
Board: MSI P7N Diamond
CARD0: EVGA Gforce 8800 GTS
CARD1: EVGA Gforce 8800 GTS
RAM : 4 Gbytes OCZ gold PC6400 (4 x 1 Gbytes)
PSU : Thermaltake SLI ready 850 W

It is important to mention that initially Fedora did see the cards and I was able to set up a dual monitor system. It right was after I enable SLI and PhysX and re-booting into Linux that the problem showed up.

I have seen this issue before in another machine with an ASUS board, but not until today I associated with the SLI setup. My guess is that there has to be something that the driver is enabling in the cards that messes up the interface between the nvidia.ko module and the kernel, but I don't know what may fix it. I need this system for some numerical calculations.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Get Nvidia Drivers Installed In 10?

Feb 19, 2009

This is my first post, as I've finally become fed up with trying to get the nvidia drivers installed on Fedora 10. I've read through all the posts here about how people have had problems. I know about the rpmfusion repository, and have followed leigh123's instructions to the letter at this link:[URL]The exact stepsI have taken before following his sage advice follows this way: install off the CD image I burned of Fedora 10, run from the menus "System-->Administration-->Update System" to get the system up to date, reboot to make sure everything is working fine.

Then I follow the above instructions (only because they have gotten me the closest to getting the drivers working). After the reboot from following those instructions, the system starts up, and I have a desktop. But when I restart again, either because I'm shutting down for the night, or just to check again that everything is fine,I get nothing but a flashing cursor in the upper left of my screen. I'm able to CTRL+ALT+F2 and get to a login that way, but can't get into the GUI. I've searched the forums (both here and on The Web generally), and can't find a fix for this that works for me. I have gone back and erased the partition and reinstalled, so I'm at the basic install with all the updates for my system, and needing help with getting the drivers installed and working.

Just to give a run down of what I have on my system:Two NVidia 8500 GT cards connected with the SLI bridgeAMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+Runningl (I'm typing this up as I reinstall updates as I listed above).Before anyone starts giving suggestions, please make sure to give the full instructions, as I'm new to Fedora/Linux. And if there is anything else you wish to know about my configuration

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Fedora Installation :: NVIDIA GeForce 9300m GS Compatability?

Feb 19, 2009

Forgive me if this was already posted but I couldn't find it. I am attempting to install F10 on my Acer Aspier 8730-6031, but I have video drive compatibility issues with my 9300m. Does anyone know of any drivers for this card or any fixes?

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Dependency Resolution Failed

May 17, 2009

Trying to get the updates for my Nvidia card, there are 3 updates in the update manager, but it gives me this error if I try to update them: -


nvidia-newest-kmod-common >= 177.82 is needed by package akmod-nvidia-newest-177.82-1.fc9.2.x86_64
nvidia-newest-kmod-common >= 177.82 is needed by package kmod-nvidia-newest-
nvidia-newest-kmod-common >= 177.82 is needed by package kmod-nvidia-newest-
nvidia-newest-kmod-common >= 177.82 is needed by package kmod-nvidia-newest- : Success - empty transaction

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Fedora Installation :: F11: Akmod-nvidia Doesn't Work

Jun 14, 2009

I have:

AMD Phenom 9650 Quad-Core Processor
nVidia GeForce 9500 GT graphics card
dual monitors

I installed F11 from the DVD iso. The nouveau driver seemed to work and I could get both monitors working with xrandr.

Then I tried to install the nvidia drivers. I installed akmod-nvidia.

They didn't work. I got this in my /var/log/Xorg.0.log:


(II) LoadModule: "nvidia"
(II) Loading /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so
(II) Module nvidia: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0


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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Removing Kernel Module

Jun 19, 2009

I had the 180.xxx nvidia drivers on my FC10 setup.I installed the 185.xxx and am running into issues. It gives me the fatal server error: no screens found message. Before that it says that the nvidia kernel module is 180.xxx and the driver component has 185.xxx. I can't seem to figure out how to uninstall the previous module to make this work. I removed the yum kmod nvidia. I'm running this using sh nvidia.185xxx.xxxx.run . The weird thing is that it sometimes would work but then I would restart and it would break again.
Thanks in advance,

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Fedora Installation :: 11 - Can't Get The Nvidia Legacy Drivers Running

Oct 3, 2009

I can't get the Nvidia legacy drivers running. I've the following packages, which are the right ones for my kernel:


and I added nouveau to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and created a new mkinitrd which boots. But the X11 window system doesn't start up, so I checked if nouveau is loaded and it's really blacklisted. When I manually modprobe nvidia kernel driver I get the following error:


FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/ No such device

and some warnings from the module that 185.18.36 doesn't support my CPU.

My video card is:


Try to figure this out for two days now. Rpmfusion is really frustrating for me

Adding vmalloc=256m to the kernel parameters and Option "ConstantFrameRateHint" "True" in xorg.conf also didn't help.

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Fedora :: Kmod-nvidia Package - Improper Installation

Dec 28, 2009

I have just upgraded the hard drive in my laptop with a new one that isn't about to crash (I dropped the laptop a few months back). After installing Fedora 12, the first thing I did was try to install kmod-nvidia and all its dependencies. Upon rebooting Fedora goes to the boot splash, and then when the login screen should display it instead shows a blank black terminal like screen. Do diagnose this I logged in under terminal (tty3) and proceeded to try to start X manually. It displayed an error to the effect of 'could not load Nvidia kernel module Nvidia_module.so3'. I figured it must have been a glitch so I reinstalled kmod and the same thing happened. Tried reinstalling Fedora all together and still the same result. I am getting kmod from the RPM Fusion repo

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Fedora Installation :: Current Update Dependency With Nvidia

Feb 19, 2010

im having problems with update to new kernels..here is the error info: error is: Multiple packages exist that are not compatible with each other. This is usually due to mixing packages from different software origins. ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve:

kernel-uname-r = is needed by kmod-nvidia-
kernel-uname-r = is needed by kmod-nvidia-
kernel-uname-r = is needed by kmod-nvidia-

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Fedora Hardware :: F13 Cannot Boot After NVidia Driver Installation

Aug 25, 2010

I have installed F13 and after reading some Nvidia Driver installation guides I managed to blacklist nouveu driver. I run the 'init 3' command and it gave me an error something like 'nouveu driver still in use' then I reboot the system and the fonts were bigger than I run init 3 command again and this time installation was completed then I went back with init 5 command. I opened nvidia x server settings I have cloned the monitors and I installed the flash player,totem vs. Than F13 gave me the notification about updates and with yum update command It has downloaded and installed those updates. Then I shut the system off. When I restarted system it does not boot up. I see the loading bar and It hangs on at the end like forever. I have installed fedora again and the process I have done was same so the result.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Error Cant Update The Driver?

Oct 30, 2010

a little while ago the file from nv stopped being able to run.. I cant update the driver and now always get this error

4: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
/tmp/selfgz2718/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.12/kernel/nv.c: In function �nv


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Fedora Installation :: How To Test NVidia Driver Install

Dec 10, 2010

I've followed leigh's installation instructions for the nVidia drivers on Fedora 14, and everything seemed to go smoothly, but I don't see any obvious changes after rebooting (should I?).When I go to KDE's KInfocenter (KMenu -> Applications -> System -> Info Center) and check the driver information I see this:

Vendor Mesa Project
Renderer Software Rasterizer


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