Debian :: Login - /bin/sh/Can`t Open ?

Oct 13, 2010

When i go from gui to console(tty1 or any ) via ctrl+alt+F(x) i can`t login.

This is the message madone login: /bin/sh/Can`t open madone

I can go to recovery mode as root then start gdm but when i try to go back to tty i cant login. Every thing else is working fine....

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Debian Multimedia :: When Open An Open Office Document From An NFS Share It Always Opens As Readonly

Apr 27, 2010

When I open an open office document from an NFS share it always opens as readonly. This was a problem I had on Arch linux and the fix was to change the locking options in the soffice script but I've tried that fix here and it doesn't work. I've seen a lot of discussions but they all go back to changing the locking options in soffice, has anyone got any alternative fixes or one that definitely works with locking?

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Debian Multimedia :: Open Office 4 Installation - Can't Open Display

Feb 15, 2016

I installed Open Office 4 on Debian 8 but when I run the program I get this error message.

root@localhost:/home/paul# openoffice4
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
/opt/openoffice4/program/soffice.bin X11 error: Can't open display:
Set DISPLAY environment variable, use -display option
or check permissions of your X-Server
(See "man X" resp. "man xhost" for details)

Open Office works fine when I run the command "startx" in the Konsole but so far I haven't been able to configure it.

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Debian Hardware :: Unable To Login To IMac G4 - Graphical Login?

Sep 30, 2015

I have an iMac G4 that I installed Jessie on successfully. However, when it boots, one of the last messages is:

[FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.

Last line is something along the lines of:

fb: switching to nouveaufb from OFfb NVDA,NVMac

And then the text starts dissolving, and the entire screen cycles through different colors. I presume it is sitting at the graphical login prompt but it's not displaying correctly.

Based on some Google searches, it seems like I should be able to resolve this by editing /etc/modules but I can't get to that point. I have tried to get to a terminal using ctrl-alt-F1 through ctrl-alt-F12. No luck. I tried different yaboot options that were supposed to avoid using the video driver. No luck. How do I get the machine to boot straight to a regular text login instead of the X one?

This machine worked fine running Mac OS X this morning, so I don't think it's the hardware. What I can do.

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Ubuntu :: How To Open A Folder On Login

Jul 21, 2010

I'd like to open a folder automatically after logging in. The folder is a samba shared folder but it shouldn't matter. I've tried launching nautilus as a "startup application", but then Ubuntu will enter some kind of loop and pop up lots of window saying "starting file manager". I am using Ubuntu 10.04.

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Fedora :: Unable To Open Login Screen

Oct 14, 2009

I clean-installed Fedora 11 and everything was running well. I wanted to try Bacula backup program and so I installed the Development package in other to compile Bacula. When I finished the installation, I discovered a bunch of foreign language supports had been installed. I just erased them. While doing so, I must have also erased some other files.

When I rebooted, the bootup process went well until just before the login screen. The screen showed the Fedora logo, f, and got stock there. I was able to login remotely from another local network computer via vncviewer. I found that GNOME dsktop was missing. I logged on to Fedora 11 text mode by issuing CTL+ATL+F3 and did 'yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" By remote login from another computer, I determined that the GNOME Desktop had been restored. But the Fedora 11 still stil stuck just before the login screen. What do you think is missing? What do I need to reinstall?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Konsoles Open When Login ?

Sep 19, 2010

For a while now, every time that I log back into my desktop from hard start or from restarting the X server, I get these 3 terminal konsole windows that are open on my first desktop environment. It's seems as though whatever work I was doing when I had those 3 konsole windows open got saved somewhere and is reopening them every time I get back onto the desktop. I've tried to locate the problem by looking in .bash_profile and .bashrc but to no avail. If anyone has a solution to this, that would be awesome.

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Ubuntu :: Login Won't Load - How To Open Root

Feb 2, 2011

My computer won't load the login. How do I load the root of the computer to bypass this freeze? How do I force it to give me the login screen? It only displays the computer's name and ubuntu's version 10.10. There are no links at the bottom to follow.

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Ubuntu :: Open A New Window But Login Into A Different User

May 30, 2011

I don't know it's so difficult to make it work. I'm in natty and can't find anyway to make it work. I tried all options posted in this forum but nothing. I only want to open a new window but login into a different user. It is easy and ready under Linux Mint Debian, but I use Ubuntu.

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Software :: KDE Will Not Open Completely Able To Login With Root?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a Toshiba Laptop running suselinux 11.2 for a few years nowand all of a sudden it timed out while online and received the followingerror message ... you have 0% free space in your home directoryI should have 75% freespace on a 500 Gb drivethe last update patch fix was for libwebkit version 3787 just hours before this happenedKDE will not open completelyI am able to login with root and main user on console modewhat should I do to diagnosehow do I check the partition sizehow do I repair/remove/install KDEneed to copy one file to a flash drive, but do not know enough commands: o mount the flash drive copy the file to the drive

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General :: Killed Programs Re-open Upon Login?

Apr 9, 2011

I have openSuSE 11.3 and work on KDE desktop.Before a previous logout I killed two running programs (more specifically,openoffice and firefox). Now, every time I log on my account those twoprograms open automatically

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Ubuntu Networking :: Likewise-open 5.4 Hangs On Login?

May 25, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Server x86 64-bit and installed likewise-open, which I think is version 5.4. I can authenticate with Active Directory credentials, but it seems to hang when I log in. I can press Ctrl-C and break out of the hang, but was interested to see what was causing the behavior. I noticed lsassd was taking up about 99% of CPU while in this hung state. I then did a

tail -f /var/log/syslog and discovered lsassd was doing some type of query for what appeared to by every user in our Active Directory as I saw hundreds of entries like this being added to the syslog:

May 25 14:21:27 coe-web lsassd[1225]: 0x7f5bc72c1710:The user attributes in the cache data for 'domainjohndoe' are invalid. The cache database or user data in Active Directory could be corrupt.
Is there some setting I can change so it doesn't do this?

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Ubuntu :: When Open The Login Screen Settings - Greyed Out

Oct 14, 2010

I'm the only one using this pc, so I want to enable automatic login. When I open the "login screen settings" though, it's greyed out (inactive) and the "unlock" doesn't do anything.

I also have something about "keyring" asking my password each time just after login, which isn't pleasant.

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General :: Automatically Open Terminal At Login Time?

Jun 7, 2011

I am using red hat .I want that when ever the user login in GUI interface the terminal windows automatically open and then the user want to logout it 1st close the terminal and then login. There is a file in #ls -a i.e .bashrc and .bash_logout

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General :: Installed Open Webmail - Existing Users Cannot Login

May 18, 2010

I am using qmailserver. I login through webmail but today I installed openwebmail instead of webmail. Its ok, but I cannot login my existing users. It login only new users which I created. and email id come with fully qualified name like, so I need How I do this?

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General :: Unable To Open Pty - Permission Denied While Trying To Login To Vps Node

Mar 8, 2011

Unable to open pty: Permission denied while trying to login to vps node.

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Ubuntu :: Script To Open Pseudo-terminal At User Login To GUI: (kiwi) 10.04?

Nov 26, 2010

I've been able to write a basic script that opens a terminal a lil messagemy issue, i want it to open its pseudoterminal as soon as i log into GUIthe script:

if [ $1 = "start" ]


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Debian :: Can't Change Permissions For The HDD Without Login On Root And Root Login Are Not Allowed?

Jun 16, 2010

How to enable Root login...i cant copy or move something on the HDD...I have administrator rights and password for root but i cant change permissions for the HDD without login on root and root login are not allowed .

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Debian :: Auto Login As Root In Debian Lenny?

Oct 2, 2009

is there a way to auto login as root? login in window preferences won't allow me to select rootPS before anyone starts on the me bad, I'm a programmer using it on a closed embedded system, and need to link to others software, and need to be root

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Debian Configuration :: How To Open Ports On Debian?

Jul 19, 2010

I am trying to use thunderbird to connect to gmail. followed the instructions on the gmail help section to set up thunderbird and opened ports 995 for pop and 465 smtp on my router. When that did not work I posted on the thunderbird forum. It was decided there I had a problem with debian since both the thunderbird and router settings were right. doing more research I used nmap and netstat to check for open ports and it seems to me I only have tcp 80 and udp 138 open. downloaded firestarter hoping to solve the problem but in the events section it does not show thunderbird trying to connect to any port. Is this a case of not understanding what I am looking for here. Is there some way to open all ports on debian and then using firestarter to block the traffic I do not want.

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Debian :: Forgot Debian Login Username

May 15, 2010

I just finished installing Debian on wmware, and I forgot what username I used. I was wondering if there was anyway that I could check what the login username is?

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Debian Configuration :: Edit The "open" And "open With" List?

Jul 1, 2011

To illustrate what I wish to learn I will begin with a specific example: Open With.jpg Suppose I create an empty file and rename it as 1.torrentRight click on the file and go to the "Open with" tab We find a list of applications to open the said file.

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Debian :: Debian 5.0 32 Bit - No Sound On Login

Apr 14, 2010

Debian 5.0 32 bit

No sound on login. How to fix it?

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Debian :: Why Are Ports Open?

Feb 2, 2010

Just did a check on "shields up" and it says that ten of my ports are open. I get the same result with or without both shorewall and firestarter. I suspect it may have something to do with the mysql server packages added automatically during installation. Am I right. If so, what can be done about it? If not, has anyone any idea how to keep my ports closed?

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Debian :: Cannot Open XML In Squeeze

Nov 10, 2010

I can only open xml files with iceweasel.

I cannot open using gedit. When I try to open gedit crashes. I installed xml tools plugin in edit but is crashes like before. When I open plugins dialogue in gedit preferences I can activate any of the plugins available, except xml tools plugin. When I click on it to tick the box and to activate it it turns to gray. I installed bluefish which is claimed to be the right tool for such work. Although it opens the xml file, it displays all the lines like each one is typed the previous. All lines in one line but not continuously. Just the one upon the others!!!

I'm not sure, but I think that I may have removed some necessary files: when I first installed my Debian Squeeze system, I totally removed gnome-desktop-environment and then reinstalled gnome-core. I removed whatever supposed useless and to keep the phenomenal orphaned packages I gave an "aptitude keep all".

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Debian :: Sid And ATI Open Driver

May 22, 2010

I am using Debian Sid and KDE 4.4.3. Video card ATI 9600 (X600 chipset). After some updates i have very strange bugs when i watch video. Video playback can randomly stop. I have tried different players (Vlc, smplayer, Dragon Player), different video outputs: xv, x11, gl, gl(ati), and without KWin effects. All the same - video stops randomly.

└─[% >uname -a
Linux home-pc 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Sat May 1 04:16:37 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
└─[% >aptitude search firmware-linux
i   firmware-linux         


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Debian :: Cannot Open Display?

Aug 17, 2009

As root when I try a program it often say it cannot open display How get round?

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Debian :: Can't Login With Any Account

Nov 23, 2015

My dns/firewall Debian7 server (no GUI) was installed with a LDAP client.This client is now useless as no user needs to connect to that machine, so I changed PAM configuration to remove LDAP users from local users.The problem is that I can't login anymore as root or as administration user.The password is unchanged and when I try to login with it it gaves no error, but go back instantly to "login :"On the other hand, when I try a wrong password, it react as it should with an authentication failure.That's why I don't think it's a password issue.

The server still works as far as I can say no service was impacted, I just can't login anymore (and that will be an issue when it comes to some upgrade or administration...).

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Debian :: No Sound On Login Fix It?

Apr 14, 2010

Debian 5.0 32 bitGnomeNo sound on login. How to fix it?

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Debian Installation :: Can't Login / What To Do?

Feb 8, 2011

Just installed Debian 6.0 with kfreebsd kernel. I did not activate root-account, but a user-account. installed grafical user interface.
When I reboot after install I came to a login window with my user and asking for the password that I type, but after that the login-window get grayish and nothing happens.
I also intalled sshd and are able to login to the terminal from another computer and are able to do things from there.

Please what can I do?

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