I've newly installed Lenny and I find that xterm doesn't have tabs or pretty colours. Vim is also colourless. Is this a conscious effort by Debian to strip back the install to it's most utilitarian? Or am I using the wrong versions of each app?
I have installed squeeze with KDE. I have xterm bugs, this last kill alone with command apt-get, the xterm is killed! There are another xterm client that I install under KDE? >> apt-get install another xterm ........
I am trying to compile a new vanilla kernel on to my Ubuntu server system which has been freshly installed with Ubuntu 10.04 server 32bits. As this will run on a VIA epia-px5000eg mainboard with USB stick I want compile this kernel on a different machine on which is also ubuntu 10.04 installed. Unfortunately currently I experience difficulties when I boot kernel 2.6.34; it says "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block" while if I load to original kernel that comes with Ubuntu 10.04 all works perfectly well. BTW reason I want to build a custom vanilla kernel is to trim down kernel to the necessary services I need as I am running a server that requires just the essentials. And it needs to support the VIA Epia CPU processor family ( C3, C7 or generic setting which is another hurdle which I won't discuss here ).
Hopefully one out there is able to guide me further as I type step by step what I executed. Thanks for your replies in advance:
Yet I hook up the VIA epia-px5000g with 2gb usb stick, a dvd drive and keyboard ( all usb ). Boot from CDrom and install a minimal system (<f4>) to usb stick. Partitioning part I set it to EXT4 and used full size thus no SWAP. Also mount option " noatime " has been set all to save writes to usb stick. When the base system has been installed a user has been added, as well apt is being configured to install only security updates automatically. As services I want to run definitely openSSH-server so I can access remotely. Grub gets configured and system will be rebooted.
At this stage I configure the network interface to a static address so I do not need to check my router all the time which dhcp address Ubuntu is using if I want to access remotely.
Now the compile part starts, the ubuntu way. I log in to my other system and execute following commands accordingly code...
Start xpdf or gv. Click an xterm to be active and slide it over xpdf/gv. Vertical lines from xpdf/gv under the xterm stick to the xterm window above and make it unreadable.
The problem does NOT show with KDE default settings with display effects on but does show in fvwm, xfce etc, and in KDE without effects.
On a system with a Sandy Bridge integrated graphics (i5-2400) the problem went away by downgrading to xf86-video-intel-2.13.0. But it was not enough for another system with 945G which needed downgrading to xf86-video-intel-2.12.0.
Just done a fresh install of squeeze (basic install then installed X, WM and a few applications) and I find that I am unable to get an xterm up and running (same goes for rxvt-unicode (urxvt) and uxterm). The same problem occurs with both Openbox and DWM window managers.
When I login over ssh or when I open a local text shell I can't get dircolors to show up.
If I open a shell in an X-Session the dircolors are there. Also, colors work fine over text mode and SSH, in both of them VIM works perfectly fine with my colorfull configurations.
This is the session I get when I do a remote login over SSH:
I want to put some info on my all black background, for instance i do a lot of vpn connections, so it would be cool that i do startx and a xterm console was on the background (without the window ofcourse) with the tail -f /var/log/messages or my dropbox status and so on Like tilling....but on background...i hate wallpapers
now a problem to do the command line above and put it for instance in autostart.sh from openbox i need to do it as sudo and give the password......damn..it will not work
Since this morning, I'm having a problem which symptoms are similar to this one : Cannot Login, KDE won't start - OpenSUSE 11.3, but it affects only one user.Everything was fine yesterday, but now, everytime this one user tries to start his KDE session, the screen goes black for a few seconds before coming back to the login screen.
I tried the following :
- I installed LXDE and tried to log in : same problem
- I tried to log in Xterm : no problem
- I created a new user and tried to log in : no problem, be it KDE or LXDE
- I cleared /tmp : same problem. My /home partition is 98% full but still has 2-3GB available. The / partition is 45% full with 28GB left.
From what I've gathered so far, it seems the problem is user-specific, graphical session-sepcific, but not desktop-specific (since both KDE and freshly installed LXDE fail in the same way)... and now I don't know what else to try.
I've just installed xterm, ant trying to run it from my windows machine using ssh. I have X11Forwarding yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config when I use, MobaXterm, np, I can use xterm after I log ssh -X xxx
but when I use Cygwin, and do ssh -X xxx, and then xterm, I have: xterm XT error : Can't open display: xterm: Display is not set
I am trying to compile a vanilla kernel that I got from git in a VirtualBox VM running Fedora 12. With RHEL (albeit on real hardware, not a VM), I am able to do a make; make modules_install; make install and simply able to boot up the kernel. The make install step, in particular, creates the initrd using /sbin/installkernel, which also updates the grub configuration.
Under Fedora 12, my new kernel does not boot. I see no messages on the screen, not even if I change the boot command line to remove quiet bootup. I see disk usage on the VM and the CPU gets pegged at 100%. Strangely enough, if I change the initrd to refer to an existing, Fedora-provided kernel, I can boot my new kernel without any problems. I started with a Fedora kernel config and used it to generate the config for my new 2.6.33 kernel, so it couldn't be the case that I missed something in the config either.
Does anybody have an idea about what could be going on? Is there some specific patch that Fedora kernels use that are essential for booting up?
Also, the guest Fedora OS is 64-bit, if that is relevant.
I'm using KDE (Kubuntu) and I was wondering about integration of Firefox into KDE. I know that kmozillahelper provides this and so I installed it. But the thing is, I compile Firefox myself with some custom optimisations, so I don't use Firefox from the repositories.
The firefox from the repositories uses kmozillahelper but my compiled firefox (even the mozilla provided firefox) does not.
I've got an Ubuntu 10.04 box (up to date) with a MySQL database that I log into remotely via an SSH tunnel. In order to make this secure, I've remapped the SSH port to something obscure, and locked down the firewall to allow only this port.
I've disabled password login, and get in via a 1024-bit RSA key, which has an attached passphrase.Right now, it works like a charm. However, I've become interested in trying out NoMachine NX as a way of working on the Ubuntu machine (VNC works, but is not an option). NoMachine NX requires a DSA key without a passphrase, and is not interested (as far as I know) in playing nicely with my existing RSA keys.
My question, for you security experts, is this. Do I have to scrap my existing SSH config and start fresh with NX in mind? Or is there a way around this? Moreover, if I do that, and get NX working, will I still be able to use Putty to tunnel in as I do now, for using the database?
I have always been amazed that despite the fact that the liveCD obviously has gparted on it, that it is doesn't install it. Why not?I understand it is a tool with which you can easily damage your system, but that's no reason not to give it to users, once its aready taking up space on the liveCD.
I've downloaded 2.6.36-rc8 vanilla kernel, then I copied .config file from my current working kernel, then I've configured, compiled and installed kernel like this:
Code: make gconfig make -j4 all (or make all) make modules_all make install The last command edits my grub.conf file and writes this: [Code]....
I checked my .config and ACPI, and File Systems are built into kernel and not loaded as modules... And, I have LVM but my /boot partition isn't in it, so I don't HAVE to use initrd, right? How can I boot from a vanilla kernel without initrd ?
Im using a Fedora 15 and im trying to compile a 3.0.0rc5 kernel. but im unable to get a config for my machine to boot up. i tried make localmodconfig it says
using config: '.config' capifs config not found!! Restart Config
and then i tried cp /boot/config- .config to override the default config but stil that doesnt work. work around to get a proper config so that i can boot the latest kernel here?
I thought I would give some instructions on how I compile my kernels. My long-time windows user parts trader recently asked me how to compile a kernel on Fedora. He was confused with all the tutorials requiring you to build an RPM, so I showed him how I do it, the standard/easy/lazy way. Before I start, here are a couple things I assume. I assume you are a Fedora user and that you are NOT in text mode, but in GNOME. I also assume you realize that this can take up to SIX HOURS on an old Pentium 3 1.3Ghz. Remember that some proprietary drivers as well as some free ones are not included in the kernel, so make sure you don't delete your existing one.
First get the dependencies you need. su -c "yum -y install gcc ncurses-devel"
Next get the kernel source. I use as an example. To download it, click here.Extract it by right-clicking on the file and then choosing extract here. This will take about five minutes. Now open a terminal, become root, and cd to the directory linux- It is important to cd here and not to the kernel directory inside of there, even though make has an extra variable that specifies there.
Now we need to configure the kernel before we build it with make O=kernel menuconfig. It will take a couple minutes to set up, then you will be presented with a cheap psuedo-gui in your terminal. Just select exit and yes to save your config. You usually don't need to change anything here.
Ready to compile and install? Remember this can take up to six hours, and your machine may become VERY slow. It is not recommended that you attempt to use your machine with this in progress. OK then. As root, in the same directory, type:
make O=kernel && make O=kernel modules_install install. This will compile the kernel and install the kernel and it's modules. Done? Now change the kernel and initrd in your bootloader to match the new kernel. If you ever want to reuse the same source code folder, use make mrproper to clean things up and build it again.
I've getting strange build errors when using make-kpkg with the latest (2.6.39-rc5) vanilla kernel.I'm using the procedure outlined here: https:[url]....e.g.:
Code: Building modules, stage 2. MODPOST 3053 modules WARNING: modpost: Found 60 section mismatch(es).To see full details build your kernel with:'make CONFIG_DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH=y' CC arch/x86/crypto/aesni-intel.mod.o[code]....
There is even much more error output but it looks like it is basically the same issue.
i want to compile the vanilla kernel 2.6.37-rc3, but i want to obtain a .rpm file. I found this guide long time ago (i used it many times) but it use src.rpm package and the contained kernel.spec file have many lines for adding patches. Someone know where can i download a kernel.spec for vanilla kernel or a guide to obtain an rpm file
I have a normal computer installed (F14, 32 bits) with a sound card correctly installed. In a normal configuration into runlevel 5, I can play sound and the sound card is visible from the gnome-volume-control window. I should modify the computer running a naked X server (without window manager and other stuff) and two applications (an xterm and a special application managing sounds). The last application is a text based application and could run on a text console. I have the X server running because I display picture sent from another computer. Currently the computer boots on runlevel 3 and logs in automatically. If I start manually my special application, it runs fine. I create a .xinitrc script with the xterm command and I change the .bashrc calling xinit. Each application runs well independently. My problem is when I try running my special sound application from the xterm window. I have no sound. If a run the gnome-volume-control command, the program shows that no sound card is available.
I suppose the X server removes the original sound configuration of the text mode during its initialization and could not initialize correctly after that the sound card.
how it is possible to initialize the sound card manually into the X server? Do I need running some gnome command before I can call my application?
I am running Fedora 14 and have run into a new problem. If I do either "su -" and enter password, or, "sudo su -" the terminal stops. I put a set -x in roots .bashrc and nothing. Login from a vt works and loging in as root from gdm produces nothing.