CentOS 5 :: Stable O.s. Means Old Libreries?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm a linux newbie, so I ask for your help in order to really understand my needs and CentOS possibilities and advantages. Today I installed a software I need for work, but it complains that Quote:/usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found

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CentOS 5 :: File Transfer By Means Of VNC?

Feb 24, 2010

I have started on CentOS 5.3 VNC server. I am connected to CentOS from a workstation under control of Windows XP using UltraVNC. Connection passes normally, but I cannot transfer files. By pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 the message: "The connected VNC Server does not support UltraVnc File Transfer".

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CentOS 5 :: After Updating To The Version (2.6.18-164.el5), The Server Is Not Stable And I Have Got A Lot Of Errors?

Sep 23, 2009

I am running CentOS release 5.3 (Final)
kernel: CentOS (2.6.18-53.1.13.el5)

After updating to the version: CentOS (2.6.18-164.el5), the server is not stable and i have got a lot of this kind error:

Sep 19 02:08:36 server kernel: EXT3-fs error (device sda8): ext3_lookup: unlinked inode 3372068 in dir #5148223
Sep 19 02:08:36 server kernel: Aborting journal on device sda8.
Sep 19 02:08:36 server kernel: EXT3-fs error (device sda8): ext3_lookup: unlinked inode 3372071 in dir #5148223[code].....

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CentOS 5 :: Why Is Kernel Much Older Than Current Stable Version?

Jan 21, 2010

I just ran "yum update" to download the latest kernel from the repository, and noticed that it's 2.6.18-164.11.1 while the latest on www.kernel.org is of curiosity, why is there such a discripency between the two? Lack of resources to test and build binaries?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Make 1000fps Stable Kernel?

Dec 27, 2010

how can i make 1000fps stable kernel

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Server :: Dell R310 System - Scientific More Stable Than CentOS

May 25, 2011

I am setting up a Dell R310 server system with a raid controller. Has anyone installed either of these OS on this server. Is Scientific Linux more stable than centOS these days.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Is There Any Additional Configuration In Order To Make Network Stable

Jul 8, 2010

I have a webserver to host some system application to the public. the server have two network interface. I set eth0 with wan IP and eth1 with internal LAN IP.the reason for the internal ip on eth1 is to enable LAN pc directly access to the webserver application..is this configuration is ok. sometimes the server link down and i have to restart network to get it back to normal again.. Is there any additional configuration in order to make the network stable.

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General :: What Is 'bs' Part Means?

Feb 8, 2011

would the following command wipe an entire drive clean (partition table included)? Code: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=512.I was wondering what the 'bs' part means? Would it be better to omit that?

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Debian :: What It Means When Aptitude Show 'iB'

Jul 5, 2011

I was running today's udpate and saw this :-


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Ubuntu :: What It Means To Have An Encrypted Drive

Apr 6, 2011

In disk usage analyser, I see that under home, I have my user folder which is about 50 GB. But for some reason, there is another equally big folder called "ecryptfs". When I installed ubuntu, I selected the encrypt hard drive option. How is this encryption when it seems like the space is just being replicated? And if I want to free up the 50 GB of space taken up by "ecryptfs", how do I do it?

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Fedora :: Compiz Installed - Does That Means 3D Working?

Jun 15, 2010

If Compiz works, does that mean 3d is working? In other words I can install and play games in wine. Compiz's website states that it is hardware accelerated and uses OpenGL. Does that mean 3d? I am running FC13 64bit on an HP Pavillion DV7-2185DX. The video card is ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650.

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Ubuntu :: What Running Process As Root Actually Means

Apr 8, 2010

I just installed Wine (1.1.3* dev release) and installed Notepad++ (OSS) and Net Meter (Freeware, the latest beta is actually OSS too). I also intend to install a few other things later. The only failure so far is the latest WinSCP So it made me wonder about what running a process/software as "root" actually means. When I use U.S.C or 'apt-get install' to install software on my computer, and type my password, it displays that keyring icon on my systray.

Does this mean I am root at that moment? And how about running wine, the wine processes, and any windows *.exe I'm installing and running? I basically am afraid that I am running all the wine-related stuff as root, even though there is no indication that I at least have elevated privileges. What is/are the worst-case scenario(s) about wine?

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Ubuntu :: What Does Ign Means When Running Sudo Apt-get Update

Aug 15, 2010

What does Ign means when I am running sudo apt-get update:

bas@ubuntu-lt:~$ sudo apt-get update | grep Ign | grep xbmc
Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US

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Ubuntu :: No Ethernet Cable - Means Frozen ?

May 24, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my girlfriends laptop a couple days ago...had the Ethernet cable plugged in to do the install...loaded fine the first time after the install. Unplugged the Ethernet cable when I had the wireless network set up and it froze. Restarted and it wouldn't even load the desktop. Didn't make the connection at first...thought there was something wrong with Unity. After about a day and a half worth of searching Unity problems/desktop freezing and solutions, I stumbled across this:


Do you have a Broadcom card? You have probably noticed the desktop works when you run Ethernet but it locks up when your wireless connection is active.

You'll need to upgrade the kernel to fix the issue. did it for me.

11.04 just runs fine now.

This solution was to update the kernel, but that didn't work for me. Now I'm stuck.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Launch Nautilus By Any Means?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm using Natty x64 on an Lenovo Thinkpad x120e. as of yesterday, I am unable to launch Nautilus by any means, whether command line or from desktop icons for my computer. I've tried in Unity as well as classic desktop. Here is the message from command line

nabeel@x120e:~$ gksu nautilus
Initializing nautilus-gdu extension

Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension The desktop flickers, then no nautilus I am able to run and use file manager with no problems. I already tried re-installing nautilus in synaptic.

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General :: Debian 5.0 For Intel X86 Architecture Means 32 Bit OS?

Feb 22, 2010

I've just finished installing debian 5.0.3 on my pc and i chose the installation set for the Intel x86 architecture. Does it mean that my OS is then 32 bit and will be used to run only 32 bits applications ? I'm doing also software developments with gcc with my linux box. Using this os and the gcc tools, for this os, will my software only be 32 bits ?

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General :: What Means Values Of Load Average?

Jan 20, 2011

Anyone know what means the values of Load Average?

load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.04
load average: 17.50, 13.44, 12.70

Sometime is low and many times is high.

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Fedora :: Strange Message In Dmesg Output / What That Means?

Jul 8, 2010

When I run dmesg I get
[drm:drm_mode_rmfb] *ERROR* tried to remove a fb that we didn't own
Does anyone have any idea what that means?
Fedora 12 Gnome 2.28

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OpenSUSE :: Higher Resolution Means Less Display Quality?

Apr 24, 2010

this post started after i have googled around about 2h without solving my problem: the higher the resolution is i set to my opensuse, the greater the symbols and text-sizes of my windows will be (pictures follow).

i installed openSuse in my vmware Workstation tryed differnt screen-sizes. for example here is a perfect display quality with a res of 1024x768: but if i change the res to 2560x1600 i get really ugly results. is there a setting to avoid the resizing of windows like firefox or dolphin /fixing the dpi?

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Ubuntu Security :: Unrecognized Disk Space Means?

Jan 6, 2010

what this unrecognized disk space means?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Bandwidth By Means Of Commands?

Jan 18, 2010

How to share bandwidth by means of commands in Ubuntu Linux?

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Ubuntu :: Monster File Means Failed Drive?

Mar 2, 2010

I recently had a problem with an absolutely gobsmackingly huge .xsessions-error file growing in my /home partition (over 200 GB--the only reason it stopped growing was that there wasn't any room left). So, I deleted it, and then to see what problems had been causing the file to grow so huge, I rebooted the computer to regenerate it. Big mistake.Since then, I haven't been able to boot. The process hangs when it reaches the step of mounting the /home partition. Luckily, I have my install CD, so I was able to boot into that environment. First, I checked disk integrity--everything was just fine. Then, I tried booting into the liveCD environment. Jackpot! It reports that the bus between /dev/sda6 and itself is timing out when I try to access the former home partition, but I can get into my / partition just fine.I have just edited my /etc/fstab file to *not* know about /dev/sda6, so hopefully it will boot properly (though of course without any access to the files on /home) soon. If this works, I will update.But, does anyone else at all know anything about this sort of problem and what I can do to fix it? Regenerating my /home partition on / merely postpones the problem and doesn't actually get me any of my files back.

UPDATE: Well, that didn't work. Actually, it sort of did, but not quite the way I wanted it to. I was indeed able to bypass mounting the /dev/sda6, but I was not able to boot into Xubuntu since the graphical log-in manager failed and none of the ttys started. The failure mode was, however, interesting. It did not merely fail, but instead flickered violently with a frequency of several seconds until I tried switching to one of the virtual terminals (C-M-!, if anyone is interested).

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Means Of Installing Global Menu On Computer (vr 10.04) / Fix It?

May 16, 2010

So I've been trying franticly to get a means of installing Global Menu on my computer (vr 10.04) and have had no success so far. I have downloaded the files, but at this point have no idea what to do with them.

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Ubuntu Networking :: What Does Symbol Circled In Blue Means

Nov 8, 2010

So i have two wireless interfaces. One is a built-in wifi card (atheros) and the other one is a USB antenna (realtek). right now, i'm a little bit far away from my router, so I use the antenna which has a wider range. usually, atheros finds few or none access points. But (see attached screen shot), it began displayed new APs with weird characters in it. What do you think it is? Also, what does the symbol circled in blue means (out-of-subject, i know ...)

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General :: SELINUX -- Enabled Means BIND Not Working?

Jul 27, 2011

I configured DNS in my server while That time SELINUX enabled means It show permission denied error and some errors, but i checked all the directory permissions and all its every thing correct only but not worked..At last I just disabled the SELINUX then its working fine.I Heard SELINUX is for security for Linux operating systems, but why i disabled means only its working??

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General :: What Does The Double Less Than Sign (<<) Means In Creating A New File With Cat

Aug 25, 2010

I saw an article use the following cat command to create a new text file:$ cat > first.sh << ENDAnd then after press the 'return' buttion, a '>' sign appeared expecting you to input the content. If I type 'END' then the 'return' button, then a new text file is created with what I just typed...I'd like to know what's the differnece in just type:$ cat > first.shwithout the '<<' sign?What '<<' really means? I cannot find it's meaning anywere... seems it's not in the redirection section.

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Software :: Alternative Means To Download Packages Through Bittorrent?

Mar 15, 2010

I finally decided to give Ubuntu Karmic another chance after Jaunty->Karmic upgrades killed two laptops and a desktop. Fresh installs work better. Anyway, Along my usual post-install trawl through the available packages, a number of them stood out that I never really paid attention to before, and they've piqued my interests.

The three packages are:

If I understand them correctly, it's an alternate means to download packages through bittorrent instead of http transfers. What I want to know is, does it work? What sort of differences could be expected between bittorrent and http transfers when it's used?

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Fedora Networking :: What Does 'BGP Default / Metro / Full Tables' Means?

May 24, 2009

Could someone please explain what does "BGP default / metro / full tables" means?I have to sign a contract with my ISP for BGP peering, and I have to choose between those three BGP tables... What does that mean? If I choose only metro, will my IP class (the one I'm gonna route through my ISP) have access to the whole internet or will I be stuck in the ISPs metropolitan network?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Cannot Find A Means Of Deleting Selected Frames

Sep 19, 2010

I have downloaded a film from a commercial TV station for my own use and want to edit out all the advertising breaks. I have tried Cinelerra but I cannot find a means of deleting selected frames, I also looked at trying to use Kdenlive but cannot find a way of loading the complete film to work on so unable to tell whether it might be useful.

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Programming :: Delete Trailing Slashes Using Bash On-board Means?

Dec 8, 2010

I prefer to delete trailing slahes from pathes. Until now I used sed:

Code: $ myPath=/home/ladygaga///
$ echo "$myPath" | sed 's//*$//'
/home/ladygaga I played around to accomplish the same with on-board means of bash without using sed, but for example this line only deletes one trailing slash:
Code: $ myPath=/home/ladygaga///
$ echo ${myPath%/*}
/home/ladygaga// Is there a way to delete trailing slahes with just on-board means of bash?

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