Debian :: Xorg - User Cannot Get Into The X-window System?

Nov 13, 2010

I have a Dell PC with Debian GNU/Linux lenny.sid that was working as a game server. After solving the problem with the login to the server the system comes to root. I tried startx command but the result was command not found. I could not find the .bin/bash_profile to edit it. I had in mind to #nano /etc/inittab

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
edit it to 1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f "root" tty1 </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1

I did not do it since i had to edit the .bash_profile with startx command which I was not able to spot. Whereis could not find the file. I tried to apt-get install x-windows-system but apparently I have a problem with my internet cause it can not download from Debian repositories. I check with ifconfif and later ping and i had results so i might not have problem with the internet. Is it possible the server to be set up so the user can not get into the x-window system? Did they disable anything? Do I have to install xorg and if yes can anybody give me an idea how I can do it?

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Debian Multimedia :: XFREE86 Or Don't Have Xorg As X Window Server?

Mar 20, 2011

I have a couple of questions and one problem regarding my AMD64 Testing box. According to this Debian Xorg Wiki : Xorg is the default X Window server since Debian 4.0 (etch). It replaces XFree86 and is maintained in Debian by the XStrikeForce. appears that I don't have Xorg as my X Window server, but rather XFREE86? I just checked my i386 Testing box, it does have /etc/X11/xorg.conf


The problem: I have lost my higher screen resolutions after today's apt-get dist-upgrade. I only have 800x600 and 640x480. I probably won't complain about these resolutions in twenty years or so, but for now, I'd rather get the higher resolutions back, ha.


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Debian :: Restart System Xorg (GDM) Don't Run - Black Screen

Jan 28, 2010

I upgraded all xserver-xorg packages in my notebook. After restart system Xorg (GDM) don't run. My screen is black. If I will go to console CTRL+ALT+FX, screen is black too. I will go to console only in single-mode and I tried run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but without results. I haven't got /etc/X11/xorg.conf in my system. I have got integrated Intel graphics card.

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Debian Installation :: Minimal System With Small Window Manager

May 15, 2010

I have installed the debian lenny base system in my old pc. I want only a minimal system with a small window manager like icewm and firefox to surf the web. What I need to write now in text mode to install this minimal system?

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General :: View The WMClass Attribute Of A Window In Xorg?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to find a workaround for incorrect grouping of windows in Docky, and I believe the problem lies with the WMClass attribute that is set for each window. However, I do not know how to view this attribute for open windows. Is there any way to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Click On The File System Icon In The Launcher To Open A Nautilus Window The Window Opens, But Is Unresponsive?

Aug 8, 2011

My system boots, I login and am brought to my desktop. I click on the file system icon in the launcher to open a Nautilus window. The window opens, but is unresponsive (i.e., I can't move it, clicking on the icons does nothing, etc.). If I press the super key to get the dash and the press escape, the window becomes responsive again, just like normal.

If I open a folder in the window, the window becomes halfway unresponsive in that I can't move the window, but I can select more folders and toolbar icons. The top menu no longer appears at this point, and I can't access any of the system icons on the top right of the screen. Alt-F4 closes the window even if the close button doesn't work.As another example, suppose I open a Nautilus window and then a Chromium window. Both are immediately unresponsive. If I super-esc again, I can move the Chromium window around, and it seems to work normally. I can click on the Nautilus window, but it always stays greyed out. Even if I'm clicking on things in it, the Chromium window always has focus.

I had a similar experience to this with VLC and Chromium. After clicking around enough I eventually got it to the point where VLC apparently always had focus, but I couldn't access any of VLC's controls. Double clicking anywhere on the screen fullscreened the video, and that's all I could really do. Not even escape worked to bring it back.I can usually press super to get the dash and Alt-F2 to get a command prompt. Also Alt-Shift-T seems to usually work to bring up a working Terminal (at least one that accepts commands, even if I can't move the window).Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this? The behavior is highly unpredictable and extremely frustrating. I should note that key commands don't always work, even though they seem to in my examples. So I don't think it's just a mouse issue.

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Debian :: No User Can Get Access To System Except Root

Jun 18, 2010

I have a system running with few users and servers (apache/mysql/postfix). After extracting one tar archive in '/home' none of my users are being able to access their home directory. Even other system users (like www-data/mysql) are also not being able to access any directory. Only root can access the system. I have checked file permissions, many files/directories are set to 777 rest are 755.

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Fedora :: Does Xorg.conf Get A One User Only Version?

Dec 18, 2010

Something bad happens after installing nvidia driver for my fedora 14. It's about the stored driver/xorg configuration, and it only affect on my current account. So I wanna know where can be a one-user-only VGA driver configuration stored. I'll delete it, it's give me a big trouble. Belows are how it become like this, and how the trouble appears. after nv driver installed, I change the /etx/X11/xorg.conf file and start another X with another account without exit current X. Now, everytime when I start gnome with current account, it pop up a message writes

Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes: Trying modes for CRTC 354


And I have to wait for this pop-up message to disappear. During this some 2 minutes, I can't do anything, even Ctr+Alt+F5 to switch terminal fails. I can't PrintScreen neither. I've been uninstalled nv driver twince for this. but right now I decide to fix it.

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Debian Configuration :: Send Mail From System Commandline As Root User?

Jul 26, 2011

I tried to send mail from my debian system commandline as root user But i did not get the mail in the destination email inbox No errors was shown

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Debian Hardware :: Speech Synthesis Boot Ok But No Audio As System User

Sep 30, 2015

I installed some time ago a Wheezy with speech synthesis, so the audio _does_ work, as I currently can hear boot messages. However, after login I can't hear any other audio, neither streaming nor mp3.

The boot messages feature some complaint about Pulse Audio. (I get similar complaints on another machine whose audio does work anyway)

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Slackware :: Setting Timezone On A Per User Basis For Xorg?

May 23, 2011

Slackware: 13.0

After having some problems with iptables not picking up automatically (without restart) the transition from winter time to summer time, and on advice from the iptables/netfilter mailing list, I've decided recently to go down the Unix way and set my hardware clock time to UTC/GMT instead of local time. I am, however, having some difficulty reconfiguring my entire machine to cope with this change.

1. I've used /usr/sbin/timeconfig - which took care of system wide timezone. After that, if I opened a terminal, du "su root" - and then check the date - it looks good. Doesn't affect though the logged in (non-root) user. Running "date" in bash window for logged (non-root) user returns wrong time (UTC) instead of local time.
2. I've added an export statement in ~/.bashrc, to set the timezone for the user account I use. That fixes the time for the logged in user, but only in the terminal. The time in fluxbox/X is still the UTC time.

Where is XOrg taking it's timezone for the logged in user? Do I amend/add to XOrg.conf? At the moment there is nothing about time zone in Xorg.conf (only contains few tweaked settings I've added to it - as I believe most of the rest is autoconfigured). I've searched - but couldn't find how Slackware configures timezones for individual users - aside from the timeconfig utility used during setup.

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CentOS 5 :: Xorg: No Profile For User 'root' Found

Jul 28, 2009

I'm trying to get Xorg running on a Dell 2850.I can't get it to work.I installed xorg-x11-drivers via yum, and used both "Radeon / ati" drivers, including the default vesa.

Here are the main errors (error log file attached):

Could not init font path element unix/:7100, removing from list!
(**) RADEON(0): RADEONSaveScreen(2)
localuser:root being added to access control list
No profile for user 'root' found


and at the end it says:

FreeFontPath: FPE "built-ins" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.

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General :: Difference Between Regular User And System User (and Groups)

Sep 28, 2010

What is the difference between creating a "regular" user and creating a "system" user on Linux?

For example:


adduser john


adduser --system john

Similarly it seems there are normal groups and system groups. Doing an internet search and reading man pages does not give much information on the whole concept of system and regular user/group.

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Ubuntu :: System Does Not Boot After Removing Xorg

Dec 15, 2010

Running Ubuntu 10.10 on a Sony Vaio VGN-NR430E laptop.My system had been running noticeably slow lately, so I decided to poke around the system monitor and see what was eating my resources. Xorg peaked at around 50% cpu, so I decided (in a rash decision) to remove it. Went to Syanptic Package Manager -> completely remove all "Xorg server" packages ( was alerted that Xorg itself would have to be reinstalled for this to happen, "OK" ). After Syanptic finished, I looked back to the System Monitor and saw Xorg still there, still eating CPU. Out of frustration, I selected "End Process".The grub loader still works so I can switch between kernel versions and "recovery" mode, but a normal boot simply takes me to a black screen. I tried sudo apt-get update from Recovery mode, only to get an error when connecting to the repositories.

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Hardware :: Xorg Freezes On My System / Solve This?

Oct 25, 2009

Not sure why I get the same result between (amd64) debian, kubuntu, xubuntu, but the screen will pixelate once the desktop is fully loaded, sometimes when an app window opens like konsole/terminal.

I've tried various combinations, with & without the GeForce PCIx, even the live CDs freeze. Please trust me when I say I exhaust searching for what's already been asked/posted/resolved before posting, yes even Google, I'm at a loss... It freezes like a kernel panic because Ctrl+Alt+F1 doesn't do jack, nor Ctrl+Alt+BkSp, would dmesg have logged anything useful?

A brief hardware list code...

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Is Taking System Resources?

Jul 18, 2010

I am facing System Speed problem.i saw in top command Xorg process is using CPU and memory upto 75% most of the time,this is why System responding to make it normal i do not know. Currently i am using AMD Athlon 64 HT technology processor(Socket 939)

512 DDR1 RAM
Nvidia 5200 GeForce 128 MB Graphic card.

how to make my system resources usage normal.

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Debian :: Debian Synaptic Package Manager Error: Xserver-xorg Stripped?

Feb 10, 2011

I have used Debian Linux for two years, most recently the seventh or so iteration of Version 5. I use the Gnome desktop and the Synaptic Package Manager, not the Update Manager, for updates because it's easier to build a log with the former.In my most recent update, Synaptic stripped out all the xserver-xorg files�47 in all. I thought it peculiar but did not know enough to interfere. When I rebooted, the system told me I must install xserver or correct GDM configuration and restart.

Have I been hacked? Am I being tested by the Linux Illuminati? Or does it have something to do with the warning message I received at the end of the update-upgrade, attached? And how do I go about reinstalling xserver? With Aptitude? I have tried running apt-get -f install, to no effect.

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Debian :: Xorg Screen Resolution To 1366x768 Debian Lenny

Mar 24, 2010

i recently moved away from ubuntu (as they wouldn't let me change my gdm themes lol) i installed lenny usin the net install for ia86 but i cannot change my screen resolution from 1024x768 to my card/monitors native setting of 1366x768 i have included a .txt taken from the benchmark an profile gizmo which i hope rovide any of you with all the info needed (to be honest i don't understand half of it) my laptop is a fujitsu amilo li3710 with dual core, 3gb ram an 160gb hd an a intel gma4500 with shared memory graphics

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Fedora Hardware :: F12 System Doesn't Like Xorg.conf?

Feb 4, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12. I have an NVidia FX 5200 card. This xorg.conf will work fine (no 3d acceleration, btw):


Now here's the odd part. If I uncomment the Device section and reboot or logout so that X restarts, my screen will not enter graphics mode. It just flashes on and off several times in text mode and finally stops. It's as if it keeps changing modes trying to get happy and never does.

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General :: Xorg - Start X11 On A System Without Graphics Hardware?

Jan 20, 2010

I want to run some xulrunner based program on EC2 - it will run automatically but it needs some display as far as I understand. That probably requires X11 with some dummy screen driver.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Xorg.conf File On System

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to get a touchscreen driver installed and I am talking to the techs at the company and they asked for a copy of my xorg.conf file. I have done several searches on my computer and looked on other forums posts as to where that file should be located and I cannot find this file anywhere on the system. Does Ubuntu 10.4 even have a xorg.conf file?

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Thrashing Both Cores Of CPU - System Unresponsive

May 10, 2011

I am running 64bit 10.10. For the last fortnight system has become very sluggish responding to input. Programs greyout and become completely unresponsive for long periods of time and cpu usage on one or both cores ramps up. As I type it is c.80% on both. System Monitor shows usage on the cores mirroring one another. top in terminal shows Xorg at 99%. I have attached a screenshot. I have rolled back and/or reloaded the Nvidia graphics drivers to no effect.

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Ubuntu :: Deleted User On Login Window?

Apr 13, 2011

I have created two additional users and now wanted to delete them. I did so in system / administration / users and group as well es through the terminal. However - when I reboot the computer the users I had deleted seem to be back. They show up on the welcome screen but when I click on them they don't work any more. How can I delete them alltogether?

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Ubuntu :: Open A New Window But Login Into A Different User

May 30, 2011

I don't know it's so difficult to make it work. I'm in natty and can't find anyway to make it work. I tried all options posted in this forum but nothing. I only want to open a new window but login into a different user. It is easy and ready under Linux Mint Debian, but I use Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Change Window Manager Per User?

Jul 17, 2009

In Ubuntu, I run Compiz/Metacity, but I also have wmii installed. I know how to change to wmii for a one-time log in, but I don't know how to make it default for specific user.

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Eating A Lot Of Memory / Makes System Freeze

Apr 7, 2011

Xorg takes 700+ mbs of ram, then in matter of hours it fills the swap and then system basically stops responding or whatever. And because its constantly allocating, it degrades perforamce horribly.Interesting thing is I never had this problem before, recently one of my ram modules broke (2+2 GB) and now I have only one, but it still doesnt explain the memory overuse. Windows 7 works perfectly fine.

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Debian :: Using VNC In A Multi-user / Multi-system Network

Mar 21, 2011

Anyone successfully using VNC client on a Mac to control a Debian server?I have the vncserver setup on the Debian machine properly. But I'm having problems connecting to it from both a PowerMac running Tiger and a MacBookPro running leopard.I can connect no problem from a machine running Slack12.2, have not setup port forwarding on my router to connect remotely yet.My Debian machine is running the latest stable release of squeeze with KDE4.I originally tried this with RealVNC Enterprise for OSX but I'm not gonna buy it so I need another alternative after the 30 day trial ends as they have no free version for OSX.
The situation is that I do freelance graphic design on the PowerMac with Cinema4D and Photoshop so I spend most of my time on that machine which is located in my home studio in my attic. Aside from the MacBook and a Dell desktop(family machine)all my other machines and network hardware are in the basement. So to go from the attic to the basement everytime I need to do something on another machine is not practical, and the only other machine I need to access on a regular basis is the Debian box in the basement, this makes the most sense.

I also have a 14 year old living in the house and he's fascinated by all this and will meddle in anything he gets the chance to so all the Linux machines and network hardware need to be behind lock and key.

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Fedora :: Exclude - Hide A User From GDM Logon Window

May 31, 2010

If you need to to exclude one or mode user from your gdm login window you must edit "/etc/gdm/gdm.schemas" and add the user you want exclude from the <key> "greeter/Exclude" (near the other user in <default></default>)

When Fedora could have a gdm config again?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Default Window Manager To User?

Sep 13, 2010

I have a HTPC that launches XBMC standalone automatically, but want to be able to quit and login as a normal Gnome user. I heard that you can set a default Window manager to the user. How do you do that?

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Programming :: Send Password Window To User Display?

Jul 6, 2011

How can i send a password window to display?

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