Debian Installation :: KfreeBSD Apt-get Install Gnome Too Many Errors

Jan 20, 2010

In process of installing gnome have hit an error wall from dpkg too many errors. Tried increasing the allowed errors in dpkg.cfg to 150 and still get the errors. The errors now come up on any apt-get install.

ADDED: sent the output to file and the errors start with python2.5-minimal(2,5,43).

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Debian :: KFreeBSD - How To Install Intel Video Drivers

Jun 8, 2011

Feel stuck between Debian and BSD worlds - not sure where to turn.

Running GNU/kFreeBSD debian 8.1-1-amd64 and base system working. Can not get X or xrandr to co-operate and use proper resolution of 1680x1050. I believe the basis of this is that it using the VESA drivers and instead should be using the INTEL drivers.

I have no 'pkg_add' for ports, plus obviously no Debian repos will help for this .... unless there are some specific kFreeBSD repos I dont know about? I can post more details on the system, but am hoping that there are other options besides compiling. I can do that if need be, but not even sure which one to use. Will these work on this system? [URL]

user@debian:~$ uname -a
GNU/kFreeBSD debian 8.1-1-amd64 #0 Mon Feb 21 22:03:13 UTC 2011 x86_64 amd64 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz GNU/kFreeBSD
user@debian:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.


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Debian Installation :: Can't Create Partition Ufs On Kfreebsd?

Feb 7, 2011

I have 3 partition:

# fdisk -l
Disco /dev/sda: 20.0 GB, 20020396032 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 2434 cylinders
Units = cilindros of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Debian Installation :: 6.0.1a-kfreebsd-amd64DVD Reboots After Partioner

Mar 26, 2011

I checked the md5sum of the iso image, and the integrity of the DVD passes, but when I run the kfreebsd-amd64 DVD I get to the partitioner stage, set out my partitions, click 'yes' to format and then my computer reboots. Is this a known error or a bad burn?

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Debian :: Use Kfreebsd Debianised Kernel

Aug 9, 2011

Another option that nobody suggested me to boot Wheezy is to use the kfreebsd kernel. Although, I installed the BSD kernel, I am still unable to boot Debian using it. To do this I am using the grub-pc shell.Could anyone explain the meaning of these lines and how they relate to Debian?

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Debian Configuration :: How To Setup Grub For Kfreebsd

May 1, 2011

I installed Debian GNU/Linux and Debian GNU/kFreeBSD on the same system. I didn't reinstall grub with kfreebsd, because I figured running grub-mkconfig would modify grub.cfg. But it didn't.It recognized the Debian GNU/kFreeBSD as GNU/Linux (6.0.1):

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
Found Debian GNU/Linux (6.0.1) on /dev/sda3
### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###

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Debian Installation :: Install Corrupt File Errors?

Oct 3, 2014

Was I the only one having failure issues trying to install any Debian ISO Yesterday?I got big red screens about corrupt files all while trying to install Wheezy and Jessie.All with ISO versions downloaded and burned yesterday, net install. Disc and DVD.Mint and later Fedora installed perfectly well, but I wanted Debian.

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Ubuntu :: GNOME Power Config And Installation Errors

Oct 12, 2010

A couple of days ago on my Fujitsu Laptop which was nearing its end (in about 2 more years, I'll have to send it to the scrap pile) I had a GNOME Power Configuration error. This is the story of my struggles and my thread of cries for help: I was booting after installing an update for Maverick Meerkat, and I got a message during the load screen that said: INSTALLATION PROBLEM: The configuration defaults for Gnome Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please Contact your system administrator.

So I dropped into GRUB During my 5th boot (while trying to boot once more in hopes it was just a boot error) and I selected the latest/updated version of Ubuntu, but I dropped into the recovery mode version so I could attempt some commands to try and fix it. Then, I dropped into the root terminal to attempt more commands to avoid specifying my networking device, and typing sudo before the commands. I got on my alternate computer and searched my problem. I installed a whole bunch of crappy commands that didn't do anything, and ended up purging GNOME completely and doing:


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Debian Installation :: Unable To Install Gnome 3

Jul 20, 2011

I have unstable installed and wanting to play around with gnome 3 but I am having trouble. When I go to synaptic or terminal and try and install I can not find gnome 3. Here is my sources.list


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Debian Installation :: Weekly Build Successful Install But GNOME Freezes Often

Aug 18, 2010

I installed Debian Squeeze-testing weekly build today, with CD1 alone. It took 1 Hour 38 minutes to install and configure on my Pentium 4 2.7 Ghz , 1GB ram HP machine. I have some trouble with the installation. Sometimes the desktop just freezes while moving Icons, or opening Xterm. I cannot use Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, OR Ctrl-Alt-Delete keys. I have to physically reboot. Why doesn't Ctrl-Alt-Backspace work on GNOME? Is there a IRC chat for Debian Help and what applications does one use on GNOME for IRC chat?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Debian Testing / Minimum Gnome Environment?

Apr 4, 2010

I wanted to check it out.I want to install the minimum gnome environment.

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Debian :: Errors During Install Some App

Jul 16, 2015

I use debian 8 and sometime when I install some packages I see these errors

Code: Select allProcessing triggers for shared-mime-info (1.3-1) ...
Unknown media type in type 'all/all'
Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmst'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspt'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspu'
Processing triggers for man-db (

but app or packages installed

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Debian :: Errors When Trying To Install Via Apt-get

Jul 29, 2011

So I recently purchased a Linux Virtual server and I've got everything configured pretty much except for PHP5 for Apache. I keep getting this error when trying apt-get install php5 and apt-get update:


I checked my sources.list file and it's setup correctly, and I even added but it's still not working.I'm pretty familiar with Linux and can't figure this one out. The server is connected to the internet as I can access my websites from the internet and SSH into the server, and the firewall is configured to allow SSH, HTTP, and FTP. I believe apt uses HTTP and FTP so it shouldn't be blocking anything.

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Debian :: Get A Lot Of Errors And Warnings When Install Uzbl / Fix It?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm trying to install uzbl and was following the step by step guide on this page ... orts-flash
When i run make i get a lot of errors and warnings. Can anybody point out what I'm doing wrong?

here's what I get code...

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Install Nvidia-glx Without Getting Apt Errors ?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm using Debian Wheezy on amd64 using the binary nVidia drivers from the Debian repository. When I started up my computer yesterday, everything worked fine. Then I started installing a bunch of updates going back a week since I had it turned off for a week. This seems to have messed with my nVidia drivers. I could run GNOME at 1080p just fine, but I couldn't run prboom-plus or glxgears since they would give me errors about not being able to find a screen. Strangely enough, Wine could run both Proun and Bulletstorm without a problem.

I looked at synaptic and tried to install nvidia-glx to solve my driver problems, but it gave me an error about not having the correct version of libgl1-nvidia-glx. I try installing that and it wants to remove 140 programs first! Of course I refuse to let it do so. Then I figure it might have to do with some other program that these programs are dependent on. So I check the package dependencies and lo and behold, they all require libgl1-mesa-glx. I try removing that and synaptic also says that I have to remove those 140 programs with it. I give up and try playing the Half-Life 2 demo via Wine. When it hangs I restart my computer. However, while rebooting, I got this nice error message from X that said that apparently I don't have any nVidia drivers anymore.

I would prefer not to use sgfxi to do driver updates. One of the reasons I switched to the repository's drivers is because I was tired of having to reinstall my drivers every time there was a kernel update in testing.

Tried using vesa in xorg.conf, it also didn't work. Detailed X output said something about being able to find a screen but it wasn't usable.

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Debian :: Run 'apt-get -f Install' - Get Hung Up With Errors On Samba

Aug 9, 2010

My computer was getting slow. I know I had a problem with flash for sure. I was thinking it was because I haven't done a dist-upgrade in a while and there were a lot of updates.

So last night I backed up all my important data and did a dist-upgrade. Well now IceWM no longer shows and it just boots to command line. Not the first time I've done that.

Anyway, when I run 'apt-get -f install' I get hung up with errors on Samba.

Errors were encountered : /var/cache/XXX...samba_2%3a3.4.8~dfsg-2_i386.deb

I tried to remove samba but was unable to and 'dpkg -r --force-all samba' returns a processing error.

The error states that it can't locate File/ in @INC.

I am sure someone with more knowledge could easily salvage this. Funny, I have been running sid for 5-7 years now and it has given me very few problems. And pretty much every problem has originated from my hand. Typing the wrong thing, accepting the wrong option, or accidentally deleting the wrong folder.

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Debian :: Install Gnome-mplayer Under Lenny With Gnome?

May 31, 2010

Howto install gnome-mplayer under Lenny with Gnome?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Loading - Get Sveral "gnome"errors Displayed

Jan 21, 2011

After seeral attempts to load Ubuntu 10.19,I ourchased anew dis in case downloaded one was faulty.I load the disc in and it starts loading.I then get sveral "gnome"errors displayed.I clck to "not delete"and it then contiinues to loadI get a sreen up to select "language",eventually I get the "forward" which I click.It then appears to start loading.However it is still in this state seven hours later.

I have noticed that prior to start loading the title says "Debian 4.1" is this correct or is this in my PC.Should I be using another disc to wipe this out???? is this the unrecoverable error?

I used Ubuntu debian 4.1for a number of years,I felt I need to upgrade to 10.10 and now have lots of problem.Should I have :-

1.A live disc

2.A disc specifically for Ubuntu for a laptop

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Debian :: Fresh Installation With Many Errors

Jan 15, 2011

I've been using Linux ( Ubuntu from like 4 months ) the first time of my life and I just love Linux, but I just feel that I need to switch to Debian like its the best and the powerful distro. I've installed Debian pretty well, then when rebooting it. I cant find my Ubuntu distro on the grub loader, then when I enter to my Debian distro. I just have that black screen with the note (out of range), so I've went to Google but as u know I am still a rookie, so I could avoid this problem by using.

alt + ctrl + ( - ), so I went to connecting the internet maybe I could download that nvidia drivers so it may fix the problem, but the most shock is that the internet isn't working with me. I am pretty sure that I've entered the IPs correctly but I really don't know whats the main problem is, with Ubuntu its much easier and it really worked quickly but as I said I just feel something for Debian , something that attract me to it.

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Debian Multimedia :: Continue Apt-get Install Ignoring Errors

Nov 28, 2015

I am trying to instsal Gnome. While installing, 'gnome-getting-started-docs' fails. This is not a critical package, and I would like to see gnome installation / setup continue.

Is it possible with some command line options? I've tried 'apt-get -f install' 'apt-get -m install gnome' and various combinations thereof.

(Error I see is 'dpkg-deb (subprocess): decompressing archive member: lzma error: compressed data is corrupt).

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Debian :: Madwifi Ng Driver Installation Errors

Jan 26, 2011

I've just picked up another Orinoco Proxim Gold WiFi card for a laptop (this one) that I've put Debian on. I have another Dell laptop that I put Debian on a few years ago and have the same card for that one too. I installed the drivers on the other one (ages ago so I don't remember how exactly I went about it) but when I try to install the same drivers for the same card on this laptop I keep getting these errors:


why it worked on my other Dell a couple years ago but isn't working now.

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Software :: Debian--libx11-dev Installation And Configuration Errors

May 9, 2011

what the hell the error message shown below and in the attachment means? Apt-get, Aptitude, dpkg and member limiter's 3/21 post all give the same outcome. Do I need to simply remove the offending .deb file from /var/cache/apt/archives? Do I need to install squeeze from scratch? (I'm installing over a tempermental lenny-sid hybrid installation.) This thing is blocking installation and configuration of 28 other packages.

Code: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libx11-dev_2%3a1.3.3-4_i386.deb (--unpack): short read on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/share/doc/libx11-dev/libX11.txt.gz'

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Ubuntu Installation :: Over Old XP Install - SQUASHFS Errors

Jan 19, 2011

I'm installing 10.10 on another laptop (after successful and enjoyable install on previous laptop) but am running into some snags:

-Inserting 10.10 disc I got in the mail from Ubuntu, laptop boots from CD as it should, logo pops up and install begins.

-Start getting a string of error messages, most of which are the "SQUASHFS" errors.

Is this an issue with my XP configuration? Would I be better suited to format the HD and erase XP and start from there?

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Debian Installation :: Errors While Installing 3.2.66-grsec Linux-image

Feb 22, 2015

Debian Wheezy upgraded to Jessie. I can't install my grsec kernel. I did everything exactly like they say on website: [URL] ....

patching: grsecurity-3.0-3.2.66-201502180830.patch and linux-3.2.66 -o.k
then ''make menuconfig'': Configuration Method - Automatic (for virtualbox hosting) -o.k
compiling the kernel: 'fakeroot make deb-pkg' -o.k
and last step, installing new kernel : ''dpkg -i *.deb'' -not o.k

Below is the output from executing command : dpkg -i *.deb which supposed to install 3.2.66-grsec linux-image:

root@debian:/home/userone/Downloads/ ls

[Code] ....

After restarting, old kernel is booting, however from booting menu under advanced GNU/Linux options i can choice 3.2.66-grsec linux-image to boot, unfortunately it 'panics' (kernel panic - not syncing: grsec: halting the system due to suspicious kernel crash caused by root) and only way to turn off the computer is to hold down power button.

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Debian Installation :: Multiple SystemD Errors After Upgrade From Wheezy

Mar 3, 2016

Recently I upgraded my machine from wheezy to jessie.

Everything went smooth until the point that I restarted the node.

During startup I'm getting the following message which is flooding the screen:

Code: Select allsystemd-journald[296]: Failed to forward syslog message: Connection refused

After waiting a long time (the message above still continues to flood the screen), I'm being prompted with the following:

Code: Select allGive root password for maintenance (or type Control-D to continue):

If I press Ctrl+D the boot process continues and finally boots normally.

What I can do to avoid pressing Ctrl+D during the boot process?

I'm assuming that it must be a startup service which is failing but I'm unable to trace which exactly is that.

I'm attaching the full log [URL] ....

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Debian Installation :: File System Errors - Cant Access Logs

May 7, 2011

i get file system errors on boot up. found logs in /var/logs but cant access them. second best thing i can do is to re-install debian but no one seems to want to say how thats done. my disk wont run in wine (some error i dont remember) so i cant use my CD /flashdrive to re-install.

1) i need to read the log files and try to fix the install
2) if i cant fix i need to know how to wipe the OS and do a fresh install

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Fedora Installation :: FC10 Multiple Errors Right After Install

Jan 30, 2009

I have just loaded the FC9 onto a HP/Compaq D510 2.8Ghz/Intel graphic card. Everything when as expected during the install but on login I get the following set of errors. The follow Panels encounters a problem.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting Errors Installing At - Aptitude -f Install At

Jan 19, 2010

The following packages have been automatically kept back:

The following packages have been kept back:

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 - Cannot Install Bootloader Getting Continuous Errors

Feb 22, 2010

I have a new computer with two 500 gb hard drives which I use in raid 0. I tried to install Ubuntu 9.10 off the live cd but it was unable to partition the raid and kept failing. I was then told top use the alternate cd. I use that and my raid is detected, partitioned, and the system is installed. However now I cannot install a boot loader as I get continuous errors. Right now I am left with no ideas with what to do. I have Ubuntu installed to my hard drives just no way of accessing it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gdm/gconf Errors After Fresh Install?

Nov 11, 2010

I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 i386 on Asus EeePC S101 (1GB RAM, 32GB SSD). On the first boot of the freshly installed system I get 2 error popups several seconds after the screen goes into black graphical mode:popup 1:

Could not update ICEauthority file /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthority
After I close that popup, I immediately get another:


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