On this Red Hat Box that I am using there is no .vimrc file for the user root. So, I created one and entered only one line to highlight syntax with colors when I am writing scripts in PHP and Bash. But it is not working.
I have installed FEDORA 14 in my machine. I am not able to have the syntax highlighting in the xemacs. I tried a file.f90 for a FORTRAN 90 program . I tried to flag the syntax highlighting in this buffer without success. Code: rpm -q xemacs xemacs-21.5.29-15.fc14.x86_64
I can't get work terminal syntax highlighting for other users then root.To get the same result I've created /home/user/.bashrc and added the above options.I've also tried to override LS_OPTIONS in system-wide: /etc/bash.bashrc.In all cases is the highlighting working only for root.
I'm working on reorganizing my .bashrc. I moved my aliases to .bash_aliases (which is sourced by .bashrc, but I can't figure out how to enable syntax highlighting for this file. vim seems unable to figure out what language the file is in. It works fine for .bashrc.
The site that used to host the language spec file for .erb/.rhtml for ruby/rails syntax highlighting is no more.If someone could attach the file for gtksourceview-2.It's located in /usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/ language-specs/ and probably called rhtml.lang
I've been battling with this weird problem for a while now and since I can't seem to find a decent answer I'm hoping one of you guys can steer me in the right direction. The problem is simple... syntax highlighting is not working consistently on ".rb" files.
My user name on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is jean-marc. So if I do touch /home/jean-marc/testing.rb and then gedit /home/jean-marc/testing.rb The file comes up as "Plain Text"
If I copy the file into /tmp/ and do gedit /tmp/testing.rb the file comes up as "Ruby" If I do gedit /home/jean-marc/afile.rb and the file does not exists the file comes up as "Ruby"
If I manually set the Syntax Highlight mode on my file gedit seems to remember it. Since most of the files are generated through scripting they all come as "Plain Text" and it's definitely not the best way to edit them. Also, the files, no matter where they are show up as "Ruby script (application/x-ruby)" when showing the attributes through nautilus. Now, before someone tells use, use this software or that software instead of gedit, well I'm happy with the tool and its plugins. I'm efficient with it and I'd rather stick to it.
I know it's possible to change the $ user@hostname colors, but is it possible to color different things? Could I make all numbers/integers a certain color. Or set certain keywords to be bold?
I'm using a dark theme (Obsidian Coast) which is making things a pain to read using the default LaTeX syntax highlighting and color schema of Kate. I can edit the schema just fine, but that does not affect the colors of certain highlighting features, such as the color of expressions which fill in the ellipses of "section{...}", which turn out black or "egin{...}" which turn out dark blue.
Is there any way to fine-tune the highlighting features of a particular kind of markup (LaTeX in my case)?
I am looking for a text editor that does 1) syntax highlighting2) code folding3) it would be a bonus if I could set which macros were defined and it would show me the source I have tried geany, and codeblocks. Both incorrectly code fold around preprocessor #ifdef and #endif. The gedit plugin doesn't seem to work at all
I've been looking though different editors for one that has good printing support. Ideally it should be able to print C++ code with line numbers, syntax highlighting, multiple columns per page, customizable fonts and sizes and a print preview feature so that I can make sure it looks right before sending it to the printer. It appears that notepad++ had at least some of these features, but it is not available on linux. The best I could do so far is to copy/paste the output of 'cat -n foo.cpp' into oowriter and format it into two colums. I don't get synax highlighting though and I have to manually replace tabs with a few spaces as well as some excessive leading spaces before the line numbering.
I just loaded octave. I ran through a few examples of how to implement a script file. Everything works until I get to "plot". When I run the "plot" command I get the following.
octave:2> test1.m error: can't perform indexing operations for <unknown type> type sh: gnuplot: not found Just to double check my work, I ran the following code: y=[1 2 3]; plot(y);
i am trying to compile kernel 2.6.23 on Fedora 12 After fixing a few bugs (getline error, %dil ,etc) i was able to compile the kernel made initramfs img using dracut updated grub and then booted up the new kernel 2.6.23 but it fails to boot with following error mount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4'
I'm trying to use emacs in the auctex mode. But Flymake complains about something I could not understand. This is the error it shows whenever I open a tex file.
Code: Flymake:Configuration error has occured while running (texify --pdf --tex-option=-c-style-errors PATH_TO_FILE_DIRECTORY/FILE_flymake.tex). Flymake will be switched OFF.
I have texify installed on my system. I also tried suggestions in the emacs wiki on FlymakeTex, added the following lines in my .emacs file:
Code: (defun flymake-get-tex-args (file-name) (list "pdflatex" (list "-file-line-error" "-draftmode" "-interaction=nonstopmode" file-name))) How do I stop this msg and use flymake.
main[1] print myVariablecom.sun.tools.example.debug.expr.ParseException: Name unknown: myVariablemyVariable = nullAny guesses as to why this might be happening? I can place breakpoints like I'm used to, but I can't access the variables.
When ever i open vim, i get the error that the following error: E484: Can't open file/abcd/configFiles/vim/syntax/syntax.vim There was a .vimrc file in my home folder that i have removed.
Still i keep getting the same error. Presently in my home folder there is no .gvimrc or .vimrc file.
But still i keep getting the same error. I am not too sure where this file is mentioned.
Background info: The SHELL has been changed from tcsh to bash Earlier i had created a .vimrc file in tcsh, i have removed the .vimrc in bash SHELL.
I need to write a wrapper function around the mvprintw function, like so:
int smvprintw( ? ) { // Do various checks/modifications on the first two arguments (int y, int x) first, // and then return mvprintw ( ? ); }
How should I write the args for smvprintw so that I can pass all the data correctly to mvprintw, and also do my checks on the first two args (for example, to modify them)? I'm confused by the prototype of mvprintw: This is mvprintw as listed in the man pages:
I believe the "..." refers to the unknown number of items after const char * fmt. Will it suffice to do something like "int smvprintw(int y, int x, const char * fmt, void * etc)" and then "mvprintw(y, x, fmt, etc)" inside the function?
A directory on my desktop has recently become inaccessible. The error message that is given when I attempt to open the directory is as follows: Could not display "nikki stuff", The file is of unknown type. I brought up a terminal and did an ls -l on the directory, which produced the following: -rwxrwxrwx 1 nikki nikki 314 2010-07-26 19:16 nikkis%20stuff.desktop Unfortunately, the computer is not mine, so I do not know much more about how this happened.
I am doing the DNS configuration for the first time. Error in named configuration:
zone localdomain/IN: loaded serial 42 zone localhost/IN: loaded serial 42 zone 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa/IN: loaded serial 1997022700 file1:9: unknown RR type 'example.com.' file1:11: unknown RR type 'red.exmple.com.' zone example.com/IN: loading master file file1: unknown class/type [Code]....
Wondering if anyone knows what the range specification is meant to do for the colonHAIN at the top of the iptables file? e.g. what is the 1:76 range mean for :OUTPUT ACCEPT [1:76] ?
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.1.1 on Sat Dec 19 12:28:00 2009 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]
I was learning to write a make file, I could understand most part of it of course with few exception I dint understand what does the below commands make(red font). I would like to understand what those syntax represent rather than mugging up without knowing what it means.
Lately, my rxvt-unicode has been generating this ~$ top 'rxvt-256color': unknown terminal type. Many of the terms have a colour patch. Where is the one for rxvt? Is there one in Debian or do I have to get creative?
I recently upgrade my armel NAS from etch to squeeze. During the partitioning step of the installation I intentionally left unmounted the data partition (900GB formatted XFS) but after the installation I'm not able to mount it.
I edited the fstab file adding the last line
And tried a mount but I get the message
So i noticed throught lsmod that I don't have the module for xfs
Tried installing xfsprogs but it didn't helped. So I searched for xfs-modules but seems it doesn't exists for armel architecture. Am I right? What does it means? That XFS is not supported in armel Squeeze? Assumed I can't transfer/backup 900GB of partition, is there a way to convert it on-the-fly to a supported filesystem format?
I changed the first line of /etc/fstab in an attempt to get rid of an annoying message "mount: unknown filesystem type 'static'". All I did was put a "#" on the first line .... changing the original from:
I have tried desperately to get to the file system so that I can edit that first line in fstab out but nothing works and the file system comes up as read only ...
I dont know anything about linux and just been assigned to amount a drive to it. here's what i did so far: Version of Linux using Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga) [root]# mount -t auto /dev/sdb1 /tmp/archive mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'
when checking the /proc/filesystems, i noticed that 'ntfs' is not listed there, several forum suggested i try running 'modprobe ntfs'. If that is not found, you'll need a kernel with ntfs support. i'm so lost, where to i get the modprobe ntfs
on my dual HD5500/GT940M. I can not turn on Nvidia. just install bumblebee and got the error "unknown header type 7f" if I remove bumblebee, Nvidia 340 loaded but system run on HD5500, no way to use Primus or to switch to 2nd card.