Fedora :: Does F9 Come With Firewall?

Dec 9, 2009

I'm wondering if Fedora 9 comes with Firewall. Or do you have to install it yourself?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Firewall Logs Are In /var/log/{firewall,warn,messages} - Clutter?

Mar 25, 2011

I suspect this is an initial configuration bug. All firewall logs seem to be going to all
three files. That causes a lot of clutter in the log files, and makes it difficult to see whether there are any serious problems being logged.

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Networking :: Setup Firewall / Sys1 Is Not Connected To Firewall For Testing Purpose?

May 18, 2010

I am learning to setup firewall in my home for that i have selected four system(sys1,sys2....sys4) for testing .I have configured sys2 to act as a firewall with two NIC. sys3 and sys4 are inside the firewall . sys1 is not connected to firewall for testing purpose.

the IP assignments are follows :

sys1 : ( fedora, not connected to firewall i am thinking, But i am not sure )

IP : ,
gateway : blank
dns1 : blank
dns2 : blank

sys2 firewall ,IPTABLES )

what happened is that sys1(not connected to firewall) can ssh to sys4(connected,inside firewall),since the rules are written not to ssh form sys1 to sys4..

then I came to know whatever the request I give, It directly goes as sys1 --> sys4. Not as sys1-----> sys2(firewall)---> sys4 .and the firewall is not filtering and processing anything for both inbound and outbound (i think it's my mistake some where). the requests are directly going inside without firewall.

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Software :: Build Firewall On Debian With 'Firewall Builder?

May 27, 2011

I'm trying to build firewall on Debian with 'Firewall Builder'. But it won't let me compile and run unless one interface is set as management. There are two interfaces on my computer: 'eth0' and 'lo'

I don't want to be able to configure firewall remotely, so could I use 'lo' as 'management interface'?

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Security :: Use Iptables As Firewall Instead Of Juniper Firewall?

May 9, 2011

Can we use iptables as firewall instead of Juniper firewall

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Fedora :: VNC - Accessing The Firewall Gui And Mounting The Second Hard Drive In My PC Running Fedora 13

Jun 8, 2010

I am noticing problems accessing the firewall gui and mounting the second hard drive in my PC running Fedora 13. This is only when I am accessing the machine with VNC. If I am sitting in front of the physical machine, I have no problems at all. I would like VNC to behave more like I am sitting in front of the computer. Is there a way to do this? Thank you in advance for your feedback.

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Fedora :: How To Allow G2ipmsg Through Firewall

Sep 18, 2009

i have to use g2ipmsg to connect over lan with windows pcs ,how can i allow it through my firewall i have tried opening 2425 port bur it is accompanied by a service that i don't know and g2ipmsg doesn't work with 2425 open so i guess there is an option to let an application through firewall is it okay to run dc++ with firewall passive mode or i should open a port.

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Fedora Security :: How To Do Setup Firewall

Jul 22, 2009

Up until recently, as in a few days ago, I was using Ubuntu and had ufw managing the firewall.It's been "recommended" that iptables itself be used. Where do I do the rules go (as in a file) and how do I call those rules at startup?

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Fedora :: Firewall Configuration Freezes Up?

Dec 11, 2009

when I click "Firewall" a box comes up "firewall configuration startup" when I try to click 'close" nothing happens, I have to force quit the application, unable to make any changes to the firewall

I feel my fedora 12 expierence is going downhill fast, nothing is just working as it should

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Fedora Security :: Add A Config To The Firewall?

Jan 30, 2010

im currently running fedora 11 on my computer and i have this old firewall called firestarter. firestarter is very outdated but it has better rules for blocking connections like IGMP does any one know how to add filter rules so i can block IGMP trace and other unknown protocols it would be cool

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Fedora Security :: Is Integrated Firewall Enough?

Feb 14, 2010

at the end of my first in fedora i've seen that there is an integrated firewall. With ubuntu i used iptable but we haven't a internal gui firewall. I was looking for reviews but i couldn't found no about it because beeing new i'd like to know if this firewall is good or if is better to install iptable.

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Fedora :: Can't Find Firewall In Any Menus

Jun 25, 2011

I wondered about my Firewall settings (installed F15 a few days ago) and realize I can't find the Firewall in any menus (Gnome3).I seem to recall that in Fedora 13, there was a "System" menu either after Applications, or after Places.Choosing Applications, System Tools, System Settings still shows no Firewall choice.

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Fedora :: Unable To Get The Firewall App To Open ?

Jun 30, 2011

I'm trying to disable the firewall in an attempt to get my computer to see my other computer connected to the router. However I'm unable to get the firewall app to open. Here's the error in the attachment. It just says a float is required. My only options are to redo, which keeps the same error coming back, or to quit which closes the whole thing.

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Fedora :: How To Enable / Disable Firewall

Jul 30, 2011

Sorry but I'm a new user and would like to know how to enable/disable firewall. I have tried to open a port up on my firewall but, for some reason that didn't work. I have found these command in another thread: $ sudo /sbin/chkconfig iptables off
$ sudo /sbin/service iptables stop
I assume this is to disable the fire wall. How do I enable it once I'm finish running my program.

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Networking :: How To Allow A Port In Fedora Firewall

Jan 28, 2010

i have to deal with reverse proxy issue and want to access few LAN devices having port 5900 and 9999, what exact steps i have to follow to allow this port in fedora firewall.

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Software :: Firewall Script To Use With Fedora 12?

May 22, 2010

What would be the best firewall script to use with Fedora 12? I have tried MonMotha's Firewall 2.3.8 pre9 script, but it seems to want modules that Fedora doesn't use.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Manage SMB To Work With Firewall

Mar 25, 2009

How can I make iptables allow my windows client to see my PC / smb shares? When I turn off the fedora firewall it just works fine, but how can I manage smb in a more secure way via iptables to work?
iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT
But where do I get the correct address from? Will this example allow only (is this a valid IP at all, usable by any PC? ) or anyone in the network (aka 192.168.0.*) to access my share?

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Fedora Networking :: UPnP Blocked By 12 Firewall?

Nov 28, 2009

The firewall in Fedora 12 seems to block UPnP by default, but opening port 1900 for UDP, as I have seen suggestedes not resolve the problem.have the following three scenarios:Firewall Enabled: Transmission cannot open a port by UPnPFirewall Enabled (1900 UDP allowed): Transmission cannot open a port by UPnPFirewall Disabled: Transmission opens a port via UPnP fineAny ideas? Yes, the port that I'm trying to open is also allowed. Router is a Linksys BEFSR41 v4.3, should you care

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Fedora :: Whenever Open The Firewall Program It Hangs

Dec 10, 2009

I am using F12 and whenever i open the firewall program it hangs. Is this common or is it just me?

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Fedora :: Clicking Out All Services In Firewall ( But Not Disabling It )?

Feb 26, 2010

I was running NFS in my Fedora. I found that I could not mount exported directory in client machine (Fedora ) with firewall enable in NSF server. Even I tried by clicking out all services in firewall (but not disabling it), it did not work. To make it work, I had to disable firewall. Is there any way to do this without disabling firewall?

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Fedora Networking :: Firewall Rules Do Not Append?

Nov 29, 2010

Even though I've set up HTTPS to be trusted, it still blocks my school's https site: "mnsu.edu/eservices" same with SAMBA and SSH.

If enter the GUI and authenticate as root, change anything and apply, then exit: it works fine and so does SAMBA. However, after restarting, everything stops working again.

yet secure firewall configuration that doesn't require any login or headaches.

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General :: Open Firewall Port On Fedora 14?

Apr 17, 2011

I want to open the port 18680 on my remote Fedora 14 machine. I didsudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 18680 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPTsudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 18680 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPTsudo service iptables saveThe status returned is OK.I have also opened the port on my security group on Amazon. Also, I rebooted the machine.When I use the browser to view the application running at port 18680 the browser cannot connect.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Ping External IPs (no Firewall, Web Works)?

Jun 17, 2009

Since I installed FC11 I can't get vpnc to work (I always getno response from target").Also I can't ping any external IP even with the firewall disabled.What I see strange is that I had the same configuration in FC10 and the router configuration seems okay to me:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * UH 0 0 0 ppp0


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Fedora Networking :: Get Firewall To Allow All Connections To Local Network?

Aug 8, 2009

I want to write a custom rule to allow all connections to the ip addresses on my local network ( through ...99) but I don't know how. I know adding a custom rule asks me to read a file and put it in "iptables" format, but I don't know how...

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Fedora :: Default Runlevels In The Firewall For The Netfs Service?

Dec 6, 2009

tell me the default runlevels in the firewall for the netfs service. I messed with it and rather than enable it, I would like to set it back to default.

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Fedora :: Couldn't Open The Firewall From The Menu Because It Always Crashed?

Jan 8, 2010

I always had the x86 installed on my laptop, but I figured for fedora 12 I would install the i386 version so I would only have to burn 1 disc (desktop needs i386). But the first few days, I couldn't open the firewall from the menu because it always crashed. From terminal no problem. This was with a couple of these standard gnome apps. With the 'autmatic bug reporting tool' I can now see how many times each program crashes. Samba still crashes every time I try to open it, python crashed, firefox loves to crash these days (with a flash open), amsn crashed a couple of times (empathy and telepathy-butterfly packages).Ofcourse I update my system every few days, so I have the latest updates of each package.

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Fedora :: Disabled SELinux And The Firewall Before Began Updates?

Jan 18, 2010

I've just installed Fedora 12 (32 bit) KDE on my test system and have a couple of issues.I haven't played with Fedora for a couple of years, so I'm not very familiar with it. I haven't had the problems with Kubuntu, OpenSUSE nor Mandriva, so I'm a bit in the dark here. I'll see if someone can help me with my sound issue, before moving on to the next problem. I've read seveal posts about sound issues, but not sure exactly if any are the same as I'm having.

After installing Fedora 12, sound was all working fine. I think installed all the available updates, which is when the problem began. Basically, I have sound in Hulu, Firefox videos such as CNN, etc. But, I have no sound at startup or shutdown....system sounds, I suppose I should say. I have disabled SELinux and the firewall, before I began updates. Looking in KInfoCenter under Audio, I see:

Audio Devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONF VIA8247 with ALC655 at 0xc400 IRQ11 In System Settings>Multimedia I see Internal Audio Analog Stereo as the only device shown. I have unchecked Mute and have all volume controls up all the way in KMix, which shows HDA Nvidia on the tab.

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Fedora Networking :: Add Custom Trusted Services To Firewall?

Jan 20, 2010

I'd like to have an easy way to configure firewall, e.g. eable/disable what mythtv needs, or enable/disable what mediatomb needs. Basically open/close a few tcp and/or udp ports for all interfaces (I have two), or just one of them.

Is there a way to add my own trusted services for the firewall?

Other recommended ways to do that? Or just write a simple shell script?

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Fedora Security :: Disable Firewall From Command Prompt?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm running Fedora 12, and I need to disable the firewall from within a shell script, which rules out system-config-firewall. I tried the following:


service iptables stop
service ip6tables stop
chkconfig iptables off
chkconfig ip6tables off

but that didn't do it.

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Fedora :: Firewall Is Not Configured To Do Routing Load Balancing In 14

Feb 15, 2011

I'm having problems with my route rule in Firewall, I have two links that are working, and set the firewall to use multiple links at once. What has happened is that when i look the IPs of the clients, (its have for default the route to Link 2), they are changing or losing the rule route for link 2 and have in Explorer the Link 1 in any site for show me ip address, then after some seconds back to normal. And the firewall is not configured to do routing load balancing. What can be? Exist some configuration of kernel to accept this configuration ? Like ip route source or anything ?

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