CentOS 5 :: Rythmbox Not Reading Music Files?

Dec 25, 2010

The other day I got a SMC Network EZ-Stream Internet SMCWAA-G radio device and I am having some issue serving music to it from Linux.

It says it runs with MusicMatch or Rhaposdy on Windows. I want to run this from my Linux CentOS system.

So I was looking at Rythmbox which is on the OS already .

I have my mp3 and dvs on a Buffalo link station. I can mount the drive and see the music files OK at the browser level.

When I go into Rythmbox and select the files to be loaded into the library they appear to be grayed out.

Also I cannot select an entire older. I want to take everything in my mp3 dir that has my music broken out via artist and type etc.

Can this SW also be used to server out to my device like MusicMatch or Rhapsody? How do I configure the sw to be a server and run in the background?

I dont want to leave a windows system up on-line just for Music. I prefer Linux.

Is there other sw that might be better fro this function?

The device works fine on the network and gets Internet radio fine.

I just looked at the error file for Rythmbox and notice an error of

The GStreamer plugins to decode "MP3" files cannot be found

What is that? I tried a yum install gstreamer And I got the following : Setting up Install Process Package gstreamer-0.10.20-3.el5.i386 already installed and latest version Nothing to do

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Fedora :: Rythmbox Id3 Demuxer - Music Files And The Tags Didn't Get Updated

Jul 10, 2009

When I use Rythmbox it always ask for a wma codec when i dont have any wma files and i also have a problem with id3 demuxer. I tried to edit a few music files and the tags didnt get updated, im not sure what the problem is.


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Fedora :: Get Rythmbox To Play Music?

Jun 23, 2010

I am trying to get rythmbox to play my music. I used the yum install from the thread [URL].. It installed the gstreamer, however when I attempt to play music it doesn't unfortunately. Any comments on something simple I am missing or is there some other yum syntax I can use that can take care of this?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Run An Audio CD Using Rythmbox Music Player?

Sep 1, 2010

I keep getting this error when I try to run an Audio CD using Rythmbox Music Player.

Could not open location cdda://sro/' Failed to execute child process "sound juicer" (no such file or directory)

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General :: Import All My Music - Rythmbox Won't Remember Once Close ?

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to use Rythmbox to replace windows media player, in Ubuntu 10.04. So of course, I needed to import all my music. So in Rythmbox I go to Music>Import Folder and then I simply select the correct folder, which is on a different drive. And sometimes, that works. even though it won't remember that I did it once I close Rythmbox. Other times, when I do that, Rythmbox simply closes right then and there, and has to be reopened. I don't really know what is going on here, other than what I would call a bug. But it never actually keeps the music file that I imported. I always have to re-import it, every time I open Rythmbox.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upon Loading The Music Store In Rythmbox It Crashes?

May 2, 2010

Upon loading the music store in rythmbox it crashes the program. Probably not the best way to start off the new endeavor.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Choosing Default Music Player For IPod (Rythmbox To Banshee)

Jan 12, 2010

I recently installed Banshee and would like to set it as my default music player. Currently, when I plug in my iPod, Rythmbox auto loads and then Banshee cannot access the device. Is there a way to go about changing this setup so when I plug in the iPod, it's Banshee that loads it and not Rythmbox?

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CentOS 5 :: Reading Server Crash Dump Files

Oct 18, 2010

Is there any command available inorder to read the server crash dump files?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Configure Mpd (music Player Daemon) To Access Music Files?

Nov 8, 2010

I am trying to configure mpd (music player daemon) to access my music files that are stored on a windows server (NAS).

In the mpd configuration file I have to point to the directory in which the music is.

How do I do that? Is it something to do with mount?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mdadm Music Corruption - Link ITunes Library To The Music Files Via A Samba Share?

Dec 19, 2010

I've been building my digital music collection for some time and used to house it on a local drive with no quality issues. A while back I built myself a file server using ubuntu and mdadm in a raid1 configuration to protect against potential drive failure. I link my iTunes library to the music files via a samba share and everything works great on the surface. I've started to notice that random songs are becoming corrupted with pops clicks and silent pauses. I'll even re-download an album and notice that it's corrupted a few weeks later. Now I'm at a loss to what is causing this issue; I ignored it at first but it seems to be getting worse and more widespread as time goes on.

Do you think this could be caused by mdadm? It reports that all is fine via 'cat /process/mdstat' but I wouldn't know where to look or what to look for if there were syncing issues. The other possibility is that I have iTunes set to keep my music folder organized for me, but I've never heard of it actually corrupting the files it shuffles around. The bottom line is that my library is getting crappier as time goes on and I cannot stand for that!

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Ubuntu :: Reading Old 1998 .doc Files With Oo

Jan 2, 2011

I have over 200 old .doc files that I cannot read properly with oo. Some of the files just give e one line of what looks like formatting info and the rest of the files show the text but in the middle of garbage and not formatted. If I use a winXP machine and get the MSWord add-on from MS it will read these. I do not like to use Win machines and also I need a batch method for the conversion, either to odf or docx format.

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Ubuntu :: Reading .mdf Image Files?

Jun 27, 2011

i would like to burn an image to a dvd but the image file is in .mdf format like that of many images created in alcohol 120%. what do i need to do in windows to burn such an image or be able to read the file?

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Programming :: Reading API Files From SO Library

Jul 27, 2010

If we have a .so library elf in linux, will it be possible to find out the APIs supported by it. Or in other words, the functions that can be used along with the argument types and return type.? Note that we dont have any other header files or documentations related to the library.

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Programming :: Reading Configuration Files In C

Nov 11, 2010

I am currently writing an engine using SDL and openGL, and while I've gotten it mostly done, I've never really learned how to read configuration files. The configuration files that I'm hoping on using will be a straight forward syntax using "#" for comments and variables will be declared using "foo=hello". I don't need a lot of items in the configuration files, but enough to change needed settings. I'm not wanting to use external libraries (how are you going to learn if you can't do it yourself? :P) and I'm hoping to write it from scratch. If someone could please point me to a tutorial on how to do this or even some working code I may be able to figure it out. I am using the C programming language also(as I like it more than C++, sorry).

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Programming :: Reading Data From Multiple Files?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a folder which includes bunch of folders each having data files in them. [ Folder A has F1, F2 F3 ..... F1000 folders in it, and F1, F2, F3 ... each has about 10 different files named FILE 1, FILE2, FILE3 .... in them.

I am interested in File 1 of each Folder, because that contains the data I need in it. More specifically, that File1 s have a line "ANSWER=..." in them, and i need to get that value of the ANSWER from each file. So doing it by hand is so hard, so I need to write a script that will scan all folders and give me a list of values of eache ANSWERs.

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Software :: Reading Files In Shell Scripting?

Oct 25, 2010

I am trying to read the fields of a file and manipulate them, record by record. Lets say using awk :

awk -F":" `{print $1 $2 $3 $4 $5}' TrackMsgFile.0806`

This prints my fields on screen.But I dont want to print these fields while reading the records instead store them in some variable and manipulate them as per my logic. Does "awk" or some other shell command provides something for this ?

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Programming :: Reading And Writing Text Files In C?

Jan 1, 2011

Reading and writing text files in C?

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Programming :: Reading Files In A Directory Using Bash?

Nov 6, 2010

I am trying to write a simple script to list all the files in a directory. The script I wrote was as below where the pdb_files is a directory and all the files which I want to list are in that folder.

files=`ls -F pdb_files/*THERMO*`
for inFiles in $files
echo $inFiles


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CentOS 5 :: Web Developers Reading /var/log/httpd/error_log?

Feb 23, 2010

I need to allow users who are not root to viewthe /var/log/httpd/error_log while theyare developing web pages. The default permissionof the directory /var/log/httpd/ is:drwx------ 2 root root 4096 Feb 21 04:02 httpdOf course I could just go "chmod 755 httpd", butI would like to know the "safe" way to allownon root users to access the httpd logs.Shall I add the users to the "apache" group andthen:chown apache httpd chown 750httpd

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CentOS 5 :: Cryptical Output When Reading Man Pages?

Feb 10, 2011

There are some cryptical characters like the sentence: When a file with the attribute set is accessed, its atime record is not modified.

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Ubuntu :: Permission Denied When Reading Files From Old Harddisk?

Mar 15, 2010

I had ubuntu 9.04 on a laptop, and it kept crashing, so I removed the harddisk, connected it via a Sandberg Harddisk to USB stick, and it works when I connect it to another ubuntu (running from livecd), but some of the files are locked, and I cannot open them copy them or anything else. What do I do?

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Ubuntu :: Reading EXIF Data From TIFF Files

Aug 9, 2010

I'm having trouble reading EXIF data from TIFF files. Both 8 bit and 16 bit fail to load EXIF data via eye of gnome and GIMP and I'm not sure why. Neither files downloaded online nor rendered from Bibble 5 seem to work. Using Ubuntu 10.04 64bit and GIMP 2.7.2.

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Ubuntu :: Reading Chinese Spreadsheet Files In Java

Apr 6, 2011

how to read data from excel to java in the excel sheet chinise language is present while reading into java iam getting question marks.how to get chiniese language instead of question marks in the java file

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Ubuntu Security :: Install File For Reading Some Windows .dat Files?

Jun 15, 2010

I want to install this file for reading some windows .dat files[URL]...I looked at some code and it looks like its trying to connect to an outside server. This program is supposed to give non-Microsoft e-mail programs the ability to see attachments included in an e-mail message by a Microsoft e-mail composer.

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General :: Why Is Reading A FILE Faster Than Reading A VARIABLE?

May 4, 2011

I don't understand the results of a simple performance test I ran using two basic scripts (running on a high end server):

perfVar.zsh :

#!/bin/zsh -f
MYVAR=`cat $1`
for i in {1..10}


Performance test result:

> time ./perfVar.zsh BigTextFile > /dev/null
./perfVar.zsh FE > /dev/null 6.86s user 0.32s system 100% cpu 7.177 total
> time ./perfCat.zsh BigTextFile > /dev/null
./perfCat.zsh FE > /dev/null 0.01s user 0.10s system 91% cpu 0.118 total

I would have thought that accessing a VARIABLE was way faster than reading a FILE on the file system... Why this result ?Is there a way to optimize the perfCat.zsh script by reducing the number of accesses to the file system ?

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Fedora Servers :: F11 & Apache Permissions - Reading Files Out Of The Html Directory

Jun 12, 2009

With F11 installed Apache is having permissions issues reading files out of the html directory. Only wants to work with permissions set to read for other. [Thu Jun 11 23:25:28 2009] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: file permissions deny server access: /var/www/html/index.html Tracked down the permissions issue. Is there a good reason not to change the group to apache and remove world read?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Crashing When Reading / Writing Many Small Files?

Mar 18, 2010

Samba seems to crash and come back after some seconds if I copy a lot of small files in a short period of time over the network. How do I fix it?

I have Ubuntu 9.10 Server 64bit running on a D945GCLF2 board sharing two 1TB ext4 formatted HDDs to my Windows PCs using samba. I've been having an issue with reading or writing files through samba. It happens during copying operations or checksumming, anything that reads or writes MANY small files in a small amount of time. I am pretty sure the problem has to do with my server because the server has run on two different LANs in different homes and will crash from activity with any of several other PCs. There is no crashing if I access the files through SSH, although when I do that the max transfer speed is less than 1MB/s.

When I induce the crashing, there is absolutely no output to the server terminal.

As an easy access example of something that will crash samba, extracting Cinebench R11.5 to the server will do the job. It always fails.

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Ubuntu :: Pc Acting Slow When Reading / Writing Files From _ Onto Disk - Is That Normal?

Sep 27, 2010

Whenever I am busy reading or writing large files, or large sum of files, my computer is unresponsive. Screens are getting greyed-out and I just can sit there and wait until the reading/writing is done.
This is not caused by the CPU which is overstressed because it is not. Look at the attachments and you will see the CPU is used for about 20%. When these pictures were captured the computer was using hellanzb to unrar a long list of rar-files.
When you look at my signature you see the computer is not bad at all, just disk-access is slow. I can transfer files with a maximum speed of 30MB/s. Is that normal or is it very slow? I don't know the numbers. I have 2 SATA disks.
O.S. is Mint 9-Isadora, based on Ubuntu 10.04 and I use the 64-bits version.

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Hardware :: USB Hard Drive Not Reading / All Files And Folders In Partition Disappeared?

Jun 23, 2011

I have been backing up onto a 60G ext2/3/4 partition on a 1TB external USB hard disk for a year or so now and have built up a few folders of .thunderbird, .mozilla, and other assorted files - using this as my standard "backup system" - but suddenly all the files and folders in this partition seem to have disappeared.

In Gparted and KParted the partition shows up as the correct size with the correct amount of "used space" (= yellow coloured portion), as it does when running offof any CD/standalone OS. And the small bars under the volume names in Dolphin show about the right amount having been "used" too.But however I try to access this partition (or, to be correct LVM I spose:-)) it still always comes up as empty - ie 0 files in it. After months of working just fine.The NTFS partition on the same external USB sdd reads and writes quite OK/normally and also shows the correct amount of "used space" - but even from root I can't see any of the old files in, or read/write to the linux one. It comes up with "Denied"/"Can't Write to.." errors when trying to write anything to it.

I ran a freeware utility called DiskInternals Linux-Recovery from winDoze which, after half an hour, came up with a list showing all the folders and files in the partition. It said that they would be written back onto the hard drive that they were "retrieved" from - but no change happened - still no contents showing when booting up in any linux.

Running a clean install of FedoraCore14 on an AMDAthlonx2 5000 (= 2.6G true) on an ASUS M2N-MX SE PLUS m/b with 2G of RAM

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Replaced DVDRW Drive Not Reading Disks?

Feb 25, 2010

I just replaced a DVD-RAM drive in one HP server running CentOS5 (2.6.18-164.11.1.el5PAE #1 SMP )

The drive is recognized by the OS:

# lshw -class disk
description: SCSI CD-ROM
product: DVDRAM GSA-T50L


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