Debian Configuration :: Massive Delay Between Pings Yet Pings Fine

Aug 16, 2010

I have just installed a testing net install of squeeze on my laptop and I'm having a few problems with my wired connection.

When i try to ping there is a large delay between each result even through the actual ping takes ~30ms. It takes about 5 seconds or more between each ping.

If i use ping -n it works fine. Does anyone know why this is happening?

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Debian :: UFW Failing To Deny Incoming Pings

Feb 3, 2016

I'm unable to get the "Uncomplicated Firewall" (UFW) to deny incoming pings. I've set it to deny incoming. Yet when I ping it, it responds.I'm using Debian 8.2 jessie KDE fresh/clean install with all updates.Below is the terminal output from a simple test (I've added an extra line feed between the commands for clarity):On a Debian 8.2 computer -- I install UFW, enable it, check its status (deny incoming), and get the Ethernet address:

Code: Select allroot@Computer:/home/user# apt-get install ufw                                                                                                             
.... (long output -- no errors or warnings)
root@Computer:/home/user# ufw enable
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup


The Debian computer with UFW active is responding to the pings, when it should be ignoring them.Rebooting the Debian computer doesn't fix the problem.This setup is very simple. I'm using all UFW defaults.This is a new Debian 8.2 install (clean) with all updates.

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Software :: Terminal Doesn't Display Failed Pings - Only Successful Ones - Debian Lenny

Sep 15, 2010

I am running Debian Lenny and just upgraded via "apt-get upgrade" yesterday and all appears to be fine, except I noticed that when I ping something from a terminal window, it only displays successful pings and does not show the failed ones. When the pings fail, I have to "Ctrl-C" to see the results and cannot see them in real-time. It's not a huge problem, but I'd still like to be able to see immediate results even when pings fail.

Example is below:

(Username and host name changed to protect the innocent; or due to being overly paranoid, whichever).

Failed -

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Security :: Finding Source Of Pings ?

Oct 17, 2010

How i know who is pinging me or trying?

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Networking :: OpenVPN Connects But No Replies To Pings

Jan 7, 2011

I have an asus router running tomato firmware. Through the webGUI I have set up an openVPN server as per the tomato guides. I am using the network manager plug-in in ubuntu 10.04 to connect as a client to the tomato openVPN. All of my certificates seem to be set up and working correctly.

I am able to successfully connect to the openVPN server using the ubuntu client but after that I get nothing. On the client side I am unable to ping the router, any ip addresses inside my private network, the virtual network ip, and web browsing (client) no longer works.

Also, when connected I am unable to ping the client from the private network.

Before connecting

chris@ChrisLaptop:~$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1e:68:90:5e:e9
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


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Ubuntu Networking :: IP Address - No Responses Received For Pings

Aug 6, 2010

I am having (seemingly) random trouble with my wired network ever since I installed Lucid. I have no problem getting an ip address from dhcp. However, randomly the computer will boot and although I have an ip address I do not receive any responses for pings on the network nor can I browse the web. If I sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart a few times (or reboot) it will start working. However, restarting the networking services (as mentioned above) again will cause me to no longer receive responses for pings or browse the web.

Furthermore, I have never been able to successfully ping if I manually set an ip address. I have un-installed network manager and I am using /etc/network/interfaces to configure the network. Using Lucid Lynx 64bit on a Dell Precision. I have pasted below the output of a few working commands. When I switch between static ip and dhcp I am commenting/uncommenting the lines shown in /etc/network/interfaces.

sudo lshw -c network
description: Ethernet interface
product: NetXtreme BCM5754 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express
vendor: Broadcom Corporation
physical id: 0
bus info: pci@0000:08:00.0
logical name: eth0
version: 02
serial: 00:23:ae:99:4a:85
size: 100MB/s
capacity: 1GB/s
width: 64 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pm vpd msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list ethernet physical tp 10bt 10bt-fd 100bt 100bt-fd 1000bt 1000bt-fd autonegotiation
configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=tg3 driverversion=3.102 duplex=full firmware=5754-v3.24 ip= latency=0 link=yes multicast=yes port=twisted pair speed=100MB/s
resources: irq:78 memory:f7cf0000-f7cfffff

cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
#iface eth0 inet static
iface eth0 inet dhcp

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Ubuntu :: Firewall Of Destination Avoid Answering To Pings / Get Name's IP Without Using It?

Feb 15, 2011

I need to check the output of a name resolution, but I configured the firewall of the destination to avoid answering to pings.
Is there any other way to get a name's IP without using ping? (I mean something like $resolv

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Ubuntu Networking :: Strange Behavior With Pings From Desktop?

Mar 9, 2011

I've been trying to use MySQL in Ubuntu but I've been having some connection issues and in trying to troubleshoot that, I observed this strange behavior with pings in Ubuntu Desktops inside our network.

- All Ubuntu Servers we have (10.10 and 8.04) behave as expected
- All Windows machines behave as expected
- All 5 Ubuntu Desktops we have, (10.10 and 9.10) exhibit the following unexpected behavior:

If they have a local ip addresses and are connected within the internal network, either to a switch or directly to a router, pings take much longer to be sent. It's not a higher lag, it's the time between each ping that increases. I have to wait for around 5 seconds for each ping, but the time in the ping reply is less than 100ms, also they're all in order so I assume it's the system delaying the sending of each ping.

If I plug a USB 3G modem directly then it works as expected again (~1 sec between each ping sent). Is this an intended feature, that depends on the network environment, or is this something I should look into more closely?

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Fedora Installation :: F13 Live CD Terminal Pings But Firefox Will Not Connect

Aug 2, 2010

Due to my problem getting F13 installed on my main desktop PC I thought I'd give the live CD a go in an old laptop:

Toshiba Satellite 1400-103, 512 MB RAM

This time I at least got to the desktop, however firefox will not connect to any website (and I've tried dozens)

However if i open up a terminal I can ping the websites that were not connecting, e.g.


So it does not appear to be a DNS problem (and other win boxes on my router connect fine)

Is it even worth proceeding with the F13 install at this stage?

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Networking :: Pinging Multiple Interfaces - Getting Pings From Eth0 But Not From Eth1?

Feb 26, 2011

I have two network interfaces and their entries are shown as eth0 and eth1... I want to assign them static IPs which I do by

ifconfig eth0 netmask up
ifconfig eth1 netmask up

But I am not sure if it will ping both the interfaces if I issue a command

ping -I eth0 (machine in network)
ping -I eth1 (machine in network)

I am getting pings from eth0 but not from eth1

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General :: Average Number Of Hosts That Respond To Pings During A Traceroute?

Feb 27, 2010

I am a new learner. I need a simple scripts that compute the average ping time for hosts, and the average number of hosts that respond to pings during a traceroute. I have finished the ping part but I confused how to start the traceroute part

for host in $txt; do
echo $host

echo $( ping -c 3 $host | grep avg | sed 's@.*=@ rrt ave =@' | sed -r 's@ = [^/]+/([^/]+).*@= 1 ms@')

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Ubuntu Networking :: Long Pauses At Start Of Pings And Http; MTU Related?

Mar 29, 2010

Brand new network, just installed, all ubuntu 9.10 boxes connected to a Dell 2206 dumb gigabit switch, and from there to Dlink router to cable modem. Pretty simple. ISP confirms great link out and inbound,

However, http requests can sit for 20-30 seconds (sometimes longer), before content returns, same for pings.

Some thought it might be MTU-related. What is best MTU setting 1500/1492/ ?

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General :: Networking - Doesn't Respond To Pings - View The Arp Cache Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a Slackware 13.0 server that is not replying to icmp pings. However, I have double checked that /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all is set to 0. The weird thing is I can run nc -v slackware 22 from any computer on my lan and the banner comes up just fine. The nic is on the same netmask and broadcast as all the other computers on my lan. I can log into it as well, it just doesn't respond to pings. I can even ping other computers and get replies just fine when pinging from inside the Slackware server.

I have even added an iptables INPUT rule for -p icmp -j ACCEPT. Although I've never had to do this. I ran tcpdump -vv icmp and I can see ping requests coming into the computer, however slackware simply doesn't respond. What could be causing this? A corrupt arp cache? It's been happening for more than a few hours so I wouldn't think so. How can I view the arp cache table? How do I clear it?

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Networking :: Server On Multiple VLANs Server Not Responding To Pings From Non-local Subnets?

Jul 14, 2010

I've got a machine running Ubuntu Server that is on several VLANs. Each VLAN has its own subnet and the server has an address on each subnet. The switches are set to allow tagged traffic to the server for each VLAN that it is on. Switch ports ending with workstations are given untagged ports on whatever VLAN is appropriate. Workstations are given addresses on a subnet for each VLAN via DHCP. All this works great and hosts on any subnet/VLAN can access the server as normal via its address on that subnet/VLAN.

Accessing the machine by its address on a non-local subnet is where I run into a problem. Inter-subnet traffic has to go through a router, which has been set up appropriately. Running tcpdump on the server and pinging it from a workstation on a subnet, using its address on a different subnet, shows the server receives the ping, but sends no response:

sudo tcpdump -i vlan4 -n
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode


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Debian Configuration :: Server Services Delay After Wakeup From Suspend

Oct 4, 2015

I'm trying to lower consumption of my server/HTPC. After wakeup from pm-suspend server/HTPC is ready to use in 1 or 2 seconds .For example if I suspend it while watching movie in KODI, after resume movie starts playing instantly. But some services (SSH and SAMBA) are not running. I thought it was network problem so I change configuration to static (not DHCP). SAMBA and SSH starts like 15 seconds after wakeup.

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Debian Configuration :: CIFS Mount Causes 90-sec Timeout Delay During Shutdown

Nov 17, 2015

I'm using Debian 8.2 from a very recent download of the latest NetInst (less than 2 weeks). I'm sort of new to Linux - More accurately, I've used Unix and Linux extensively in the past, so most of my knowledge is dated. In particular, the whole systemd / systemctl paradigm is completely new to me.

Problem: I've added an entry to /etc/fstab to mount a NAS drive as CIFS. When I do a system shutdown or reboot, the system hangs for 90 seconds trying to unmount the NAS. If I manually umount the NAS prior to shutdown / reboot everything works fine.

I've done a fair amount of investigation and web searches, but haven't found a fix yet. Apparently several people were encountering similar problems about a year back, and it seems pretty clear that the root cause what ordering of steps in the shutdown process, e.g., WLAN being turned off before unmounting filesystems. This seems to have been resolved for most users (no one is discussing it any more), but I'm now running into the same issue. Ugh.

I tried to add a shell script to /etc/rc0.d to umount the NAS first in the shutdown process. This had no effect. I assume this is because the new systemd / systemctl paradigm supplants the old /etc/rc model of runlevel control, though it is rather baffling (to me, at least) as to why /etc/rc* still exists if the system is no longer using it...?

Here's some things I'd like to try, but how to proceed:

1. In the new systemd / systemctl paradigm, how do I examine and change the ordering of steps in the shutdown process? I've seen a lot of documentation on systemd, but nothing tells me how to do what I used to be able to do with /etc/rc with a simple rename of a symlink. If I knew how to look at the order of shutdown and change that ordering, I'm fairly certain I could identify and resolve this issue.

2. Is there some other way to mount my CIFS NAS other than editing /etc/fstab? Is it possible that my manual edit to /etc/fstab is the cause of this issue? My research into systemd indicates that it IS supposed to be compatible with /etc/fstab. I have not yet found documentation describing how to mount a filesystem at boot WITHOUT editing /etc/fstab ...

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Debian Configuration :: Long Delay In Accessing SAMBA Shares

Jan 27, 2016

When I boot up, or come out of standby, etc, it takes about a minute for my Windows shares on Win 7 to show up under Network. Is there anything I can try that will make this initial connection faster? Either on Debian or the Win7 machine? I have the latest Debian vanilla. This is over wifi. My other devices list the shares right away.

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Debian Configuration :: OpenSSH - Sshd Returns Login Prompt With Delay

Jul 11, 2011

On a Debian 5.0.8 I have a problem with OpenSSH server (sshd): when connecting to it from another host there is always a 10 seconds delay before sshd gives login prompt to the client. After the connection is established the communication goes on without any interruption. This long delay started to happen a few months ago and sshd_config was not changed at that time.

Here is a short description of the conversation between the putty client (on MS Windows) and sshd:
- putty client starts connection to sshd
- 10 s delay
- sshd returns "login as:"
- user types username in putty window
- sshd returns "password:"
- user types password in putty window
- sshd returns MotD and shell prompt

Here is a short description of the conversation between the OpenSSH client (on a Debian 6) and sshd:
- client does "ssh"
- 10 s delay
- sshd returns "Password:"
- user types password
- sshd returns MotD and shell prompt

I tried connecting from:
- local host - NO DELAY
- a host on the same subnet - delay exists
- a host on another subnet - delay exists

I've found the following suggestions but to no avail (of course I restarted sshd after changing its configuration):
- on server put "UseDNS no" at the end of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- in /etc/hosts on the server define mappings between IP addresses and host names for the ssh clients
- on client use "GSSAPIAuthentication no" in /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Here are some logs and configurations:

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Debian Configuration :: SFTP Works Fine But FTP Will Not Connect

May 5, 2010

I am using debian squeeze. I haven't changed much and I am a newb at this sorry. I can use the SFTP, but I can't use the FTP under any account. I can't find a conf file or anything for this.

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Debian :: X File - Massive Mobile Data Usage

May 29, 2015

I have been using Wheezy for two years, and everything was OK, so I decided to upgrade to Jessie. In fact i decided to perform a clean install of jessie, so I formatted the partition where Wheezy was installed, and the /boot partition, and I installed jessie in those partitions.

As I had done with Wheezy, I installed jessie in an encrypted LVM, and the installation was ok (well, almost everything was OK, because grub and plymouth were not working, but I will open another topic about it).

First thing I did after installing Jessie was editting sources.list in order to download a few programs (plymouth, firmware linux non free, libdvdcss2, gufw, menulibre). Moreover, I downloaded a few progrmas from the Debian install DVD (flashplugin, VLC, chromium, clamav). i did not perform a dist upgrade because i was not at home, and where I was I did not have a Wifi connection (so I was using my mobile connecion -USB ethernet with an android phone-. BTW I had just performed a hard reset I had not installed any apps after that, so that mobile phone was "clean").

After that, I created a desktop user account, and I rebooted the laptop . When i rebooted, I started to tweak my user account: I edited dconf, and the gnome shell theme; and I started my mobile connection to download three extensions for gnome shell (window list, simple dock and activities configurator. I had used those extensions with Wheezy, and I had never had any problems). Ten minutes after I started the mentioned mobile connection, I reveived a SMS as I had used over 300 MB. Gnome monitor showed that I have downloaded 300 MB, and the android native data usage app showed the same. I did not download any video or music neither watch any videos on youtube, dailymotion..., I did not visit any suspicious web

I had a look at the apt logs and I din not find anything significant (I was using a no sudo user account, so i was not able to perform a dist.upgrade), I had a look at the download, video, music, picture folders and i din not find anything. I tried to check the iceweasel cache folder, but there were so many subfolders I could not check everything.

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General :: Squid Delay Pools Configuration For 3 Types Of Clients

Mar 4, 2011

I want to configure squid delay pool for the following scenario:

Internet Connection Speed: 7Mbps
3 Types of clients
Type 1: unlimited access to bandwidth
Type 2: 1.5 Mbps
Type 3: 512 Kbps

Unlimited access ip address,2,5,10
1.5 mbps ip addresses,4,6-9,11
512 mbps ip addresses

How to create acl for these ip's and delay pools for above speed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Post-GRUB 2 Delay - Troubleshoot This And Determine What Is Causing The Delay

May 11, 2011

After GRUB 2 comes up (I'm running Ubuntu 10.10) and I choose the OS to boot, there is about a 5 second delay where nothing appears to happen after I make the selection -- no disk activity. It happens consistently every time I boot. Again, this is after I choose the OS to boot, so it shouldn't have anything to do with the standard delay to allow me to choose the appropriate OS.Is there a good way to troubleshoot this and determine what is causing the delay?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Have Finished Reconfiguring My 1st PC Centos 5.5 With Squid And Dansguarian Works Fine The Configuration Is Basic?

Feb 8, 2011

I have finished reconfiguring my 1st PC Centos 5.5 with Squid and Dansguarian. Works fine the configuration is basic.lets name it to 1st PCeth0 - modem ip (public)eth1 - (LAN)Then I've decided to change and add another Centos 5.5 for Firewall Service that is directly connected to the modem and then shares internet connection and some ports to 1st PC.

lets name it to 2nd PC, it also has two NICSeth0 - modem ip (public)eth1 - (ip to connect to the 1st pc with squid services)so I changed the ip of the 1st PC with theseeth0 - - (LAN)and connects the eth0 ( of the 1st PC to the eth2 ( of the 2nd PCthen I've tried browsing on the network but it does not there a simple iptables command for the 1st PC and 2nd PC?ere are the iptables script and lists of my 1st and 2nd PC 2nd PC (firewall to be)

#vi /home/user1/


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Debian :: SSH Password Prompt Delay In Lenny

Feb 22, 2010

Before upgrading to Lenny there was no noticeable delay between entering a username & the prompt for a password when logging in via ssh. Now there is about a 5-second delay which is rather annoying. There is no delay when logging in through the Gnome UI. Anyone know why the delay is there? Is it something about ssh under Lenny? Is there a setting that can be changed?

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Debian :: Running Command After Delay (On Login)?

Mar 13, 2011

I want to run a command on startup (Via startup applications) that has to wait for another program to run first.I don't seem to be able to use sleep to delay the command as it is stored in a .desktop file.How do I make it run later, preferably without having to create a script just for this one command.Also, how do I make the system start with compiz? Change "/desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager" ? Or do it the clean way by (Somehow) configuring gnome to use compiz?

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Debian :: Delay Mediatomb Services Start

Mar 4, 2015

I have moved from a raspberry pi to an olimex LIME A20. I have managed to get everything working correctly except mediatomb. I have a USB drive attached, I believe that mediatomb is trying to read the drive before it's mounted leaving me with an empty database.

After boot I can create the mediatomb database which works until I reboot the computer. What can I try to delay the mediatomb services start?

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Debian Multimedia :: Xdm Long Delay Before Login

Jan 26, 2016

Im experiencing a long delay before the gdm login screen appears in debian jessie with kernel 4.4 and also with the distro kernel 3.16

there in the Xorg.log
Code: Select allX.Org X Server 1.16.4
Release Date: 2014-12-20
[    22.516] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
[    22.516] Build Operating System: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64 Debian


they claim to have fixed the issue after kernel 3.4 so i must have some missconfiguration causing this loop.

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Debian :: Server Delay To Execute Commands?

Sep 1, 2010

I have debian lenny, when I run an application is slow to load (example: iceweacel open and it takes, I can hold him iceweacel work normally), I tried to change from gnome to another and the same thing, went down some services (samba, squid) and nothing. I open a terminal and it takes, I want to duplicate it and do it fast. From a terminal without X (tty1) with root run mc and moves quickly, also run as root "sudo mc" and takes to boot.Any action done with sudo it takes to run.Can not be what it takes to make starting the applications, not the PC because it is new, and from one moment to another I began to pass this

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Debian :: Slight Delay In Root Terminal (inside X)

Jan 26, 2011

When I'm in OpenBox, I often have a termianl (lxterminal) open in the background. The terminals responds quickly when logged in as my standard user. If I, however, use su to switch to root, there's about a 2 or 3 second delay on the output for any command I type. This delay goes away if I type another character or tap the spacebar. That input is read as normal -- I've accidentally answered 'y' to prompts before.

My machine is an ASUS Eee PC 1001P (1GB of RAM, Atom 450) with an 40GB Intel SSD.

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Debian :: Instant Menus Required - How To Remove Delay

Mar 22, 2011

The applications menu editor allows the editing of the menu though not it's settings so how do I remove the menu delay? I want instant menus.

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