Debian Programming :: HTML Export - Consolidate Several Lines Of CSV File With Firewall Rules

Oct 11, 2013

I have a CSV file, which I created using an HTML export from a Check Point firewall policy. Each rule is represented as several lines, in some cases. That occurs when a rule has several address sources, destinations or services.

I need the output to have each rule described in only one line. It's easy to distinguish when each rule begins. In the first column, there's the rule ID, which is a number.

Here's an example. In green are marked the strings that should be moved:

See example. The strings that should be moved are in bold:


What I need ,explained in pseudo code, is this:

Read the first column of the next line. If there's a number:

Evaluate the first column of the next line. If there's no number there, concatenate (separating with a comma) the strings in the columns of this line with the last one and eliminate the text in the current one

The output should be something like this. The strings in bold are the ones that were moved:


The empty lines are there only to be more clear, I don't actually need them.

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Debian Programming :: Consolidate Several Lines Of CSV File With Firewall Rules

Oct 10, 2013

Consolidate several lines of a CSV file with firewall rules, in order to parse them easier?

I have a .csv file, which I created using an HTML export from a Check Point firewall. The objective is to have all the firewall configuration lines where a given host is present. I have to do this for a few hundred, manually is not a reasonable option. I'm going to write a simple Python script for this.

The problem is that the output from the Check Point firewall is complicated to work with. If a firewall rule works with several source or destination hosts, services or other configurations, instead of having them separated with a symbol other than a comma, I get a new line.

This prevents me from exporting the line where the host is present, since I would be missing info.

Let me show you an example, hostnames are modified, of course:

1;;fwxcluster;mcast_vrrp;;vrrp;accept;Log;fwxcluster;Any;"VRRP;;*Comment suppressed*
2;;fwxcluster;fwxcluster;;FireWall;accept;Log;fwxcluster;Any;"Management FWg;*Comment suppressed*
3;NTP;G_NTP_Clients;cmm_ntpserver_pe01;;ntp;accept;None;fwxcluster;Any;*Comment suppressed*

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Programming :: CSS - Put Several Lines Of HTML Into One Line Using CSS?

Dec 14, 2008

I've got a website set up which has a section which is just a bunch of links on the side. But this section of links is on every page of the website. And when I expand and add more links I don't want to have to go to every page and add the new link. Is there a way that I could put all the links into something on CSS (or anything else) that I could just include one line in the HTML? So that when I add a link I'll only have to edit the one file and and then every page will be updated?

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Software :: Coping With MS Outlook - Getting It To Launch, Run Export Rules And Exit?

May 7, 2011

I often find myself working in environments that force MS Outlook down my throat. I know there must be others here who have dealt with this frustration, so I'm hoping to get a convenient workaround.My strategy so far has been to make an Outlook rule that immediately copies every email to a PST file (for export). This is the first rule that runs. The pst file is kept directly on network filespace, so the linux and windows sides can both get at it. On the linux side, a pst to mbox converter runs, and then emacs can access the mbox mail.

It all works, but it's cumbersome. The script must periodically move the PST file and immediately copy an empty PST file in its place. I would have appreciated it if Outlook would only handle the file when adding mail to it. The problem is, after I replace the file with an empty PST file, Outlook pukes, and even deactivates the rule for copying emails. So I must manually close Outlook, empty the PST file, then relaunch Outlook just to run the rule to copy email.Is there a way to use cygwin or something to launch outlook in the background, run outlook rules, and exit, every 10 minutes?

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Fedora :: Gedit - Html Export Plugin - 13

Jun 28, 2010

Does anyone know how to install html-export plugin for Gedit ?

I took it from here: [url]

It is pretty old, was not updated for a long time.

When configuring I get:


Alternatively you may set the GEDIT_CFLAGS and GEDIT_LIBS environment variables to avoid the need to call pkg-config. See the pkg-config man page for more details.

I have installed gedit-devel but it did not help unfortunately.

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Programming :: Converting A HTML File To A PNG File Through Python Script?

Jan 29, 2010

I have managed to create a HTML file inside python code,convert this to a PNG file through a Python script ?

EDIT: Details added: I have a python script which generates map-legends in the form of an html file. The legend generated have to be pasted on a map which is in a png format. A png format file can be pasted on another png format file easily. But because the legends generated are in a html format I cannot paste it on the map file !!

EDIT: Details added: I did Googling first but it resulted in various soft wares for above purpose which I don't want !!

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Ubuntu :: Can't Create File /etc/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules?

Jun 19, 2011

I need to create filename 70-android.rules in the directory /etc/udev/rules.d/I have Adm privileges in my user account properties, but when I use sudo to create this file the Ubuntu OS does not allow me the privilege... I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and here's the Terminal output below:daddy@gatomon-laptop:/etc/udev/rules.d$ sudo cat > 70-android.rulesbash: 70-android.rules: Permission denieddaddy@gatomon-laptop:/etc/udev$ ls -ltotal 8drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2011-03-16 18:03 rules.d-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 218 2010-04-19 04:30 udev.conf

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Programming :: Sed Delete Lines From File One If Regexp Are Listed In File Two?

Sep 17, 2009

I am trying to delete lines of a file if they contain text that is present on another file. For example

> cat one.txt:



I get the following output:

> ./ one.txt two.txt


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Fedora Networking :: Firewall Rules Do Not Append?

Nov 29, 2010

Even though I've set up HTTPS to be trusted, it still blocks my school's https site: "" same with SAMBA and SSH.

If enter the GUI and authenticate as root, change anything and apply, then exit: it works fine and so does SAMBA. However, after restarting, everything stops working again.

yet secure firewall configuration that doesn't require any login or headaches.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Firewall Rules For Specific OS?

Aug 26, 2010

can I deny the access to my server for a specific OS? I have one PC which I want to give it acces from winxp, but if it's boot into ubuntu I want to deny all access to my server, same IP, same ethernet card

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Ubuntu Security :: Clarification On Firewall Rules?

May 9, 2010

I have a set of iptables rules generated by Firestarter, and i'm in the process of trying to familiarise myself with iptables itself, but there's one particular rule which is confusing me, perhaps somebody could explain it to me

My INPUT chain reads as follows:

Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp flags:!FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/SYN
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp flags:!FIN,SYN,RST,ACK/SYN


Given that the firewall is actually blocking packets, it can't be this simple, so what am I missing?

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Networking :: Firewall Installed Using IPtables - NAT Rules?

Apr 7, 2010

I just install 1 firewall using Iptables.
Firewall includes 2 NIC:
I installed 1 web server IP:
I have some PC IP range:>20

I set rules NAT on firewall and PC & web server can connect internet good, but I have problems:
When PC access to web server with IP that ok, but PC can't access to web server when using IP Public. But outside internet, I can access to web server using IP Public.

Rules on IPTables
# Generated by iptables-save v1.3.5 on Sun Mar 7 21:01:16 2010
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [19:1342]
-A PREROUTING -d -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
-A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source
:INPUT DROP [1599:157409]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [232:34452]
-A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth1 -j ACCEPT

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Programming :: Cutting An Html File Apart - Perl - Sed - Awk?

Apr 13, 2010

I have an html file like this

HTML Code:

Some more HTML code... I would like to cut the above text so i get this: Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this. Sometext on multiple lines like this.Sometext on multiple lines like this.

There are other HTML files with similar cuts I need to do, but once I have the method for doing one, I am sure I can do the others.

I think the two logical strings to cut between would be:

I am not sure if these strings are always the start and end of the line respectively, is this makes a lot of difference! Then the HTML tags would need to be stripped to get the text on its own.

I know the commands for removing tags, but searching for a string like class="IOSSectionTitle", and cutting everything before it etc is something I am finding challenging.

Just thought I would add that the HTML does not nec. appear on logical new lines throughout the file and there may be unexpected new lines, but as far as i know the class="IOSSectionTitle" and <img always appears as a string without any new lines between those characters.

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Programming :: Add HTML Formatting To Text File?

Jun 30, 2010

I need to extract som text from a text file. The text is a test log with system info at the top and results further down. What I need is to add different tags with formatting before and after each line. I have prepared a template with html formatting, but the number of lines in the test log may be different from case to case, so I need to be able to add formatting tags by need. Can this be done using bash script, sed, awk, head, tail... ?

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Programming :: Insert Each Line Of One File To The Another File After Certain Lines?

Jul 2, 2010

i have two files with thousands of line, I am trying to combine these two files but i want to insert each line of one file to the another file after certain lines. I am using awk with the following command but it does not file1 | awk ' { print $0; if (NR%3004==0) {print "file2"}}' > outputfile

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Debian :: What Should Be In /rules File For Dh_make?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm trying to build the package "minitunes" [url] but when I attempt the code:

The build exits with the code dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2

This actually happens when I try to build any package with "dh_make" so I'm wondering if it is because of my debian/rules file, which I'm not so certain how to edit.

What should actually be in such a file? I have mine posted below for the minitunes package debian/rules:

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Networking :: Firewall Builder Fails To Open Rules

Jun 7, 2011

every now and then Firewall Builder fails to open rules (*.fwb)and I have to use some old backup. it does load 'object libraries' but the main 'currently editing policy' panel is empty.(in gnome, debian testing amd64)

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Programming :: Script To Create Index.html File?

Sep 25, 2010

I need a script that can do this: A script that searches all directories and subdirectories for .html files When a .html file is found it creates a index.html file in that folder. It then edits the index.html file and inserts links to all of the .html files that are in that folder into the body. If no .html files are found, it searches for folders. It then creates a index.html file with links to all of the folders.

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Debian :: Sed With Bash Variable In Rules File

Jun 6, 2015

How can we do a file replacing string on debian/rules file using sed and bash variable ? I don't seem to be able to do so. I have tried below under the install section with arch dependent amd64, as far as I know all the bash commands are allowed to be executed in debian/rules file.

I have tried this :

Code: Select all
debian/rules file
ipaddr=`<long command to find ipaddr>`
sed -i -e 's/somestring/'$myVar'/g' $(configs)*
sed -i -e "s/somestring/$myVar/g" $(configs)*


Nothing works. Sed works but the hostname replacement doesn't work.

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Programming :: How To Add Characters And Lines To File

Jan 29, 2011

For example, I have a file called "file" like this one:
type=strongsubj len=1 word=absolve pos=verb stemmed=y priorpolarity=positive
type=strongsubj len=1 word=unique pos=adj stemmed=n priorpolarity=neutral
type=strongsubj len=1 word=absolutely pos=adj stemmed=n priorpolarity=neutral
type=weaksubj len=1 word=taking pos=verb stemmed=y priorpolarity=positive
type=weaksubj len=1 word=friend pos=noun stemmed=n priorpolarity=positive
type=weaksubj len=1 word=usually pos=adverb stemmed=n priorpolarity=positive
type=strongsubj len=1 word=purecolor pos=anypos stemmed=n priorpolarity=negative
type=strongsubj len=1 word=accusingly pos=anypos stemmed=n priorpolarity=negative

I want to add the plural for the noun, for example if find this line:
type=weaksubj len=1 word=friend pos=noun stemmed=n priorpolarity=positive
will add one more line :
type=weaksubj len=1 word=friends pos=noun stemmed=n priorpolarity=positive
where we add "s" for the word friend
I did try to do like that:
cat file | while read LINE ; do

set -- ${line}
if [[ "${4#pos1=}" == "noun" ]];then
#I tried this line but it doesn't work properly:
v3==$(echo $line |sed 's/$3/$s') #I want to find the third word "word=friend" in that line and add "s" after that word
# I don't know what command to add this new line "$v3" to the file ???

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Programming :: Indent The File Lines Using Vi?

Oct 1, 2010

Every now and then I have to indent the lines in my script to 4 space characters. I generally do it line by line. Is there an automated command in vi using which I can indent some set of lines to desired number of space characters in one go.

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Programming :: Sed Match Last X Lines Of A File

Mar 17, 2009

I'm trying to find the correct sed syntax to match from a given pattern to the end of the file and then append that pattern to the end of the file.

I was trying:

But that prints each line right after its original occurrence. I want to match the block and then append it to the end of the file.

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Programming :: Insert A Comment In Html File Based On Its Contents?

Jun 10, 2010

I have multiple HTML files in a folder. there is a <h2> tag like this:


<h2>some text</h2>

in each file. I want to write a shell script/batch file to add this tag in <head> section of each file:


<!-- TITLE= "same text from h2 tag" -->

Note that <h2>some text</h2> in some files has 1 or more linebreaks and so I couldn't capture tag content using a simple grep or...
for example:

<h2>first part of text
second line of text</h2>

The line break shouldn't be shown in <!-- TITLE= "same text from h2 tag" -->. The script has to capture tag content & skip line breaks.

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Programming :: Arrays In Awk - Take Some Data From A File - Ssh Log - And Print It To A Html Table

Feb 7, 2011

I have a problem with arrays in awk. What i want is to take some data from a file (ssh log) and print it to a html table. I have managed to print some stuff (user logged in and how many times they have logged in) What i want more is to take all the ip that each user logged in from and print it in a row next to the username and times (in the code i typed blabbla where i want the ip to be shown. How do you think i should approch that, multidimensional arrys maybe?


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Programming :: Script To Create Simple HTML From Text File?

Oct 1, 2009

I am working on a script to convert a comma seperated text file into html code line by line. The text file is like so:


link url, image url, description and I want it to output this:


<td><a href=�link url�><img src="image url" alt=�description" /></a></td>

Here is what I have so far:


var1='<td><a href=
var2='><img src="'
var3='" alt=�thumbnail image" /></a></td>'


It puts the entire line into the html so its no good. I'll probably need to use awk (I think).

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Programming :: Client Side To Include HTML Within HTML?

Sep 12, 2009

what is the best way (i.e standard way that is supported on all browsers and probably as well followed by web crawlers).... to include an html file either locally or externally in another ? Of course , i've done the research and i also know that there are server side includes (php , asp name it) at the moment , i'm using this:


<script type="text/javascript" src="path to file/include-file.js"> </script>

however, i've been warned that this method may not show up in some browsers as some tend to ignore this tag and that crawlers like your favorite search engine wouldn't bother reading this. so , what is the best and safest way to do the job? and btw , the reason why i've ousted SSI's from the start is because of among other things:

1) the fact that the included file is static html and because the text is included pretty much everywhere

2) hoping to reduce load time as the code (if successfully recognized) would hopefully be treated like any other embedded external file (e.x like an image) , therefore it would be cached without the need to downloaded it over and over again for each new page on the site.

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Programming :: Add Comma To End Of Lines In Text File?

Aug 21, 2010

I have a plain text file with 360 lines of varying length text. How do I add a comma or other symbol to the end of each line so that I can convert the file to csv format that I can open in a spreadsheet (45 rows, 8 columns). That means each 8 lines of text forms 8 columns, with 45 rows.

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Programming :: Bash There Will Be Empty Lines At The End Of The File?

Mar 26, 2011

Using awk I pull the first field of a random line from my datafile.myvar1=`awk -F" " 'NR=='$randline' {printf "%s", $1}' myfileThis works fine. The problem is there will be empty lines at the end of the file. Rather than using awkto filter out blank lines I would like to figure this out first.So I test $myvar1 for a blank string after setting $randline to one that I know is blank:test -z "$myvar1" && echo "true" || echo "false"But, this returns "false"? So the string is not zero length. Why? It's a tab-separated file. Is awk storing the tab with the $1 field or something.This is where I get headache. I try to echo my variable to see what it looks like.

echo "$myvar1"
outputs: nothing
echo "My variable is [$myvar1]"
outputs: [y variable is [

Why is the closing bracket at the beginning? What character could be stored in $myvar1 that would do such a thing and how did it get there?

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Programming :: Reading Lines Within A File (Perl)?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to read certain lines within a file and give the output of the certain lines that dont equal my value, I think showing you would be easier. There is multiples of these inside one file...


LV Name /dev/vg00/lvol1
LV Status available/syncd
LV Size (Mbytes) 300lable/syncd


I want to read everything in the file, if the status is not available then it should display the name (directly above status). If they are all availbale then do nothing. I think I know how to do it which includes putting the info in string form and placing in hash but it is proving to be out of my skill range.

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Programming :: Reading Specific Lines From A File?

Sep 10, 2009

To save on the writing of WAY to many files with very little in them, I want to put it all in one file and read a specific few lines. There will be six variables to be read at a time. Format is as such:

//Set 1
string name


From name to 5th number is a set. The name will be of different lengths for each set. This will be a big file of probably 40+ sets. My problem lies in reading one and only one set be it set 5 or set 34. It needs to be done in C++.

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