Fedora Hardware :: Can't Read Partition Table After Install F13?
May 27, 2010
I have installed the fedora 13 x86_64 live cd. I updated fedora as well as installing gparted.y hard disc containing my operating systems is not being read by gparted.unalloacted partition table. Also i am not able to mount a ntfs parition on the same hard disc.I did create the partition table on all hard discs with gparted livAnybody else had this problem? A kernel crash is also reported.DIT:I booted ubuntu 10.04 and opened gparted v5.1 without any problem. I booted fedora 13 again and now gparted 5.2
I want to change my sda2 partition to ntfs type. i have installed GParted but it is returning a strange type of error. Here is the error dump file...
WARNING: the kernel failed to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda (Device or resource busy). As a result, it may not reflect all of your changes until after reboot. WARNING: the kernel failed to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda (Device or resource busy). As a result, it may not reflect all of your changes until after reboot.
On my old centos 5.2 installation, yesterday my system stopped. The only daemon working was the ping. Every other were not working ( http, svnserver, vncserver, ssh ... ) but yesterday morning everything worked fine! Since the system is headless, I rebooted the computer this morning. Then it never came back. I placed a screen on the computer and when the computer boots, I can see : loading grub stage 2 then I have a black screen with grub>
There is something wrong ... I'm sad because I moved in my new house and did not took the time to restart my backups ( in fact, I did not found the AC adapter for the external drive ) ... I downloaded the brand new centos 5.5 installation DVD and when I try to upgrade my system the installer tells me that the partition on 1 hd is not readable. Then I ignore the message but before getting to the partition manager, it tells me that the partition table for the lvm 00 ( /home ) can not be found and I have to reboot. Since this hard disk is the biggest ( 1tb ) and all of my data is on this one, I'd like to know what I can do to recover this data ?
I'm trying to install Ubuntu Linux 10.04 on my computer with following specs:
ASUS P5KR Mobo HIS 2600XT GFX 160 GB Hitachi Harddisk (SATA) 500 GB Hitachi Harddisk (SATA) - Only for Data.
The 160 GB Harddisk is currently split into 3 main partitions: i) 200 MB created by Win7 setup.
1) Windows 7
2) Leopard OSX
3) Partition formatted in Leopard as Journal which is empty, meaning I can convert this if I want and onto which I will install Ubuntu.
My problem is that despite booting up fine, installer starting and working fine, it cannot however detect my partition table, it thinks its unallocated.
The funny thing is that I can mount the partitions and view the data but the installer however can't see it.
So I decided to reinstall my 10.10 to undo the 'encrypted home folder feature.' I know are other ways to undo the encryption, but for various reasons I'd rather just do a quick reinstall and start fresh.Currently, I dual boot linux and windows, each with their respective partitions. There is also a storage partition that is fat32 to swap files between the two OSes. So the partitions are:
Is there a difference between using GPT partition table when formating hard drives and MS-DOS partition table? What are the advantages/disadvantages of using either?
I was installing opensuse 11.2 in parallel with windows xp.but during installation suddenly power has gone and after that opensuse is giving me the error message corrupt partition.i am also not able to login in xp. so I decide to reinstall windows, I got the error saying "invalid partition table" after the first restart of windows xp installation.
I tried to use windows system recovery console and committing fixmbr and fixboot commands, but didn't work. i have 2 window partition(1 for windows and 1 for data).i do,nt want to format 2,nd partition.
How can I installed windows?My plan was first to install windows xp, then opensuse again.
I switched back to Fedora after a long time and wow a lot of things have changed! Fedora 12 is looking amazing and the best part is I could install it on my USB so easily. And then I found I couldnt open any PDF files on Fedora - I tried installing AdobeReader, xpdf and openoffice. All of them are just throwing some file format errors.... <I cant push a screenshot now since i removed the packages>
Initally i thought it might be some version conflict but it turned out I couldnt open any pdf's including docs from 5 years back to docs with embedded media content. I know I havent put any info here. I am looking for a little info on what is needed to get Acrobat/Xpdf working in Fedora 12... And I couldn't get any errors logged so I'd like a little help there if I need to share some debug messages...
that gave these messages [root@localhost Presentations]# evince module-development.mgp.pdf ** (evince:5768): WARNING **: Failed to create dbus proxy for org.gnome.SettingsDaemon: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon': no such name Error: May not be a PDF file (continuing anyway) Error: PDF file is damaged - attempting to reconstruct xref table... Error: Couldn't find trailer dictionary Error: Couldn't read xref table
As soon as I install and reboot OpenSUSE, my partition table gets lost somehow. Here is some information about my system:
Dual-booting system with Vista and OpenSUSE 2 SATA hard drives combined into one with Vista installed on them. 1 IDE hard drive with OpenSUSE installed on it.
When I install OpenSUSE, it loads fine right after the installation. Then, when I reboot the computer and select to load OpenSUSE from the Grub loader menu, it hangs right after:
root(hd4,1) Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83 kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-IC35l....... and so on
I tried running System Repair off of a DVD and automated test - it tells me that the partition table is lost. I choose to recover partition table and after a while it does but I am still unable to boot.
I installed openSUSE on a XP runnng computer and every thing is OK.When I tried to Install a new XP, I got this error:Code:Invalid Partition Table I fixed it by reinstalling GRUB using Rescue System.I tried fix mbr on XP Repair System and I got that error again.Now I want to keep XP and remove openSUSE. But computer only boots by GRUB and XP's boot loader is unable to boot and shows that error
I have never seen this before wit any previous versions of ubuntu - wondering if anyone else has seen it or can explain it. The break down of the partition table is being viewed with Ranish Partition v2.43 It's old program, but it has been really handy.
What is happening is: Prior to the install of ubuntu on the 3rd Primary partition, you'll see that the 4th partition (which has a couple of logical partitions in it) starts at: (14,380 - 0 - 1) ===> Cylinder - Head - Sector After the installation of Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS it shows a Non-conventional start point of: (14,380 - 0 - 62) =====> Cylinder - Head - Sector. An unused is left between the 3rd and 4th Primary partition.
This is not a big deal - just unusual (IMO) With the same partition layout (pre install) It doesn't matter if I install ubuntu on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd primary partition. The 4th one ALWAYS gets changed this way.
Purpose: Python, PHP, WebKit (hopefully), and pyqt development. There is Wubi for Ubuntu, which I am using right now. But Ubuntu 11.04 doesn't work well with my system. There is a Wubi like installer for Puppy Linux. There is Debian Win32 installer, but I think that does touch the partition table. My last option is to simply grab Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and hope it works. Would that be a viable solution considering my needs?
Using ubuntu minimal install 9.10 for a htpc. My boot drive is a 2Gb disk on module. When using advanced install I am eventually given the option to format the drive and ultimately the option to pick what sort of partition table type. I am not sure what to pick; it appears to have msdos as a default. Here are my options:
aix amiga bsd dvh gpt mac msdos (default?) pc98 sun loop
Some appear to be obviously bad choices; but I am not sure. Any ideas on which would be a better pick for me? I have already used msdos and it seems to work fine.
Do i have any chances to restore my windows partition table after tried to install debian and i used the entire disk instead of the free space i had alocated for this
after i figured out what i did i stoped the installation but was to late ... i answered yes at write partition table changes on disk question
i tried win7 automate recovery tool from dvd and manual install of mbr with no successful result
I have installed HP g6 notebook from live-cd with 10.04 LTS across multiple partitions, only to find that the partition table is not setup correctly. I place the following mount points on separate partitions:
I have encountered something of a mystery here. The other day while in /dev I ran 'ls sda*' and noticed this...Quote:
ls -lZ /dev/sda* brw-rw----. root disk system_u:object_r:fixed_disk_device_t:s0 /dev/sda brw-rw----. root disk system_u:object_r:fixed_disk_device_t:s0 /dev/sda1
I ve got a dual boot, XP and FC 12 on a single harddrive. After defragmentation of NTFS partition (With XP installation) cant'boot linux So, rub statrts with boot menu after selecting linux it tries to load linux but prints out some messages again and again (I do not remember contetn of messages) And these messages are circulating
I am using a 8 GB usb flash to create a F13 Live Media. I created it using the livecd-creator. But when I use it to try to boot, it says "No bootable partition in table". What's wrong? I did some searches on google, but didn't find a solution.
I'm trying to install Fedora 10 from a USB memory stick on which i've installed Fedora-10-x86_64-DVD.iso and, early in the process of configuring the installation, i get messages about both my IDE hard drives having unrecognizable partition tables:
"The partition table on device sda (... my disk data ...) was unreadable. To create new partitions it must be initialized, causing the loss of ALL DATA on this drive."
Same for sdb.
My PC currently runs Fedora Core 4 (yes i know i should have gotten around to upgrading my OS earlier) and yes it recognizes both hard drives just fine.
The answers I've found on the web suggest to backup my drives and repartition. I'm not too hot on that "solution".
explain why a F4 partition table is not recognized by F10?
BTW, I've recently upgraded my motherboard, processor, DVD drive, regrouped both my IDE drives on the same bus, ... I consider it a miracle F4 still runs on this PC (although F4 does not support the motherboard's graphics card, so no X11).
I have a Toshiba laptop, running Vista Home Premium SP2 with AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor, 1 gb ram & 150 gb HDD. I just shrunk the c: drive down to 92 gb to free up 43.5 gb so as to load the Fedora Linux OS into this free space & have a dual-boot configur'n. My problem is the partition table in the MBR. It shows 4 partitions there, so the fedora 13 Live CD which I use to install the OS cannot find a free spot in the partition table. I have the Ultimate Boot CD so I took a look at the MBR. Here are the 4 partitions that occupies its table:
c: is 17% free, d: is 99% free, the other two are 100% free Can you explain what is the purpose of D: ? How about the other two (with no drive letter)? I read somewhere that 'x17' code means 'hidden IFS (ex: HPFS)' & 'x27' means a rescue partition... true?
Would I be safe in replacing the partition table entry for #1, 3 or 4 with an entry for my Linux? (I have an editor that could modify the MBR). Or would it be better to leave MBR alone, put a boot program on a CD or USB stick, which boots Linux from the unallocated 'partition'? (have to somehow manually install Linux to the 43.5 gb area that I freed up).
During a recent request to install fedora 11, I ran into an interesting problem. It seems that between fedora10 and fedora11, the developers switched from fdisk, to parted for creating the initial pre-mke2fs partition table creation.
It looks like the implementation of this is broken, as it's writing the partition table with overlapping cylinder boundaries. While this can sometimes be ignored, it can in certain cases cause significant data corruption.
On an installation I took it through, using the latest installation media, in both manual & automatic partition creation, the layout looked like this:
The last two partitions turn out fine, for some reason. However, those two partitions should not have overlapping cylinders. After my very first installation, the system was completely unbootable, and not even fsck wouldn't rescue it. If this is possible, then that means that a system that's been online for months or even years could simply drop out of functionality simply due to a byte or two of system-critical data falling on that last cylinder. Considering that a lot of the time kernel data ends up on /dev/sda1 (commonly the /boot partition), this is something that should not be ignored.
When I start gparted, to see if I can add extra harddisk where all my data is, I get the next error:
Code: [root# gparted libparted : 1.9.0
The kernel was unable to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda (Device or resource busy). This means Linux won't know anything about the modifications you made until you reboot. You should reboot your computer before doing anything with /dev/sda. I can start fedora 12 x64 amd whitout any problem. My partition layout on a single disk (80 gb sata maxtor) for the system is: Code: / /home swap
When I try to mount one of the extra disks (samsung spinpoint 1 tb, I have 4) I get to next error: Code: root# mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 mount: you must specify the filesystem type
If I add the option with the filesystem I get: Code: root# mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist
In gparted, when I select just a flag option, and deselect, press ok, the disk is forced to be reread by the program. After that I can also mount it. When I use any of the programs linked in this post, I am able to mount the disks whitout any problem. Except after a reboot, I get the same problem. SO whit each reboot, or poweroff, I need to do a re-read of the disks. The system is fedora 12 x64 for amd, installed from a live cd, the rest whit yums groupinstall, the latest kernel.
I have tried to automate the configuration of a usb drive with not much success.
The problem that I have is that I have a large amount of usb drives that have a partition table of type "loop" and I need to change them to "msdos". The size of the drives vary and I need to use FAT32 or FAT16 file system.
I've tried various partitioning commands and gui applications but cant find one that I can give a one line command to to set the partition table, maximum partition size and file system.
I was reading another thread about someone with a bad partition table and I decided to join this forum. I'm not going to take any drastic actions with the partition (/dev/sda3) in question. I am going to wait for instructions on what to do first. I am not very good with Linux and need some hand holding. System: DELL 4550 Dual-Booted with XP and Ubuntu. Works OK, just no swap. Well, here's what I did: I deleted a partition for Windows XP Pro because it was a trial, and it ran out. I then decided to slide the swap partition for the Ubuntu Linux that I dual-boot into over. (If this was successful, I was going to try expanding the root partition to take up the unused space.) I used Gparted on a CD to do this, as I figured it was safe to do.
I now cannot mount the swap space at bootup (and have to go into a backup version of the OS), although I can use Gparted in Linux to execute the "swapon" command, and it appears that it worked because I now see "swapoff" as an option on the context menu. (I actually don't even need a swap partition, except to hibernate.) If I highlight the swap partition and click on "Drive" on Gparted's menu bar and select "Create Partition Table", it will erase all data on /dev/sda, so how do I fix the bad partition table non-destructively?
Everything is installed and setup on my system, but when I setup my partitions I chose my Windows partition to be bootable. Can I just use cfdisk to toggle the bootable flag so my linux partition is bootable and rewrite the partition table?
Is there a program that will reread the partition table and update the kernel even if one of the unmodified partitions is mounted? I installed my system on one partition, then I added another with free space. Now I want to format the second partition, but the kernel doesn't know about it yet. I tried sfdisk -R /dev/sda, but it refuses while the root partition is mounted. Is there anyway I can avoid rebooting?
USB flash disk partition disappeared as well as partition table I'm not sure about the cause
root@u# less /var/log/syslog usb 5-1: New USB device found, idVendor=058f, idProduct=1234 usb 5-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
Where did the partition table go? The device had one ext3 partition something around 4GB(size of USB storage device). I need to restore few files from this device.