Debian :: File Formats And Compatibility With Windows?

Mar 7, 2011

I have question(s) about file formats and line endings and would like to know how you manage this. Here is the thing: I am sharing files with a Windows user and we run into some problems of formatting: He send me files in UTF-8 and with the Windows line ending and when I open them, modify them and send them back, he got them with the unix file ending and in UTF-8 or sometimes ANSII. I know that for example in gedit (as most of the files are .htm files that I modify and send them back to him or upload directly on the net after modification) when you use "saving as" you can change the line ending and also UTF-8 or else, But the thing is that it is pretty time consuming to do a "save as" with an existing file and change the attributes when you have to deal with dozens of files. So I searched on the web and heard about tofrodos, which I installed and worked well besides that it only changes the line ending. So I was wondering: how you deal with those formats/line ending compatibility issue and how you avoid loosing time because of this but still manage to get your fellow windows users shraing files with youif you know command line tools that would enable me to modify the line ending and the formats of file(s) (also pretty basic but I didnīt find a way to check/display those attributes from the command line)tell me more about the web, as it should be the same problem (and even worst as the are a lost of unix devices acting as servers) but still windows users donīt have any problem displaying pages with are documents stored with their own line endings and formatting.

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General :: Vfat File System On Usb-drive For Windows Compatibility

Aug 24, 2010

I've just formatted by usb drive to vfat, as I heard that is best to use in both Linux and Windows? What do you think?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Windows Player Formats?

Jan 24, 2010

i have ubuntu 9.10 and vidoes i want to play in wmv format, i then was asked to search for a codec/encoder but the search came back with this message..

video/x-asf-unknown decoder
Windows Media Speech decoder

does anyone know what i can do to play this format

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Ubuntu :: How To Install SO File Formats

Oct 17, 2010

I have installed Lucid on my HP tx2000 64bit laptop and trying to get the Adobe flash plugin. I have the beta version of the 64-bit plugin from the Adobe website, but it has a .so file that I cannot realise how to install.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Open .bok File Formats

May 19, 2011

I just downloaded ubuntu for the first time and loving the software...but few do i open .bok file formats in ubuntu.

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Fedora :: 9 - Audacity RPM - No Support For File Formats

Jul 2, 2009

An Audacity build for Fedora 9 that has MP3 import and FFMpeg support built-in?

The one provided in Fedora-suggested repositories (audacity.i386 0:1.3.7-0.4.beta.fc9.2) is useless - has none of the above. One can't import MP3, WAV, OGG,... - nothing. The only option is to record and export to MP3 (with Lame).

To be honest, I can't understand why people are supplying such builds.

I understand it's quicker to build it from soruces in my case, but if anyone cares to replace the mentioned version with actually useful one, it could be a good deed.

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Fedora Installation :: DualBoot Windows Vista And 14 - Play All Media Formats ?

Dec 13, 2010

I am planning to buy a new system. I am planning to use fedora and windows vista (I have a legal copy with me and I dont want to buy a new one. That's why no windows 7 here).

How shoudl I proceed? Which OS to install first? I believe (from reading the threads) that I should install windows vista first and Fedora second.

The main question I have is this. I heard that HDD makers will no longer ship the current HDD's in Jan. Heard that 512 byte hard drive format is to be replaced by 4KB. I read somewhere that this can cause issues when we go for dual boot. Is this true? In that case, what steps can I take to ensure no problems occur?

I really want to use Vista only for running certain applications which do not run on linux. I have heard WINE can simulate a WIN environment. But is this really true? I mean, can it simulate WIN environments perfectly?

My next question is regarding dual HDD. I am planning to go for 2*500GB HDD instead of 1*1TB HDD... So will it be better if I dedicate one HDD to Vista and 1 HDD to Fedora? (I know it will be a waste of space since I will be using Fedora mainly and hardly aropund 10-20 GB for Vista. But I can access the Vista partitions)

Does fedora play all media formats? I know out of the box it might not.. But does having VLC help?

I dont see any firewall protection in Linux. I have heard of using IPTables, but then how efefctive are those? I will be doing many online transactions and I want my system to be secure. I know Linux is pretty secure. So should I harden the security with a hardware firewall?

I will be watching a lot of DVD movies, AVI movies and some HD movies as well. Does linux have issues rendering HD movies properly? I have read somewhere that fedora has issues while Win is good and Debian/CentOS (Not sure which one was mentioned) is even better. I had a pretty powerful config in teh past and yet I have seen that my Vista machine had trouble rendering a HD movie properly.

I will be buying AMD configuration along with an ATI graphic card (sometimes). Does Fedora have any driver issues?

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Hardware :: MP3 Player To Play All Popular File Formats

Jun 18, 2010

I am looking to buy a mp3 player that would be 100% compatible with linux. I recently returned my ipod touch because without going into details, it was a nightmare to get running in linux, it actually wouldn't run. Now that I am free again, I would like recommendations for a mp3 player with roughly the following features:

-100% compatible with linux
-compatible with windows (in case I want to transfer stuff from my gf's laptop)
-can play pretty much all the most popular file formats from linux
-application to convert files so the player can read them (I am thinking about itunes here);
-has FM radio;
-has a decent GUI (no monochrome text only interface like the ipod shuffle (?);

I would think 4GB is enough for me. I am not the kind of person to pack my player with 600GB of stuff and empty it once a year. I will probably add/remove stuff everyday. I also wouldn't mind if it can play podcasts. I also don't mind buying from less known companies. I just need to make sure if it craps out, I can return it or get it repaired within canada.

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General :: Windows - Fastest (and Least Number Of Steps) Way To Migrate Hard Drive Formats?

Feb 19, 2011

I have an ext2 formatted disk (linux) and I need to reformat it to NTFS (windows). Problem is, I have to retain the 750 GB of data that's on the disk. What's the quickest (least number of steps) way to accomplish this? I do have a spare 1TB disk now to help with the transfer.

Background.I've been using XBMC Live for a couple of years, but with all the problems I've been having lately, I'm moving over to the Windows version. Unfortunately all of my media is stored on an ext2 formatted disk (not the same disk as the OS disk).I was thinking of loading up an Ubuntu live disk, and installing ntfs-config. Mount my secondary disk (already formatted NTFS), transfer the files, reformat the original drive, load windows and transfer the files back.

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Ubuntu :: Burn Compatibility With Windows (>64 Char)?

Jan 6, 2010

I have found the wonder that is FLAC and am encoding CD's. My system at work is locked down so I found CoolPlayer++ to play FLAC which I intended to play from a DVD I created. I have collected my FLAC into collections that I want to burn to DVD for playback. So, I burn DVD in Ubuntu (9.04), files look and work great from within Linux. When I use in Windows all the folders and files are 8.3 format (major issue is that .FLAC are now .FLA and not recognized by CoolPlayer). However, if I use Windows compatibility then the FLAC filenames are truncated to 64 char (many are longer since they have track number, and full song names). Is there a way to keep longer than 64 and use in Windows?

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Fedora :: Error Message: Sox Formats: No Handler For File Extension `mp3'

Aug 23, 2010

Odd that no posts come up in the search for "sox" or "specifically sox mp3"

How to get it up and going?

Which yum libraries need to be installed to get sox to recognize mp3s,

example: yum -y install force-mp3-to-start-working

its producing this error message: sox formats: no handler for file extension `mp3'

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Ubuntu :: Editing Song Info In MP3 And Other Audio File Formats?

Jun 20, 2010

How can I edit the song info found in MP3 files and other audio file formats in Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit other then using Rhythmbox?

It's a pain to use Rhythmbox to edit the artist, album, year, Genre and other info of each song because you have to find the song by it name and then change the info. There is no way to put it in a view as folder or drive name or partition so you can simply go to where the files them selves are on the drive and edit mutiple files at the same time without having to search for each song individuly.

In XP all you need to do is right click and select properties and then edit the info there but in Linux all you can do is view the info under properties.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Boots Windows 98 In Dos Compatibility Mode

Nov 25, 2010

Have win98se on secondary master as it fully supports some devices Ubuntu doesn't (Aries scan it pro, pci smart modem, Lexmark printer/scanner x2250), Lucid is on primary master. Grub seamlessly booted windows using menu.lst entry:

titleWindows 95/98/Me


Would be grateful if anyone knows a configuration that works, as using CMOS/BIOS setup to boot windows is a pain.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Formats: Identification - Conversion - Figure Out What Format A File Is In?

Apr 12, 2010

I think that the biggest problem that I have had is that some of the music (and audio books) that I have gotten have not played on my walkman, or have not been able to be downloaded in to I-tunes.

First: I hate itunes... I only try to make it work because I love my wife. (and do not want her to hit me)

Second: I know that my Walkman has a very limited range of files that it can play, so I will need to convert some types of files.

But my basic questions:

* How can I figure out what format a file is in?
* Below that, how can I identify the singular characteristics of a file? (bit rate, and other formats...)
* Is there a best way to switch the formats or format options of these files. (I am currently using sox to do this, it seems to very complete)

Basically. I know nothing! The most that I do not know is that two files that as far as I can tell have the same formats, and should work the same never the less, one of them works, the other does not. I am looking to figure out a way to look at these files (maybe they are mislabeled) and figure out what their real format is (and a more complete format than just being MP3 or such) and then to be able to convert it in to a format that is able to be used by myself and/or my wife.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Any Video Editing Program That Can Save To Uncompressed File Formats

Aug 4, 2011

I would like to ask if there is any video editing program that can save to uncompressed file formats.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Trying To Play Xvid File / Cannot Play All File Formats

Sep 13, 2010

I downloaded the xvid codec from: PackMan:: Informationen zum Paket xvidcore, and the install was successful.I'm trying to play an xvid file, and Kaffeine is saying it cannot play all file formats, would I like to install additional support. When I click yes, it asks me for additional repositories.

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Debian Multimedia :: Play All The Audio & Video Formats In Lenny 5.0?

Sep 14, 2010

I have been using Linux Mint for the past two years, I am interested in using Debian as my desktop OS.By default Linux mint can play all the audio and video formats

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General :: .disk File Compatibility - Recover The Files ?

Dec 18, 2010

I removed my Ubuntu install and decided to replace it with Debian. I backed up the /home directory onto the Windoze installation on the other hard drive. That was a "home.disk" file. Now, I copied the file over to the Debian hard drive, and can't figure out how to recover the files. Is this possible to do in Debian?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Home File Server - Read / Write Compatibility

Jan 30, 2011

I've been a Xubuntu/Ubuntu/Lubuntu hobby user for about 18 months now. I started using Linux as a way to revive older computers provide a backup and expand my knowledge of computing. The command line was something new to me but as long as I can find detailed directions on how to do what I want I can usually manage. I set up a Samba server for my home shared network and now I'd like to make the shared drives of that server accessible from outside my network. Via ssh or ftp or some program of the like. I'd like to have it user name and password protected. Configurable user rights would be nice. (read/write/delete/etc) As well as novice user friendly.

My end goal is a server with read/write capability that I will be able to access from work or a friends house or anywhere with an Internet connection and my laptop. I understand about port forwarding and have done so with my home network behind an AT&T U-verse router/modem. I've researched openssh and some ftp setups but they seem like they can be difficult. Now for the questions. Is this task something that can be accomplished without a degree in computer networking? Is there a program(s) that would make this a simpler task? Is this more complex than its worth? How would I go about setting up such a thing?

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General :: Ext4 New File System Mounting Compatibility With The Older Ext3 Type?

Sep 7, 2009

How well is the ext4 new file system mounting compatibility with the older ext3 previous Linux installations ? I refer to Ubuntu 9.04 and the new Fedora 11 which have the option to install with the ext4 file format. Will it be better if I install with the older ext3, so that I will be able to mount all other Linux from each other in a multi-boot system ?

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Debian Configuration :: Ext 4 Error At Install And BIOS Compatibility Mode

Jan 13, 2016

So I just recently got an HP pro 1005 all in one PC and tried to install Debian 8.2 on it through a bootable Uefi USB, however, when trying to install, there's always an error like this: "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext4 in LVM VG debian-vg, LV root at /failed."

Also, no matter how many times I completely wipe every partition, there's always this message at the start of the installation saying Windows is already installed as BIOS compatibility mode, and asks me if i still want to install as Uefi, I was wondering if that had anything to do with my error.

I checked the drives health and there wasn't any kind of problems, passed all the tests.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Convert Ogg To Mp3 - Sox My.ogg My.mp3: "sox FAIL Formats: Can't Open Output File `x.mp3': SoX Was Compiled Without MP3 Encoding Support"

Sep 17, 2010

I have a few ogg files that I want to put on my phone. My phone doesn't play oggs, so I need to convert. It's just an audiobook so I really don't care about quality. Oddly, nothing I try seems to be up to the task. Here's what I tried so far:

sox my.ogg my.mp3: "sox FAIL formats: can't open output file `x.mp3': SoX was compiled without MP3 encoding support" mencoder: wants video too?? Wha?? vlc (from GUI): "p, li { white-space: pre-wrapStreaming / Transcoding failed: It seems your FFMPEG (libavcodec) installation lacks the following encoder: MPEG Audio layer 1/2/3. If you don't know how to fix this, ask for support from your distribution.

This is not an error inside VLC media player. Do not contact the VideoLAN project about this issue." lame my.ogg my.mp3: "sorry, vorbis support in LAME is deprecated." audicity (via GUI): success..but I'm now going to have to somehow script it. This is very annoying. It makes me want to rip directly into mp3 from now on. Is there an easy way to convert an ogg file to an mp3 from the command-line?

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Debian Hardware :: Unable To Find Suitable Destination To Install 32-bit Compatibility Libraries

Feb 24, 2016

I am trying to install some NVIDIA drivers on my machine. I went through the process and got this message:

Code: Select allWARNING: Unable to find a suitable destination to install 32-bit compatibility libraries. Your system may not be set up for 32-bit compatibility. 32-bit compatibility files will not be installed; if you wish to install them, re-run the installation and set a valid directory with the --compat32-libdir option. URL...Where in I ran this in the terminal to create the 32-bit document tree.

Code: Select allsudo apt-get install ia32-libs

E: Package 'ia32-libs' has no installation candidate.

I really just want to get these NVIDIA drivers up and running. I already installed and updated the headers to just be able to half-way install the drivers (the second monitor works now).

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Debian :: File Sharing On Windows Client Using Samba

Oct 1, 2010

I am new to debian. How to configure debian 5 on file sharing on windows client.

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Debian Configuration :: Windows File Sharing - Set Any Password In Win XP In Administrator Account

Mar 28, 2011

I have a win XP box and want to share files on this win XP box In Ubuntu 10.10 I previous used, I just connect the win XP sahred folder via file browser without any username and password. In my Debian Squeeze, when I connect to my win XPIt poped up a window and asked me the username and password. But I don't set any password in my win XP even my administrator account. How can I do to make my connecting to win XP smoothly like the Ubuntu does?

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Security :: Debian Shows File Permissions Change When Copied To A Windows Partition?

Dec 10, 2010

Some time back using this computer a SucKit rootkit was found. Having dd urandomed the drive, flattened CMOS battery, flashed BIOS, run Knoppix live CD 6.1,using no flat pack battery (laptop), and memtested the RAM, I am still having problems with what I suspect is a javascript file that tries to reload the rootkit from? firmware. I suspect the firmware as everything else should have eradicated it??

Also it or a hacker via a backdoor then corrupts the drivers so devices malfunction. Windows security programs and rootkit detectors don't seem to pick it up. Fresh install of Windows or linux after the above still show this problem, though internet not used. The person who admitted rootkitting this machine is capable of writing java programs or using javascripts to do all this.

When viewed using Ubuntu 8.4 files and dates on a Windows partition appear normal both in file manager and terminal. However booting using Knoppix CD these files are all green, and I cannot change their permissions, even as root. ie: everything is green including text files etc. If I copy them to a linux partition, I can change their permissions and make them nonexecutable and nonwritable. Also on the Windows FAT32 partition the . directory has the date 1 Jan 1970.

If I disable any green files, I can shutdown and reboot cleanly. If I don't I start having problems shutting down [/usr/sbin/init ?] And always these follow a pattern:

Can't remember details as I have now corralled the beast but error messages relating to:


are the start of these.

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General :: Which Multimedia Formats?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm thinking about sticking my DVDs and audio CDs onto my computer. I will need to convert/transcode them into smaller file formats but I'm confused about all the available containers/codecs/formats etc.What types are "free"? Just Ogg or are there others? I'd prefer to use something that isn't proprietary.What are your recommendations for audio and video files?

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice 3.01 Not Working Right With MS Formats?

Jan 3, 2010

I just installed the latest version of OpenOffice (version 3.0.1) from Synaptic on Jaunty. OpenOffice can read MS Office 2007 files but cannot save in their format (docx or xlsx). So if I edit a docx document I cannot save it in the same format.

Why can I not save in the MS Office 2007 format? How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Are There Multiple Tag Formats?

Feb 5, 2010

The music I ripped with Sound Juicer, or ripped with VLC and tagged with EasyTag both have the same tag issues. The tags work great system-wide in Ubuntu, and if I drop the song on a data CD and put it in my Pioneer stereo, the tags work there, too. I can put the song on my Walkman and then copy it to another Ubuntu machine, and the tags work on the second machine, as well.

However, the Walkman lists the song as Unknown Song, Unknown Artist, Unknown Album. Further, if I transport the file into Windows, the Windows system doesn't recognize the tags, either.This begs the question, are there multiple tag formats?

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Software :: Vlc Player To Play All Formats?

Jan 31, 2010

hi am a using ubuntu 9.10...i want a vlc player to play all formats...i dont hav an internet connection..can i download from some site and install vlc player..if yes giv me d link also...?

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