Fedora Installation :: FC11 On Tyan Trinity KT-400 S2495?

Jul 16, 2009

Has anyone successfully installed Fedora Core 11 on a system with a Tyan Trinity KT-400 S2495 motherboard? I have two systems with this motherboard. I tried to install FC11 from the live CD. Both systems have AGP video cards based on the Nvidia GForce-2, although the cards are of different brands. On one system, FC11 installed, but after the machine is booted and I log-in, it runs slower and slower until it is effectively frozen after about fifteen minutes. Somtimes a "Kernel Failure" window will pop up. A momentary press of the power butting will bring up a shutdown window and shut the machine down after a wait of 60 seconds.) By doing several reboots, I did manage to update the installation. (My complements to the developers on the fact that the package download will pick up where it left off).

However it still freezes. On the other system, when the Live Cd has booted, the keyboard and mouse don't work, so I can't do the installation. I tried a different keyboard and mouse, tried rebooting several times. When I boot the machine from SystemRescueCd (kernel 2.3.29) the keyboard works in the text mode. I used the "wizard" command to try various graphical modes. In the default Xorg graphical interface, the keyboard works but the mouse doesn't. In the "Vesa" graphical interface, neither the keyboard nor the mouse work. I tried the Ubuntu 8.04 live CD and the keyboard and mouse don't work. I tried an FC 8 install Cd, the keyboard works in the installation screens but the mouse doesn't. I replaced the Nvidia AGP card with a Voodoo 3dFx PCI video card. The system won't finish posting. It hangs on the second screen. This system formerly ran Windows 2000 OK and before that it ran Window 98. But perhaps it's now defective?

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Fedora Installation :: Preupgrade From FC8 To FC11?

Oct 14, 2009

it's possible to use preupgrade to go directly from FC8 to FC11.

Also, I'm wondering if this will allow me to avoid formatting my hard drive or not. I'll have backups ready just in case, but was hoping maybe I could get away with not having to do the old two-step shuffle with all my data.

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 Over With The Same Packages As In FC10

Jun 9, 2009

I'd like to try a clean install instead of an upgrade from FC10 to FC11. What is a good way of getting the list of all packages that were installed through yum, and how do I feed that list to yum on a newly installed FC11?

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Fedora Installation :: After Update To FC11 - Yum Can Not Be Started

Jun 16, 2009

when I try to run yum I get this:


There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

No module named yum

install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the

current version of Python, which is:
2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 17 2009, 11:44:14)
[GCC 4.4.0 20090313 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.26)]

how am I supposed to install a package without my package manager?

I can't install software via System/Administration as well.

It's so weird that I can't find any threads about this, apparently I'm the only one with this problem.

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Fedora Installation :: Video Freezes On FC11?

Jul 13, 2009

I had FC 6 and FC8 installed on a laptop, and all my video players (xime, vlc, mplayer) worked perfect. However I installed FC11 and the video freezes for few seconds while the sound is working o.k. then the video starts moving faster to synchronize the sound. This just happens the first 10-15 seconds and using any video player...

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 From A Floppy And External DVD

Aug 19, 2009

I have and old IBM notebook which I use for work (due to the serial port), and I would like to install FC11 on it, the problem that it doesn't offer to boot from neither CDROM (since it doesn't have a built-in one) nor from USB. However, I have external DVD device witch connect through USB, and I have the notebook bootable floppy desk, how can I install FC11 using those?

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Fedora Installation :: Sun Java For Firefox On Fc11?

Sep 22, 2009

How do I get java plugin to work in firefox 3.5.3 (default install of fc11 x86)64)? I removed the iced tea java completely. I installed the sun java rpm, but I cannot figure out where to link the plugin to. The firefox directory (listing below) has no plugins directory.

ls /usr/lib64/firefox-3.5.3/
application.ini chrome extensions LICENSE README.txt updater.ini
blocklist.xml components firefox modules run-mozilla.sh
browserconfig.properties defaults icons old-homepage-default.properties searchplugins
[root@dt-dan tmp]# find /usr/lib64/firefox-3.5.3 -name plugins

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Fedora Installation :: Get Firefox 3.6 Beta For FC11?

Dec 16, 2009

Is there a repo that I can add to get firefox 3.6 beta? I am on Fedora 11.

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Fedora Installation :: Yum Not Working After Upgrade From FC10 To FC11

Jun 22, 2009

I've been running FC10 with all updates and had downloaded the FC11 DVD. Yesterday I upgraded to FC 11 using the DVD and it appeared that everything went fine. However when I tried to do ayum updateI got the following error. There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

No module named yum

install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is:

2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 17 2009, 11:44:14)
[GCC 4.4.0 20090313 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.26)]

go to the yum faq at: [URL] I'm not sure what to do next. I also noticed that all my previously configured repositories are lost.

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 - Dhclient Doesn't Work

Jun 22, 2009

On my PC (fresh FC11 i386 instllataion from CDs), dhclient doesn't work. When it tries to get an IP address with dhclient, it gets No DHCPOFFERS reveived and fails. The ethernet of my PC works fine - I can manually set IP address, netmask, gateway etc. to connect to my persoal Linksys router, but if I change to DHCP, it fails as above. So it's not the problem of the ethernet driver of FC11. I suspect that dhclient of FC11 is buggy. (For the record, DHCP works fine on FC10 and Windows XP with my Linksys router.)

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 Upgrade Won't Startup To Desktop?

Jul 12, 2009

Just upgraded from FC10 using the DVD using upgrade option. I got all the way through the upgrade with no problems. However, upon reboot, when I get to my login screen, I sign in with my username and password but I get an error about kstartup manager. I think the gist of the message was it is missing and I think the error # was 127 (I think). KDE will not start. I also tried XFCE, but it will not start also.
What should I do?

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Fedora Installation :: Most Recent ISO File To Burn FC11 DVD?

Aug 18, 2009

I'd like to know, if there is more recent ISO to be download to burn the FC11 Installation DVD. I could get around this Ndvidia graphic installation problem where I am getting a command line system only.

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 On Elonex Websurfer - Can't Uninstall Win Xp

Sep 28, 2009

i recently bought an elonex websurfer with the following spec:

Processor clock speed (MHz) 1200
Processor front side bus (MHz) 400
L2 cache (MB) 0.128
Chipset VIA VX700
Processor family VIA C7-M
Processor VIA C7-M ULV

is there any reason why i can't uninstall win xp and install Linux? i've tried a few distros and they all cause the computer to freeze. the websurfer came with a winxp image partition

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot After Fc11 Livecd Install?

Sep 30, 2009

I've lost my boot manager ,can't boot from harddisk ! I've installed F11 x86_64 kde livecd on a partition aside with FC10 and windows xp, created a /boot ext3 partition + a " / " ext4 root partition and a swap partition shared with F10.I've tried to restore booting windows xp with the windoze restore cd with the "fixmbr" tool, but it did'nt fix i

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 - After Yum Update GRUB IS HOSED

Oct 15, 2009

I did a yum update last night, then rebooted and at boot up I'm left with "GRUB" letters and a blinking underscore...

I am currently reinstalling from the DVD just to reinstall GRUB... at lot of time wasted... just to re-install GRUB.

Let me know how to avoid blowing out GRUB please. I use a dual boot so I install the booter loader to the first sector of my Fedora HD. I don't understand how an update could blow out GRUB running.

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 Update Messes Up Bootloader

Oct 23, 2009

I have my FC11 system set up to automatically download and install updates. I had to reboot yesterday because of one of these updates. It seems that this update messed up grub. When I rebooted I only got the flickering cursor. So far I have tried the following using the rescue disk and executing chroot /mnt/sysimage
fdisk -l gives me this result :
I have /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc
Boot flag is with /dev/sda1 which also has FIlesystem Linux, where the other I notice have filesystem Linux LVM (don't know if that is relevant).

I tried to restore grub.
> find /grub/grub.conf
> root (hd0,0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs partition type 0x83
> setup (hd0)
and there were no error messages. However, no change when rebooting.
The device map says that
hd0 = /dev/sda
hd1= /dev/sdb
hd2= /dev/sdc
I also did a grub-install --recheck /dev/sda. All to no avail.

The following struck me as strange, but not sure how relevant :
- In grub, "find /boot/grub/grub.conf" gave me "file not found"; however, with ls I do see a /boot/grub/grub.conf and also a /etc/grub.conf
- This grub.conf file says that boot=/dev/sdc (where the boot flag is with /dev/sda) and all references are to (hd2,0) whereas the "find /grub/grub.conf" always gives me "(hd0,0)" as said above.
- There seems to be no /grub/grub.conf file on my system except under the /boot directory
- I have also tried resetting the boot flag to /dev/sdc with fdisk, but that did not help either.
- originally, I did set the system up on /dev/sdc by the way
Am just trying to guess now what other combinations I could try. I already tried in BIOS to boot from all the different devices. No luck.

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Fedora Installation :: Downgrade Php From Php5 To Php4 On FC11?

Dec 23, 2009

how can i downgrade php from php5 to php4 on FC11 ?

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Fedora Installation :: Fc12 Still Has And Still Picking Up Fc11 Packages?

Mar 4, 2010

What to do? After preupgrade and update fc11->fc12, system has a mixture (oh yeah) of fc11 packages and fc12 new ones. Dependencies problems, and even by removing, reinstalling packages sometimes it's picking up fc11 ones.I tried yum clean etc to no avail. Is there any script or anything to solve this automatically? I suppose the solution is to manually erase all the fc11 packages (assuming they are really installed and not simply reported as such)?

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Fedora Installation :: Tecra A4 Upgraded From FC11 To FC13?

Jun 14, 2010

I had FC11 installed on a Toshiba Tecra A4 and when I upgraded via dvd, the system "hangs" after finishing the last gray bar(the bar flickers a lot at the last), keyboard ctrl-alt-del will reboot. I had used noapic and acpi=off before, but does not help now. Intel graphics, at first a flash about address collision.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Disk Failure On FC11 Upgrade?

Jun 11, 2009

I just upgraded via preupgrade-cli (from FC10), rebooted, the upgrade process completed, then the system rebooted and I just see a blinking white cursor now.I was able to boot up from a live cd of FC11, but I'm not sure how I can repair the system.

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Fedora Installation :: Fc11 Install Hangs At Checking Dependencies / Fix It?

Jun 11, 2009

I am trying to install fc11 on an intel mb with pentium4 and ati graphics
the install always hangs at the point where the sw packages have been selected
and the install is checking dependencies.

I have tried the regular install
the basic video install, and text install
with the same symptoms each time

the dvd drive lite is on and the hard disk activity lite is on and the system is frozen.
have to power off.

I have fc11 installed on another system (amd) and had install issues also but that was
with the preview.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Create Filesystem On FC11 Upgrade

Jul 6, 2009

I cannot seem to get past the "creating File System.." window on a laptop upgrade

Setup: Thinkpad T23 (dual boot) upgrade from fc10 using DVD iso.checked with checksum and burnt by K3b.

History/actions taken:

Burnt iso to DVD and install/upgrade froze "creating File System " froze after approximately 10 minutes.
(completely froze and had to use the power button!)

Checked disk OK on laptop, tried again, same fault.

Bought another DVD.(different die) and tried again, same fault.

Tried another laptop HD, (full install not dual boot) , same fault.

Removed partitions with fdisk, but still no luck.

Tried disk on a spare HD on my PC and it works, I get into the window allowing software selection!

Tried a "Linux Format" fc 10 disk and that works, also tried a PCLinux LXF disk which also worked.

The laptop does not report any problems at bootup and I do not not what else to try

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 - New Install No Sound After Adding Non-free Pkgs For Mp3

Jun 15, 2009

New install from downloaded DVD. sound played after install. Installed rhymbox, which tried to install the various nonfree packages. I didn't have the keys installed so it failed miserably. From various websites I've used yum to install nonfree packages to support mp3. I now have both movieplayer and rhymbox which have no sound. Even more strangely, rhymbox 'slider' which follows the playtime remaining, simply doesn't move? Tried remove/re-install rhymbox to no avail.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgraded To FC11 From FC10 / System Freezes / Hangs

Jun 24, 2009

I upgraded from FC10 to FC11 yesterday.I had no problems using FC11 after I looked into the bootloader (not intuitive - Ha!).Tried to boot up this morning; and things seemed to work well until I tried to call up Firefox (added a few themes yesterday).The window pops open; but the computer freezes on the spot with an alarm (generic "beep", w/o the finishing "p").Tried it with Epiphany; and I get the same results with the exception of actually getting to the Home Page.Yum works for the most part - I reinstalled Firefox (no effect); but couldn't reinstall epiphany (keeps saying "there is no such package - did you mean 'epiphany'". No typos on my part - go figure). Doing Software/Package Updates (via System Menu) freezes the box as well.Did it with the system monitor on. It doesn't appear to be related to CPU Usage.

Had a FC10 liveUSB and used it for awhile (e.g. to check out the forums). After giving my ISP some grief about downloading speed, immediately received a note from their Abuse Department, saying that my machine had been infected with a virus and had been sending spam emails (post upgrade to FC11).

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Fedora Installation :: Fc11 Install Hangs After Remounting Root Fs In R/w Mode

Jul 8, 2009

I have a Dell Optiplex 760 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz


I tried to upgrade to FC11 via download and DVD and in both cases the install hangs on bootstrap right after remounting the root filesystem in read/write mode.

Since it hangs in this manner, I have not been able to gather any logs...

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Fedora Installation :: Force The Upgrade FC10 - FC11 With Online Download?

Aug 2, 2009

How can I force the upgrade FC10 -> FC11 with online download? Somewhere in Software Update settings?

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Fedora Installation :: Dell Poweredge 2850 - Fails Install On FC11

Aug 23, 2009

FC11 i386 dvd iso image passes pgp verify. Burns fine and verifies fine under nero. Boots fine and verifies fine on my athlon system and installs just fine. Not one issue at all. 1374 pkgs install without issue. Take the same disc put it into my dell poweredge 2850 (dual xeon) and the disc fails to verify.

Even if I go ahead and try to install, it will boot and go through the menus. Then on package install at some point it will say one is corrupt and halts the install. Yet ubuntu 9.04 installs just fine on it. So I don't see how it could be the dvd player itself, though not 100% ruled out.

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Fedora Installation :: Install FC11 X86-64 And Preserve Home Partition That Is In Ext3?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm planning FC11 x86_64 with a live cd , but I would like to preserve my /home partition that is in ext3 . or is there a way to do an install and keep my /home and convert it after in ext4

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Fedora Installation :: DVD FC12 Install / Upgrade Wiped Everything On Disk Old FC11

Nov 24, 2009

Was using preupgrade from FC11x64 to 12x64. Preupgrade caused alot of problems like /boot not enough diskspace. After some searching found the steps and preupgrade proceed happily but after reboot got kernel panic grrr.

Took 3 days to find another machine to download and burn the FC12x64 disk. So I booted via the FC12x64 disk and selected the 1st option to install/upgrade. I thought it is upgrade and so choose replace my existing linux system however it wiped out everything on the disk. I have some important data in my home directory. I think it is in LVM, not a partition like /dev/sda1. How can I recover them? Was using stock settings.

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Fedora Installation :: Firefox Freezing System In New FC11 Install Not Upgrade

Dec 20, 2009

I installed FC11 from installation cds twice and I'm having a problem with Firefox freezing the system. The mouse cursor will move but nothing else is responsive, including mouse buttons and keyboard.I checked the media on every disc and they all check fine.I never had this problem with FC10. I tried upgrading Firefox -- with the necessary dependency upgrades too but without success.I tried to downgrade to FC10 Firefox and ran into a great big hassle with that.

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