Debian Installation :: Unable To Setup Printers With The GUI?

Apr 14, 2010

After my install I have no print control panel in the Gnome menu > System > Administration

What Packages do I need to install to be able to set up printers with the GUI?

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Debian Hardware :: Unable To Set Up CUPS / HPLIP And Network Printers

Jan 12, 2012

I'm having a devil of a time trying to set up printing with 3 network printers: an HP Laserjet P4014n, an HP Laserjet 5200tn, and an HP Officejet Pro 8500 a909a. The three printers are connected directly to the office intranet and have their own ip addresses. The system I'm trying to configure is running Wheezy, and HPLIP and Cups are both installed. I have confirmed (from [URL] ....) that all printers are supported.

First, running "hp-setup -i" (hplip-gui is not installed -- I do not wish to pull in half of KDE simply to configure printing), the program only finds the 2 laserjets. Adding one of them creates a printer in CUPS with an "hp:/net/<printer name>" connection. Attempting to printing a test page through CUPS fails with message "/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp failed".

Interestingly enough, running "hp-probe -bnet" finds all three printers. However, running "hp-makeuri" with each printer's ip address fails with "error: Device not found". Hmmm, so HPLIP can apparently go from seeing everything to seeing nothing. Very useful.

Moving to the CUPs browser interface, clicking "Find New Printers" under the "Administration" tab also only shows the 2 laserjets, although each is listed three times(!). The only difference that I can see among the three versions of each printer is in the connection uri:

dnssd://<printer name>._printer._tcp.local/
dnssd://<printer name>._pdl-datastream._tcp.local/
dnssd://<printer name>._ipp._tcp.local/

Adding any one of them seems to work, although I do not understand why there are three of them (presumably different protocols, though what they are and the differences between them are, I don't know).

Logging into the officejet control panel and browsing at its network configuration, I see mDNS, SNMP, and WINS are disabled, although SLP is enabled. Looking in '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf', I see 'BrowseLocalProtocols' is set to only CUPS and DNSSD, so I add SLP and restart CUPS. No change; the officejet still doesn't show. I go back into the officejet control panel and enable mDNS (which, if I understand correctly, is essentially the same as DNSSD). Nothing; the officejet still doesn't show.

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Ubuntu :: Autodetection Of Network Printers Makes All Printers Disappear?

Jan 28, 2010

I've been using Kubuntu 9.10 for several months now. For most of that time, I configured and used with no problem several network printers.. a HP LaserJet 3015 at home connected to a Windows machine, and a Xerox Phaser 8560 at my coworking space connected directly to a router.

However, several weeks ago I was at the coworking space, requested a print from my web browser, and in the printer selection dialog, observed the list of printers expanding... some sort of autodetection of network printers was occuring, and multiple instances of the same printer were being offered, with slightly different names. Printing to these devices did not work.

Now, after a reboot, there are NO network printers available no matter what network I'm connected to. When I use the Kubuntu printer configuration tool and try to set up a new printer, it asks me to "Select a connection" to which the only option it gives me is "Other". When I put in an address for the printer it just cycles endlessly, never finding anything.

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Ubuntu :: Printers Do Not Save In 'Shared Printers' Group?

Oct 9, 2010

I have a shared printer on my Ubuntu 10.04 machine, and it cannot be seen by other computers (macbook, pc) on the network. I have the printer shared, but it is not a member of the 'Shared Printers' group. When I add it to the 'Shared Printers' group, it stays there until I close the 'Printing' application GUI. Then, when I re-open 'Printing,' it is no longer in that group. I think this is why I can't see it on the network, due to the wording of the option in Server Settings to 'Publish shared printers connected to this system.'

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General :: All Printers Disabled In Debian 5

Jul 28, 2010

I am running VirtualBox on a Windows XP host. I have two containers, one running Fedora 13 and the other running Debian 5. I set up the three printers I have at home on each system. The printers in Fedora work great. The same printers in Debian are disabled and will not print. I've also installed cups-pdf on each system. Works on Fedora, disabled on Debian. I don't know what is different. I set them up the same way with the same drivers, but I cannot enable or otherwise use the printers with Debian.

Is there some admin setting I'm not aware of to allow printing from Debian?

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Installation :: No Setup Agent And Unable To Log Into Fedora 10 / Get That?

Feb 28, 2009

I installed Fedora 10 in text mode. Then I logged in as root and modified inittab to switch to GUI mode. I did not see any Setup Agent after the installation in text mode.

Now that I'm in GUI mode, I get the login screen, but it won't let me log in as root ("failed to authenticate user") and there is no Setup Agent to prompt me to create other users. I don't know how to get back to text mode, either. How do I login to the system?

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Debian Configuration :: Network Printers Are Lost Every Now And Then

Oct 3, 2015

Debian Testing, updated daily, running Gnome.

A week ago, a new router was installed at the office and now my system "loses" the networks printers and forces me to manually select them within Cups various times a day to be able to print. The issue was not present when the old router was in place, and all my colleagues can print without problems using their Windows machines.

This only affects printing, for Simple Scan can always communicate with the printers without problems.

The printers are two basic Epson L355 (those with ink tanks) and the "official" driver (from Open Printing) has been working perfectly since I installed Debian. The whole Cups and Avahi stack is installed, and I even added system-config-printer this week to make sure that I was not missing a package.

Because the only variable that changed is the router, there has to be something there messing with my Cups or Avahi configuration.

Note that the new router had a "vanilla" installation, where no advanced settings were touched. All connected devices (computers, mobile phones, printers, etc.) are given new IP address through DHCP every day.

Where should I start? I have already deleted and added the printers within Cups several times during the week, and the problem persists. Is the router renewing the address more often than the old one did? Can this "refresh" be delayed? Should Avahi monitor devices more often?

I guess that I could configure the router and give static IP addresses to the printers, but such a setting was not present in the old router and my computer could locate the printers without problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Edit Partitions During Setup

Jan 24, 2010

I can't edit the partitions in the install setup: I see a hard disk (sda) with no partitions or user devices, and 2 RAID devices.The behavior of OpenSuse 11.2 x64 installation is much alike.I have googled with every keyword combination I remembered, but I can't find anything that gives me a clue to what may be happening.I have already tried the 3 SATA configurations (the IDE that works with the installed Win 7, AHCI and RAID), but the result is always the same. Now the strangest thing is that in OpenSuse, fdisk and parted correctly identify the partitions. As far as I remember, parted isn't able to do modifications and fdisk says that the boundaries of the first, tiny partition, doesn't match the number of cylinders (or something like it). However, I was able create a partition with fdisk on the empty space and format it, delete it again and repeat the process a couple of times with no errors. The partituions are signed as msdos.

GParted from Ubuntu also shows the partitions, but I didn't try to do any modifications, namely because I don't think that it can solve my problem and I don't want to risk installing windows again.The hardware is brand new, a Asus M4A785Td-V Evo with an Amd Phenom II X4 965 and a WDC-WD5000ACCS-0 500 Gb HD. My lazyness made me asking the guys from whom I bought it to install Win7 Ultimate 64 in a NTFS partition, leaving half the disk untouched. They assure me that it is a "plain vanilla" ("next, next, next" installation . I guess I could try to see if I could do the partition setup in the "RAID" part of the Expert partitioner, but I have strong doubts that it solves the problem and it would be quite boring to conclude that I ruined the windows installation for nothing.Could it be any awkward problem specific of the motherboard / SATA controller or its drivers?

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Debian Configuration :: Browsing For Samba Network Printers In KDE?

Mar 12, 2011

I noticed that KDE does not have a way to browse for network printers like Gnome does. I installed system-config-printer to fix this(if there is a KDE route that would be nice as well). Anyway, I go to add a printer and select "Network Printer" and click "Windows Printer via SAMBA". This is where i would typically press "Browse..." but it is unclickable. This leads me to believe that I am missing a package. Essentially my question is: What are the necessary packages to access Windows printers via SAMBA with system-config-printer?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup Unable To Find Hard Drive

Dec 7, 2010

When I start the Live CD I can see my harddrive and access it. But when I start the setup, it cant find the harddrive and I can not choose it. Ive tryed more than one cd's and another distro (built on Ubuntu). The hard drive works fine, Ive got Windows 7 already on it (help me change back to linux). I know the computer works fine as I once used another computer to install ubuntu on the harddrive and then moved the harddrive to my computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Dual Boot In 3 SATA Drives Setup

Jun 4, 2010

I have the following PC set up:
Dell 8400 with 3 GB of RAM with 3 160 GB SATA drives:
The first one has Windows XP installed on it.
The second one has been newly formatted and Ubuntu 10.04 has just been installed on it (20 GB / and 6 GB swap) with grub being installed on the first partition and not the master boot record. The remainder will be for storage for Windows.
The third drive is simply storage for Windows.

At this point I am able to boot XP just fine, but I'm not able to boot Linux. I just getting a blinking cursor or the PC just reboots when I choose Linux. I believe I have set up my boot.ini properly using:
C:Bootsectc.lnx="Linux Ubuntu"
After running dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1 and putting that file in place.

For reference, I don't believe this is a Linux problem, as much as I am simply trying to guide the ntldr to be properly pointed to a place where it can boot Linux. When I go into the bios and disable the first and the third hard drives, grub pops right up and I'm able to boot Linux with no problem, so that piece is fine. I think it's just now trying to get the correct syntax so I can boot Linux without having to disable drives and reenable them.

For kicks I even tried these syntax types in boot.ini:
(i.e. 2nd disk, 1st partition ...etc...)

I read many troubleshooting documents on dual booting and so forth but I just can't get this right. For reference, I stated the way XP views my Hard Drives in the intro, which seem to be a different order than Linux sees them, yet I believe I've tried all the combos of settings for this to work (yet clearly have not). I have attached the output of boot_info_script*.sh here: [URL]. Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010 ..... Devices which don't seem to have a corresponding hard drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded To 10.04 Now No Printers?

May 30, 2010

I upgraded the Ubuntu 10.04, and afterwards I can't print. Cups won't detect printers, hp-setup won't, hp-probe won't. Tried rebooting, reinstalling HPLIP, & CUPS. Installed latest version of HPLIP. did a purge of HPLIP and CUPS, and reinstalled, rebooted.

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Debian :: Using Squeeze And A Canon Pixma IP4600 Printer - Printers Color Isn't True

Oct 29, 2010

Using Squeeze and a Canon Pixma IP4600 Printer. The color on the printed pages used to be true and now it isn't, it still print is color just not the correct colors.I am color deficient or color challenged (what used to be called color blind) which dosen't mean I can't tell the difference between what is on the screen and what is printed It's not the printer as I have tested it with other Linux and a windows system and it's good.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Install The Network Printers

Jul 12, 2011

I run a laptop behind a server. Because I could not find the printer I disabled the firewall and now I can detect the printer, but when I want to select the printer the program hangs.

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Debian :: Setup A Fresh Installation Of Squeeze?

Feb 24, 2011

I've just setup a fresh installation of Debian Squeeze and am trying to configure the firewall. I ran a search for iptables and got the following results:

debserv:~# find / -name iptables


When I run an iptables command to add a rule and reboot the new configuration is lost even after I have run the iptables-save command. I can't work out where the iptables config file is/should be stored so I could try editing the file with vi.

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Debian :: Installation Broke Raid Setup?

May 27, 2011

My system includes two 120GB disks in fake raid-0 setup. Windows vista is installed on these.For Debian I bought a new 1 TB disk. My mission was to test Debian and I installed it to the new disk. The idea was to remove the disk afterwards and use windows as it was before. Everything went fine. Debian worked perfectly but when I removed the 1 TB disk from system grub will show up in boot in grub recovery mode.

Is my RAID setup now corrupted? Grub seems to be installed on the other raid disk? Did grub overwrite some raid metadata? Is there any way to recover the raid setup?

dmraid -ay:
/dev/sdc: "pdc" and "nvidia" formats discovered (using nvidia)!
ERROR: nvidia: wrong # of devices in RAID set "nvidia_ccbdchaf" [1/2] on /dev/sdc
ERROR: pdc: wrong # of devices in RAID set "pdc_caahedefdd" [1/2] on /dev/sda
ERROR: removing inconsistent RAID set "pdc_caahedefdd"
RAID set "nvidia_ccbdchaf" already active
ERROR: adding /dev/mapper/nvidia_ccbdchaf to RAID set
RAID set "nvidia_ccbdchaf1" already active

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Debian :: Setup A System On An Old Leptop But Can't Even Get Through The Installation

May 4, 2011

i am trying to set up a debian system on an old leptop but i cant even get through the installation. i use the netinstall-iso and have internet through a proxy. with another computer i access the internet with this configuration:

Port: 3128
username: (empty)
password: (empty)

how shall i use this data to fit into the form "http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/"? is any other information required to access the internet?

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Debian Installation :: Lose Setup In Network Installer

Aug 12, 2014

I am using mini.iso to install Jessie from network and I need lose setup command that is required by cryptsetup for mounting the detached header of an encrypted volume. Is there a way to get losetup from network during installation? For example by means of anna-install? Does any package from udeb.list contain losetup?

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Debian Installation :: Setup Installer Boot Parameters

Jul 16, 2015

I'm making some tests with Debian Setup.

As reported by the docs [URL] .... there are some boot parameters available for the Debian Installer.

I would like to try a setup setting the base-installer/install-recommends to false.

This can be done via preseeding, but I'd like to try it out setting the boot parameter.

I've tried several combinations but no one has been effective.

What is the syntax for setting the base-installer/install-recommends parameter to false at boot time?

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Debian Installation :: Reiserfs Missing - Possible To Add On Squeeze Setup

Mar 5, 2011

I have so far used reiserfs formatting both in my previous debian (sarge, etch and lenny) and opensuse (SLED10, opensuse-10.2,10.3 &11.3) and was very happy. When last month I installed debian squeeze I missed reiserfs (or did I miss noticing it?) Though Ext3 is giving me no trouble. I would love to have reiserfs. Is it now possible to change the filesystems without much trouble.

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Debian Installation :: 8.0 - Setup Boots GRUB Command Line

May 2, 2015

I wanted to install Debian 8.0 on my second hdd in my UEFI machine, but when I choose UEFI boot from USB, GRUB command line appears, and I cannot boot up the setup. I used Rufus to create the bootable USB stick, using the amd64 kde CD image. I tried several images and I deleted the Linux and Efi partitions from previous installation of Ubuntu . Also I deleted GRUB from the Windows 7 Efi partition.

In the UEFI setup fast boot and secure boot are disabled, and I don't seem to have the option to boot in legacy mode, if I choose the simple USB boot option (without "UEFI" in front) I get "please insert correct boot media, and press any key or reboot". I couldn't manually boot from GRUB command line, because it is showing that all the drives are empty, and if I type "boot" I get "please load the kernel first".

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Debian :: Ubuntu Local Mirror Setup For FAI Server Setup?

Apr 24, 2011

I want to setup a FAI server for which I was looking for the best method of mirroring the Debian Lenny. I want to setup a local mirror with the best method available for mirroring. If it is ftpsync, please provide me some best ways of doing it. I tried ftpsync mirroring but that was not getting properly working due to insufficient I want this mirror to be accessible in my FAI setup so that I can start the installation on multiple machines and start the updates and package installation to be done from the same local mirror.

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Debian :: Installing Network Printer - Able To Print To One Of The Network Printers From My Desktop

May 10, 2010

Total Newb here, sorry. I am pseudo-IT at work and have set up a desktop with Debian 5 (accidentally overwrote Windows in the process, but there you go). We are set up with network printers here (all Windows), and I was wondering how to go about being able to print to one of the network printers from my Linux desktop. Can I even connect to the Windows network with this desktop (it is hooked up)? Understand, I do NOT want to screw up anything on the network - they won't let me play anymore if I do. If I download the Linux driver, what do I do next?

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Debian Installation :: Onboard Graphics Card Setup - Full Hardware Acceleration Not Activated

Sep 5, 2015

I'm running hardware already considered legacy and I was made painfully aware that those drivers, for ATI cards, are only available from Jessie repositories; yet, somehow I was able to have my system configured to run not the stock drivers the system used for installation but, allegedly, proprietary drivers.

I did notice an overall improvement on how the system displays everything on the screen but after fumbling around the system trying to install a game I had a message warning that only software acceleration was activated and not full hardware acceleration, which was what I was aiming at.

After going through a lot of guides on the web I was able to:

a) discover the system is running MESA drivers (or so I have understood)
b) install headers for my system but somehow along the way I fumbled whatever I was doing and I probably now have a lot of loose ends in the system

Being Debian (and rock solid) the system is still running smoothly but I really want to clean up after myself and correct what I can and improve where is possible.

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Software :: Openbravo Installation / Ant Setup And Setup-prerequisites File (don't Remember Exact Name)?

Apr 27, 2011

i am trying to install openbravo on my server.I have installed all the pre-requisites as ANT, JDK(though i installed JRE).

Everything goes fine untill the ant setup and then running the setup-prerequisites...file (don't remember the exact name).

As soon as i issue ant install.source it ends up with some errors..

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Server :: Unable To Setup A NIS Server Setup On CentOS System

Jan 19, 2010

We are trying to set up a NIS server on a CentOS system. We need to have a NIS server which can provide NIS authentication to a couple of clients. We are practically new to all this stuff.

Just googled to find some ideas about installing ypserv and ypbind and portmapper. We did all that and also started them successfully. But now the clients are not able to join to the NIS domain . The error log states "YP_DOMAIN NOT BOUND".

I guess we have not entered the /etc/yp.conf, /etc/hosts files properly. Please let us know the detailed steps to setup a NIS server .

Also, please let us know what entries should go into the different /etc/<file_names>? What is meant by HOSTNAME in the /etc/hosts file?

Is there any other files which need to be changed? Are we missing any steps?

Also to add-on, while executing the ypinit command we faced the following error:

At this point, we have to construct a list of the hosts which will run NIS servers. localhost.localdomain is in the list of NIS server hosts. Please cont inue to add the names for the other hosts, one per line. When you are done with the list, type a <control D>. next host to add: localhost.localdomain next host to add:

The current list of NIS servers looks like this:

Is this correct? [y/n: y] y

Error running Makefile.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Won't Install Getting This Message:"setup Was Unable To Create A New Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition"?

Apr 8, 2010

i tried installing windows 7 on a partition on my laptop but i'm getting this message:"setup was unable to create a new partition or locate an existing system partition "i tried googling and found that it has something to do with the number of partitions:my hard disk layout right now:

p1 ext4 21gb /home
p2 ntfs 64gb
p3 ext3 18gb ubuntu installation


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Debian Installation :: Unable To Install 7.6 On Kvm

Jan 21, 2016

Earlier , centos 6.6 & kvm was installed & over it debian 7.6 was installed & it was running fine.

Due to some issue we had to format the server , now we are able to install centos 6.6 & kvm but not debian 7.6. We are installing via media, from where can i download debian 7.6 iso.

we are installing it on hp dl 360 g9 server, we are able to format the disk inside the kvm & after when it start copy the operating system it throws error & error is Installation Setup failed, try run the failing item from the menu, I have tried the following

1. Replace the media & checked same error
2. Realter the partion & checked same error
3. Tried to install with guided partion & checked same error.

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Debian Installation :: Unable To Get WiFi Working

Jul 2, 2015

I have an old Dell Latitude D630 laptop that i have just installed Jessie on. So far I am unable to get the WiFi working. I have followed a guide to add the backports repository but when i try to install the firmware i am told that there is no installation candidate.

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Debian Installation :: Unable To Boot Windows

Oct 27, 2015

got a lenovo B50-30 (no touchscreen) that came preeinstalled with windows 8. after installing debian im unable to boot windows , im not too great with grub configuration.this is what i suspect is the menu entry for windows in the grub boot menu .

Code: Select all### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_otheros ###
# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on /dev/sda3
menuentry "Windows Vista (loader)" {
   set root=(hostdisk//dev/sda,gpt3)
   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 8CA2-D25B
   chainloader +1

here is info about the partition table (ive alocated / and swap part for debian nothing else. )

Code: Select allDisk /dev/sda: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes


i would like to know how to configure windows to boot from the grub2 menu.

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