Fedora Installation :: Booting Without Putting Grub In The MBR?

Jan 17, 2011

I am shortly getting a new computer, It will arrive with Windows 7 on one disk and will have a second disk, on which I will install Fedora. In the past, when I've set up a dual boot system, I always used the standard configuration with the first part of grub put in the MBR. But this time I would like to put grub entirely in the Linux disk and then use Windows 7's boot loader to boot. I set up another computer that way where the disk originally came with Vista. But in that case, I set it up the standard way and then changed it afterwards to use the Vista boot loader.

This time, I want to set it up when installing Linux so grub is entirely on the second Linux disk. So until I manage to figure out how to get the Windows boot loader to do the job, I need a separate way to boot Linux, say from a CD with grub on it. But that CD should have the appropriate grub configuration on it. The easiest way I know to create such a CD is from Fedora, but there is the problem that I first need to get into Fedora to do it. I can think of several ways to approach that problem, i.e., using the installation disc in rescue mode or using some raw grub booter created from my old system. But I would like to keep things as simple and direct as possible, since otherwise I'm sure there will be false starts and a lot of fiddling.

So could someone direct me to some simple instructions to do what I want as quickly as possible. In particular, are there any options to do it in the installation process?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Drives From BIOS And Tried Putting GRUB On Both SSD And 1TB HDD

Mar 4, 2011

I'm having some issues getting Ubuntu to boot. I've installed it a bunch of times before, but dual booting and not. Right now though, I'm having issues installing it along with Windows 7, on separate hard drives. Here's my current configuration:

60GB SSD with windows 7
500GB HDD, NTFS, windows 7 data

I bought a 1TB HDD that I want Ubuntu on, but I only want Ubuntu to use 100 GB. I want the other 900GB for Windows 7. So, I put in the Ubuntu CD, chose to edit the partitions manually in the 1TB HDD, created a 100GB ext4 primary partition for linux and a 2GB swap partition, leaving the other 900GB unallocated. Ubuntu seemed to install fine, said it succeeded, and asked me to reboot. When I did, however, my computer boots straight into Windows (no GRUB screen at all). I've tried changing the boot priority to all three of my installed drives from BIOS and tried putting GRUB on both my SSD and 1TB HDD.

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Fedora Installation :: F14 And 15 Booting To Grub?

Aug 27, 2011

I have tried and failed to install F14 and 15 on my system for a while now and I have been running Ubuntu in the mean time as it installs and runs fine as does Mint, and Suze.

My Pc is getting a little old now but is still very capable, however the Primary master Sata port seems to have a fault on it so I don't use that anymore as it ends up corrupting my hard drive after a few weeks.

I am running one hard disk on the secondary sata port which shows up as the primary slave in Bios.
When I install F14 or 15 all goes well till I restart then it boots to Grub with no errors.

I have tried assigning root in grub and it doesn't seem to think any hard disk exists from what I have tried, what am I missing?

Just to confirm I am running one hard disk on the second SATA port, Fedora detected it on install as sda1, and the rest of the linux partition as sda2.

I have tried this multiple times and the grub was installed to the MBR

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Fedora Installation :: Triple Booting Using Grub 2

Jun 11, 2011

I'm a former Ubuntu user who jumped ship to Linux Mint. I currently am dual booting Windows 7 and Linux Mint 11 using Grub 2. Is there a way to install Fedora last? Much of the reading I have done suggests Fedora needs to be installed before Mint/Ubuntu. By the way, I have searched the forums and it has been suggested to wipe out Ubuntu, install Fedora and then re-install Ubuntu. I would much rather shrink the Windows partition and install Fedora before Mint and update Grub.

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Error F15 When Dual Booting On MacBook Pro / Fix It?

Jul 22, 2011

I am having trouble getting FEdora 15 running on my MacBook Pro. I had Fedora 15 installed before on this MBP before, so I know it works. I basically followed the good old instructions of

1. Create a Windows partition in bootcamp (rEFIt was already installed from trying to get ubuntu running)
2. Boot from disk and install in Windows partition with bootloader on installed on the / partition
3. Install, reboot, and resync the MBR using rEFIt partitioning tool
4. Shut down the computer and start up on the parition you installed linux on

Now I get a grub error code...

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Booting Debian-12 / Edit /boot/grub/menu

Feb 18, 2010

Debian if my first OS and i want to dual boot Fedora12.Ok i installed Fedora12 and choose not to install the bootloader(gonna use the one Debian installed)What i'm tring to do in Debain is edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst
Here is what i have

title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-1-686
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-1-686

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Fedora :: Can't Dual Booting With Grub (legacy) - Black Screen Grub Error 27

Jul 31, 2011

is it ever possible to do dual booting with grub(legacy) ever at all!. it is possible provided i take some pain, here is the link of that post [URL] i was coward and weak i didn't try that out then. but i did try it out. now so if u haven't seen the post .... I've installed Fedora 15 desktop(Gnome) with physical Logical volume called vg_fedora lv_root(ext4) ,lv_swap and lv_home(ext4), with 500MB /boot partition and had about 200GB free hard disk space ... so i wanted to install Scientific Linux 6.1 (because our school uses RHEL 6.1)

so, while running the installer I made (added) a logical volume lv_Scientific with ext4 FS and made its mount point (/) and used the MBR /boot which overwrote the Fedora /boot (completely OK and was as expected) i restarted after installation i got SL log in and as per the directions of the thread i copied the boot stanza from grub.conf of fedora 15 (which i already had copied and pasted into a text file and copied it from there)and pasted it into grub.conf of SL you may ask why did i choose same physical LVM too save swap space ... if i had made another physical LVM i had to make another swap ( i like LVM ... its cool)

completely unexpected happened Fedora now boots but not SL when grub starts i get this error 27 unrecognised commad and when i press <enter> i get grub menu with SL and fedora when i press on Fedora it works well i get my fedora login and i did login .. everything works fine but when i press SL it goes to the previous black screen grub error 27


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Fedora Installation :: Putting /boot Inside LVM With Grub2?

May 22, 2011

I have just converted from using Arch Linux for the last year to using Fedora 14. So far I have been having a blast but I really enjoy the idea of putting /boot inside an LVM container and that is how I had my Arch system built. So I wanted to do a learning experience and did a standard install on my 60GB SSD. Which ended up with a 500MB /boot outside LVM, a ~30GB / and ~30GB /home inside LVM. Now I really like spreading things out onto different LV's that I can resize but for now I am focusing on getting /boot and grub2 working. So after the install I did a complete backup with Clonezilla to a spare drive and set to work. I shrunk /home's LV to 10GB to give me plenty of space to work with and created boot_lv inside LVM at 128MB.

So here is my first question:After 2 hours trolling through the forums, documentation and blogs I believe that the ideal size for any /boot is 512MB due to during pre-upgrades Fedora loads a bunch of data to /boot. Would I be correct in both assuming this size and the reasoning behind this?After creating this LV I did another Clonezilla clone of the drive and got back into the Fedora install. From their I moved over all the data in /boot to my boot_lv mounted on /mnt/newboot and unmounted /boot. Then mounted /boot_lv in its place and installed grub2 and gettext ( <--- I think? It needed something like this) and did a grub2-install, grub2-mkconfig and grub2-setup all with commands I do not remember nor documented due to how many changes I have made and times I had to re-image the box from messup's and failures. So in the end can anyone point me in the direction of a nice guide on putting Fedora 14 completely in LVM which seems not to exist in Google and Fedora Forums ( to my knowledge.) Even a set of commands for taking a fresh install and doing.

EDIT: Today I managed to get Debian 6 to have /boot moved into LVM no problem. I documented it very well and plan to implement it on Fedora which I do greatly hope it works.EDIT 2: SUCCESS!!! Took me all weekend to get it working in Fedora but it bloody works! My notes are not the best so I am imaging it right now and am going through step by step again tomorrow and documenting it all on my laptop and writing a tutorial for the Guides section of this forum. It's kinda funny that the only thing holding me back was something rather stupid

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Doesn't Load - Make Load Again Upon Booting?

Feb 9, 2009

I had Fedora 7 and Windows Vista dual booting on my computer. I just installed Fedora 10. When the live CD asked me where to install it, I chose "Remove all Linux Partitions and create default layout" The installation went perfectly, but now when reboot my computer, it boots directly into Fedora; GRUB does not load to ask me which OS I want to load. I know I did not overwrite Vista because I can still view my Vista files through Fedora. Here is my grub.conf file:


What do I need to do to make GRUB load again upon booting?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting And APT Upgrade Of Grub?

Jan 17, 2010

OKI am loading 9.10 (K or U, makes no difference). This installs 2-6-31.14. Eventually I am unable to dissuade APT from upgrading to Grub 1.97 beta4. One of two things can happen.

1) I am upgraded to a later kernel at the same time (currently 2-6-31.1. This singularly fails to work, in that I end up with no working kernel at all and I can only run memtest (or Windows 7, which is about as much use): good for the soul no doubt, but frustrating. "Solution": tar up the whole of /boot beforehand and then reinstate it afterwards. I am back to square 1, but at least a working square 1.

2) I persuade APT not to upgrade the kernel.I then get 14 (and 14 recovery) in my grub.cfg, but boot fails dramatically, and it becomes apparent that it has forgotten about /dev/sda, my hard disk.Further investigation shows that I have a new initrd.img in /boot, which doesn't work properly; reinstate the backup version, and all is well.What is going on? Is it just me? How come there aren't crowds of protesting peasants with pitchforks outside Canonical Towers?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Grub, After Post - Not Booting?

Oct 26, 2010

Both on a 10.04 and a newly installed 10.10:After BIOS post, I get no grub and just a blinking index in the upper left. I've left it for hours, never boots.How can I resolve this without getting any Grub boot options?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - No Grub At Booting Page

Dec 25, 2010

When I try to install Ubuntu OS everything works well to the last step. At last step it ask me for my user name while it is installing the OS at background. Then it says "ready" but nothing change. I can move mouse over the screen but there is nothing to push like "finish installation button" or something like that. I wait for 2 hours and nothing changed. There is no error code. Then I decide to reset Pc and try to see if it installed grub or not, but there is no grub at booting page. I started to OS installation again and same problem occur for 6 trials. I have intel i3 proccessor with graph card and gigabyte h57m-usb3 motherboard. OS: Ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting USB Drive From Grub?

May 2, 2011

I have a laptop with a dead CD drive. I want to install Ubuntu 11.04 on it however it can not boot a USB drive. The current os is trashed, but grub is still okay. Is there any way to load the ubuntu CD's contents off of a flash drive and boot it from the grub console at boot?

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Debian Installation :: Grub Error 18 With Lenny While Booting

May 7, 2010

I recently did a single boot install of Lenny-xfce on a Compaq Armada laptop. There were no errors and grub indeed found that Lenny was the only OS on the hard drive and installed itself on the MBR. My problem is that I'm getting an error 18 when booting the freshly installed system from hard disk. I booted into rescue mode and started a shell to take a look around. There are files on the drive and /etc/grub exists. device.map shows dev(0,0) as being mapped to /dev/hda. A search on the forum for "grub error 18" came up with nothing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Into Karmic Using The Older Grub?

Feb 3, 2010

i had a system running ubuntu karmic and grub2. Last day i installed fedora 12 on another partition and also installed the older version of grub that came along with it(because i was more used to it). The current status is:1. can boot into fedora, cannot boot into ubuntu.

2. can boot into fedora, chroot into the ubuntu partition
3. no data loss

However, i just can`t boot into ubuntu from the older version of grub which i have presently. Question is: How do i boot into karmic from the older version of grub? do take some time off and reply of you know the answer!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Windows 7 To Grub For Triple Booting?

Feb 11, 2010

I will like to triple boot Ubuntu, XP and Windows 7, but I already had Ubuntu and XP running on separate HDDs, Ubuntu was installed first, then I installed XP on a separate HDD (with the Ubuntu HDD disconnected), now I did the same for Windows 7, I disconnected all other HDDs (Ubuntu, XP and Data)and installed windows 7 on a separate HDD.When I connected everything back(Ubuntu HDD, XP, Data HDDs and Windows 7 HDD, Windows 7 does not appear on grub boot menu and now Windows 7 does not boot up by it self.

Is there a way to simply add Windows 7 to Grub so I can have all 3 OS's on grub menu?Can grub search HDDs to look for OSs to add to the menu?Funny thing is the XP entry on grub appeared by it self, I've never edited grub to add XP on the booting menu, I was booting directly to XP by going into the BIOS and selecting the XP HDD as my booting drive instead of Ubuntu HDD, somehow XP was added to the grub booting menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded-Missing Grub-not Booting

Jun 8, 2010

Had v9.x installed alongside Windows XP SP3 install. Have not used it that much since install.
Got the bug to upgrade to v10.

Went through the upgrade process, everything seemed fine.

At the end of the install process asked which dev to install GRUB onto - I selected only one drive, the wrong one of course, and the reboot failed.

Boots up with:

Have LiveCD running now to post. Ran Info_boot Script.sh - results below.

Will reinstalling v10 from Live CD fix this? Will this use Wubi or just go through normal install process? Or is there an easier fix to install GRUB on the correct drive to get the dual boot choice of Windows XP and Ubuntu back.

Naturally I need to get back to Windows ASAP - it's the net gateway and print server for my home/office setup.

Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Only Booting Windows7 - Configure Grub

Nov 21, 2010

My system set-up is one HDD that is partitioned having two Windows7 bootable partitions, and Ubuntu. I originally had Windows7 and Ubuntu, but I wanted to have another Windows7 OS to keep clean for gaming. Of course, when installing Windows7 it wiped out Grub2. I've reinstalled Grub2, but now I'm having a problem in that when I choose Windows7 in the Grub menu, it directs me to the windows boot manager to choose one of my Windows7 partitions to boot. I'd like to configure Grub so I can choose which Windows7 installation I'd like to boot from there. I've tried added custom scripts to point grub directly at the partition where each installation is located, but it always directs me to the windows boot manager. How can I bypass that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Only Loads When Booting From SD Card / Fix This?

Jan 21, 2011

Ive installed Ubuntu 10.10 from a SD card (yes my laptop supports booting from SD) and it works fine except the grub does not load. Although I know there are many threads about this Im not sure which one to use because my problem is quite strange.
Im not pretending I understand how grub works but I find it strange:
When I boot from Hard Drive, it boots into Windows without loading grub (I installed ubuntu to an empty partition along the windows on the same drive), however, when I force booting from the SD card, I get the grub window with all the options as expected - ubuntu, mem check, windows 7. Now Im not sure if its grub loading from this SD card (containing ubuntu) or the card somehow runs the grub that is on the hard drive.

My guess is that the partition containg windows (sda0) is flagged as boot and thus the system doesnt even look after grub when booting, however, when theres the SD card it somehow forces booting the ubuntu partition (sda6).

Any idea what I should do? I can boot into Ubuntu, I can access grub etc. I just cant make it load without having the SD card in my PC

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Into Grub With No Menu After Upgrade

May 3, 2011

I had Ubuntu 10 running on vmware machine. It ran fine. I upgraded to version 11, but now when the machine restarts I do not get any menu, I just get his:
GNU BRUB version 1.98-1ubunutu7
Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported.

And that is it! No menu, no list of options, nothing. If I type "ls" I get:
(hd0) (hd0,5) (hd0,1) (fd0)

I can enter "root (hd0,1)" which gives me:
(hd0,1): Filesystem is ext2.

Then typing "kernel /boot/vm" and pressing tab shows:
vmlinuz-2.6.32-27-generic vmcoreinfo-2.6.32-27-generic vmlinuz-2.6.35-28-generic vmcoreinfo-2.6.35-28-generic vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic

There is no /boot/grub/menu.lst but there is /boot/grub/grub.cfg which seems fine as far as I can tell. Did I somehow end up with an older grub which is looking for menu.lst? I have other machines running Ubuntu and if I boot into them I seem to get a GRUB4DOS etc. slightly different version. The grub version shown above is 1.98 but I read somewhere Ubuntu uses version 2? Actually I found another post which suggests that this is the correct grub version for Ubuntu 11. How can I tell what menu file grub is looking for where it is looking and why its not finding or using it? It should work...

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Fedora :: Booting Mandriva From Grub.conf?

Sep 9, 2009

What is the configuration issue in the other-than-Fedora-11 stanza below that prevents that OS from booting? That stanza is taken directly from the /boot/grub/menu.lst of that OS, whose root partition is on sda5. All I get upon choosing the menu entry is a blinking cursor and a steady HD light. obsessing over this for a couple of weeks, reading what I can find about grub configuration but without joy.

Here is /boot/grub/grub.conf:

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You do not have a /boot partition. This means that
# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.


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Fedora :: XP Not Booting Anymore - Grub Started

Oct 3, 2010

I recently installed Fedora as dual boot with XP on my netbook, but then decided to uninstall it again. I probably did it in the wrong way because everything is messed up. I installed Fedora in a separate partition, so I just deleted that partition. Now when I rebooted my netbook, it starts GRUB.

I get some sort of command prompt like cmd.
grub> {here I can type commands}

I tried several stuff to get everything normal again. First I made a bootable USB which starts the XP Recovery console. Then I used these commands :


I reboot, and there it is again ... the GRUB. How can I get Windows XP working again? I didn't touch the C: boot partition, so the XP installation should still be intact.

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Fedora :: Change Booting Grub From A Distro To Another?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a computer with 2 HD. In one of them there are installed XP and F14. In the other there are several XP files and Mandriva (the last installed distro). At booting, the grub window I see is the Mandriva's one, where I can select F14 or XP. I should like to see at booting the Fedora's grub.conf window with selecting options for XP or Mandriva. How can I change this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Properly Multi-booting Grub With Windows First

Mar 5, 2010

I wanted windows to appear first in my grub2 menu so I renamed the 30_os_probe file(or whatever it felename is) to 09_os_probe so that it comes before the 10 linux file, problem is whenever these files get updated the updater is unable to find the 30_os_probe file since I renamed it and recreates it... leaving me with two versions (09 and 30) with 09 being of course outdated.

The updater also fails to run update-grub and instead attempts to update grub.cfg manually... and fails. I had to manually do a sudo update-grub.

Is there any way to fix this so its all updated automatically while leaving windows the top choice? No manual intervention required beyond clicking "install updates"?

Also, is it possible to JUST have the Windows and Ubuntu choices, no Ubuntu recovery, memtest, alternative(older) kernels for Ubuntu, etc in the grub menu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multi Booting On Two Drives - How To Edit Grub

Apr 7, 2010

I have two hard drives windows 7 is on one of them and Ubuntu 9.10 is on the other. Both drives are 320GB, but different models of drives by Seagate. Both drives are detected by the BIOS and both drives are detected by Windows, but only one drive is detected by Ubuntu during the installation process. I had to literally disconnect the Windows drive to get Ubuntu to recognize the drive I wanted it on. Now that Ubuntu is completely installed and a new Kernel has been downloaded and installed it finally recognizes both drives as existing.

There is some kind of problem with the Installer and the original Kernel that kept it from seeing the second drive. I will literally have to manually edit Grub to get it to boot the Windows drive. How do I edit Grub? and what kind of Grub command would do the trick? I searched for "multi-boot" and literally read them all, there was one thread about multi-boot on multi-drives, but it did not fit because the Installer recognized both drives with that thread. I have to change the boot order in the BIOS to get the drive to boot that I want currently.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Booting - Show 'unkown Command' & No Grub

May 3, 2010

just tried downloading the latest version of ubuntu and install it on my laptop got an error message at the end of the installation (an I/O error, dev sr0,sector something) now when booting i got grub rescue. the only command working are ls and set. commands such as 'linux' or 'boot' show 'unkown command'

ls (hd0,1) or ls /boot/
results in
unknown filesystem

I tried to reinstall grub using the 3 different methods as in [URL] got no error message while doing so except when typing sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda it told me something about being unable to locate ubuntu or something along those lines - sorry i thought i'd remember .. running out of option is there a possibility to download the latest pre 10.04 stable version?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting With Grub With Multiple Hard Drives?

Jan 23, 2011

I have 3 hard drives installed to my system, 1TB, 2TB and 500GB drives with the following configuration:

ledi@ledi-ubuntu:~$ sudo parted /dev/sda print
Model: ATA SAMSUNG HD103UJ (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 1000GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos


I can boot to the Ubuntu installation in the 2TB drive. My problem reversed when I reinstalled grub to one of the Ubuntu installations in the 1TB drive. I can boot to any of the OS's in the 1TB drive, but not to the Ubuntu in the 2TB drive. The error message is the same as above. I have no idea what am I doing wrong and I would be really grateful for any assistance.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Not Booting Showing GNU-GRUB Version1.98-1

Feb 4, 2011

boot my system its showing GNU-GRUB version1.98-1 ubuntu7

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dell INSPIRON Booting With GRUB Not Able To Get XP Running?

Aug 5, 2011

I have got Windows XP Pro installed in my Laptop. It had 2 partitions. In C drive i have got Windows XP.Installed UBUNTU in E Drive. It did partiion E drive futher to install it. Had the GRUB RESCUE prompt initially. But after running the following got into the next problem.

Grub reinstall fix:
Boot Ubuntu live CD. Then run
sudo mount /dev/sdf5 /mnt


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Fedora :: How To Install Grub On A Dual-OS Booting Machine

Dec 7, 2010

I'm dual-booting windows 7 on (hd0,0) and Fedora 13 on (hd0,4) and it's working fine until I repaired my windows 7. Afiter I did the repair on my windows 7, The booting sequence now skips the grub menu and automatically boots into windows without allowing me to take my pick.

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