Debian :: Mail And IM Server Setup ?
Aug 22, 2011
I would like to set up a mail and instant messaging server running on squeeze.It will be running on a 1ghz celeron (pentium 3 era) with 1gb ram and 10gb hdd (I'm assuming these are high enough specs) It will have less than 10 accounts and probably no webserver (not sure if good idea). I am also unsure of what IM protocols would be best for this. I would prefer to do all this from the command line if possible (so long as it's not too hard) and preferably from a remote machine (so SSH?) I prefer IMAP if possible but pop3 and smtp are also fine. I would also like to be able to connect remotely with encryption (not a big requirement -just a nice feature)
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Nov 29, 2008
i am looking for a guide to setup a mail server on my domain ( so i could have some accounts like
and i was wondering how i can make it , and if there a webmail interface to control my emails.
P.S. this is server located at my home so i have full access
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Apr 16, 2010
I would like to discuss setting up a mail server and its implications and alternatives. First, let us see if I have understood this correctly: A mail server consists of many different components. First, a server to listen to any mail inbound for a specific domain (say postfix), and then a POP3/IMAP server (say dovecot). Then, I should somehow configure the rules by which all mail is forwarded to their respective owners. This should be fairly simple by using debians package managers and dselect or whatever program it is that sets up right packages by use cases at the install.
But now lets assume a more complicated environment, where there are multiple users with different domains and needs. First, we need to send mail to ourselves from webapps for instance for backup purposes. So let's say we have a domain called setup, and we want to send mail to Unfortunately, some configuration issue makes the application get confused, because it is trying to send mail to itself, but doesn't quite understand what it should do. How can this problem can be solved?
Second, how could I configure different domains with different rules. For instance, if I want one domain to have a catch-all account, where random email sent to erroneous accounts is captured? Or if I want to create accounts which are not based on actual Debian accounts, but instead just random usernames (say,,, etc.)?
Finally, which are the best web-guis for doing such configuration? What if the customer wants to himself add accounts? I cannot require him to edit text files - especially if he can thus break the whole configuration for other customers as well.. postfix-admin is one, but it is quite crude-looking. Is there something which integrates both postfix, apache and dovecot configuration? How about Webmin?
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Feb 8, 2010
Could anyone point me to some simple articles that explain what email encryption is and how to set up a mail server (e.g. Exim) that can send secure emails? I know nothing about networks, mail servers, encryption, etc., but I have to be an expert on it before I walk into work tomorrow morning.
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Jul 1, 2009
I have a Fedora 10 machine that I want to setup to send email. However I don't want it to be a full blown SMTP setup.What I am looking to achieve is when something sends email from the local machine (e.g. from cron) to an address I want it to use an MTA on the local machine which will then connect to, and authenticate with, my e-mail providers SMTP server this will then take care of actually sending the e-mail.I don't want, or need, to setup a full blown SMTP service (i.e. only the local machine should be able to use it) so sendmail seems a bit over the top for my needs. Nor do I want to mess about with MX records (am I right in thinking this will mean I have to manage all mail for my domain?).
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Aug 25, 2010
Through yast2 I went to network services-->Mail server and took the standard option. My connection type is Permanent, filled in the outgoing server information and got to the incoming mail screen.
I told it to accept remote SMTP connections, open a port in the firewall and bypassed the downloading section since I just want to directly receive mail (I did however tell it I wanted a daemon to fetchmail). Told it to forward root's mail to me and a delivery mod of Directly. And finished.
The system sends mail out but I can't seem to receive any. What did I do wrong or what else do I need to do?
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Feb 22, 2010
What is the easiest way to setup an incoming and outgoing mail server on centos? Without using a control panel, such was webmin.
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Nov 3, 2010
I just recently purchased a vs from a company and i am trying to set up a web site on it with kloxo and set up the mail for it upon setting up the mail settings it says:
"It is very essential that you set the my name to a properly resolvable hostname, since otherwise, many public mailservers like hotmail will reject mails from your server"
Now this is my first time setting up a vs before i have set up linux vm's to get email access but that was about a year ago.
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Oct 2, 2009
I want to setup a mail sever for my network.But I don't know how.
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Jun 8, 2011
How to configure a Debian mail server as a user send a mail with attachment maximum wight is 5 Mb.
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Apr 22, 2010
i basically had this system installed for our mail system.The setup is as follows:
1. Operating system installed is Debian ver. 5.0.3
2. Roundcube is installed as a webmail(if its right for me to say that)
3. The server is hosted right here at our offices
4.The server uses relay system to send mail i.e. relays all our mails to our ISP
That all i can say about the configurations becuase thats as much as i understand it.The problem now is that we are not able to send or recieve emails from both internal and external.I tried to send mail to a collegue in the office who is on our local LAN,Roundcube says sent successfully but the person does not recieve the mail.i tried to send to my yahoo address but nothing.I dont know where these mails have been trapped.
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Apr 7, 2009
I want to setup a mail server on my LAN. I want to send e-mails from 1 system to another systems.
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Oct 14, 2010
Ubuntu 10.10point me the URL of Howto re setup a mail/LAMP server Google brought me the howto from howtoforge. I need the howto from Ubuntu documentation/Greek.
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May 13, 2010
I've just finished installed a mail server with Fedora 12 + postfix + courier. I also have Squirrelmail and ISPConfig3 installed. The mail server is behind a router. I have [URL] pointed to the static IP at my router. My ISP has opened port 25 & 110 for me and my router has these 2 ports forwarded to my mail server ( in local network can connect to my mail server and send emails with no problem but cannot receive emails from outside. I tried an email dossier and it saids connection timed out on smtp session. Do I need to include my static IP somewhere in the configuration so that it communicates to the world properly?
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Apr 7, 2010
I have sendmail running in system,i want to send mail to other accounts like gmail,yahoo using this sendmail.What should i do ?
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Mar 13, 2010
I am working on setting up a bind 9 nameserver that will be responsible for serving up DNS records for my internal network and publicly for my web server. My configuration is below:
Firewall Gateway (Ubuntu Server 9.10) ---> switch ---> internal servers (ubuntu server 9.10 and mac os x server)
The internal servers are all on the same subnet, so DNS, web and mail will all be on the same subnet of private IPs. Each internal server is mapped with SNAT to a public IP address. And the DNS server only has port 53 forwarded to it.I am trying to figure out the best way to set up my nameserver so that it can provide records for my internal servers based on private IP addresses, and then provide records to the public for my internal servers based on their public IP addresses. I had a few questions on this:
1) Is this the correct way to think about my setup, or is this typically done in another way?
2) Does anyone have recommendations on the specific configuration I should follow?
3) Are there specific references I should look into as well?
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Aug 11, 2010
I'm trying to set up an mail filter for our domain. At the moment we're using ClearOS as the filter, works OK but I still get something through and the blacklist and whitelist doesn't seem to work. I was hoping to set up a mail filter on my own, using Spamassassin and/or something else. It seems I have to buy subscription at ClearOS to make it update better or something. I might just do that, it's just tempting to find a way to do it on "my own". I tried to follow these instructions but I don't seem to go anywhere... ...I began with setting up the base server as it is shown there. I've setup quite a few Linux servers, mainly as firewall/gateway kind of things but also some DNS servers, web servers and so on.
I have one mail server and the mail filter is supposed to be on the outside to filter mail before it hits the mail server.
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May 7, 2010
I already have a web server with apache 2, ftp, phpmyadmin, ispconfig2, running on internet. I use dyndns service to have the server on internet. Now I am trying to setup and configure a mail server base on Postfix With SMTP-AUTH And TLS.The host name is the domain name The internet URL is URL... .So when I am setting up Postfix I need the System mail name: and Other destinations to accept mail for : here is my question which name do I must use on this configuration. Hostname ( or URL.
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Oct 1, 2010
Does any one have information on who to setup a server as mailchimp . com ?
i am looking for setting up a server for similar use.
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Mar 3, 2010
setup a mail server using sendmail on Redhat 5/Centos 5.
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Feb 16, 2010
Iam using merak mail server.I would like to setup default and common email signatures and some contents in all of the users mailbox.How to setup in the server?.
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May 27, 2011
Before setting up a dedicated web- and mail-server system, I want to learn it by setting both up on my desktop environment. So far I can only find how-to's which are based on server install iso's.
Is it wise first to install a mail server by using i.e. [URL]. Get it up and running and then install a lamp server using [URL]
Both servers must use my own IP address which is related to my own domain I also need to understand how to incorporated these.
My desktop is Ubuntu 11.04 2.6.38-8-generic x86_64.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have ticket tracking software that mails ticket to groups. Right now the software is on an exchange server. After moving it to a dedicated linux server (debian lenny) I cant get it to email any of the internal domain addresses. I have tried to setup sendmail to relay it to the exchange server. Logs indicate that it was sent by the ticket tracking software but the message never hits the mailbox. It also wont get to any other mail address. Is there a better way to do this? The crm software will utilize either a smtp server or any mail server on the localhost. The problem is that with the dedicated server on the same network as the exchange server, it fails to send the mail even if I assign an external smtp server. But if the dedicated server is on a different network then it works using any smtp server in its configuration. I need something that can "pass the email" to the exchange server. Or just be able to send the mail to internal email account and still be on the same network.
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Aug 6, 2010
I have Ubuntu and I want to setup a mailserver. I use fetchmail to fetch mail But I wanted to configure fetchmail with fetchmailconf. I know, I can edit the configfile, but I wanted to use fetchmailconf. According to the man of fetchmail, fetchmailconf is very handy.
In synaptic, I installed fetchmail and I wanted to install fetchmailconf : well it didnt work
fetchmailconf needs fetchmail So, no worries: I searched the internet for fetchmailconf, but I couldn't find any. Same with fetchmail6.3.2.2Ubuntu2
First of all, I want to flame synaptic for supplying 2 different versions for 2 pieces of software that only work with eachother.
Second: where can I find 2 matching versions? Or fix synaptic or maybe someone has a really cool solution?
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Mar 18, 2009
Is anyone can help me how to setup sendmail ( Centos 5.2 ) as mail relay for Microsoft exchange. I will put the mail relay in DMZ and Mail server in Local Network.v
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Jul 4, 2010
Im moving all my websites on a dedicated box. I had a cpanel hosting account, and now moving to a terminal and ssh system.I need some advice on choosing my mail setup. I need POP, SMTP, with multiple domains, as host for a few clients.I would like the most simple version.The server will only send +- 100 mails / day.I currently running Ubuntu Linux 10.04.
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Oct 10, 2010
I have recently setup an Ubuntu 10.04 Minimal x64 Server. I plan on setting it up as a mail server. I need a secure server, that has spam prevention on it. Im setting up around 50 domains and would like a web based control panel. What is the most secure mail server, that i can setup for multiple domains?
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Mar 14, 2011
I want to setup an intranet mail server as a project. I tried to go through various forums but could not get a satisfactory model. My sceme of things is as follows:The server a virtual machine is after a router which has a built in dhcp server. Prefer to use sendmail but postfix ok client machines should be able to access the mail on evolution/thunderbird or web access using squirrelmail.Mail will not be relayed to anybody outside the intranet.
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Mar 17, 2011
I am researching the CentOS Cluster Setup. Does anyone know of a guide on this or have a thread linked that I can look at? I want to build a small cluster and then be able to add to it as it grows. Mainly I want to have web hosts, data, and mail behind it. The DNS will probably be on there own.
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Aug 5, 2010
how to setup sendmail ( Centos 5.2 ) as mail relay for Microsoft exchange. I will put the mail relay in DMZ and Mail server in Local Network.
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