Fedora :: Dual Independant X Screens From One Computer

Mar 30, 2010

My setup:

One computer running F12.
NVidia with 2 CRT outputs, and one S-Video/TV output
Standard PS2 keyboard and mouse
USB (wireless) keyboard and mouse
Sound card w/ Optical SPDIF, and standard analog front/rear outputs

At present, I have CRT-0 connected to a standard monitor that I can get resolutions up to 1920x1440. TV output is connected to a flat panel monitor, with a max resolution of 1024x768. SPDIF audio output connected to TV system, and analog output (front only) connected to destop speakers. Note that the monitor/speakers are in one room, and the TV w/ SPDIF audio is in another, with the USB kbd/mouse.

I can get a cloned twin view set up on both, with the USB kbd & mouse/TV/SPDIF mirroring the monitor/PS2 kbd & mouse/speakers - but only at a max resolution of 1024x768. That by the way needs to be the virtual screen size for the TV. If I want to switch between the two max resolutions (one when using the monitor, the other the TV) I have to edit xorg.conf and change the modes line for the display, then restart the X server.

I would like to have the monitor set up to its max 1920x1440 resolution with a virtual screen size the same, and the TV set up for 1024x768 with that for its virtual screen size. I also would like the separate kbd and mice to operate with the respective screens. Ideally, each screen would be independent of the other - running two different apps on each output, similar to separate workspaces. Is something like this possible? It's a pain to have to re-edit xorg.conf and restart X every time I want to switch from watching TV to working on my monitor.

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Fedora Hardware :: Cannot Set Dual Screens With ATI Card

Feb 23, 2011

After dowloading and install the latest x64 drivers, i am unable to setup my dual monitors. Everytime i go to CCC > multi display > single display desktop, as soon as i hit Apply the window just disappears. If i go to Monitors and turn the other monitor ON, i get an error popping up saying something along the lines of "required virtual size does not fit"

Card: ATI 4870
Moniors: 24" Dell, 20" Dell
Desktop Env: gnome
Fedora 14 + all updaed

Here is a /var/log/messages


Feb 23 22:49:38 Fedora kernel: [ 17.704795] [fglrx] Firegl kernel thread PID: 2269
Feb 23 22:49:38 Fedora kernel: [ 17.704846] [fglrx] Firegl kernel thread PID: 2270
Feb 23 22:49:38 Fedora kernel: [ 17.704895] [fglrx] Firegl kernel thread PID: 2271
Feb 23 22:49:38 Fedora kernel: [ 17.705059] [fglrx] IRQ 49 Enabled


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Ubuntu :: Virtual Box VM And Dual Screens?

Jul 18, 2010

I use multiple screens on my computer in work which is running Ubuntu 10.04 it runs great apart from the VBox VM. I run a windows VM as some apps we use in the office are not compatible with ubuntu and I can't get them running right in wine. In single screen mode I use the VM in 'seamless' mode so the windows start menu just sits on top of the ubuntu panel and I can flip from ubuntu to windows as I please in the same interface (im sure anyone that uses VBox will understand what I mean).

The problem comes when I use a second screen. If I try to run in seamless mode on the main screen it works ok apart from the fact that the windows start menu sits behind the ubuntu panel instead of on top of it. When I move the VM to the second screen I cannot run it in seamless mode at all, if I try the resolution goes hay wire and I only get half the screen (if im lucky). So I just run it in full screen mode which stops me from dragging windows from within the windows VM back to the first screen.

What I want to be able to accomplish is to run the VM in seamless mode on either screen but be able to drag windows accross both screens. Is that at all possible?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Dual Monitor - Blank Screens On Both

Nov 25, 2009

with KDE everything works fine (both monitor show their configured displays correctly), however oddly with gnome when i try and setup dual monitor display, i get blank screens on both monitors, however on the display 0 on the left side there is a full column single pixel width green strip. the rest of display 0 and 1 are blank, however my mouse will move around both display correctly.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Screen - Gnome Panel On Both Screens?

Jan 28, 2010

I reinstalled and forgot how I added a panel to my second screen, cause when you add a panel you choose left right top or bottom, but no option for second screen... finally I added a new panel, then right click on the new panel> properties, then unchecked "expand" then was able to move the new panel to second monitor, then set to whatever side and recheck "expand" then it sticks to the second screen, then add to panel, and select window list, then all new windows will be shown on the appropriate panel/screen

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Ubuntu :: Dual Monitors - Cursor Gets Stuck Between X Screens

Aug 5, 2010

I have dual monitors that I have set up with two separate X screens with the nVidia control panel. For some reason at times when I move my mouse between the two screens, the cursor will start flickering rapidly between the adjacent edges of the screens and the system will become completely unresponsive, forcing me to do a hard reboot (the keyboard doesn't have a SysRq key).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can Xrandr Supports Dual Screens

Dec 30, 2010

how Xrandr supports Dual screens. I am attempting to setup Dual Screens on a Ubuntu 10.10 System with an ATI twin head card (DVI + HDMI) Non-mirrored, separate desktops However on connecting a device to the HDMI output - the DVI screen output appears to loose all panels, icons. Only the mouse pointer & desktop background remains.

I believe the output is defaulting from screen 0 to screen 1. I found a solution by creating two devices in xorg.conf and assigning one for each separate screen. BUT this created a new problem of loosing my mouse pointer. how I can get my mouse pointer working or the correct way to setup dual screens.


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Red Hat :: Script To Run Dual Screens If The Port Of The Screen Displayed

Sep 23, 2010

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 I want to script to run dual screens if the port of the screen displayed in

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General :: Get Dual Screens Working On A Dell E6410 Laptop With U10.04 64 Bit?

Jul 12, 2010

I've installed the drivers from nVidia. When I go into the NVIDIA X Server Settings application, in the X Server Display Configuration setcion, and click the "Configure" button, "TwinView" is disabled. Also, clicking "Detect Displays" doesn't pick up my monitor (which is connected through a port replicator - keyboard and mouse in that port replicator work fine).

Has anyone else seen this? Is this just a limitation of the current nvidia linux drivers?

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Ubuntu :: Xinerama And Dual Screens - Create Another Panel On The 2nd Monitor?

Jun 6, 2010

I'm having some issues getting my two monitors (both 1600x900) to work well with Xinerama. The first thing I'm having trouble with is getting 1 wallpaper to span across both monitors..from what I've googled it's sounds like I'm not the first either The 'span' function in the change wallpaper window doesn't do it. The second thing is that I would like the panels to stretch across both monitors well, or at least be able to create another panel on the 2nd monitor which I can't do now.Here's my xorg.conf file:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "amdcccle Layout"
Screen 0 "amdcccle-Screen[1]-0" 0 0[code]....

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Ubuntu :: Dual Screens: Need Mirror Image Not Extra Desktop?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm using an Intel chipset GMA4500 and Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome. The monitor configuration tool does not seem to have an option to make the secondary screen a mirror image of the primary screen. It works fine when I connect my TV using HDMI as a second screen, but I want it to be a mirror of the primary, because some apps like Skype will only go "full screen" on the primary display.

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Ubuntu :: X Wont Start After Dual Screen - No Screens Found

Dec 31, 2010

After installing a second screen and trying dual screens, i never backedup the x11 xorg.config file and recklessy overwrote my settings through that nvidia panel... Now to find that x wont start :(EE) no devices detected Fatal server error: No screens found

how i'd be able to share my xorg.config file with you guys, I am using my ipod now... Anyone knows anything? I tried reconfiguring and didn't work.. How do i share my file so you guys can find the flaw? Or how do i find the flaw myself?

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Ubuntu Networking :: VNC And Dual Head Setup (separate X Screens)?

Jan 2, 2011

I have my computer set up to use separate x screens for both of my monitors and almost everything works perfectly. With this set up I don't have any problem displaying flash in full screen on either monitor like I had with twinview. I have it set up this way so that I can use my TV to display mythtv and still use my computer monitor to browse the web, etc. The only problem is that I use my iphone with hipporemote to give me a wireless keyboard/mouse. When using twinview this was not a problem as it was just one large desktop spread over two monitors.

However, switching to separate x screens seems to have broken the functionality of the vnc server. When using my physical keyboard and mouse I can just move the cursor off the side of monitor 1 to control monitor 2, however, if I'm connected via vnc the cursor gets "trapped" inside the active monitor. I can interact with each screen as expected but if I want to switch the mouse/keyboard focus to the other monitor I have to go to the computer and move the mouse to the desired monitor, which obviously defeats the purpose of using the iphone as a wireless remote.

So my question is this. Is there a way to assign a hotkey combination to switch the focus of keyboard and mouse that the vnc server is controlling? Or could I set the vnc server to only control one of the two x screens?

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Hardware :: Momentary Blanking Of Screens With Dual Monitor Setup

May 6, 2011

I did set up dual monitors few times on few of my boxes, with 3 video cards :

Radeon 9250 AGP (have 2 of them) - with open source ATI driver
Geforce 6200 PCIE - with nouveau driver

In all cases I connect 2 LCDs. one 1440x900 or 1680x1050 to DVI and one 1280x1024 to VGA (all the cards have DVI and VGA out). The LCDs are the same ones tested with all cards :

1440x900 : Benq FP-92W
1680x1050 : Teac T2005L15 (identified as KTC2002 in xorg)
1280x1024 : Proview PQ-721KP

Tried on different boxes runnning Arch linux, different kernel / x / drivers / kde versions

Problem is - in all those setups, one monitor allways randomly blanks for a split second and comes back (incl. switching of the backlight, and displaying the "Source : VGA" or "Source : DVI" title as if it was switched off and on)

This happens randomly, but (more pronounced with the ATI cards) related to me clicking on stuff or the display changing (even if the changes are on the second screen)

With the Radeons only the monitor connected to DVI blanks. And the 2 radeons do it in different frequency, one is more often and one less

With the Geforce only the monitor connected to VGA blanks

When I test with 1 monitor (other one disabled in xorg) : Radeons sometimes still do that to DVI monitor but rare (much less than with VGA connected) (VGA monitor never blanks). Geforce does not do it at all and has problem only when 2 monitors are connected

I first thought its a hardware issue (the cards are from junk), but it happens the same with totally different hardware (exceps using same monitors) so i no longer think it is

There is nothing interesting in Xorg.0.log

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Hardware :: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 Does Not Work Dual Screens For Devices

Sep 23, 2010

I have a problem in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 does not work dual screens for devices at work Kick Start

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Touchpad Doesnt Switch Screens Dual Monitor?

May 28, 2010

Setup:Ubuntu 10.04 recently upgraded from 9.10Dell Precision m63004G RAMCore 2 DuoDual Monitor with laptop=screen0 monitor=screen1external mouse and keyboardIssue:In both 9.10 and 10.04 (I am just now trying to solve the issue) the setup works great, but not flawless.External mouse and keyboard work with no issue.The touchpad mouse on the laptop, however, will not switch from screen1 to screen0. It works fine on either screen and will go from screen0 to screen1, just will not return. One has to hook up an external mouse to get the cursor back onto the laptop screen0.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Screens - Grandr - Settings For Dual Monitors Lost At Restart

Jun 8, 2010

The 'Multiple Screens' tool, aka grandr, is very handy for setting up my dual monitors. But restarting my system restores the monitor setup to the (crummy) default settings. Is there a way to save these settings and make sure they are always applied when the OS boots? Putting these settings in my xorg.conf would be fine, but I'm not sure where or in what form the settings generated by grandr might be located, or if they're at all xorg.conf compatible.

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Fedora ::installed Fedora 15 KDE (with Dual Boot Win7) On Computer Has Blackened Out

Sep 4, 2011

I have recently installed Fedora 15 KDE (with Dual Boot Win7) on my computer:Dell Optiplex 330, Intel Core2Duo- 2.53 GHz, 32 Bit, 2GB RamnVIDIA 8400 GSWhile going through the Guides mentioned here: for F15, I tried to install nVIDIA Drivers after updating the Kernel.suyum update kernel*rebootHowever it gave me some errors and then I did try the following method (as described in Missingbox studio guide)su -yum install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 bootconf-gui kernel*develfollowed by Reboot.

I start my computer, I get the screen which shows that Fedora will boot in 3 seconds. This is followed by a black screen with a "Blue followed by white" Bar running towards right (where Fedora 15 is written)....It stays there for ever (I waited for 3 hours and then switched off my computer).Presently I am writing this post through Windows7.Is there any way I can repair Fedora through Win7 or by any other means.---------- Post added at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 AM ----------I remember the instructions (given by leigh123linux) that we should provide the following information
rpm -qa *vidia* *kernel*|sort;uname -r;lsmod |grep -e nvidia -e nouveau;cat /etc/X11/xorg.confI had it saved as a .txt file in my home folder.

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Fedora :: The Windows Filesystem On A Dual Boot Computer?

Oct 1, 2009

I just noticed that there is an icon on my desktop that is named Filesystem, it is the Windows XP portion of the hard drive. I don't remember seeing it on the desktop, I only noticed it 15 minutes ago after installing Adobe flash player. Is that icon supposed to be on my Fedora desktop?

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Fedora :: Dual Operating Systems Work In Computer?

Jan 6, 2010

I am currently using ubuntu 9.04 and I am planning to have a dual boot my system with fedora 12. My computer is quite old and I have RAM of 256 MB DIMM 266 MHZ with pentium 4 processor. So will the dual operating systems work in my computer??

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Radio Independant From Internet

May 10, 2010

I've recently purchased HP Mini 210 (about a few months ago) which has wireless accessibility. Unfortunately, internet is not easily accessible from where I live unless you have a home connection (which is quite expensive) or you connect to a Cyber Cafe (not really convenient). I've checked some really good tools like FM Radio and Rhythmbox which require internet in order to stream radio stations directly.I'm quite fond of FM Radio, though recently an old radio broke down and I thought a netbook could help (although I admit I bought the netbook for writing scripts and stories solely). Although it's funny that an old technology can do what's it's meant to do, while a newer one (PC's) depend on internet alone.

What I was wondering is that since HP Mini 210 has a wireless access capability isn't it capable of catching FM Radio waves like an old radio without depending on internet connectivity? If it is capable of it, how do I do that?

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Server :: Distro-independant Or For Slackware Administration?

Mar 28, 2010

I'm looking for some books that can get me started on server administration. I'm looking for either distro-independant or for slackware server administration.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Start Gui (no Screens Found) / Terminal "dual Screen"

Dec 7, 2010

I've experienced 3 1/2 years of Ubuntu bliss. I have run into the first issue that I cannot solve using these forums, and I'm at my wit's end. Problem: I cannot start gdm (gnome?). I get the "Fatal server error: no screens found" error. Also, my terminal screen is duplicated on the top and bottom of the laptop monitor, indicating something gone terribly wrong.

When the problem started: immediately after running standard update to 2.6.32-26 (this time). Last time, it happened after running a standard update, but that was weeks ago. I did a complete reinstall (three times, including once to 10.1)

My system:
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS (clean install + recent updates)
Kernel version 2.6.32-26
Also have 2.6.32-25. Neither one works in recovery mode, either.
Machine: Dell Inspiron 1420
Intel Core2 Duo
Nvidia GeForce 8400M GS

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Fedora :: Gnome 3 Goes To Failsafe With Multiple Screens

May 30, 2011

This happen on a samsung NC10 (graphic chip: Intel 945GME). When I boot linux + gnome3 and no external screen is attached to my laptop, then, gnome 3 boots with the gnome shell (gnome 3 shell). If, at this stage (when logged in), I plug an external monitor to the laptop (and configure it using the monitor config tool), then I can run gnome 3 shell on my external monitor as well... BUT:

If I log in when the external screen is already plugged in, then gnome boots in fallback mode... with other words: Gnome3 seems to be able to run the graphic+screen with gnome 3, but the "fallback" detection seems not to beleive so...

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Fedora Installation :: GUI Does Not Load With StartX - No Screens Found

Mar 4, 2009

Just downloaded f10 last night. Install goes fine, but when I boot it goes to root command line. I enter in startx and recieve and error.

(EE)Unable to locate/open config file
(EE)open /dev/fb0: no such file or directory
(EE)No devices detected

Fatal Server Error:
no screens found
xinit: no such file or directory (errno 2): unable to connect to X server
xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error

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Fedora :: Screen Shots Of Boot Loader Screens?

Nov 16, 2009

I know there's a way to do this, I've seen them in countless installation how-tos, but for the life of me I can't seem to make it work.On my personal machine I have win xp pro & fedora 11-kde dual booted on my #1 320gb hdd.I have win 7 enterprise on the #2 320gb hdd. I am a networking student and am currently taking Linux Admin I, class.For a class project on IT, I am trying to put together a ppt of how I accomplished setting up my machine and having slides of the grub loader screen,he win 7 boot loader screen would be a nice addition. But I can not get it to work. Have tried using the shift & prt scr keys to make a copy & then pasting it into a text editor on linux or wordpad in windows, but it doesn't take

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Fedora :: 15 VirtualBox Flickering Graphics And White Screens

Jun 23, 2011

I just got Fedora 15 running on my VirtualBox 4.0.8 with GuestAdditions installed. When I click on activities I often either see a white screen instead of the fedora desktop and activites menu or things flicker and where my windows are supposed to be I see just blue squares. I have no idea why this is happening and how to trouble shoot this. I did reinstall VirtualBox again after I upgrades all packages, but the problem remains. Sometimes Fedora even starts up in the standard mode without the cool new Gnome 3 display with the menu to the left..

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Fedora :: Background Image No Longer Spanning Both Screens

Feb 3, 2010

On a galactic scale, I have a very, very minuscule problem, but it is irksome nonetheless. I have a machine running Fedora 12. I have two monitors attached--both 19" flat panels at 1280 x 1024 each. At some point I created a desktop background image that was 2560 x 1024. I guess I'm sort of used to Mac OS X where one can set separate images on each screen (so I'm used to having a right image and a left image).

Anyway, I set the image as my desktop background, and it spanned both screens as expected. I can't tell you for the life of me what setting I had it on (scaled, tiled, etc.). But for some reason, after running a set of updates, my image no longer spans both screens. Instead it is cropped from 2560 x 1024 to 1280 x 1024 and appears the same on BOTH screens. I've tried all five settings in the "Appearance" panel (gnome-appearance-properties). "Scaled" has the image shrunk down to 1280 x 512, and appears on both screens, with bars above and below it.

"Tiled," "Zoom," and "Centered" all have the image as explained earlier--cropped to 1280 x 1024 and appearing the same on both screens."Fill Screen" smushes the image so that it is half as wide but every bit as tall, and displays that on both monitors. Again, I realize this is silly to be considered a "problem," but it USED to appear normally and now I can't get it to anymore. Anyone else experience this or know what the deal is?

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Fedora :: Get Multiple Screens Working In Xorg With The Intel Driver?

Dec 18, 2009

get multiple screens working in Xorg with the Intel driver? I can manage to get Dual Head working (one big screen), but I'm interested in having two seperate X sessions (two screens) instead.

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Fedora :: Fatal Server Error: No Screens Found Giving Up?

Jul 9, 2010

I installed fedora 10 on my laptop. But I am getting this error when it is booting up:

Release Date : 5 November 2008
X Protocol Version 11 , Revision 0


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