Fedora :: Can't Add Other Partition To Grub?

Feb 2, 2011

I have BackTrack 4 on hd0,4 and it has it's own grub.I used Super Grub live cd to change to Fedora grub but when I add:

title BackTrack 4
root (hd0,4)
chainloader +1

to menu.lst in Fedora says there's no executable file or something like that and nothing loads. I can boot into BT4 with Super Grub live cd by making BT4's grub the main one but how do I add BT4 to my Fedora grub?

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Fedora :: Unrecognized Partition - Won't Show Up In Grub?

Feb 20, 2010

i got a new installation of grub after installing fedora. now they won't show up in grub and when i see them in disk utility, and other software, they say unrecognized partition

---------- Post added at 07:21 PM CST ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 PM CST ----------

is there a software for linux that would fix this?

---------- Post added at 07:23 PM CST ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM CST ----------

does anybody know if partition table doctor will fix this?

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Fedora :: Change Boot Partition With Grub?

Feb 24, 2010

I have fedora 12 installed on a laptop with an LVM partition, /dev/hda5 logiacal partion in the /dev/hda4 one, a boot partition on /dev/hda3 and a FAT on /dev/hda2 for win data. There was also a 10GB free partion left from older works on /dev/hda1. Now the /boot partition was set to only 0,2GB and this conflicts with the kernel updates. I freed the 10GB section, formatted it to ext 4 and copied all stuff from the /boot sector on it. now the old /boot is mounted in the grub.conf on a UUID and not the /dev/hda3 as it comes up on fdisk.

I would now like to swith the boot from the small /dev/hda1 partiotn to the larger /dev/hda3 one, but don't know how to manage it with grub (fedora, i understand it's grub-legacy).

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Fedora :: Install Grub To Ntfs Partition?

Nov 2, 2010

In HDD with 2 partition
sda1 windows xp (ntfs)
sda2 windows 7 (ntfs)

1. It is possible to install grub?

2. If not, if I create sda3 (ext3), and install grub there and boot both windows will be possible?

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Fedora :: Fix Grub /boot Is On A Standalone Partition

Sep 5, 2011

I'm using fc14, and put the /boot directory on a standalone partition. Now, there's something changed in MBR, and the grub has been overwrote, now I wants to fix the grub by another bootable usb-disk with grub, to use 'setup (hd1)' to fix it. but the situation cause the /boot has nothing and the partition contain essential files does not under the directory 'boot'. then setup failed.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Not Showing Fedora Partition?

Dec 5, 2010

Why is Grub2 not displaying Fedora partition??I know fedora uses Grub legacy,whereas Lucid uses Grub2 and therefore i installed fedora 14 WITHOUT boot loader.

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Fedora :: GRUB Version 0.97 Is Corrupting Ntfs Partition

Mar 4, 2010

Maybe some experts have a deeper knowledge what's going on? Seems GNU GRUB version 0.97 is corrupting ntfs partition if installed on it on my


How I have achieved this: Upgraded (in fact installed on the same partition without reformatting) W7 32 (RC-7100) to W7 64 enterprise. It has nuked grub (used to boot FC-12) and silently removed a small boot (or windows backup) partition so ntfs became sda3 instead of sda4. Booting from fedora dvd causes the sequence listed above.

The main problem here is that grub doesn't boot windows: there was "unknown filesystem" error. After fixing boot record with "testdisk" I get: "booting windows in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... booting windows in 3 ... 2.. forever" If I use W7 repair disk it fixes windows and nukes grub away (ntfs partition has to be active for that otherwise the smart soft can't find it). So, making sda1 active and placing grub there is not an option...

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Fedora Installation :: Will 13 Allow To Install Grub In Its Own Partition Without Writing Over The MBR

May 23, 2010

My laptop came with a hidden partition for restoring Vista instead of an install disk. I installed Ubuntu 9.04, which had an "Advanced" option that allowed me to install grub in the Ubuntu partition without writing over the MBR. Then I used EasyBCD to add Ubuntu to the Vista boot loader. I wanted to do this so that I can still restore the factory copy of Vista from the hidden partition if I need to. I upgraded the Ubuntu to 9.10, still using grub. When I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 it went to grub2, and I haven't figured out how to boot into it with EasyBCD yet.But I would like to try Fedora anyway. I will wait a couple of days and get 13.

1. Which grub does Fedora 13 use?

2. Will Fedora 13 allow me to install grub in its own partition without writing over the MBR?

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Fedora :: Reinstalling Grub To Find Vista Partition?

Apr 14, 2011

I deleted the wrong line in grub.conf, and now cannot boot into my Windows Vista anymore. I really need to get it back right away, I am trying to do my taxes, and they are on there, and I can't get to them. I added this to grub.conf, but no luck.

root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Grub Loader - Partition Deleted - File Has Gone

Jan 14, 2011

In my system i am using fedora13 unfortunately grub loader(partition deleted) file has gone ,now its not booting the system,some one is saying is install again fedora in same place

what i am thinking is:
1)we will use live cd,
2)open terminal(in live command will work or not ,i typed but its asking you should be root)
3)we will take grub source code from net ,then we will compile it in same path(i think in fedora grub.8.gz),
then is it working

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Fedora :: Grub - Unknown Partition Table Signature

Jan 10, 2010

i have FC10, and have loss my grub because a windows 7 instalation (other partition). I am trying to re-install the grub version 0.97, so i used:

FC10 DVD install + repair a system



chroot /mnt/sysimage

but i got:

unknown partition table signature.

so i can not make any grub command:


grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
error 15: file not found

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB/LILO: Getting The Location Of The Boot Partition?

Feb 13, 2009

I somehow recalled a rule re the location of the boot partitions with LILO being required to be in the first part of the drive (1024 cylinders, it seems) and I found it indeed in an old doc:

Boot Partition: Your boot partition ought to be a primary partition, not a logical partition. This will ease recovery in case of disaster, but it is not technically necessary. It must be of type 0x83 "Linux native". If you are using lilo, your boot partition must be contained within the first 1024 cylinders of the drive. (Typically, the boot partition need only contain the kernel image.) Is this still valid in GRUB, esp in Fedora 10?

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Fedora :: Install Grub To A Partition And Link It To A Separate /boot?

Nov 20, 2009

Where can I install grub? I know it can be installed to the mbr of a hard drive. I also know it can be installed to a /boot partition. Can I install it to a lvm partition? Does it have to be /boot? grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda Does this command install grub to a partition and link it to a separate /boot? I have fedora, but this is a live cd. I need to learn where I can install grub2 to boot

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Fedora Installation :: Grub Error 17: Cannot Mount Selected Partition

Jun 4, 2010

I dualboot Ubuntu and Fedora in one hard drive. Below are the scenario.

First, installed Ubuntu 10.4 on the entire disk (40GiB of size). Then, shrink the Ubuntu installation to equal size to free up space for fedora.

Second, installed Fedora 13 using the option "Use free space on selected drives and create default layout". After the successful installation fdisk -l shows,

# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Fedora :: Grub Error 22 After Deleting Partition On Vista Machine?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm a CS Major that wanted to experiment with Linux more. Great idea right?! Well, long story short, I have a HP Dv9815nr Entertainment Notebook PC with Vista pre-installed. I have 2 local SATA HDDs and installed Vista(250GB) and Fedora 12(160GB)(respectively). In order to make life simple for booting purposes, I partitioned the Vista drive to include a 3GB sector for the Fedora Boot partition, so that Grub would run properly.

I recently discovered Sun's VirtualBox (Open Source Virtualization software) and installed several flavors of linux inside of this application on the Vista Disk. Naturally, I installed Fedora 12 in the Virtual Box and reformatted the Linux drive (160GB + 3GB Boot partition).

Everything was fine and then I rebooted. Now I get a Grub error on boot. "Error 22 : partition not found". I would like to restore the Vista MBR using the Fedora 12 Live cd, but I can't repartition the Vista drive under the live installation.

Also, I extended the Vista partition to include the 3GB previously used for the Fedora Boot Sector.

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Fedora :: Root User - Edit A Grub File In A Separate Partition

Nov 27, 2010

So I need to become the root user in order to edit a grub file in a seperate partition, so I can get back into this partition. How can I become and stay as root user in the desktop environment? (I know you shouldn't do this, but I need it.)

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Fedora :: Install Windows XP On A Free Partition Without It Replacing The GRUB Boot Loader?

Sep 20, 2009

I am using Fedora 10, and was wondering if it is possible to install Windows XP on a free partition, without it replacing the GRUB boot loader?

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Ubuntu :: Grub - Lost My Windows Partition - Can't Find Menu.lst In /boot/grub

Nov 1, 2010

I got ubuntu 10.04 lucid lynx along with windows (dual boot) and using Grub. On my computer, I have my C:/ (programs) and D:/ (data). I've never used my D:/ before that day that I've lost my windows partition on my grub menu. I usually use my D:/ with windows. The first time I used my D:/ to store data with linux, I lost my windows option in my grub menu. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I do want to restore my windows option in my grub menu.

After "fdisk -l",

I checked in /boot/grub and there is no menu.lst to modify. how I can get back my windows option in my grub menu ?

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General :: Grub Loader Can't Boot From Partition But Other Boots Can See Partition?

Feb 25, 2010

I having a problem getting my grub loader to see one of my hard drives. I added a drive, and my grub loader lost track of where everything was. I couldn't get my old linux (Red Hat 9) so I installed SuSe on my new hard drive. But I need my be able to boot from my old hard drive because it has apps that only run on the earlier version. From /proc/partitions the old hard drive is sdd

major minor #blocks name
8 0 976762584 sda
8 1 2104483 sda1
8 2 20972857 sda2


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Ubuntu :: Use A Windows-based Recovery Partition On A Dual-boot Computer To Overwrite Partition And Remove GRUB Loader?

Mar 9, 2010

is it possible to use a Windows-based recovery partition on a dual-boot computer to overwrite the Ubuntu partition and remove the GRUB loader? For instance, if you booted up your computer, accessed the hidden recovery partition and used it to reset the computer to it's factory default settings, would that effectively remove the Ubuntu partition and the GRUB loader? Would a completely new installation of Windows overwrite/uninstall Ubuntu and GRUB automatically?

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Ubuntu :: Move Grub From One Partition To Another Partition?

May 8, 2010

I don't know if this is possible however would like to know how to move grub from one partition to another.I may not have explainded that very well. I have a computer that i use to checkout different linux distros, however since the introduction of grub2 things have become difficult. I have a number of primary partitions on the one hdd If I install a o/s that uses grub on a partition and another partition has a o/s that uses grub2 then on startup the o/s with grub2 no longer appears on the grub start up screen so I cannot boot into the grub2 o/s. The reverse is ok i.e. if I install a grub2 o/s after a grub o/s all appear on the grub start up screen.

This leaves me in the situation where I have to always reinstall a grub2 o/s after i install a grub o/s. Hope that makes sense! This is why it would be easier (I hope) to be able to move grub from one o/s to another. I must admit I don't really understand it all that well and I know that mbr plays a role in it, however I think it's correct that the mbr can remain on an o/s yet grub is on another?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub - Setup: Warning: Attempting To Install GRUB To A Partition Instead Of The MBR - Install - Lvm - Luks - Raid - Karmic Server

Mar 27, 2010

I'm running Karmic Server with GRUB2 on a Dell XPS 420. Everything was running fine until I changed 2 BIOS settings in an attempt to make my Virtual Box guests run faster. I turned on SpeedStep and Virtualization, rebooted, and I was slapped in the face with a grub error 15. I can't, in my wildest dreams, imagine how these two settings could cause a problem for GRUB, but they have. To make matters worse, I've set my server up to use Luks encrypted LVMs on soft-RAID. From what I can gather, it seems my only hope is to reinstall GRUB. So, I've tried to follow the Live CD instructions outlined in the following article (adding the necessary steps to mount my RAID volumes and LVMs). [URL]

If I try mounting the root lvm as 'dev/vg-root' on /mnt and the boot partition as 'dev/md0' on /mnt/boot, when I try to run the command $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0, I get an errors: grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea. grub-setup: error: Embedding is not possible, but this is required when the root device is on a RAID array or LVM volume.

Somewhere in my troubleshooting, I also tried mounting the root lvm as 'dev/mapper/vg-root'. This results in the grub-install error: $sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/md0 Invalid device 'dev/md0'

Obviously, neither case fixes the problem. I've been searching and troubleshooting for several hours this evening, and I must have my system operational by Monday morning. That means if I don't have a solution by pretty early tomorrow morning...I'm screwed. A full rebuild will by my only option.

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Fedora :: FC9: Forgot - Partition Doesn't Work - Can't Login At The LUKS Login After Grub Starts

Feb 15, 2010

My computer was working this morning and both hard drives were working fine, then all of a sudden for about two hours I was stuck with this "problem", then after fumbling and moving and stablizing things, then Windows works? See below for details. I've finally reinstalled both hard drives, but the one with the Linux partition doesn't work: it says nothing is discovered on the disk. I can't login at the LUKS login after grub starts, therefore I can't get into Linux, but Windows works?! I used to be able to go directly into Grub when the computer starts, I forgot how to do that but it doesn't matter. If you need details I'd be glad to provide them. I just wondered why Linux doesn't work, but Windows does. I have Linux & Windows on two different separate hard drives

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade Grub With Dm-crypt - Warning: "Attempting To Install GRUB To A Partition Instead Of The MBR"

Nov 23, 2010

I am still using Lucid with a Luks/dm-crypt setup. I picked up an upgrade today that included grub. It gave me a box that had me choose my location to install the upgrade. I chose /boot. When apt did its upgrade thing, I got the following message: Setting up grub-pc (1.98-1ubuntu ... /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea.. /usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged.. Installation finished. No error reported. I looked in /boot/grub and found no menu.lst file.

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General :: Windows - Deleting Linux Partition And Grub Boot Loader Without Affecting The Windows Partition At All?

Aug 30, 2011

I am currently running a dual boot machine with Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows Vista.Is there any way I can delete the Linux partition and Grub boot loader without affecting the Windows partition at all?I would also like to be able to repartition all of the space that was previously occupied by Linux.

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Fedora :: Recover Mbr / Partition Table - Boot "Super Grub Virus" From A Usb Stick

Aug 5, 2010

a windows installation on a fake-raid, /dev/mapper/ddf1_AR01p1 and an xtra penguinFS on ddf1_AR01p2. I simply tried to boot "Super Grub Virus" from a usb stick ... and the $%!($ER hosed the array. Luckily, my day to day OS and important data is on a different set of disks ... but my BIOS boot target is set to the fake-raid, so it did not kill anything genuinely important ... I just got lucky.

I would really like to restore the windoZe partition as it WAS. I actually use it a couple of times each year. I would just reinstall the OS ... really NOTHING important on those 2 disks, but I have no idea where my XP disk can be found ... but I know the xp installation is hiding in /dev/null ....

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Fedora :: Shrinking Disk Partition In Fedora Makes NTSF Partition Unusable

Aug 5, 2011

I am completely new to Linux in general, and have recently downloaded Fedora 15 KDE spin. I tried dual-booting between Windows 7 and Fedora by shrinking one of my Windows partitions (I have two, this partition not containing the Windows installation). I tried shrinking it to 30 GB less than the total space available on the partition, and after pressing continue, received an error (which I unfortunately dismissed quickly and can't remember). In the file manager, Fedora showed that my partition changed from 1.3Tb to 1.2 Tb, but I couldn't access it. Upon rebooting into Windows, I still can't access it, receiving a "format drive before use" popup and then error stating that it is possibly of a different filesystem or corrupt.

Unfortunately, I stupidly didn't backup any of my data (which I will be sure to remember to do in the future). I installed EASEUS Partition Master 8.0.1 Home Edition, which states that my drive is still of NTFS filesystem and has the total space it should. However, upon clicking "check drive," it states there are no errors and when trying to "explore files," it doesn't find any (yet it shows the correct amount of used and unused space). I then tried running TestDisk, but only allows me to check my media drive E, which is my dvd drive that has my Fedora Live CD in it (which cannot be ejected manually or through Windows, an error stating it cannot be ejected). I didn't go through with TestDisk for my DVD drive because I needed to verify the type of partition (which to my knowledge shouldn't even exist). It shows 700 something MiB / 600 something MiB. Although I have decent general knowledge about computers, I am a complete novice when it comes to doing something like this.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 Hide Partition?

Jan 23, 2010

In GRUB 1 there were commands to hide/unhide a partition (e.g. hide (hd0,1)). Is there an equivalent in GRUB 2?

Do not confuse with hiding something from the menu - i want to hide a partition.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstalling Grub 2 From Partition?

Mar 21, 2010

I made a slight mistake after editing my partitions with Gparted. I accidentally installed Grub 2 on my Ubuntu partition instead of re-installing it on the MBR.

I've since installed Grub 2 on my MBR, but how do I get the Grub 2 installation off of my Ubuntu partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Won't See Win 7 Partition?

May 25, 2010

Just installed 10.04, loving the new theme and default background. My problem is that Grub won't detect my Win 7 boot. I installed it the way i normally do, seemed to work for the last few times. I put in my Windows recovery disc to try and fix the MBR but that failed as the disc wont even see my Win 7 install. I have included my boot info script file.

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