Debian Multimedia :: Noise On Image Viewer After Rawtherapee Export
Jan 19, 2016
I have a doubt about the Gnome default Image Viewer.It's because I edit my RAW images on RawTherapee, and then export them to jpg.When I open the exported pictures on the image viewer, it looks like has lots of noise.But when I open the same picture on Gimp or Iceweasel, the noises doen't appear.
So, the question is: which image viewer is wrong? Is Gimp and Iceweasel "fixing" the picture automatically, or Gnome Image Viewer is reading it wrongly and showing it with noise?URL...
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May 20, 2010
Is there image viewer for linux similar to ACDSee?
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Jun 4, 2011
I want an image viewer to show the images in a directory in a random order. For that, I made the following script:
cd /home/DIRECTORY
ls > files
sort -R files
cat files | gpicview
Everything looks fine, but gpicview doesn't open the images! I also tried it with pqiv but instead of just opening the images, it opens a dialog asking me which of the files I want to open.
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Apr 5, 2011
Whenever I want to look at an image on the command line I use Kview, but what I want to use is the standard one you get when you click on an image file in windows mode. For me it's called visionneur d'image cos I'm using linux at my university in France.
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Jul 6, 2010
Iam looking for an Image viewer that lets me delete images through an 'delete' button/option in toolbox.. Most of the image viewers uses edit menu-->delete option,but iam looking for an direct link,clicking on which deletes the image currently open in image viewer
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Jul 1, 2011
I have just installed squeeze 6.0.2 amd64 and noticed when I use k3b to burn/verify a disc, when it has finished burning the media it plays a sound, and rather sound is played which sounds very crackly/muffled.I do not remember this on ubuntu, and I cannot say for sure but I dont recall this happening on squeeze 6.0.1.
Sound plays perfectly in all other applications, no problems whatsoever.This is not a big deal, I just dont remember this happening. I know this isnt the most detailed posting but does anyone have any idea what this could be? I even tried to reinstall k3b through synaptics and the problem still persists.
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May 15, 2011
Here's what I updated yesterday The following NEW packages will be installed:libboost-program-options1.46.1{a} python-chardet{a} python-debian{a}
Whenever I play a flash object that has sound, there is this repetitive beeping noise audible over the audio track. I've tried this on different videos and different sites, always with the same result. Whenever I play a multimedia file in Iceweasel, for example [URL]... plodes.ogv , the sound is normal, as is the sound for any multimedia file that I play in MPlayer. So, I am convinced it is a flash issue. What I don't get is why this just started happening for no apparent reason.
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Nov 17, 2010
I foolishly did some editing to tracks on my Macbook. I didn't know that the changes are not apllied to the actual MP3s. So what I had wanted to do was to take the songs and copy them back to my desktop. But the edited tags don't move with them. Anyway to move song plus tags?
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Jan 27, 2011
I use Kino to transfer dv from my camera and also use it for video editing, but there are very few GUI options when it comes to transcoding the edited files into, say, h264. Kino is using ffmpeg, and I know there are a plethora of options. For instance, here is the output of the logfile from a file I made with h264 and the best quality available in Kino.#options: 768x576 fps=25/1 cabac=0 ref=1 deblock=0:0:0 analyse=0x1:0 me=dia subme=8 psy_rd=1.0:0.0 mixed_ref=0 me_range=4 chroma_me=0 trellis=0 8x8dct=0 cqm=0 deadzone=21,11 chroma_qp_offset=-2 threads=2 nr=0 decimate=1 mbaff=0 bframes=0 keyint=300 keyint_min=25 scenecut=0(pre) rc=abr bitrate=2048 ratetol=2.0 qcomp=0.50 qpmin=2 qpmax=31 qpstep=3 ip_ratio=1.25 aq=1:1.00Frankly, I am not that impressed with the result, and would like to use settings that give a better result, e.g. adjusting bitrate and more passes
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Oct 17, 2015
i have a problem with both spotify and teamviewer. Both of them work just fine but when i close the main window they keep going in background (as they should) but, not showing any tray icon, if i want to close them i have to manually kill them in a terminal. For teamviewer there's an option to choose to completely close the program by closing the windows but i would like to have the possibility of having the app working in background with a tray icon!!!
Spotify gave me the same problem but i read on spotify community that is a bug of the current version. Still i'd like to solve the problem with teamviewer.I had a similar problem with skype and i solved getting a plugin from but for teamviewer i don't see anything similar...
debian 8.2 jessie
asus n53jl
kernel 3.16.0-4-amd64
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May 23, 2010
I am trying to locate a simple image viewer that does the following simple function:
1. Able to open JPEG files (only .jpg images loaded).
2. Open them in full screen mode (launched via terminal command).
3. Able to close once clicked on them in full screen mode (example config file: MOUSE_BTN0 = quit)
I tried a few, I liked the simplicity of Eye of Gnome ( eog ), but the close on a click while in full screen doesn't seem an option? Unless there's a config file hidden somewhere?
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Aug 17, 2011
I would like to display a fully opaque image (e.g. PNG RGB8) on the desktop in an image viewer - but such that I can set the window (showing the image) to be, say, 50% transparent (so I could see through and compare with other windows below). It would be even better if the viewer just shows a "panel" instead of a "window" (i.e. I'd prefer just the image shown, possibly with a border - instead of a full blown window with menubar, titlebar etc).
I'm aware that in Compiz, it should be possible to run a plugin, and have any window you want transparent - but I was hoping for a solution (viewer) that would not be Compiz-specific (and even more preferred, if it is neither Gnome nor KDE specific - but I'm not sure that is possible).
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Sep 7, 2010
Fast image viewer: MIRAGE or EOG? [URL] or [URL]. Which one do you favour? If possible, why such choice. (All choices are matter of tastes and preferences, being respected, and all have 100pct right).
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Feb 8, 2010
I want to know if there is any application from which I can view/convert the JBG Images to any other format. I have installed XnView and Image Magick. XnView does no support the JBG Images and Image Magick gives error while converting the image.
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Jan 10, 2010
I've read about and taken brief looks at F-Spot, Gthumb, GQView, KphotoAlbum, and digiKam. Why is it so hard to find an app that edits IPTC? I think digiKam is supposed to, but 1) I was hoping not to have to run a KDE app on Gnome and 2) I can't even figure out how to use the darn thing ... it seems very unintuitive to me.
I miss Irfanview so much. (and no, I don't want to run WINE. I don't know why so many people are quick to suggest running Windows apps in WINE. If i wanted to run Windows apps, I'd run stinkin' Windows.)
It's one of those weeks for me when I feel like the more I actually try to USE Ubuntu for getting things done (as a long time Windows user), the more my hands are tied. I mean crap... MediaMonkey, Irfanview, ... ugh. Computers are for accomplishing tasks. Apps are for doing those tasks. OSes are for running those apps. I used to be a diehard OS/2 fan back in the day until I finally gave in to Windows. I still knew OS/2 was way superior, but what's the use in running a "superior" OS if you don't have the apps with features you need? I'm not trying to start a fight here and I hope I don't get slammed for my little venting here, but honestly...
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Jan 31, 2011
I've tried what feels like at least a dozen different image viewers and I'm still hunting for one that handles viewing by date taken. The trick is that I'd like to just click the jpeg as they come off the camera and then browse through all the photos in the order taken... without having to load them into a photo management application, sort them in their, then start viewing from there. Too many extra steps for too many pictures when you're looking at a collection that is already organized (using the file system, i.e., nested directories) back to 2000. I need (ideally) a viewer where I click the jpeg, then go next next next through them in the order in which they were taken. Does anyone know if this sort of thing exists?
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Nov 5, 2009
I've noticed in Gnome pretty much all applications auto-rotate images when viewing, but leave the original image data intact. This may sound silly, but when I want to post pictures on, for instance, Facebook they upload as the picture was originally taken. So, if I took a picture with the camera flipped sideways it appears upright in Nautilus and the two image viewers I have installed, but when I upload the picture it appears to be flipped on its side. Does anyone know how to disable the auto-rotate when viewing feature?
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Mar 19, 2011
The default image viewer in 10.10 (eog) has met its match, a ~500MB image of the moon. I just thought it was kind of funny, while browsing the software center for an image viewer that could handle it, I noticed the description of the one installed by default and thought it was kind of funny, so I snapped this screenshot and thought I'd share it with you guys. By the way I have 4 GB of RAM and can view the image just fine in GIMP, just thought this was kind of funny.
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Jul 7, 2010
I'm a total newbie in Linux and only have limited experience of programming - in Hypercard, Javascript and some Python on the Mac platform. Now I want to get started with high-level programming and scripting on Ubuntu 10.04. The project I have in mind is fairly simple: I want to create an image viewer window that I can bring up on a RAW image file in Nautilus - with the help of dcraw, to inspect the image at 100% without going into a separate application.
The viewer should have a button that if clicked, would then convert the file to a TIFF, again using dcraw. That's it, that's all there is to it. My initial impression is that I should be able to achieve this using Python and GTK widgets. Am I right? How can I find the commands and structures I will need to work with?
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Mar 4, 2010
When I am deleting pictures using gThumb image viewer it asks "The selected images will be moved to Trash, are you sure?" And if I press "yes" button - it moves message to ~/.Trash, can it be configured to move them into "real" trash? I have created symbolic link and it solved part of my problems, but files "restore" option is unavailable to files which were moved in to trash by this method.
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Jan 3, 2011
I want a simple short gimp batch script that will take one image, paste it into a predetermined layer on another image, export as png and discard changes. Unfortunately, I can't find any tutorials on using gimp batch. Anyone know any such tutorials (Or better yet, what my script needs to be)
So far this is what I have. I need a way to loop through the layers to check the name of them, I also need a way to ditch the previously opened files from memory (Otherwise gimp still has both images in memory) (I'm going to mark this solved so I can make a cleaner post once I get it together)
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Sep 1, 2010
There's something very annoying about how Nautilus opens "image viewer" windows.
They open, I can see them, but when I press the keyboard, it's still Nautilus which gets the commands.
This is because Nautilus stays the active window!
Most annoyingly, when I want to have a quick look at an image, and then close it, Nautilus closes instead (Alt+F4).
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
How to solve it?
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Jan 8, 2011
I have triedShotwellgThumbF-SpotNone of them has the possibility to define a shortcut which will move current picture to a defined folder.I want to get a collection of pictures to send to a friend. Before that I want to resize using imagemagick.Irfanview allows definition of locations for "Copy to" or "Move to" (F8 shows list of predefined locations, press 0-9 for copy. So effectively two key strokes). Does anyone know about an ubuntu image viewer that makes this possible with one key combination?
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Jun 12, 2010
seahorse export menu is always disabled. I need to export the passwords to restore it after formatting my machine.
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Jan 31, 2010
Since about a few weeks, I have a problem with the sound on my Ubuntu Jaunty 64-bit. From any application it would simply provide noise instead of the real sound. The motherboard is working fine and providing sound under Vista. Initially, I then managed to change the settings in System-> Sound from Auto to one of the options, which provided for a decent test result. Now this is not working anymore either ... so I only get noise out of my speakers.
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Sep 21, 2010
I'm running the latest version of Ubuntu and have been for a while now without issue. However today (actually now yesterday) i made the giant mistake of upgrading my on board HD3150 graphics to a PCIe HD5570 since then my whole life has fallen to bits.
First i noticed some visual noise on the screen. Concluding this was due to incorrect or out of date drivers i attempted to update them from the Hardware Drivers section. This gave the error:
SystemError: installArchives() failed
Activating from the command line using jockey gave the same error.
Deciding a reboot might be needed i did so. On power up all ubuntu and recovery modes produced an unskinned GUI with no desktop icons that responded to no mouse or keyboard input.
I was forced to reinstall the operating system.
On reinstalling and losing everything i had installed previously (it's going to take many days to get that all back and working again!), i still have the screen noise, have still been getting the same errors on attempting to activate the drivers, except now i also get this:
the installation of this driver failed.
Please have a look at the log file for details.: /var/log/jockey.log
2010-09-22 01:40:58,589 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xa332aec> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v045Ep00E1d0007dc00dsc00dp00ic03isc01ip02')
2010-09-22 01:40:58,589 DEBUG: querying driver db <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB instance at 0xa332aec> about HardwareID('modalias', 'usb:v046Dp0804d0009dcEFdsc02dp01ic0Eisc01ip00')
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Feb 5, 2011
Is there a way to filter static or noise out of an mp3? I have avidemux and audacity but I'm not sure how to go about it, or if its actually possible.
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Apr 25, 2011
I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 in a Samsung R510. I've tried to record sound with an external microphone and there have always been a permanent noise accompanying it.I thought it could be the internal microphone, that's causing the noise, but even when I disabled it the noise remains. Or maybe I didn't disable it the right way !
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Jun 21, 2011
I'm getting this weird noise and (sometimes) delayed audio on HDMI out on VLC. I've tried banshee, miro, ..... on FF and all of them work just right. I would settle changing VLC's sound output to ALSA, but it's also buggy as I get no audio after pausing. Restarting or reloading Pulseaudio and ALSA didn't work either.
Does anybody have a recommendation? Obviously, I'd like to stick with VLC.
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Aug 4, 2010
When I turn my sound up all the way I hear a white noise or "staticy" sound which I do not know how to get rid of. My sound when playing music is not the best sound quality either. Please help me out somebody please. Here is my sound card info:
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