Fedora Hardware :: Apple Bluetooth Keyboard On F12 On PS3 Does Not Work

Feb 21, 2010

I'm running Fedora12 on PS3 and try to use bluetooth keyboard of Apple Wireless Keyboard. bluetooth-properties command works fine and Apple Wireless Keyboard is found and paired correctly then registered. But I can not input any character when I type keyboard. It works file on other Fedora12 on x86 desktop PC. Do I need extra setup for PS3?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Fn Key On Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Working

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to use an Apple wireless keyboard with Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) but the fn key is not working at all. If I start up xev and hit the fn key it generates no event. What do I need to do for it to work. It seems as if it should work when viewing pages like


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Ubuntu Installation :: Fn Key On Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Working

Mar 23, 2010

I'm trying to use an Apple wireless keyboard with Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) but the fn key is not working at all. If I start up xev and hit the fn key it generates no event. What do I need to do for it to work. It seems as if it should work when viewing pages like URL...

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Bluetooth Keyboard On Lucid/Mac Mini?

May 15, 2010

I'm using an Apple bluetooth keyboard, model A1016 the one with a white bottom inside clear plastic. The machine is a Mac Mini (2,1) and I also have an Apple bluetooth mouse. The mouse works fine on Ubuntu 10.04. The keyboard has issues.

When I add the keyboard using the bluetooth applet, I find that I can't assign a specified PIN. I have to use automatic PIN, and then type the random number presented. That works until I reboot the machine.

After reboot the bluetooth applet menu shows both the mouse (connected) and the keyboard (not connected). If I tell it to connect the keyboard, nothing happens. The only thing I can do is delete the keyboard, re-add it, with a new random PIN.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Get Bluetooth Keyboard To Pair In Maverick?

Oct 13, 2010

I think my computer must be haunted, as I've so far failed at 3 different ways of installing Maverick on my 2007 aluminium imac! I've written off using a VM, and I'm currently stuck trying to make a dual boot setup.

So I've followed the guide at [URL].. and got as far as rebooting with the CD in, and selecting Ubuntu, but then when everything loads I'm left at the screen where I can select try or install, with no way of selecting either as my mouse (apple bluetooth mighty mouse) and keyboard (apple bluetooth wireless aluminium keyboard) don't seem to be connected. I've got past this point by hitting random keys after booting and selecting the CD - this takes me into a more basic looking menu where the keyboard does still work and I can select install, try etc.

So I can get as far as selecting try, and get a working Ubuntu desktop. However, when the desktop loads, my keyboard and mouse are again not working. By connecting a USB keyboard and mouse, I'm able to get my mouse to pair, using the bluetooth menu and going through the setup. However, I'm stuck trying to get my keyboard to pair.

Going into set up new device and searching initially shows up my keyboard, then it disappears. If I wait it randomly comes back and disappears again. If I click on next whilst it is available, I can get as far as putting in a pin, but when I press enter it says Failed..

Sorry for the rambling post - I basically have 2 questions: 1- Is it expected that bluetooth keyboards and mice won't work during the installation menus? Half my problem is that I don't know what should be working and when (should I have to boot into the trial installation and setup the keyboard and mouse, or should it be set up automatically?).

2- Has anyone else seen the same problem with the apple wireless keyboard failing to pair? I've searched the forums and google, and found lots of people with problems with bluetooth keyboards, but none which seem to match what I'm seeing. I don't know if there's any point in pressing on with the installation using the USB keyboard and mouse in the hope that things will work in the full install, or if they don't work in the trial install then thats my lot.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Gettting Apple Keyboard Function Keys To Work

May 7, 2011

Neither Ubuntu's Unity or KDE respond to the function keys on a regular Apple USB keyboard. I can plug in a non-Apple keyboard and they work just fine. What needs to be changed or configure so that F1 and company on the Apple keyboard work as on other keyboards?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Connect Bluetooth Mouse And Keyboard - CD Drive Doesn't Mount Anything

Jan 14, 2010

I used a live CD burned onto a DVD-RW and it booted up and worked great. So I installed it using the entire hard drive, Ran Update manager, enabled the driver for the wifi card. Before I was using 10.5 with all recent updates done. A few things don't work. It fails whenever I try to connect my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, CD drive doesn't mount anything, I thought it would bring up the restricted nvidia driver but it doesn't so the video is slow and sketchy.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 11.04 On IMac - Bluetooth Did Not Work

Jun 23, 2011

I have a 2.4 Ghz iMac from 2007 with Core II Duo processor and ATi 2600 HD graphics card. I had OSX (SL) and Windows 7 installed earlier. To avoid pressing ALT key to get OSX started, I installed rEFIT which gave me the idea to triple boot system with LINUX. So I repartitioned the system and installed Unity (Ubuntu 11.04) on it. The installation was smooth but somehow bluetooth did not work. I am using the proprietary ATi/AMD driver from Hardware Extra in Unity and the system works great (even 3D cube works fine). I though of upgrading Kernel to but the system gives an error while loading the files.

The error is primarily with flgrx driver. Keeps giving [Fail] result. When I had replaced the proprietary driver with ATi open source driver, I could upgrade the kernel to 3.0. The bluetooth gat "ENABLED" but would not connect to Magic Mouse. Now I have reinstalled the system with Kernel and keeping it simple as the earlier efforts required 6-7 reinstallations of Unity. Please offer solutions if bluetooth can be enabled with present Kernel or how to safely upgrade the kernel without loading the Open souce ATi driver. I have already tried "sudo service bluetooth restart" and it work but I have to do it every time I reboot the system, hence not desired.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Get The Alt-codes Of Macbook Pro Keyboard To Work

Apr 6, 2011

I can't seem to get any of the alt-keys from my regular keys. (i.e. alt+(any key) does not give me the output that it normally should. For instance, I can't make the "does not equal" sign by pressing alt+= (alt+equal sign))Is there any way to enable all the keys in the MBP keyboard? Or am I just stuck without my dear alt-keys?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mac Mini Keyboard Does Not Work In Installer?

Aug 3, 2011

Just bought a new Mac Mini, no optical drive. Using a USB drive, I can get to the EFI grub menu, and boot to the installer menu, but from there the keyboard (USB) doesn't work at all. I've tried every combination of boot flag and am at my wits end. Booting using BIOS results in a "Boot error" message, no grub.Update:Using the 11.04 amd64 iso, I have a slightly different problem. Eventually after grub, I get kicked to a minimal shell (dropbear maybe?) with the complaint "unable to find a live medium." However, from other searches, this may be an issue with a corrupt USB disk, and not a problem with the Mac/EFI boot process.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Wireless Apple Magic Touchpad Not Seen By Gnome Bluetooth?

Jun 9, 2011

I am currently running RedHat 6.1 Workstation. The Gnome Bluetooth software does not find my Apple Magic Touchpad. What should I do? I tried scanning by doing "hcitool scan". It did not appear to find it. I am using a USB to Bluestem adapter called D-Link DBT-120.

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Fedora Networking :: F15 Bluetooth (mouse/keyboard) Are Not Working?

Jun 1, 2011

After upgrading F14 -> F15 bluetooth (mouse/keyboard) are not working. With F14 there was no problems.

lsusb gives:

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Auto-load Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Apr 22, 2010

This morning I bought an Apple wireless keyboard and I got it connected through Blueman. It works like a charm, but I have on problem;

When I log out I can log back in by typing in my password. However, when I restart the computer it seems that bluetooth is not loaded yet and I cannot enter my password. So I have to log in using my wired keyboard, and then disconnect & re-connect to my wireless keyboard using blueman before I am able to use the wireless keyboard.

Is there any way that I can already auto-load bluetooth and connect to my keyboard before I log in?

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Fedora Networking :: Bluetooth And WiFi Do Not Work At Once?

Sep 4, 2011

Suddenly after a long time with fedora (now with fedora 15), bluetooth and wifi not working on my laptop (now I'm connected to cable), I checked the network in console doing this:#systemctl status network.serviceAnd response:network.service - LSB: Bring up/down networkingLoaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/network)Active: failed since Sat, 03 Sep 2011 21:18:24 +0200; 1min 50s agoProcess: 2949 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/network start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)CGroup: name=systemd:/system/network.serviceInstead I do the same query with the bluetooth service and gives me all OK, but does not work, I do not

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Fedora Networking :: Bluetooth PAN With 3G Phone / Connected But Not Able To Work?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a liveusb running Fedora 11 on my hp laptop. I would like to use my T-Mobile Dash 3G unlimited data connection. I have seen many posts regarding wvdial, modem scripts, etc that are going a little over my head. I was able to connect my phone to the laptop, but when I tried to initiate internet sharing on the phone via Bluetooth PAN, nothing happened on the computer. I was connected but not able to do anything.

I saw some developer in a blog mention that he had put Bluetooth PAN support in Fedora 12. Is this not available in F11? Should I try moving to a F12 liveusb for this?

Has anybody had success getting a Tmobile 3G to work with F11?

I would rather use the USB connection so I could charge simulteously, but this looks a lot tricker.

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General :: Bluetooth DUN For Fedora 14 - PDAnet Doesn't Work

May 17, 2011

I live out in the middle of nowhere and can only access internet via tether. PDAnet doesn't work according to June Fabrics with Fedora yet, but they state that Bluetooth DUN is supported.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.04 On IMac I7 - No Bluetooth Adapters Present

May 3, 2010

Did someone manage to make the Bluetooth adapter detected by Ubuntu 10.04 on an iMac 27" i7 or similar?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Bluetooth Still Not Working After Installing Kernel 3.0

Jun 20, 2011

I upgraded kernel to 3.0.0-0300Cr2 hoping that it would solve bluetooth issues but it did not. Has anyone done the successful installation on iMac and the bluetooth working?

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Debian :: Bluetooth Keyboard Reconnect

Jun 1, 2015

On my Raspberry (I know but I could not get any response in raspberry-forums) running raspian I have a problem with a bluetooth-keyboard.

It has bluez 4.99-2 installed and I was able to pair the keyboard and make it trusted and when I run "bluez-test-input connect <address>" I can use it as an input device, but the problem is that when the keyboard goes into a standby-mode after some inactivity the connection is lost and not reestablished. To make it work again I have to run the bluez-test-input command again.

Now when I use the keyboard on my Android-device it also goes into standby but as soon as I start to type again it automatically reestablishes the connection - this is what I would like to achieve on the Rasperry.

My fundamental problem is that I don't know anything about bluetooth really...

I assume that on Android the keyboard initiates a connection when it comes back from sleep but on Raspbian the connection is initiated from the Pi and when the connection is lost the keyboard may try to reconnect but maybe there is no "bluetooth-server" on the Pi to accept the connection but that is just guesswork from someone that really has no clue...

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Ubuntu :: How To Select Bluetooth Keyboard

Nov 13, 2010

I am trying to use an Apple BT keyboard with a new installation of 10.04.Using Bluetooth Preferences, I discovered the keyboard, and paired with it. No problem with pairing. If I click on the BT icon in the top panel, it indicates that the keyboard is connected. But any text typed on on keyboard does not appear on screen. I opened Keyboard Settings, thinking that I might have to select the connected BT keyboard as the input device. Nothing there. Is there another preference somewhere that has to be set for the BT keyboard to actually work as an input device (as opposed to simply being paired)? My USB keyboard is still connected (and is working). Perhap Ubuntu only tolerates one keyboard device at a time?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Keyboard On VirtualBox Ubuntu Guest OS?

Feb 1, 2010

I had a thread about installing on a Mac and decided to go the VirtualBox route and everything is running splendidly EXCEPT for the fnmode setting in /sys/module/hid_apple.

The problem is that the directory hid_apple does not exist for me to modify the settings for the apple keyboard. I'm assuming that when installing in VB, Ubu assumed it was a PC. Anyone know of a way to get the keyboard config directories in there so I don't have to hit Fn to do Alt-F2? Also, I tried to create the directory (sudo mkdir) and it returned "Cannot create directory...no such file or directory", but not in so many words.

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Ubuntu :: Bluetooth Keyboard Disconnects On Keystroke?

Sep 18, 2010

I have two machines one Ubuntu Lucid and one Kubuntu Lucid. They share a bluetooth keyboard through a KVM switch. As of last week both were working. At this point my KDE machine disconnects from the keyboard on the first keystroke. The Ubuntu machine is still okay. What I've tried/checked so far without success

I can connect my keyboard through Kbluetooth but it disconnects when I start typing. The timeout time is set to none. I tried rebooting and then reinstalling the software to no avail. I replaced the batteries in the keyboard. Plugging the bluetooth usb adapter directly into the KDE box. Removing and then adding the trust I find this in the syslog:

2010-09-18 12:09:42 godel bluetoothd[1911] link_key_request (sba=00:1BC:0F:F1:E7, dba=00:22:48:87:B3:49)
2010-09-18 12:09:42 godel bluetoothd[1911] Encryption failed: Permission denied(0x5)
Here's the kbluetoothrc from my home folder


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Ubuntu :: Bluetooth Keyboard Will Not Connect On Reboot On 10.04?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a Rocketfish bluetooth keyboard and mouse combo and am running Ubuntu 10.04. The mouse was easy to set up. I just went to the bluetooth icon and clicked add new device and it connected. The same wasn't true for the keyboard. It gives me the code to type so I typed it and pressed enter and... nothing. So I found a little tutorial and I had to install bluez and type in the terminal, "sudo hidd --search" then enter my password (which I needed to grab my other keyboard to do) and it connected. If I don't use it for a while or reboot, the keyboard will not connect. I have to do the hidd search again which means I need to keep my extra keyboard handy. I had it set up before where it would connect on a reboot, but I got a new hard drive and reinstalled Ubuntu, now I can't remember how I set it up. Could I have set up bluez wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Bluetooth Keyboard/mouse At Startup

Feb 27, 2011

I have a MS bluethooth keyboard/mouse, and a USB bluetooth dongle

In 10.1 I can add both with no problems - but I have to explicitly tell ubuntu to connect to the devices at each machine reboot, which means plugging in a wired mouse first

Does anyone know how I can set the machine to connect automatically at every startup to both my keyboard and my mouse? I found a set of instructions here:


But it is from 2007 and I'm not sure its still correct?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Bluetooth Keyboard Auto-Pairing?

Feb 24, 2010

I've got a Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Keyboard 7000 that worked fine under Ubuntu 9. The GUI discovers my mouse fine, and also appears to connect to the keyboard, but the keyboard does not type when paired through the GUI. When I pair using hidd (either --search or --connect), the keyboard pairs and works fine, however when I cycle power on the keyboard, it will not auto-reconnect, and I get the following error message associated with it (see attached image):

Grant access to '00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'Device 'Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Keyboard 7000' (00:12:5A:A1:5A:8D) wants access to the service '00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb'. If i grant access, it does nothing, and will simply request it again when a key is typed. how to make the bluetooth service automatically pair (either through config files, or better yet, through the GUI?)

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Ubuntu :: Bluetooth Keyboard / Mouse Not Working

Jul 18, 2011

I have a laptop. . .Dell 1150. Ubuntu installed, bluetooth device installed and my bluetooth keyboard and mouse works like a charm. I decided to load up my same exact Ibuntu on my desktop, use the same keyboard on it, and the mouse too. I tested it on the laptop, just in case it would not work in Ibuntu, and I didn't want to wipe out my Windows XP on my desktop and find out Ibuntu would not work on it with a wireless keyboard. Since it worked very well with my laptop, I figured it would work just as good with my desktop. I wiped my desktop out, and installed Ibuntu. Everything worked fantastic. Until I tried to install the bluetooth.

When I plug in my Bluetooth device, Ibuntu finds it and asks to set up your device. I attempt to set up my keyboard/mouse combo and it asks for a 6 digit code (like it is supposed to). I enter the code and press enter. From here, the problem starts. Ubuntu "claims" to connect to the keyboard, shows it connected, but my keyboard does not work at all. Neither does the mouse that is built into the keyboard. I type and nothing happens. This also brings up (sometimes) another message that says my keyboard is trying to connect to the bluetooth device please enter keyboard PIN. Well.

I can't enter anything, because the keyboard does not work! The mouse does not work! I can (without any problems) disconnect and connect to my laptop, but I can't do this to my desktop. Both are dell units. Desktop is about 3 years old, laptop is about 8 years old. Both running Ubuntu, the latest version. Both recognize the bluetooth transceiver. I have tried different USB ports on the desktop with no avail. I would really like to use my desktop as a unit to my TV with a wireless keyboard, not my laptop. It is much faster, more memory, and I can use the TV as a monitor.

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Fedora Hardware :: Bluetooth Service / Bluetooth Is Disabled After Some Time?

Sep 12, 2010

I'm using fedora 13 x86_64 on amd machine. I use usb bluetooth dongle. The bluetooth service doesn't start at all. When I click on bluetooth icon-preferences-turn bluetooth on, after some time it says, bluetooth is disabled. What should I do to enable bluetooth?

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Debian Hardware :: Bluetooth Keyboard - Logitech Edge?

Jun 1, 2011

Used to be it worked fine natively in 'direct' mode. I didn't need to do any bluetooth setup, I just booted and it worked in BIOS and in Debian. Then one day after a dist-upgrade it quit. I fussed with it for two days, finally installing the Bluez software and trying to make it work as a true bluetooth keyboard/mouse. That's how it's been for six months.


It will not hardware pair once X is started. I've tried it with the bluetooth service started and stopped. Something is preventing it from pairing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Pair Bluetooth Rocketfish Keyboard

Feb 19, 2010

I am able to pair a rocketfish bluetooth mouse, but I am not able to pair the keyboard. I was wondering if anyone knew the correct pin. Or if anyone knew what I need to do.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Cannot Detect Bluetooth Keyboard And Mouse

Apr 30, 2010

I tried to do a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04, but when I get to the screen if I want to test or install Ubuntu, the keyboard and mouse (bluetooth) don't work. I tried to resync the peripherals, I disconnected usb connector base of the tower and putting it back but nothing works for me. I have a Logitech Desktop MX 5000 (Bluetooth).

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